Kylie's Lullaby...

By lilmc87

27.4K 1.4K 143

(Sequel to Unknown History, You won't understand anything without reading that first!!) Kylie is the daughter... More

Kylie's Lullaby...(Sequel to Unknown History)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16..
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19...
Chapter 20...
Part 2...Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

chapter 6

1.2K 54 5
By lilmc87

Chapter Six....

            I walked into the club and started looking around. After I made my first sweep through the club I decided to stop at the bar and get a drink before I started to look around again. I didn’t want people to start to think I was crazy because then I might get kicked out. As I was standing at the bar a couple guys came over trying to hit on me but I let them know I wasn’t interested. I told them I was waiting for someone else and I was just hoping that someone else would show themselves.

    It was getting late and it was almost midnight and I was a couple drinks in so I decided to move away from the bar and go onto the dance floor. I started to dance when suddenly I felt sick and in pain. I grabbed my stomach and cringed and that’s when I felt someone gently pull me into their arms. I wanted more than anything for it to be my mate but I knew by the touch it wasn’t. The sparks that felt like fire on my skin were missing but there were still tingles there which confused me. I felt someone lean in and whisper in my ear, “I need to get you out of here your about to shift…” I just nodded and let the stranger lead my out of the club. I still had not seen his face and by now I was extremely curious about who had come to my rescue. When we walked outside I felt myself take in a deep breath, the cool night air felt good against my skin that felt like it was 1000 degrees hotter then normal. I still didn’t see his face but he walked me over to a motorcycle and gently put a helmet on my head and then he put one on himself and then got on the bike and motioned for me to get on.

    I got on the back of the bike and we left the alleyway we were in. We drove for only 5 minutes and I felt myself getting sicker and I was hoping we would be at our destination sooner rather then later. We finally came to a stop outside what looked like a small forest. He turned off the bike and put the kickstand down and then got up and pulled his helmet off and I felt my heart skip a beat. He was so good looking my mouth went dry, I didn’t even have the saliva to drool over his godly good looks. I wanted to run my fingers through his messy light brown hair, I wouldn’t stop there I wanted to trace his perfect plump lips that looked like they belonged to an angel. His skin was pure perfection and his aqua blue eyes made my knees weak, I knew I had to stop staring before he thought I was crazy but I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off him. It was a different feeling then I had when I looked at Luka, with Luka it had been magnetic and instantly I knew he was my mate. With the stranger before me I felt mesmerized…

    I stepped towards me and helped my off the bike and then to take the helmet off me since I hadn’t been moving. When my helmet came off I blushed since he could now see me openly staring at him.

“Let’s get you into the trees before you shift.” he said and his voice gave me Goosebumps.

“Why bother, I’m just going to die. My mate rejected me…” I replied feeling my tears threaten to spill.

“I’m not going to let you die.” he said and the determination in his voice made my heart pound. Could he possibly know a way to save me?

“Without my mate I will die, you can’t save me…” I whimpered as he led me into the woods.

“I know a way but I need you to trust me ok?” he said and stopped and turned towards me. I couldn’t look at him so he took my finger and tilted my chin up so I would meet his eyes.

“I need your trust…” he whispered gently.

“Okay…” I answered and then he started leading me farther into the woods. Finally we came to a small clearing and we stopped and he faced me again. I let out a scream in pain as I felt some of my bones start to shift.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Kylie, and yours?”

“Nathaniel but please call me Nate, but Kylie I need you to trust me and listen to what I’m about to say next.”

“O-ok.” I stuttered through my pain.

“If you say no I’ll completely understand but it’s the only way I know how to save you. I need you to let me claim you and I need you to claim me after your shift. Its called a “chosen mate”, shifters usually do it when they can’t find their mate but I think it will work since your rejected.”

“What about your mate?” I asked.

“She rejected me a very long time ago…” he said sadly but there was something else to that story but now was not the time to ask about it.

“All I need is for you to agree and I’ll do it, but you need to understand it binds you to me for life.” he said his tone very serious and firm. I couldn’t figure out why this stranger would want to bind himself to me for life, he didn’t even know me yet he had come to my rescue. He had noticed I was about to shift in the middle of a club, I might have been able to make it outside but I probably would have died mid-shift in some dirty alley somewhere.

“You can claim me.” I whispered as I stared into his amazing aqua blue eyes.

“Just remember your going to have to claim me after your shift.” he answered with a smile.

“I know.” I replied and suddenly he leaned down and kissed me sweetly. It was the most perfect kiss I had ever received, when Luka had kissed me it had been with lust and passion. This kiss was nothing but pure bliss. After he kissed me he leaned down and kissed the spot where my neck and shoulder met and then I felt his canines extend and enter my skin. It wasn’t painful like I thought it would be, in fact it felt amazing. If I wasn’t about to shift I would have torn his clothes off him and claimed him body and all right there on the forest floor. When his canines retracted I moaned with pleasure and he looked at me with a big smile.

“Now Kylie your shift is going to hurt but I’m going to be here the entire time walking you through it ok?”

“Ok” I replied and then suddenly dropped to the ground screaming in pain. I felt him reach out for me and caress me gently and then whisper kind and encouraging things to me. Even though I was in so much pain I felt like I was going to explode with love, I had never felt so loved in my life and all I wanted to do was curl up in his arms and hold on to him for dear life. After my shift would he disappear from my life too, would I have two mates out there who didn’t want to spend their lives with me? I shuddered at the thought and I could tell Nate had noticed. He sat there for the next two hours as my bones broke and shifted until I passed out.

