The Beauty in Diversity

By Krouzep929

7.2K 172 26

Where Sam is a billionaire herself and the owner of Diversity and she also comes from royalty and Mon is a fi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

chapter 3

486 10 2
By Krouzep929

Mon has been living in the UK for almost two years now and has made a name for herself as a fixer/strategist who was an expert at reviving failing businesses and companies that were on the brink of folding all around Europe and the UK, and although she has a successful career she remains completely humble thanks to her parents upbringing.


Spending that many hours on a plane wasn't exactly Mon's idea of peace and tranquility, but just the thought of seeing her parents and friends face to face again after being away for so many months, made the journey so much worth it. Finally Mon reached her destination and after taking care of business she was on her way


I'm finally going to see my parents Mon said to herself which brought a huge dimpled smile to her face that got the attention of many onlookers..

Wow she's so pretty,one traveler  in a group of tourist commented.

Yes and I bet her partner must be really overprotective becauseI know i would, another one replied.

A shy blush overtook Mon's face and she quickly bowed her head in appreciation at her new admirers and for a moment she kinda felt like a celebrity.Suddenly her phone started vibrating..

Hey mom!I'm here at the airport,yes,yes me too, I can't wait to see you guys she smiled,No,I'm going to be ok mom don't worry, Yuki is here to pick me sure mom I will tell her to wear her seatbelt..oh speak of the devil here she comes.. bye,bye,kiss,kiss see later .

Mon!!! Yuki shouted,pulling Mon into her bear hug.

Yuki!!!My Gummy bear!

Oh my goodness Mon!Is that really you??Yuki asked and pinched Mon's cheeks to make sure she wasn't imagining it which turned Mon into tomato because Yuki had zero chill.

Calm down Gummy, people are staring..Mon laughed.

I don't care! I've missed my bestie so much and now she's back!..Yuki shouted for the whole world to hear and holding unto Mon tightly almost afraid of letting go.

Alright Gummy,Iet's be on our way before you turn us into an airport meme and security decides to drag us out.

A couple of minutes later and they were on the road.

Hey Mon, I got to admit that the UK has been treating you well,I mean damn girl you're ageing like a fine wine ,you have a successful career, a new look that fits you perfectly and to top it all off, you bagged yourself an English Rose,..wigling her eyebrows at the last part.

First of all thank you for making me feel old and secondly, I'm twenty four, everybody looks like  fine wine in their twenties Yuks and Mon laughed because she knows how her friend loves to be overdramatic.

Oh you know what I mean silly,just take the compliment already before I decide to pull over and pinch those cheeks of yours..

Lol ok, ok and thank you bestie,you know I was just teasing you,and you don't look to shabby yourself,I bet Tee can't wait to put a ring on it.

Woh! stop right there Beyonce, I love Tee with all my heart and she adores me but we've talked about it and maybe in a couple of years when we're both ready?There's really no rush and I don't wanna outshine Sam's wedding Yuki jokingly said.. totally forgetting that Mon didn't know.

She's getting Married..?

Mon,I..I'm sorry I totally forgot that you didn't know..

It's fine Yuki,..I'm fine,you don't have to apologise...

It's been two years already,we both moved on.I'm with Emily and she's with..      

Adena..Yuki stated reluctantly

Anyway she's free to do whatever she wants ,It's none of my business and I could care less, Mon mumbled under her breath.. enough for Yuki to hear.

Of course you don't,you've got Emily..Yuki responded with an eyeroll unbeknownst to Mon who was too busy skipping love songs, because Mon doesn't care.

So when is the wedding?

Well that was quick, Ms."I could care less"
.. she laughed

I don't care Yuks,I'm being serious. I'm just asking and I'm planning on leaving straight after Christmas anyway.I've to get back early for work and then there's Emily of course,she's been blowing up my phone with text messages ever since I got here and I don't want her to worry.

Why would she be worried? This is also your home Mon.

Wait. Does she know about Sam?

She knows about my relationship that ended badly and if you think that's her reason for concern,it's not.It's our first time spending our holiday separately and on different continents so it's normal for her feel that way.

Ok,ok if you say so..Yuki who wasn't convinced decided not to push the subject.

Oh! by the way Mon, there's something that I forgot to tell you,but please,please, you got to keep it to yourself.

So I leave the country for two minutes and all of a sudden you don't trust me?thanks bestie

Lol of course not, it's nothing like that,.. oh c'mon Mon, stop being silly you know what I mean.

Ok I'm just pulling your leg but go ahead..

It was totally bizarre..Yuki started, but a couple of moths ago I went shopping and I ran into Yha and we were so happy to see each other that we decided to go for a coffee, but I swear to you Mon, that girl kept talking about Chin for almost and hour my head was spinning,she asked me about your whereabouts and that she misses you and then we finally talked about me,like for five seconds,I kid you not. I told her that I'm finally opening my guitar shop and out of nowhere she asked me If I was hiring.

what the hell?

Exactly! and I thought she was making a joke right? I even jokingly slapped her on the damn wrist and told her that she's over qualified and that I'm flattered but then she got up,just like that and told me that she needs to go, I should just forget about what she'd said and that's when I told myself "Yuki, there's no way that you're letting this girl off the hook so easily" 

Aha of course you did..Mon replied with an eyeroll but she was also invested.

Yuki continued..and since I'm friends with the one and only Samanan Anantrakul who's Ice Queen ways I've been secretly observing, unbeknownst to everyone else by the way,I told Yha to sit down!and spit it out!or else..

You what?! Yuki?!

Nah I'm kidding,I told her that she can trust me.I mean she was reluctant at first, but she eventually caved and told me that she and other staff members suspects that Diversity could be in financial trouble.


Yip, I'm not making this up and please Mon not a word to anybody else.

Who do you think I'm going to tell?Sam?? 

Oh at least you still remember her name, but yes, Sam.

Seriously Gummy..?How do you figure I'm going to tell her??

Over candlelight dinner or smoke signals..Yuki deadpanned

Oh I'm so going to..

Home sweet Home! Yuki blurted out and laughed as they came to a stop

Yea saved by the bell, Mon jokingly warned,and you know your secret is safe with me.I'm not planning on crossing paths with he..Sam ever. We've got nothing to say to each other and I'd like to keep it that way.

 this lady doth protest way too damn much..yuki was mentally saying to herself as she shook her head absentmindedly.

Alright Mon let's go, your parents are waiting

After witnessing a heartfelt reunion between Mon and her parents and hanging out with her best friend for a couple of hours, she was finally on her way after saying her goodbyes.

Yuki was singing along to the radio and was so caught on the moment that she almost didn't see her phone light up..

Mmm.."Bat out of hell" the caller Id read.

yes Kirk..

hmm..I see, ok..

So first of all, I need you calm down, and secondly I need you to tell me something.

Who the hell died and made you company psychologist?:/

******* To be continued.

Ok guys hope you enjoy and again, English is not my first language so I'm sorry for my grammatical errors because there's going to be a lot but I hope you guys understand and that this is only for fun.Take care everybody.

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