The Badger and the Snake: A S...

By madhigs

71.6K 2.2K 679

As the reader a hufflepuff and Sebastian try to understand and navigate new found feelings for each other tha... More

Character Introduction
Chapter one: The train
Chapter 2: Common room and common ground
Chapter 3: Potions
Chapter 4: The undercroft
Chapter 5: Intensity
Chapter 6: Off to bed
Chapter 7: Morning
Chapter 8: Herbology
Chapter 9: Jealously
Chapter 10: The owl
Chapter 11: Room of requirement
Chapter 12: Quidditch
Chapter 14: Amortentia
Chapter 15: Tasseography
7th year Sebastian visuals.
Chapter 16: Control
Chapter 17: Anne
Chapter 18: Haunted
Chapter 19: Pillow talk
Chapter 20: Polyjuice
Chapter 21: Aftermath
Chapter 22: Hufflepuff vs Slytherin
Chapter 23: Hosptial wing
Chapter 24: Awake
Chapter 25: Babysitting
Chapter 26: Deepest desire
Chapter 27: Vivarium
Chapter 28: London
Chapter 29: Muggles
Chapter 30: Praise
Chapter 31: Release
Chapter 32: Snow
Chapter 33: Christmas
Chapter 34: The visit
Chapter 35: Falling
Chapter 36:Unbreakable vow
Chapter 37: Caught
Chapter 38: Studies
Chapter 39: Stripped
Chapter 40: Surprises
Chapter 41: Goodbye
Chapter 42: Decision
Chapter 43: The end
Author note
New book!

Chapter 13: Hogsmeade

1.5K 56 3
By madhigs

After dinner I made my way to the dungeons and to approximately where I believed the Slytherin common room entrance to be. I sat down on the cool ground anxiously awaiting my friends. I was hoping that we didn't jinx their chances with our preemptive celebration plans.

A large stone snake coiled up from the floor startling me briefly. In one swift motion it reviled their common room door. It swung open bursting with a cacophony of cheers and clapping. Finally. Results must have been posted.

My 3 friends exited the door shoulder to shoulder with very large grins adorning their faces. Positive news I assumed. "You are looking at the newest Slytherin quidditch captain!" Imelda said with a bit of a bow. "Congratulations Imelda!" I shouted picking myself off the floor.

I looked over at Sebastian. "And you?" I asked raising my brow at him. "yeah of course." He said confidently shrugging his shoulders. I gave him a tight hug. "Well let's not stand around! Off to the three broomsticks." Ominis piped in. We took a few steps forwards, the snake reappearing to swallow the door back up.

"Damn, my wand. I'll be right back!" Sebastian said and re approached the entrance. "Pure blood." He stated quickly disappearing back inside. Nausea rushed over me. Hearing the words casually come out of his mouth had a particularly harsh sting.

Imelda noticed the discomfort on my face. She elbowed Ominis. "We have to say it to get in." She advised to me, it's the password. Omimis grabbed my hand. "None of us believe any of that nonsense, they're just words." He added trying to comfort me. I knew they were right. "I know it still just..." I stop. recalling a particularly terrible memory from two years prior.

He had hurt me with similar words before out of anger and desperation. I knew he didn't not mean what he said to me that day. Hes never forgave himself for it even though I had long ago. The memory still painful none the less. I couldn't help but let it surface, flooding back into my mind...

Sebastian had just killed his uncle. Thought he had lost Anne forever. I chased after him trying to comfort him. " Sebastian wait!" I yelled grabbing his arm. "Let go of me! He yelled back pulling aways.

"Sebastian, this has gone too far..." I begged trying to approach him again. "you think I don't know that!" He shouted pacing in front of me. "I've just lost Everything important to me!" He screamed. "EVERYTHING!"

I had never seen him like this. I was at a loss for how to help him. If there was any hope left to help him at all... "We will figure this out" I say... "Ill talk to Anne, Ominis we will come up with a plan." I tried my best to calm him down.

"There is nothing left to figure out! They will send me away. To Azkaban. There is no coming out of there." desperation and rage engulfing his face. "You haven't got a clue do you?" He said lashing out at me chuckling harshly. "No, you don't, because this isn't your world. You're a fucking mudblood! You can't imagine the horrors my future holds in that place." He stormed off to the castle. Ice ran through my veins Tears burning as they trickled down my cheeks.

I knew very well what happened in Azkaban. I had visited earlier this year. I had Seen the torment and madness radiating from each of the cells. The darkest dispare filling every inch of me. Which was exactly why no matter what he had done, how hurtful he had just been. I could not bare the thought of Sebastian being sent there. I would do everything in my power to protect him. I followed up towards the castle to find Ominis.

