Stone Cold K*ller

By minxyjee

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chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chaper 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36
chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60
prologue-epilogue part 1

chapter 44

93 6 3
By minxyjee

Sienna Stone

What's easier, to live or to die. To me both seem hard because the fact that life is hard living and dying is hard because you never know what's to come. I remember I asked Nico this question one night just laying beside him, resting my palm atop his bare chest.

He said living is hard. Because memories were his biggest fear that bear him. I told him memories shouldn't  hold him back.

But I get what he means.

My past haunts me too. It ruined the person I was or whom I was. But it also made me who I am now so I told him to run towards the future not the past. What's done is done. And no matter what, I'll be by his side.

I will fight.

So why is it dark?

Fight, Sienna.

Do it now! Wake up!

My eyes snap open, the sound of a heavy river sounds before me. The air chilly and the sky still dark with only a full moon litting up the cloudless sky. Tree branches surrounded my vision as I lay here in the snow, my breath fogging into the sky. Head throbbing painfully and legs feeling frozen. My furry jacket is all teared up in ruins not helping with the cold. I struggle to get up but made do and sit up finally, groaning in pain.

Lifting my fingers up to the side of my face I feel this liquid dripping down my cheek. When I touch I wince at the sharp pain before looking at my fingers.

Blood coats them, I bumped my head pretty hard.

Why....why am I here? What was it that I'm forgetting?


With haste I try to get up and finally with wobbly legs stand up straight. I know I'm weak but I have to find Don. Surely he survived?

Looking around, I don't see any soul in sight, not even the car. What happened?

"Donovan!" I call out.

My pace increases as I limp up a small hill and that when I spot our car.

Or what's left of it, "DONOVAN!" I scream when I see that the car is totalled in shambles. The glass windows busted and the windshield has a huge hole, probably from me. Realizing I must have been flung out thanks to how careless of not wearing a seatbelt.

Pain shoots up my legs and lungs but I track on, putting sheer will into my steps.

I gasp in shock seeing so much blood, so, much. "Please, please, please be okay." I whimper when I round the wreckage.

Groggily I start walking into the direction of the river that flows forward.

"Don!" I cry out. Please be okay.

Reaching to the driver's side the seat was empty and the glass window has blood all over it. My lips tremble thinking the possible worse scenarios. Did those people that chased us got to him? No, that can't be.

My eyes watering and legs trembling I finally let my composer down and fall to the ground on my knees and weep. Leaning my head back at the sky and see that the stars tonight seem to taunt me. This...this is cruel.

Was this all because of me? Why did this have to happen?

I weep and weep and weep into the night sky, crying for Donovon. Until a large hand wraps around my mouth and muffles my sounds while an arm wraps around my waist tugging me back.

I feel something hard land on the back of my nape, "I found you. Thank God.  I've found you."

What? That can't be? He was suppose to be on a business meeting.


His forehead is resting at the back of my neck while his hand is around my mouth and arm around my waist. Then my eyes wonder around and see that there are now many soldiers at the foot of the river side. Dogs everywhere and---

Caspian, Dimitri and a woman along side a young looking man with dark hair as Nicos.

But that didn't matter right now, I bring my hand up and pry my husbands hand from my mouth, "w-where is Donovon" I ask with a hoarse voice.

I feel Nicos arm tighten around my waist, his face nuzzling the side of my neck, blowing into my cold skin with the heat of his breath, trying to warm me, "my men sent him to the infirmary. He has major injuries."

But he still....alive.

My mind is in muddle, foggy, "I don't understand..." I lower my head feeling a headache arise, "how are you here?" I ask.

"I would have been here sooner." Nico explains, voice low, "'s been three days to find you, not including the night I flew in from London."

I've been unconscious for four days in this forest?

"I didn't give up. Even when my men suggested the river took you, I knew in my heart you were still alive." My husband whispers into my ear, "let us go, you need a doctor. It looks like you have frost bite and a concussion with that gash on your head."

I sigh in relief when I finally look at him from the side, I search his face like a map, "oh, caro. Have you been crying?"

His eyes are bloodshot red and his nose is pinkened. Who knows how long he has been in the forest looking for me without any sleep with those dark bags beneath his tired looking eyes.

His brilliant blue eyes soften, "the sight of you crying and this state your in is too much for me to bear, darling. You are skin and bone and shivering like a sickle."

My heart breaks at his consoling. He leans down and leave a chaste kiss on my head before getting up and lifting me into his arms bridal style. I don't see his cane, I'm astounded by how little he needs it right now. Maybe...just maybe it's from his own sheer will, bringing him strength.

He carries me until we pass Caspian and Dimitri, "Sweets, let's get you home and warm." The twin says, a sad smile reaching his lips.

Caspian nods, a look of concern reaches his face, "you need to gather your strength. I'm giving you a few days before I train you--"

Nico snaps at him, "this is no time to talk of such things, my wife decides when the training starts. Or have you forgotten your place?"

I wince at his biting words, but Caspian is right. We have little time and I need to learn to fight before this plan Nico has figured up goes down the drain. Even if we don't necessarily know his end game plan.

I know Nicolai has a plan though, he seems to think ten steps ahead of everyone because looking at those two people standing by Caspian tells me he found them for reasons that's for this plan he is concocting for the Galeons. If there shall be War soon.

Nico sneers at Caspian before walking ahead with me in his arms, Dimitri walking along side us.

"What's to do with the body, boss man? The other wrecked car shows no signs of other survivors, who is to say he had been used as a warning?" Dimitri asks.

Nicolai grunts, "burn the body and make sure to strip him of anything of use. Use the dogs to search more...I doubt they only had one man in that car."

"Yes, boss."

Nico looks down on me, "after the doctor sees you, you are to let me feed you."

I missed his bossiness.

No, I missed him entirely.

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