The Great War (Elizabeth Olse...

By andshesweird

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Character Profiles


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By andshesweird

A/N: Welcome one, welcome all to The Great War! I hope you enjoy this first chapter 🥰


She knew where she was going, she just wished she hadn't gotten on the plane. Leaving home was always hard for her, especially since she was going to be filming in the States for weeks straight, on top of interviews, carpet appearances, and fittings.

It isn't like Carson Jay Mills doesn't love her job, she does. And she is excited to be filming with her friends again to make her return as Doctor Wren Collins on Grey's Anatomy. But leaving her home in London where her mum is always stings. Even though she told Carson she would be fine, that she has her weekly "Wellness Wednesday" with her friends, which really is just a day of the week her mum and friends go out to get wine drunk.

Nonetheless, when she and Luke are both gone, Carson can do nothing but worry for her mother. Even if she gets to stay home accompanied by Jax, Carson's Shiba Inu while his mum is across seas working.

Carson's mother on the other hand has been all alone in that house ever since their dad passed away back in 2015. He was a policeman and got killed on the job during an investigation. When news broke, Carson knew she had to go home immediately.

The role she had at the time was working on a show called Chicago P.D., playing a police officer herself and love interest to her best friend Sophia Bush. Leaving the show was hard, more so when the way they departed her character of Officer Ryan Harris, they killed her off during an investigation plot...

To say the least, that left a bitter taste on her tongue with the crew and not long after her leaving, Sophia followed suit and joined her friend in London to comfort her and her family.

Not all of Carson's jobs have been happy-go-lucky. Chicago started off great, she loved being reunited with her friend again on-screen. Ever since One Tree Hill ended, (For this story's purpose and age purposes, let's just say OTH started filming years after it really did) she had missed her work wife and on-screen wife, so it was nice to do it again for a bit.

But some people on set weren't exactly the kindest. Especially to Sophia. Carson has always been protective of her friend. She watched her go through a lot of issues with men on set in the past. While filming One Tree Hill, Carson, Sophia, Hilarie Burton, and Joy Lenz, along with a lot of other female workers there faced a lot of criticism, harassment, and straight up bullying from the showrunner.

While Carson wanted to leave the show when Hilarie did, she didn't want to leave Sophia hanging and risk them placing some random jerk as her new love interest or not being able to be there to help her when things get too dicey, so she stayed.

And it worked out for the best, that show set off both her and Sophia's career. Carson started getting more roles in series and some films. Her name got out there more and then her biggest role yet came along when her old friend and classmate back at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, Kit, said they were auditioning for a role in Game of Thrones.

Carson loved the books and had watched the show prior, so she decided to take a swing at it. While they were originally looking for a male to come in and play a new character they decided to incorporate since George R.R. Martin had yet to finish the books, they liked Carson's talent and created the character around her that won the hearts of every fan watching: Raena Tarbeck.

She got to play alongside Emilia Clarke as her new love interest and protector, getting Daenerys safely to the Iron Throne where she won over the whole 7 kingdoms and ended the series peacefully.

Carson was glad to have gotten that role, especially since she heard from the showrunners that the original plan was to have Dany go mad and murder thousands, only to die in the end; so her addition to the cast was to help get the fans the ending they deserve and one that won't piss off an entire audience like Carson said would've happened if they went with the previously planned ending.

So she does love her job, and it's gotten her enough to buy her mother a new home, along with her brother Lukas' money from his own roles. And she does love the US, her friends are there and she gets to meet new people constantly, but her mother had a fall not too long ago that has had Carson worried sick.

Mind you, it was just a minor bone bruise on her wrist. She took a spill in the shower, but Carson gets a little overprotective when it comes to the ones she loves.

Doing what she does, she has had to be away from home quite a lot in her career. When she went to Uni, she first came to New York University, attended their Tisch School of the Arts and eventually left again to spend a semester at Moscow Art Theatre School in Russia.

Carson has traveled tons, but when things got too difficult at school, and by difficult it means that Carson had a classmate there she absolutely could not stand, she transferred to Royal Central to complete the rest of her studies.

While it was upsetting to leave the friends she made in New York and to basically hand a win over to the woman she declared her arch-nemesis, Carson was happy to return to London and be closer to home. And while her mother scolded her for walking away from a great opportunity to network and taking the easy way out, she knew Mum was happy to have her home, as was Dad.

All in all, it worked out for the best.


By the time Carson's flight had landed, the moon was out and the stars were laughing. If there is one thing Carson hated about flying back and forth, it was always the jet lag.

Right now it's about 5 am in London but here in LA it's only 10 pm. Carson's flight left at 6pm back home and now her clock has been completely thrown off again.

As she walks through the airport with her sunglasses over her eyes and beanie on her head, she attempts to ignore the on-lookers trying to figure out whether or not it's her walking right past them.

