Fighting For Love

Autorstwa Alexaaneli

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Completed Dark Bucky Barnes fanfic 18+ Warnings- cussing, smut eventually Currently #2 for darkbucky and #2... Więcej

No More Causing Trouble
And So it Begins
Giving Up Is Not In My Blood
I Like Dark Bucky
Whatever It Takes
All Because She Loves You
I Hope You're Safe
Enough Is Enough
Oh What The Hell, I'm Too Tired For This Shit
My Jamie
I'm Not Giving Up, Am I?
What In The Westview?
Break's Over
Te Iubesc
What's His Play?
I Will Always Love You
I'm Getting You Back

I'm Bucky

345 7 12
Autorstwa Alexaaneli

Warnings- Cussing.

Songs for this Chapter are-
Into you by Ariana Grande

When Bucky met Holly,

Enjoy :)


"Oh i'm sorry, go ahead." I say sheepishly as i pull my hand away from the plum, I was reaching for, As a handsome man with long hair was also doing. He pulls away from his reach and shakes his head.

"No you ahead, I wasn't looking, I'm sorry." He says as he grabs the plum we both reach for and hands it to me.

"Um no worries, thank you." I smile. I continue to grab a few more plums for my recipe.

I glance at him as he doesn't move, He's also picking some plums but it seems he can't find a ripe one. I pick one up and i feel it.


I look at him as i stick my hand out to him.

"Here this one is ready to eat." I smile.

"Oh thanks." He smiles back.

"Are you um making something?" He says as he points to the 10 plums i have in my basket.

"Oh yea, I'm making a italian plum tart for my neighbor, It's his birthday." I shyly smile at the stranger with pretty blue eyes.

"Sounds delicious." He says as he continues to pick plums.

C'mon Holly, say something back

"Um do you like plums?" I ask as i internally groan inside.

Of course he likes plums you jackass

Why else would he be picking plums?

Idk, Instacart maybe?

"I do, Well when they're in season." He smiles.

"What uh fruit do you like?" He asks.

"Strawberries, Well when they're in season." I say copying his line. He gives me a smile and stares at me for a moment.

"I'm Bucky."

"I'm Holly, Nice to meet you Bucky." I say as i stick my hand out, He was hesitant at first since he's carrying his basket with his flesh hand. He looks at his metal arm, contemplating but i don't give him time to think as i meet him all the way and shake his metal hand.

"Hey you're that Winter Soldier guy." This employee comes up to us.

"No. I'm not him anymore. I'm Bucky." He says defensively.

"I heard you killed thousands of people with that metal arm." He says as he goes to reach his arm to touch it but before i knew what the hell i was doing i stepped up in front of Bucky.

"He's not the winter soldier anymore. He's an Avenger, so you might want to show a little respect to one of the heroes who helped bring everyone back." I scowl.

"Do you go and try to touch everyone's arms?" I raise an eyebrow.

"What no i'm not a creep."

"Could have fooled me. I suggest you turn around and leave us alone or i'll report you to your manager.. Michael." I say as i squint my eyes to read his name tag.

"Whatever man." He huffs as he walks away.

"You didn't have to do that." Bucky says.

"He made you uncomfortable, He was going to touch you, I saw you holding back."

"You don't even know me."

"You don't need to know someone to defend them in need."

"I knew i should have worn a glove." He sighs.


"Well so i don't freak people out for one and second so people don't stare at me like they're doing right now." He says as he looks around to a few stares.

"To them, I'm still a monster." He gulps.

I don't know him but i know he's an Avenger. I can't help but feel sad for him. I see the hint of sadness in his eyes.

"Fuck them. I don't think you're a monster."

"You don't even know me. You don't know what i've-

"You said you weren't him anymore right?" I cut him off.

He nods.


"You're not him." I smile.

"I uh have to go and make this tart but it was nice meeting you Bucky." I say as i stick my hand out.

He switches the basket to his metal hand and he takes my hand with his flesh one and he squeezes my hand as he slightly carreses and i feel a jolt in my body and My heart immediately sizzles.

"Nice to meet you too, Holly. Thank you." He gives me a tight lipped smile.

I start to walk away and i glance back slightly over my shoulder and i feel my heart skip a beat as he still stares at me.

Heart, Would you calm the fuck down please


I check out and pay for my items and i head back to my apartment with the image of Bucky in my head.

Later that Evening,

"Whew okay." I say as i wipe the sweat of my forehead. I take my apron off and i head over with my italian plum tart and i knock with my free hand at Old man Joseph's door.

"What do you want now Holly." He says as he doesn't open the door but i know he's watching me through the peephole.

"Open up you grump, Happy Birthday." I say annoyed.

He opens the door and he rolls his eyes at me like always.

"I asked you for sugar one time and now you won't shut up." He chuckles.

"Nope." I say as i plop the P.