    When I woke up I knew I was in wolf form because the first thing I saw was white paw. I stood up slowly and saw him sitting there staring at me with love and awe which made my heart swell with pride. I licked his face and he laughed and then I nudged his chest with my nose hoping he’d know I was asking him to shift, I wanted to see his wolf. He nodded and started taking his clothes off and then he shifted, he was a beautiful all white wolf but he still had his amazing aqua eyes. I nuzzled into his neck and I heard him purr. He started running away and I followed until we were racing through the trees, I don’t think I had ever felt so happy and free. We ran until we found a small pond and when I looked into the water I noticed I was an all white wolf too, now that was strange. I still had my violet colored eyes but I thought white wolves were rare which is why I had been surprised when Nate shifted. Yet we were both white wolves with no other colors marring our beautiful white coats of fur. I drank some water so I could catch my breath and then I nudged him and we started to run back to the clearing where I had shifted. I paced in a circle not knowing how to get back to my human form and I was starting to panic. I looked over to see he had shifted but he was putting his pants back on but he held his shift in his hand.

“Ok just relax Kylie. All you need to do is picture yourself back in your human form and concentrate and you’ll shift back.” he said calmly. I whimpered and he reassured me it wouldn’t hurt. So I closed my eyes and pictured myself the way I saw myself in the mirror and I opened my eyes and sure enough I had shifted back but I was standing there completely naked. I tried covering myself and he chuckled softly and stepped forward and pulled his shirt over my head and then handed me his boxers.

“it’s the best I can do especially since we have to ride back on my bike.” he said and leaned down and kissed me. I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him back which made him moan a little. I giggled and pulled back and then he grabbed my hand and we started walking back to his bike. He took his leather jacket off his bike and helped me put it on knowing once we were moving on the bike I was going to be freezing. We both put our helmets on and got on the bike and started heading back towards the city. I was going to tell him to go to my hotel but he drove right outside the city and pulled up at a massive modern looking house. He pulled the bike into the driveway and turned it off. I pulled my helmet off and got off the bike.

“Where are we?” I asked still staring at the massive house that was bigger then my house.

“My house.”

“You live here?” I asked surprised. Its not like I had never seen big houses before, I mean technically my other home was the palace but the palace was more like a hotel then a house.

“I sure do.” he replied and started leading me to the front door.

“With who?” I asked expecting to say his family.

“Well technically no one but I did let a few of my pack members move in because they are my really good friends, but there are only about 5 of them living here currently.” he answered.

“Wait, your pack members? That means you’re an Alpha…” I asked suddenly realizing why his wolf had been so big.

“Yes I’m an Alpha, is that a problem? Because technically you are my Luna.” he said and leaned down and kissed his mark. Oh wow, I had not only found a mate to replace my true mate but he was an Alpha and obviously a very powerful Alpha if his pack house was this massive because it meant he had a lot of territory.

“Oh Nate I don’t think you realized what you were getting yourself into…” I muttered and we entered the house. He hadn’t heard me which I was kind of relieved about, I didn’t want to explain to him that I was the Princess, his Princess… I groaned internally and then suddenly I heard voices. I started to panic, I was standing there looking like a complete disaster in Nate’s boxers and t-shirt. The last thing I needed was for someone to see me like this because I don’t think I could survive the embarrassment.

“Come on let’s get you upstairs I know you don’t want to meet the guys like this.” he said and started leading me upstairs to his bedroom. I sighed with relief when we entered his room and looked around taking in my surroundings. He had a large king sized bed that had a black and green comforter set, normally the bed would look huge to me but in this massive bedroom it actually looked a little small. All his furniture was black and matching and everything was neat and orderly which made me smile. He either had a really good maid or my new mate was quite the neat freak. He had a couple pictures around the room that I wasn’t close enough to see what they were but I would investigate later. He shut the door behind us and turned towards me with a smile.

“So I think there is a lot we have to talk about, I know I should have told you I was an Alpha before I claimed you but I am really sorry Kyle.” he said and I put my finger to his lips.

“Do not apologize for saving my life and can we not talk about anything serious right now? We still haven’t finished the claiming on my end yet so I’d kind of like to let the heavy talking go for a little bit.” I answered and removed my finger.

“I can agree to that, are you comfortable claiming me right now though?” he asked gently as if he didn’t want to push me into something I didn’t want to do yet.

“Well we have to do it right?” I asked he nodded his head yes. I walked towards him getting really close and tilted my head up so I could look him in the face. He was so much taller then me it made it difficult.

“Nate can you promise me something?” I whispered.

“Anything Kylie, anything…”

“Please don’t break my heart because I don’t think I could survive that…”

“I would never dream of doing anything that would hurt you. You may not have been my true mate but Kylie to me you are my mate and nothing else matters. I am going to treat you how you deserve to be treated and if you think I am ever going to let you go your insane.” he whispered back and then kissed me. I got so caught up in the kiss that I wrapped my arms around his neck and then pulled myself up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He pulled me close and then walked me over to the bed and gently put me down.

“We don’t have to do this, you can claim me without this.” he said half out of breath.

“No I want to do this right.” I answered and smiled and he started kissing me again.

**** Hey please let me know if you like this story so far! also don't forget to comment and vote!****

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