"Oh my god, is that CJ Mills?"

"That's Carson Mills! Take a picture!"

"Holy shit, I think that's CJ!"

Carson rolls her eyes behind the dark shades, not thrilled to be around human beings right now when all she can think about is throwing herself into her LA home's bed and blocking out the rest of the world for a few hours.

She pulls out her phone, slightly pouting when she sees the photo of her holding Jax, the separation anxiety settling in even though Lukas would be bringing him over to the States in a few weeks to be with her again.

Nonetheless, the unlocks her phone and sees the message from Jaime Feld, her manager at the CAA,

Jaime: Max will be waiting for at baggage claim. Get a good night's sleep, you're on set at 7 am :)

With an internal groan and a child-like small slap of her foot to the escalator stair, Carson makes her way towards baggage claim, already dreading her early rise the next morning. Once she spots Max, her trusted security guard, he nods and holds out the bags he seemed to have been able to grab before the luggage rush began.

"Good to have you back, Miss Mills."

"Yeah, yeah, Maxwell. You can tell me you're sad your vacation is over. We're in the same boat."

He shows the slightest of smiles at her before leading her outside where there are people waiting with cameras and pens.

Carson avoids the paparazzi but notices her fans and signs a few of their items. Being that they are at LAX airport, it's mostly random books, napkins, water bottles, and notebooks, no posters or DVDs from any of her films/series. But she always found the improvisation to be entertaining.

A few ask for pictures, to which Carson agrees, despite knowing she probably has bags the size of Texas under her eyes. After a few minutes, she feels the exhaustion beginning to take over her entire being so she bids her fans goodbye, offers a kind wave to the paparazzi who have surprisingly kept their distance and been respectful, then climbs into the Cadillac Escalade.

"Figured you'd be tired so, blanket and pillow. Gonna be about an hour drive, traffic is crazy right now. Pretty big crash on the highway, just got the notification."

Carson flashes a tired smile at her bodyguard and nods gratefully as she reaches to the seat beside her to grab the blanket and pillow, "You're the best, Max. Thank you."

"Just doing my job, Ma'am."

"What have I told you about that? I'm 32, not 302. You've been working for me for years now, man. I think we've reached the first name basis. I call you Max."

He glances at his client through the rearview mirror but focuses on the road as he peels out of the pick-up lane, "That's because I work for you. You'll always be Miss Mills...unless you get married of course, then the Miss will change to Mrs.."

Carson releases a jovial snort and nestles her head into the pillow, trying to pressure it into the opening between the seat and the car door. Her eyes briefly steal a glance outside, spotting hundreds of brake lights down on the highway below the overpass they're driving over, as well as headlights in the left lane.

Rolling her eyes with a light scoff both at the traffic and Max, she yawns, "If you're still working for me by then, you may be old and senile. Don't count on that marriage thing. Ain't really my speed."

And it's true. Carson doesn't hate love, she is actually pretty fond of it, but not quite for herself. It's never really worked out in the past and she knows a lot of the failed relationships were on her because every girl she has dated she dumped before she got too close.

She's seen what love does to people, what it did to her mum when her dad passed. How nearly all of her aunts and uncles have either gotten divorced, knocked up and ditched, or one of them died before they hit 60. Carson's family's history with relationships has brought her to believe that her family has some sort of curse or something.

At one point in her life, she thought that maybe she could break the curse, maybe she was going to be the one to turn things around for her family, this was before her dad died. She was filming One Tree Hill when she realized that her friendship with Sophia may have been more than just friendship.

Turns out, Sophia thought the same. So they gave it a go. They were already dating on the show so they didn't think it would be much different; Sophia had just cut things off with Chad and leaned on Carson a bit more. At the same time, Carson had just gotten out of a relationship that she didn't really feel all in on.

But after the honeymoon phase ended and reality hit again, Carson and Sophia knew what was at stake. She saw how Sophia and Chad's split broke the pair's previous friendship and Sophia knew it too. They couldn't risk losing one another, not when they were each other's rock.

So it was called off amicably.

Carson stands by that that was probably her only shot at love. Until she met Hailey. She became friends with the model first, but things escalated when they soon started hooking up. She knew it was risky because her and Justin Bieber had just broken up earlier that year, so she planned to just have them be friends with benefits.

Until she realized she couldn't ignore her feelings anymore. She started falling for the woman, believing every sweet nothing she would whisper in Carson's ear. After a few months, they made it official, Hailey came to one of Carson's movie premiers and hard-launched their relationship to the public eye.

She believed that she may have broken the curse, that love could flourish, but then 2 years into them dating, she found out that Hailey cheated on her...with Justin.

