SasuSaku: You Saved Me

By breshea_carter

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Modern/Highschool Au Sasuke and Sakura two individuals who once lived in the same neighborhood during Junior... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 7

437 25 87
By breshea_carter

"I'm glad to see you both made it. I stopped by your home Sakura and informed your Aunt that you'd be joining me and my brother for dinner."

"Oh.. Thank you... hey um.. you didn't tell her or Shizune what you saw right?" Sakura asked kind of embarrassed.

"What did I see?" Itachi smirked winking at Sakura who let out a sigh in relief.

He didn't tell them.

"What did you buy for dinner?" Sasuke asked quickly changing the subject. He definitely didn't want to talk about it.

"Pasta and a salad." Itachi said

"Are there tomatoes?" Sasuke asked.

"I asked that they put them to the side for you." Itachi said as Sasuke nodded.

Sakura watched the two brothers as they both talked and moved around the kitchen grabbing items for dinner. She didn't understand what Sasuke meant, Itachi obviously cared alot about him and knows everything about him. From her point of view she doesn't see the doubt Sasuke can see.

But of course, his attitude about everything is different, he thinks in his mind he's the reason for his parents death and that his brother also blames him.

She wants him to see that obviously Itachi loves him dearly and that he just wants to protect him and keep him safe. He probably puts Sasuke first before everything.

"Do you want some salad?" Sasuke asked Sakura, snapping her out of her reverie. "Yes, of course!" Sakura said smiling as he began to place some on her plate.

"So, Sakura how are your parents?" Itachi asked. "I understand you live with your Aunt now, but I remember the last time I talked with you, you were living with Mrs. Haruno and Mr. Haruno." Itachi said as Sakura shared a look with Sasuke.

"Well.." She said started as she tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "My parents divorced 3 years ago..and there were some custody issues, my mother simply couldn't look after me and my father couldn't afford to look after me.. so the court appointed my Aunt to be my permanent legal guardian."

"Really now?" He asked. "I didn't know those two would divorce, your parents seemed to look so in love."

"Yeah well.. looks can be deceiving, especially when someone is putting on a front." Sakura said.

"I see, well I'm sorry to hear that. Have you heard from them at all?"

"I saw my mother a few days ago after 3 years.. it wasn't the ideal reunion you'd expect but.. it is what it is.."

"The ideal reunion? What do you mean?" He asked.

"It's a long story.. but to make it short...she's deciding to remarry and once she does she plans to go to court to get permanent custody over me..." Sakura said as Sasuke turned to her.

"You never told me that." He said.

"You told me I didn't have to explain I never brought it up.." She said softly.

"Does your mother live in Tokyo?"

"I'm not sure.. but I know the judge won't grant her the custody." Sakura said.

"Why do you think that?"

"Because her Mother is an abusive bitch, look at her hand and her face, she did that after 3 years of not seeing her own daughter." Sasuke said as Sakura's gaze went downward and as she favored her left hand which was in the brace.

"She did that to you?" Itachi asked as Sakura nodded.

"My mother was or still is.. I'm not sure but she was on heavy drugs.. the judge told her she was unfit for parenting due to her abusive tendencies and her drug usage."

"So this isn't the first time she's done this?"

"When I used to live with her she would hit me to take her anger out on me from whatever argument her and my Dad would have. It wasn't all the time but the times she did do it, it would always be bad." Sakura said taking a deep breath. She didn't want to cry thinking about it. It was such a heavy topic for her. She just had a good moment happen to her, she doesn't need to bring it down with such a sad conversation.

"But don't worry, I'm safe and sound with my Aunt! She's always taken good care of me, and I don't plan to leave her side anytime soon." Sakura smiled as Itachi smiled as well.

"That's good to hear, I'm glad your spirits can be kept up." He said.

"Hn.." Sasuke grunted. "Here's some pasta." He said placing it on Sakura's plate as she thanked him.

Together the three of them sat at the table together, eating and making conversation. It was Itachi who initiated most of the questions, most about Sakura and just how everything has been for her.

"So when your family moved you stayed in Tokyo?" Sakura asked.

