California girl

By Prentisslovxer

1.6K 26 0

Emily meets a girl named Lou when the Bau has a new case. They slowly fall for each other but Lou's past wil... More

First meeting
The letter
Pizza and wine
Sleep well
Barely breathing
Catching feelings
3.15 am
A visit in the prison
Deep talk

I missed your face

42 1 0
By Prentisslovxer

Tw: swearing, mention of sexual assault
Words: 888

Three days after Hotch allowed Lou to visit Adam, the team sits at the round table and talks. "Lou, are you ready? It's up to you to find out who helped him with the last kills and why he contacted you."
Emily puts her hand on Lou's thigh.

Lou's POV:
I'm sure I'm ready, they will be here for me. I won't die, nothing will happen. Just ask him a few questions
"I'm ready," I say. I feel Emily gripping my thigh tighter, "Are you sure?" She asks anxiously.

Hotch drives the car, Emily sits on the passenger seat and looks out of the window. Rossi and Reid sit next to me in the back and talk about what I have to say. Emily will wait for me, the team is here with me. I'm safe.
"Lou?" a voice says, I look up seeing Hotch looks at me trough the mirror. "Yes? Sorry, I was distracted," "Are you sure you want to do it?" He asks, I nod. Only now I see where we are, the prison in front of us.

Emily gets out first, she opens my door and hands me her hand to help me out. I take her hand and get out of the car, staring at the the prison. She strokes my shoulder, smiling at me. "I will wait for you here baby," she kisses my lips softly and hugs me tight.
I'm not able to talk right now, but with a smile she knows exactly what I think.

Rossi and Reid walk with me trough the door and into the prison.
We got trough the different doors and enter a room, it's empty and I sit down on a chair next to a table. "He will be here soon," Rossi says and touches short and softly my shoulder. "Are you sure you still want to do this?" Reid asks, I nod and look to the door.

A officer opened the door and Adam walks chained up trough it. A big and disgusting smile lays on his face as he saw me sitting on the chair. The officer sat him down and left the room, closing the door behind him. Fuck, now I'm here with him.

"Hello Lou," he says, putting his chained hands on the table. "I've missed your face." I wanna throw up.
I look at him, disgusted. All the memories came up in the moment he entered the room. What he did to me, how he touched me...

"How have you been," he asks, checking me out with a smile. I look up to Rossi and Reid, they nod, "Better than you," I say.
He laughs loud and his hands formed into fists. "What do you want from me? Why did you call me and why did you kill again?" My voice gets higher and I feel anger coming up. Behave yourself Lou, you're not a cop.

He grins at me, "I didn't kill anyone, how? I am here, CHAINED UP." He shouts. "And the calls?" Rossi asks. Adam looks up, raising his brows, "Why would I talk to you old bastard." "Then talk to me," I say madly.
His eyes directly wander down to me, again a grin forms up on his face. "I missed you, we couldn't end what I started. I thought it would be nice to talk with you."
I role my eyes in disgust, knowing he plays with me, us. "And who killed the lesbian couple?" Reid asks from behind.

Adam looks up to him, shaking his head.
"As I said. I ONLY TALK WITH LOU." He shouts again, I feel the anger building up in the two agents. "Tell me. Who killed them?" He looks back to me, getting his hands touch mine. He leans towards me over the table and looks deep into my eyes. Emily, please help me out here.
"I don't know who killed them, but I like the person." He grins and touches my hands again.
I pull them back to me, resting them on my lap.

"What did you plan with me, earlier in California?" He leans back, "I wanted to show the world what I do with women like you." "Like me?" I say shocked and raised my brows.
"Yes, like you. Al these gay people. They make me sick. " I giggle softly, "Why the fuck are you laughing?" Adam asks with a mad voice. "We make you sick? Why? Because we are who we are?" He looks at me, no, he's staring into my soul. "You never talked with agent Prentiss about your family right? Why's that?" He grins.
I look shocked at him, not knowing what to say next. "As I thought."
"You will Remember."

He stands up, knocking on the door. The officer takes Adam out of the room, "One thing before I leave." Adam says, he turns around, facing me and whispers something in my ear. He leaves the room with a smile, Rossi and Reid walking up to me. "Lou are you okay?" Reid asks. Oh fuck, that was a bad idea to come here.

I'm frozen, not able to walk or talk. "Lou?" Rossi says, touching my shoulder light. "What did he say?" I look up, "He told me what his actual plan was..."

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