At first Carson didn't believe the rumors, she knew that Justin and Selena had been on again around that time, and she had befriended Selena a few years back when she guest starred on her Disney Channel show as Stevie Nichols (Yes yes, so sorry I replaced Lesbian Jesus but I had to for this hehe).

Selena said they were doing well, that they worked through all of their previous issues, Justin even took her out on a Valentine's Day dinner and sang to her while other people were around.

But when they both put their heads together and called out their significant others, the rumors turned out to be fact.

And the curse once again proved itself to be true.

"Surprised you didn't pass out on the drive, you usually do. Try to get some sleep, yeah?" Max instructs as they finally pull up to Carson's Hollywood Hills home.

Carson picks her head up and looks outside to her home, breathing out a long breath of relief and exhaustion as she opens the door, "You alright to drive home, mate?"

Max looks at her with a small frown and chuckles, "It's 11 pm, boss. I'll be alright. Used to cart you around through 5 am from time to time."

The actress grimaces at the thought of her late night shoots, silently praying that no more come up again anytime soon. Wishful thinking. She knows they'll pop up again, especially with the few projects she has lined up in the next 2 years.

"Fair enough. I can bring myself to set tomorrow so you have a day to run around."

"You sure?"

"Yes sir, haven't been in my beautiful garage in over a month. I gotta give my babies some attention, you know?" She pats the side of the car and pulls out her two bags from the trunk, waving to Max before she heads inside.

Once she opens the door and is greeted by the sleek interior, differently shaded grey metal paneled walls, pale wooden stairs at the edge of the foyer, beige marble floors, art sculptures scattered along some walls partnered with some framed artwork Carson has fallen in love with at galleries, she breathes in deeply and releases.

"I suppose one could say, it is good to be home," She sighs to herself and glances down each hallway before hoisting her bags up the stairs to the primary bedroom where she instantly passes out on the bed, not even getting to change into comfier clothing.

As she drifts off into a sleep, all she can think about is the long filming day she is going to have tomorrow. She knows she has a lot to film with Caterina, some scenes with Ellen, Kelly, and Camilla.

To her irritating on-the-nose guess, the next day proves to be long.

She filmed a 16 hour day and by the end of it felt like someone had both run her over with a trolley and felt uncomfortably energized from the 5 Red Bulls she had ingested.

"I am absolutely gutted from this day," Carson sighs as she leans back on Camilla's couch in her trailer.

"Tell me about it. I was running around set like a headless chicken! Felt like I was going to pass out at hour four."

Carson chuckles slightly at Camilla, noticing how her accent has been fading over the years she has been in America. Carson has considered herself lucky compared to her friend for being able to go home from time to time so that she doesn't get too immersed into the American language, her mother would absolutely have a day if her accent began to slip.

"Shut it, would you? It's not my fault I have been too busy to get back home. You know I haven't been home since last year? My dad even said I have started to sound like a Kardashian," Camilla pouts, knowing exactly what Carson was laughing at without her even having to say it.

This only makes the actress on the couch laugh more before she shakes her head, "That is quite a bit of a stretch. I got brunch with Khloe just a few weeks ago because she came for a visit to London for her clothing line and she talks far better than you. That's just offensive to them."

Camilla chucks her makeup wipe at her co-star and they both break into a small ball of laughter before Carson's phone starts ringing. With a glance at her manager's name, she whines, "Can I not have just one moment of peace? I only returned last night. And might I add, I barely got a wink of sleep."

Cam just snickers even more before Carson answers and lifts her phone to her ear, "Hello dear Jaime, how can I be of service this fine tiresome evening?"

She stands up and blows a kiss to Camilla before exiting the trailer into the still somewhat light night, even though the sun has settled below the horizon, the lights of the studio and neighboring city bore brightness onto every spot of land.

"How would you feel about a starring lead role in a film?"

Carson kicks at a pebble in the lot, waving goodbye to Ellen as she hops into her car with her giddy little smile. She ponders for a moment, trying to gage what kind of road Jaime is about to take and how she should navigate it with her schedule as of late.

"That all depends. What kind of film? And is the writing up to par?"

Jaime breathes out a light stream of laughter before responding,

"Always you with the questions. Lucky, I already predicted you'd ask so I did some digging, I can have the script to you by tomorrow to give a read. It's a queer romance film. I believe it takes place in the modern day between one literary agent and an editor. Got an enemies to lovers kind of feel to it, you'd be the editor.

Big shot editor who lives in New York but is from a small town that the literary agent just so happened to help one of her writers publish a book that takes place there, yada yada yada, you two don't get along right off the bat because at first she came to you with the novel's pitch and your character turns it down but the book hits big and you both end up in that town years down the line."

Carson struggles to follow along as she piles into her Bronco and starts the drive home, stopping at Wendy's first to grab a 4-for-4, tacking Jaime onto her Bluetooth.