"Yeah.. at the time I had just turned 18 and Sasuke had just turned 13, so I was old enough to be on my own. I pursued my career and trained in the academy for a year and moved my way up to where I am now. Sasuke was old enough to be on his own without me in Osaka."

"I see.."

"Although I do wish I could've been there." Itachi said as Sakura noticed Sasuke tensed beside her. "I believe if I were around, Sasuke could have called me instead of our parents that day.." Itachi said.

"That way it could've been you who died instead of them?" Sasuke asked in a low voice: "The outcome could've been the same." Sasuke added.

"That's not what I meant. I'm just saying if I were around I could have been designated in picking you up when things like that happened.."

"Okay that's if.... it didn't happen that way so why even keep talking about it.. you weren't there.. so I'm sorry Mother and Father had to come get me that day." Sasuke said gripping his utensils in his hand tightly. Sakura noticed this as raised her hand to cover his own.

He looked down at her with a slight glare but he immediately calmed. He took a deep breath before turning back to his plate. "I'm sorry.. I don't mean it like that." Sasuke said.

"I understand how you feel Sasuke.. I don't blame you for Mother and Father having to go and get you. It's not your fault, it wasn't your fault. But I understand you have regrets, I do too which is why I spoke the way I did. Immediately after hearing about it I regretted not leaving with you all to go to Osaka, I regret not being able to help them out while they both were busy. I regret not being there for you when it happened, I can only imagine how you must've felt being there alone. So I'm sorry. I've failed you and I just wish to make things up with you.. which is why I wanted to have dinner to talk about something important." Itachi said as Sasuke looked up to him.

"What is it?"

Sasuke's hand had moved down to under the table where Sakura grabbed his hand squeezing it tightly. She was there to comfort him for whatever his brother had to say.

"I'll be going out to Osaka for a little bit. That bastard's request was granted and I've asked my boss if it were okay if I went out there to investigate a bit more about Mother and Father's death and to make sure they get proper justice. I'll be working in a different jurisdiction so I'll be busy.. I just want to make sure you'll be okay here while I'm away. I don't want to leave you alone but.. I have to do this.. for them."

"Go." Sasuke said. "Like you said, Mother and Father deserve proper justice, if you can make sure they get that while being away then you should go." Sasuke said as Itachi nodded.

"I don't particularly know how long I'll be gone, but I've already confided in Sakura's Aunt and her friend to check in on you every now and then. You might be a teenager but you're still a child, so respect them. I'll leave some money in my study incase you need anything, I trust you, and I love you so while you're alone just be safe." Itachi said as Sasuke nodded. "And Sakura" Itachi said.

"Yes?" She said.

"Take care of my little brother while I'm away, you're probably the only person I know who can talk sense into him if he continues to beat himself up." Itachi said shooting a smile her way as she nodded. "Of course, I'll always take care of him.." she said giving his hand one more squeeze.

"I appreciate it. I'm going to head upstairs to finish packing for now. I'll set off tomorrow morning, So i'll see you off for school Sasuke."


"You brother is still as nice as I remember." Sakura said taking a seat at the edge of his bed. It wasn't the first time she had been in his room.

"Yeah.." Sasuke said flopping down on his bed. "I'm kind of nervous." He said.

Sakura turned laying on her side propping herself up on her elbow looking at him. "About what? Him leaving?"

"Yeah, going to Osaka.. it's only been a couple of months since our parents died.. what if  being there distracts him while he tries to work or something."

"I doubt that will happen.. your brother seems to know how to separate personal feelings and his work. It might be hard but I'm sure he will have the strength to get his job done." Sakura said.

"'re right."

"Atleast you get to be home alone. You'll have your house to yourself." Sakura said.

"You should stay over this weekend." He said turning to look at her.

"I can come over..." Sakura said.

"No, I mean you should stay over." He said.

"Oh? Like spend the night?" She said as he nodded. Her cheeks redden as she chuckled. "Won't that be a little risky?" She said.

"Are you scared? We used to have sleepovers all the time." He said as Sakura huffed. "We were kids."

"Whats the difference now?" Sasuke asked.

"The difference is.. we both are expressing strong feelings for one another now.. we're not innocent children anymore, we're teenagers with....urges.. we could get carried away.."

