Endless Beauty and Love ✔

By ideahub

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Life is not what you expect: it is made up of the most unexpected twists and turns. No matter what twists and... More

~Tour Of Singh Mansion 1~
~Tour Of Singh Mansion 2~
~1.Meet Baby Anuseena~
~2.Leap Of 20 Years~
~4.Teaching Her~
~6.Her Feelings~
~7.Festival Of Lights~
~8.Date Fixed~
~9.Haseena's Diary~
~11.Angry Anubhav~
~12.Is Haseena Really At Fault~
~13.Makar Sankrant~
~14.Understanding Dadi~
~15.Sweet Moment~
~16.Festival Of Colours~
~18.Becoming Friends~
~19.Slow Love~
~23.Where Is He~
~24.Haseena's Birthday~
~27.The Game~
~28.Killed Her~
~29.Truth Is Out~
~30.Leap Of 2 Years~
~31.His Return~
~32.My Husband~
~34.Anuseena's Aashi~
~35.Secret In Hospital~
~36.Father-Daughter Secret~
~37.Bomb Blast~
~38.I Hate You~
~39.The Letter~
~40.Her Doubts~
~41.Agent Black Diamond~
~43.Connecting Links~
~44.Unknown Person~
~45.Truth Of Basement~
~46.Aashi Is Kidnapped~
~47.Forwarding Knight~
~48.Tables Are Now Turned~
~49.Last War With His Queen~
~50.Anuseena Together~

~26.Broken Trust~

312 62 16
By ideahub

Days passed, but there was no sign of minnie which was making anubhav more worried, due to which he seems to be lost somewhere, haseena was confused with his behaviour!!

A random day, haseena was cleaning the mess of the closet, while doing it a envelope fell from between anubhav's shirt pant pair!!

Haseena- what is this? (she picked up, she opened it to see photos of crime scene... it was the same envelope) it was with me? how did it came in between anu's shirt pant? why didn't he returned me back? (she thought, just then anubhav came out from bathroom) anubhav!! (she went to room) anubhav why this envelope is with you? why didn't you gave it to me back? (confused)

Anubhav- this? This is yours? I..i thought it was mine...

Haseena- oh acha!! (smiled, anubhav went to kitchen for some work, while haseena was searching her clip, she found a small phone of buttons, she got a call and the small phone to rang titling "Advik") how this phone came in this drawer? (she was thinking)

Haseena picked advik's call through her phone, haseena was shocked to see this, she clutched the small mobile listening her own voice through her mobile, she looked at envelope as well trying to connect the dots!!

Haseena- Anubhav? Is he linked to all this? is he ditching me? (in tears) so... it's possible that the man I saw that day was Anubhav only, the ring I found in tejaa's house was anubhav's? (sat on bed with tears) d..did he kill tejaa?

A sudden fear crept inside her, she clutched her dress tightly, she looked at small phone and kept back to its place, she saw anubhav coming, she tried to act normal but tears were not ready to flow!!

Anubhav- what happened? You look tensed...

Haseena- n...noth...nothing (moving behind in fear)

Anubhav- then why are you sweating!!

Haseena- I...I...I'm leaving (took her bag hurriedly and was going to leave)

Anubhav- Haseena? What happened? Any problem? (Holding her hand)

Haseena- le...leave me...leave my hand!! (jerked his hand making him surprise)

Anubhav- now you are behaving weird!!

Haseena- I'm in hurry, I'll meet you in evening!! (she turned to leave hurriedly while he was surprised as she didn't peppered any kisses aur wishes on him)

Anubhav- ok..okay...bye

Haseena ran to her car and sat in car, she closed her eyes tightly trying to digest everything, she drove to forensic lab!! on other side, anubhav sat on bed thinking about haseena's behaviour!!