"I got about six percent of whatever you just said to me. But from what I got, I'll have a look. Glad to. Who is to be the director?"


Carson hums in agreement with the decision, knowing of Clea DuVall's work with multiple people she has met before. She has also met with her a few times at various award ceremonies, she enjoys her work and what she has accomplished, especially when it comes to horror. But this clearly is no horror film, depending on who she'd be working with.

"Alright, I'll take a gander. Thank you, Jaime."

"Anytime. Once you read it, give me a shout and we'll discuss next steps with Clea."

"Sounds good. Talk soon."

She takes her food home and turns on the television, the first thing popping up being a Marvel film, so she sits back and enjoys it, until she realizes which film is playing. Avengers: Age of Ultron.

"You've got to be pulling my leg now," Carson mutters as she crunches up what's left of the burger wrapper and tosses it into the to-go bag, narrowing her eyes when her ex-classmate shows up on screen.

"And on the side of the shell is painted one word–" "Stark," Wanda Maximoff finishes for her brother, tilting her head towards Ultron as her eyes gleam a dark and dangerous red.

Carson watches intently, studying Elizabeth's character and acting, struggling to find any mistake or negatives in her performance and it frustrates her to the bone.

She remembers Elizabeth well, how they were pitted against one another from the start, always competing for the lead roles in every production the school did, competing when they went for the same auditions.

When they first met, she was actually quite fond of Elizabeth, she saw how nice she was to everyone, how she was a bit timid at first, flashing her big adorable smile as often as she could but there was always a worry behind it. Carson saw, she knew the girl had a lot of anxiety to begin with when it came to acting.

But then she saw her act during one of their classes, and lord was she impressed. Only soon after did she find out who Elizabeth was. She was an Olsen, younger sister to the famed twins.

And from then on Carson's eyes opened more and she began to see how the professors all gravitated towards Lizzie, constantly applauding her. She always scoffed at how they practically kissed the princess' toes.

It drove her mad. And Elizabeth didn't seem to even notice it, notice how her name held power, how she got better opportunities than Carson because she came from a family out in the suburbs of London, practically a nobody, and this girl who was born into fame got everything.

She hated it. And she hated her.

At first, she didn't try to let it dampen how she saw the girl, she wanted to give her a chance. But when they both auditioned for the same stage play for the university, Elizabeth was nothing but irritating towards Carson.

"You look tired, you know. Up too late with those girls you went home with from the bar last night?"

Carson frowned at the woman, not enjoying the judgment being placed on her for having fun on the weekend, but she smiled nonetheless.

"Careful, love. Else I may think you're a bit jealous."

Elizabeth narrows her gaze and proceeds to roll her eyes, "Please. If anything, I'm pissed that you did that when Shana was waiting around for you to text her all night long."

She knew what Elizabeth was getting on about. Shana was Lizzie's friend and roommate. Her and Carson have been getting it on the past few weeks every few nights, she was aware the girl had feelings for her, but Carson didn't have the time or desire to date anyone at the moment. Especially not Shana who she had actually started to care for.

"I forgot."

"You forgot. You forgot before or after you had a threesome just a few floors above us?"

At that, Carson's cheeks had gone red at the exposed nature Elizabeth had brought on, but she didn't let the woman see her effect. Instead, she just shrugged her shoulders and cocked a smile onto her face.

"Either or, pick your poison. I'll call her later anyways. Now can we please just focus on class so I can beat you and get this part?"

Elizabeth laughs and rolls her eyes yet again, Carson noticed that she does that a lot around her.

"Right. This part is clearly mine if you haven't noticed already."

That struck something inside the Brit. She chewed on the inside of her cheek and swallowed a huff, "Of course, how could I forget that the nepotism child gets everything she wants?"

She watches as Elizabeth's eyes darken and her head slants to an intimidating angle, "What did you just call me?"

"Carson Mills!" Their professor and director for the play calls out, signaling her move. Carson flashes a smile at the American actress and tosses in a wink,

"You heard me, Olsen."

"Break a leg!" Elizabeth grins, the smile nearly covering her face with menace and as Carson turns to walk on stage, she hears Lizzie mumbling behind her, "fucking dick."

Carson rolls her eyes at the memory resurfacing, always hating that Elizabeth had to butt into every single aspect of her love life, ruining what she had with Shana before she could even try to let the girl in, labeling her as a "fuck boy" to the whole student body to the point that girls would barely even take a second glance on her at the clubs anymore.

And she hated that Elizabeth got that role over her.

She hated Elizabeth Olsen. With every fiber of her being.


A/N: Welcome one, welcome all to The Great War! I hope y'all enjoy so far.

What do you think will happen?

What do you want to happen?

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