He gives me a smile then he looks at the dessert then at me and he gives me the green light to walk inside.

Yea that's what i thought.

"That was delicious, Thank you Holly." He smiles as he sips on his coffee.

"No problem." I say but my mind goes back to Bucky.

Sounds delicious

"Uh Oh, who's the victim?" He chuckles and i raise my eyebrows at him.

"What are you talking about?" I ask in confusion.

"I know that look all too well, I gave deborah that look." He chuckles as he puts our plates in the sink.

"And what look would that be?"

"The look of falling in love." He says nonchalantly and i spit my coffee out.

"I think the dementia is getting the best of you old man." I smirk.

"How many fucking times do i have to remind you i have Alzehimers not dementia." He huffs.

Too many, that i lost count

"I'm not falling in love, Unfortunately you're still the only man in my life." I roll my eyes.

"Although i did meet someone at the grocery store today, He's actually an Avenger. His name is Bucky." I say but Joseph is laughing me for some reason.

"What's so funny?" I arch my eyebrow.

"The way you said his name. You smiled as you said it, like a memory came back to you." He laughs.


"So, this guy must have impressed you."

He did

"Well even if he did, It doesn't matter. I won't see him again." I say as i stare at the leftover tart.

"But you want too."

"He has baggage."

"And you don't?"


"Well it's not like he asked for my number you know? What am i supposed to do? All i know is that he's an Avenger and he likes plums." I huff out.

He wraps 2 slices of left over tart on a plate and hands it to me. I look at him weird.

"You said he's an Avenger right?" He asks and i nod.

"So he must live at that Avengers tower, Right?" I nod again like a 5 year old.

"So go over there and give him this, An excuse to see him again, An excuse to talk to him again." He says.

I look at the tart then back at him.

"This isn't the 1950's anymore Joseph." He rolls his eyes.

"Kid, of all the 4 years i've known you. I saw an emotion in you, That i have not seen or felt in myself ever since my wife died, That emotion, i miss but i will never feel again. But you feel it, So act on it. Don't give up because one obstacle might get in the way. Trust me when i say this, Don't give up on love, Especially on the person you might be able to fall in love with."

I take his words in and i think about it. It did feel nice to talk to someone other than 75 year old neighbor. There's something about Bucky that draws me in.

But does he think the same about me?

"Okay okay, You're getting all sappy on me." I say as fake a shudder. He pushes the plate further towards me.

"Go." He says softly.

"You know this doesn't mean, You're getting rid of me. You're stuck with me, Whether you like it or not." I smirk.

"Trust me, I fucking know." He huffs. I get up and i grab the plate, I was about to walk away but i turn around and i give Joseph a kiss in the cheek.

"Thank you." I smile and he nods.

I walk out of the apartment and i start walking over to the big building with  a big ass A on it, That's few blocks away. Once i get there, I immediately feel like a fool.

"Fucking Joseph, What the hell, Did you talk me into." I huff as i shake my head. I was about to turn around till a voice machine speaks.

"State your name, Occupation and Purpose for your visit today please."

"Uh Holly Jane Sinclair, i'm a immature Chef. And my purpose is uh Bucky Avenger, I mean Bucky Barnes."

I think

"One moment please." The irish voice machine says before it scans fucking red almost blinding me.

"Sargent Barnes will be down momentarily."

"Cool." I reply back as i look down to the tart.

What the hell, Are you doing Holly?

Taking a Fucking chance, I suppose

"Holly?" Bucky says as he stands in the door frame.

"Hi." I smile.

"I uh had leftover tart and i remember you like plums, So i uh thought you would like to try it out. It's not poisoned, I promise." I chuckle lightly and then internally groan.

Please tell me to go fucking home

"Oh that's very thoughtful of you, Hope your neighbor didn't mind." He says as he takes a step towards me.

"No he didn't mind at all." I assure. He takes the plate and he gives me a smile that melts my insides.

"Enjoy." I say as i turn around to walk away but his voice stops me.

"Wait!" I turn to see Bucky getting nervous.

That makes 2 of us

"Um i couldn't help but to notice that there's 2 slices, So i think it's best you come inside and eat the second slice with me." He logically explains.

Joseph, you sly fucker

"Only if i'm not intruding." I say as i take a step towards him.

"No you're not. Quite the opposite actually, I enjoy you're company. It feels nice, I haven't felt that in a while." He smiles.

"Like wise Barnes." I smile. He motions with his hand, for me to come in. I step in and he follows behind me as he closes the door.

Ahh I've never loved a fruit more in my life than i do right now.

This is nice indeed.

Please comment and vote :)

Instagram @aneliwrites
Tik Tok @galexakcv3z
Spotify Playlist Galexa904

Other books you can read of mine while you wait for new chapter :)

Love in the Dark (Dark Steve Rogers)
Love in the light (sequel)

Invisible Chains (Dark Captain Hydra)
Dark obsession (OB)

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