The Boy Who Couldn't Leave

By RiddleMeThis__

30.4K 544 183

Dark!Irondad fan fiction. Tony Stark saw Peter Parker one day when the boy was visiting Stark Industries. As... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 12

1K 25 14
By RiddleMeThis__

3rd Person POV

Earlier that same day------

Peter rushed off to school with Happy, leaving Tony in his dust, standing in the kitchen.

Tony didn't have time for teenage antics though, he had an empire to run, an heir to mold.

But he had a specific person to visit before he could do any of this. Tony got into his Audi R8 and drove to New York Penitentiary. Entering the prison and going through all the protocols, he finally reached the meeting room.

He sat at a table to come face to face with May Parker. The beautiful woman stared at him with a sneer on her face. With venom in her voice, she asked "What do you want?"

Tony looked at her unimpressed and said "If I were you, I would be nicer to the man that controls her nephew."

If it were possible, her sneer deepened. "You can't control Peter! He's too independent to take your crap lying down."

Deep down, he knew she was right, Peter was anything but under control.

Pushing that thought to the side, he said "Peter is better off with me, and you know that. He's too smart and won't thrive living with you. Having him with me has been a dream, he's finally mine."

May made a disgusted face. "Peter is his own person. He doesn't belong to anyone. The sooner you figure that out, the better."

Tony ignored her and said "He's too much like me to ignore. His smarts, his snark, his eyes, his hair. It's all mine and he's all mine" Tony got a dreamy look in his eye that May thought looked creepy and a little deranged.

May softened her tone and asked "Tony? What do you want with Peter?"

He looked at her and said "Haven't I made that clear? I want him as my son and heir. He's perfect. A mini Tony."

May said "He'll never be a mini you! He's too good to stoop down to your level!"

Tony inched his face closer to hers and whispered lowly "I finally have a son, a family, I'm not letting him go. Just accept it."

He didn't let her reply, he just walked away, allowing the guards to take her back to her cell.

All May kept thinking was "Why does Tony keep calling Peter mine?"

Tony left the Penitentiary happily. He talked to May and now it's time for lunch.

He stopped by his favorite shawarma place and briefly wondered if Peter would like the food. He'd have to bring the kid here once his tantrum is over.

Ugh, why must the kid fight him so much?

The thought brought a sinister smile to his face. Peter is a fighter, just like he was at that age. Boy, the kid is more like him than he thinks.

Briefly looking at the time, he noticed it was nearly 2 pm. He figured now would be a good time to get to SI and start on those plans.

He reached the tower in record time, meandered down to his seldom-used office, and turned to his computer.

If he wanted Peter to hold his own around those business sharks, he had to be exposed starting yesterday.

He pulled up the invitation for the "Underprivileged Children's Charity Gala" and stared at it. Stared at the children in the picture. One of these kids could've been Peter if he had left him in that hole in Queens.

Tony decided to bring Peter to this gala at the end of the month. The kid would do good to intermingle with his competitors and their children.

Sighing, Tony decided to go through the contracts Pep sent over for him to review.

Looking at the time again, he saw it was nearly 4 pm. That meant the kid should be home soon considering the traffic in Manhattan.

He ultimately decided to keep his distance for now and let the kid have some downtime before he told him about the gala he has to attend.

Thinking about Peter some more, Tony thought that he should start introducing the kid to the business seeing as he will inherit the company.

He was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the elevator open. Ahhh it must be Pete. He turned around to greet the boy, but he was stopped in his tracks. That isn't Peter.

"Pep! You're home early! I didn't expect you home for another week!"

The woman smiled and said "Those were the longest 3 months of my life! I couldn't wait to come home and the contracts were almost done anyways. Plus, I want to meet Peter!"

Tony smiled upon hearing this. The woman of his dreams wants to meet his son. Their son. But they don't know that yet.

He said "I'm sure Peter wants to meet you too. After all, he called you."

Peter sensed the bitterness and frowned "Tony don't start! You did a good thing for the kid. He's probably still hurting after everything that went down with his aunt."

She didn't know just how true her words were. She didn't know how much her boyfriend was manipulating her either.

Tony went with it "I visited the aunt today actually. She was acting crazy Pep! Kept screaming about her nephew and how much she relies on him. I couldn't help it, I asked her a few things. How did she manage to feed him on such a tiny salary? Did she ever get to spend time with him? It turns out she took him to Goodwill once every six months and they'd get food from the Homeless pantry."

Pepper listened on in horror, unknowingly feeding into his blatant lies. "The poor baby. I'm going to start cooking more. Every day even! Give him more nutrients. No more takeout or fast food Anthony, I mean it! He needs to start eating healthy, too."

Tony kept grinning at her fierce tone. Pepper is a mama bear and would be the perfect maternal figure for Peter.