"Why is your head so far in the gutter? Do you really think I'd have you spend the night and try something like that with you?" He asked.

"I know you wouldn't do that.. I'm just saying... we kissed for the first time tonight.. who knows what another kiss could lead too especially if we're alone and no one to interrupt us..."

" is that a no?" He asked.

"No, I'll stay over.. let's just promise if we do get carried away...we'll catch ourselves.." Sakura said leaning close to him.

"Fine, now come here." He said raising his hand pushing the back of her head, making her come closer to him as his lips touched hers.

Their lips moved on one another, kissing softly yet passionately. "We were interrupted too soon earlier." He said between their kiss. He ended up pulling Sakura on top of him, mimicking their position from earlier.

He ended up sitting up where she could straddle him as they still continued their kiss. His hand moved up and undid the ponytail in her hair, letting her hair hang down as his hand moved freely through it. The scent of her hair reminded him so much of a mixture of candy and cherry blossoms, it suited her.

"Sasuke.." Sakura spoke in between their kiss. "Your phone is buzzing." She said.

He pulled away from her looking down at it. He grunted seeing it was Sage calling him. "She'll be fine." He said letting the call hang up.

When he was about to lean in again, his phone started buzzing again. Sakura chuckled as she moved from off of him. "You should answer it, it could be important."

"Tsk, trust me nothing is ever too important with her." He said answering the phone. "What is it? I'm busy."

"I was just wondering if you were staying for the game tomorrow I never got an answer.."

"I don't know. I told you I might be busy."

"Is being with her really more important than having fun after school at the football game? You always went to football games back in suddenly a girl changes your mind? Why can't I change your mind?"

"Sage.. I'll see you tomorrow." He said hanging up the phone. God she was persistent and fucking nosey.

"What did she want?" Sakura asked.

"She wants me to go to the football game tomorrow after school. She thinks I'm not going because of you when in reality it's is the game I was playing the day my parents died... I'm just nervous and anxious.. but she doesn't get that." He said.

"Oh I see.. well if it makes you feel better I'll be going to the game." Sakura said.


"Yes I was going to go to see the girls cheer." She smiled. "If it makes you a little more comfortable that I'm going you should join me."

"I will.."

"That's good then.. well I think I should probably get home now, I'll see you tomorrow morning." She said walking up to him as he stood.

He pulled her into a hug and dipped down to kiss her one last time on her lips. "I'll walk you out." He said as she nodded.

"Teme! I didn't expect you to see you of all people at the football game, it's going to have almost everyone in the school in attendance."

"I'm not foreign to attending football games dobe." Sasuke said.

"I wonder where Ino and the others are, I know they haven't hit the field yet." Sakura said looking around.

"I texted Hinata already, they're still in the locker rooms." Naruto said.

"Oh wow.. I guess I'll be able to see them after the game." Sakura said. "Lets walk to the concession stand!" Sakura said.

"Yeah! I want some nachos!" Naruto said.

"What about you Sasuke?" Sakura asked.

"Get me a drink, I'll go find us some seats." Sauske said as Sakura nodded.

He found them some good seats in the outside bleachers, not many people were around and it was high enough for them to see the entire field.

Sasuke kept watching the bottom of the bleachers waiting for Sakura and Naruto to walk up and find him.

"Sasuke! You came!" He turned to see Sage looking at him with a smile.


"What made you come? You weren't as busy as you thought you would be huh?" She said happily. She was excited because she didn't see Sakura with him. Maybe she did it, she able to sway him.

"Hn." Sasuke said still looking down towards the bottom of the bleachers. Sage followed his gaze and when she noticed him stand and wave, she saw the person who waved back.

It was Sakura. She was with Naruto walking up holding some snacks and drinks. Her whole attitude changed. It was too good to be true.

"Oh I see, she's here so that's why you came... was I not enough to make you come out and have fun."

"It's not like that Sage." Sasuke said sitting back down as Sakura and Naruto made it up to him.

"Oi Teme, here's your drink, we got you some chips too!" Naruto said tossing the items to Sasuke who caught them.

Sakura had took her seat right beside Sasuke as Naruto squeezed himself between Sasuke and Sage. "Oh hey are you Teme's friend too?" