TMNT Hiding Horror (Season 4)

By WhiteSnow116

2K 135 28

Takashi is hiding from his past and disappeared, but Takashi grows stronger every day, making hope seem like... More

The Ship
The Day
Italian Girl
The Saviours
Lonely Room
The Experiment
Drops of Red
The Bright Light
Endless Sand
Always Being Followed
Entering Chaos
Bad Timing
The Sky
Going Back
The Pacific
The Storm
The Welcome Party
The Dead, The Heart Aches

The New Chain

89 5 1
By WhiteSnow116

"Well, miss, you look like your Chinese or Japanese. So why are you here?"

The girl grinned."My parents sold me away, and the buyer whipped me. So I escape and found this place. How come you cover yourself in that cloak?"

The girl reached her hand out, to move the hood to see his face, but he back away.

"I have my reasons, same as yours."

'Why are you so mean to her? She looks so...'

Takashi I know, she does look a lot like Hoshi, but that's no reason to be soft on her.

"So are you being hunted down or something."

No. Wait, would Jim come after me. And what about Leo, he might.

"I might be."

They spun in a circle, giggling.

"Might, okay well people are after me for sure so,"she stopped spinning and looked at Takashi,"this is good bye."

She grabbed a black satchel that was lieing on the floor.

"Oh and Takashi."


"I'm with the Foot, and next time I will kill you. Also, your brothers say hi."

She walked out the door.

They are after me, Jim is coming.


Takashi wake up, seeing that he fell asleep on the cold floor.

He stood up slowly, feeling the suns heat hitting his face.


Takashi stood up, pulling his cloak around his body, and pulled his hoody over his head.

Let's make another chain and forget about that girl.

Takashi walked out of the building, and looked for the parts he needed.


Takashi came back to the building, having all the things he needed.

"Let's get to work."

Takashi went blazing fast on the new necklace chain. Connecting and resembling pieces together.

After an hour Takashi finished.

Beautiful. Now it will be easy to blend in.

Takashi put the new chain necklace on and he started to change.

His fingers and toes became five, skin became pale, nose grew, hair grew long and brown.

Takashi finished changing, then looked at a broken mirror that was dangling on the wall.

The same person he saw with his other chain, long, brown, wavy hair, thinner face that was pale. But something was different, his chin was more manlier, shoulders bolder, and he was taller, and facial jar was growing on his face.

Today is our mutation day, we are nineteen years old. I'm turning into a man, and know I'm growing taller even more.

Takashi looked at his chain necklace.

This is the new me, I'll stay like this until the sun falls, then I'll move to somewhere else.

Takashi looked back at the mirror.

"Let's go."

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