Anubhav- why is she acting so wierd? Oh no!! Did she got to know the truth

Anubhav went to the drawer and took out his small phone, he opened to see advik's name in received list, he remembered he wasn't there at that time, he sat on bed sweating and thought

Anubhav- she picked the call...she definitely got to know everything, she already had a doubt

Anubhav banged his hand on table and then rubbed his fingers on his forehead which contains worried lines

Anubhav- for now...Minnie is more important... I have to find her

On other side, haseena was somewhere lost, forensic expert was checking the ring!! He noticed her worriedness, he tapped her shoulder

Haseena- huh? What happened? (Coming out of her thoughts)

FE- what happened to you? Is everything alright?

Haseena- y...yes I'm perfectly fine!! (Smiling lightly) did you find anything in this ring?

FE- no...nothing...

Haseena- please do something sir!! You have to find something about this ring please, anything, the brand of which the ring belongs, any rare chemical to make this anything!!!

FE- yes this ring is from Harry Winston!!

Haseena- Harry Winston (whispered) anubhav's ring was also from the same shop (this thought made her horrified, she took her bag as well as ring and left from there making forensic expert surprise) no...no...no he can't do this to me...no he can't...he can...can't do anyone's murder!! (Hitting on steering wheel, she looked at the ring angrily) this shouldn't be you anubhav!!

Haseena went to Harry Winston shop with ring, she asked the owner without getting emotional, she with serious face!!

Haseena- did someone buy this ring? (Showing him the ring, it was quiet costly as well as rare piece)

Owner- this ring? We have sold 3 pieces of this ring since manufactured...

Haseena- this person also purchased? (Showing anubhav's photo)

Owner- yes...

Haseena was completely shattered listening this, she went and sat in her car, she was thinking about that day when she went to tejaa's old house, she found a familiar touch!!

Haseena- he was definitely anubhav...

Tears flowed down from her eyes, she asked advik to remove call details of anubhav!! Her trust was broken! other side anubhav was trying to find minnie, he was getting tensed for her!!

Anubhav- mikku told that the goon have same locket as me but this locket is rare, I should go to this shop, I'll surely find something!! (anubhav went to the shop and asked the shopkeeper) has anyone bought this same locket from you?

Owner- yes, I think he is a famous buisnessman, I don't know his name!

Anubhav- do you have the cctv footage of the day he came!!

Owner- sorry sir, but we don't have the footage due to some glitch but yes he came few days a back, to polish the locket as it was having some dust and some red red thing!!

Anubhav- show me...

Owner- yes (showed him the locket)

Anubhav- this is exactly like bhaiya's...but why would he take minnie? did he came to polish this locket? (showing him agastya's photo)

Owner- yes yes...

Anubhav- th...thankyou!! (he sat on bike and thought) how is it possible? what he'll get after kidnapping minnie?

Anubhav- maybe I'm mistaken... he must be someone else!! (realised something) bhaiya has tattoo on his palm, I'll ask mikku about it once!! (Anubhav called mikku)

Mikku- hello sir? (making coffee for herself)

Anubhav- the goon which had the locket same as me... did he had a tattoo

Mikku- yes sir!! it was a dragon tattoo!!

Anubhav- even bhaiya has the same... (Thought) did agastya bhaiya? but why would he... I should ask him directly? no what if minnie gets hurt? then what do I do...I should follow him and find out

Haseena- anubhav? (Haseena saw him on bike, anubhav was busy in his thoughts, haseena took the photo of anubhav's bike and went back to home!!)

In evening, anubhav came back home hiding his bike, he saw agastya talking on phone behind the mansion!!

Agastya- whatever I asked you to do, do that, don't use your brain!!

Anubhav- what is he talking about?

Agastya- haan haan, we'll see that, first ask her about him, if she doesn't say anything, fired her!!

Anubhav- Minnie... No no this can't happen...I have to save her

Paakhi- anubhav why are you standing here? (She asked as she came to water the plants)

Anubhav- nothing I was just...

Paakhi- acha thike, go, your wife is waiting for you, she seems somewhere lost devar ji!!!

Anubhav- okay I will see her

Paakhi- okay!!

Anubhav went to room and saw haseena sitting on bed lost in her thoughts, she was acting weird today, he know that something haseena got to know about him but what he don't know!!

Thankyou For Reading❤️

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Till then stay happy and safe,
Watch Maddam Sir at
10:00pm on Sony Sab.
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