Speaking of Peter, where is the kid? Shouldn't he be home by now? Checking his watch, it said 4:20 pm. Okay, yeah, he should be here.

He instructed Friday to call Happy.

The disgruntled man answered and didn't even bother with a greeting. "Tony, why hasn't the kid come out yet? It's been two hours! Does he have detention or something?"

Tony's skin crawled at the thought of his son in detention. He let the panic take over though. He barked out "No! He doesn't have detention. You mean to tell me you've been waiting for two hours and didn't call me?!"

Happy stuttered on the other end "Boss, I've just been waiting. The kid knows he's supposed to meet me here."

Tony rolled his eyes and said, "I'm on my way."

He called his suit to him and was flying in the air 2 minutes later. He woke out "Friday. Find Peter."

Friday failed to come up with any coordinates though. Tony actually snarled at her. "What gives Friday? Where is the kid?"

Friday actually hesitated and answered "I'm working on it Boss. He's not showing up in my initial search."

Tony said "Track him then!"

Again, Friday said "My findings are inconclusive, Boss"

Tony was very frustrated at this point though. "How? Peter is literally wearing a tracker on his wrist!"

Friday didn't answer though.

Tony landed his iron man gear and stalked towards his lab. "Friday, run facial recognition on everyone in the city. I want Peter found!"

Friday answered "It may take my servers a few hours to run facial recognition over every inhabitant, boss"

Tony glowered "Just find him." He began to pace back and forth, increasing his agitation. Where did the kid go? Was he taken? Did he miss Happy? Did Happy miss him?"

With each question came more anxiety until Tony was pulling his hair in frustration. That was, until a thought dawned on him. "Friday? Call the kid!"

How did he not think to call the kid and trace the call. But of course the phone won't ring, unless it's still at school.

School! He can't just sit there anymore. He'll pay Midtown a little visit and find out what Happy knows

Again, why didn't he go before? 

Tony leaped into action and made it to Midtown School of Science and Technology in under 5 minutes.

He found Happy in the parking lot, but told him to go home, as he could handle Peter himself.

He ignored the lingering students and staff and barged right into the front office. 

Ignoring the starstruck faces, he said "I need to see Principal Morita."

The receptionist said "Mr. Stark, I'm afraid Principal Morita just left."

Tony silently shook his head and said "Get him back here now. My son went missing right after he was brought to school."

With her eyes widened, the receptionist got on the phone and a few minutes later, the man himself rushed back into the room. 

Mr. Morita shook Tony's hand and said "Let's go into my office."

Tony entered but said "I don't have time for all this. My driver dropped Peter off to school this morning, but apparently he never make it. So, Principal, where is my son?

Morita spluttered a little bit before saying "Mr. Stark, if Peter didn't attend classes, we can't really tell where he went. Is there anything else we can do to help?" Morita's voice took on a weak undertone.

Tony's eyes darkened and he glared at the incompetent man. "What you can do is run the freaking cameras! Maybe look into his locker?! Do I have to do everything around here?"

Morita scrambled with the keys on his computer while Tony paced back and forth nervously. Where is Peter go? Why did he leave? Was he unhappy?

Tony couldn't help but laugh at himself. NO WAY! The kid wasn't unhappy here. He's just.......rebelling a little, just like every other teenager. Yeah.....

In that time, Morita got the video ready and they both watched as Peter made his way around the school, only to leave 10 minutes later with 3 other kids. 

What the hell? 

His thoughts were interrupted by Friday in his ear. "Boss, I have a location on Peter."

Tony didn't say a thing to anyone as he abruptly left the office and flew to the coordinates sent by Friday.

He landed in some neighborhood in front of four teenagers slumped on a bench.

The suit opened up and Tony Stark stepped out. He had a dark, foreboding look on his face. "What did you do?" He asked when his eyes met the dark, defiant eyes of Peter Stark.

Peter turned to face one of the kids he was with and said "Surprise"

Tony snapped his fingers and said "No. Tell me what the hell is going on."

To Tony's horror, Peter stood up from the bench and wobbled towards him, drunkenly. "I think the real question is, how did you find me?"

The face returned to him was one of confusion. "What are you talking about? I can track you."

Peter confusedly looked at the watch, and to his horror, the piece of metal was missing, which meant the signal was transmitted. He whispered to himself "shit."

Tony scrunched his face and said "Shit is right. What the hell do you think you're doing here?! You fought to go to school and now you're skipping?"

Peter crossed his arms and said "I don't have to explain anything! I hung out with my friends and that's it!"

Tony gritted his teeth and said "We'll talk more tomorrow. You're drunk. Let's go."

Peter stumbled back as Tony tried to grab his arms. The movements proved to be too much as suddenly Peter's stomach lurched and he puked all over Tony's new Balenciaga's. 

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