My flash back needed as I felt his arms snake around me from behind pulling me back into our present moment. I forced a smile pushing the memory back down and I looked into his eyes.

Even when smiling you could tell he had suffered so much pain. A darkness still lurking inside him. I had almost lost him to it before. And I wouldn't let it take him now. We continued our way to the castle exit. Hogsmeade here we come.

We opted to walk instead of flying or floo powder, It was a nice night for a stroll. A few of our other friends joined us on the path. Including Poppy and Natty. I hadn't had a chance to chat with her much this year but I needed to catch up.

We hung back a little bit from the rest of the group. they didn't seem to notice as they all joked around with one another. He grabbed my hand pulling it to his lips. This was a walk Sebastian and I had taken many times before. he was the first person to show me around Hogsmeade. One of our happier 5th year moments.

The three broomsticks quickly came into view. As we walked into the tavern Serona, the owner, looked up while cleaning a glass. "If it isn't some of my favorite Hogwarts students!" She greeted with a warm smile. "Serona! we are in need of several rounds of butter beers!" Natty exclaimed.

"Celebrating anything in particular?" She asked. "2 of our dear friends here have made their house quidditch team!" Natty followed up as we all gathered around a large table in the far corner. "Well that being the case your first round is on me!" Serona replied.

We all continued laughing and enjoying each others company for awhile longer. Imelda finally approaching me. "Alright, come with me." She said dragging me towards the door. Sebastian jetting us both a look shooting to his feel. "Relax Sallow, I'll bring her back." she said with a wink and he slowly sat back now still watching me. I shrugged at him and she yanked me out the door.

Imelda walked over to one of the floo stations, I was confused. "I thought we were going shopping?" I asked her turning back to the shops. "We are, technically. Just not here."she replied. A green smoke envelopes us both. When the smoke cleared I noticed we were in a small town where I had been a few times before. But not in years.

"Wait here." Imelda said as she approached a small merchant tent with a women standing at the outside of it. They talked for a moment and the women handed something to Imelda in exchange for a handful of galleons. She quickly re approached me and we sat on the brick wall next to the floo station.

She handed me a small dark drawstring velvet bag. I raised my eyebrows at her as I opened it removing a small metal tin. Still not quite sure what I was looking at she rolled her eyes.

"I know you're not ready to talk about it all but IF the two of you are doing what I suspect then you're going to want to take one of those before or after." She explained "what? I asked clearly still confused. She sighed again.

"I know you have plans to be an auror...just like I'm going to play quidditch for the hollyhead harpies one day.We BOTH have big plans ahead of us after Hogwarts. there is no need for a baby to ruin all of that before we even get a chance to achieve our goals." She explained. "But...there is also no reason for us to not have a lot of fun while we wait." She giggled and nudged me with an elbow.

I finally understood. I tucked the tin back into its pouch and placed it my satchel. "Would you at least tell me if it was any good?" She ask we both started giggling now. "Better than good." I said to her shyly.

" Well I'm not surprised, given Sebs reputation." she said. A large pit formed in my stomach. What the hell did that mean? I didn't pressed it."if you happen to run out, come back and my friend will help you. Just tell her I sent you...Now let's get back before he thinks I've kidnapped you." We quickly found our way back in Hogsmeade.

Sebastian was leaning with his back against the wall outside the three broomsticks. when we returned nervously looking around. Imelda walked ahead. "I'll grab the others, it's nearly 11" she said as she entered back into the tavern doors passing him.

He wasted no time walking towards me, grabbing my hand and taking me back behind the building into a small dark alley. He picked me up and sat me down onto the small retaining wall causing our faces to be at equal level. He began kissing me a little sloppier than he has before, slight tinge of alcohol still on his tongue.

"We should get back" i whispered between kisses but he didn't stop. He kissed down my neck and then rubbed the spot where he had left a mark last night. "Sorry, does it hurt?" He asked looking at me a bit guilty. Truthfully I had forgot it was there. "Not at all, Im more just paranoid someone will see it...It should fade soon." I reassured him.

"I don't want hurt you anymore than I already have." He said a sadness taking over his face. This was about more than my neck. "Hey, look at me. Im fine." I say to him as I held his head with my hand stroking his cheeks and jaw with my thumbs. "I have forgiven you, for it all of it, it's time you do the same."

I ran my hand through his hair and he closed his eyes releasing a small tear. He pressed his forehand to mine"I love you..." He mumbled softly. Did he just say..."and I don't deserve you." He continued, I could tell he had had one too many. "You Sebastian, deserve the world, let's get you back to the castle." I kissed his forehead and smiled. He loves me.

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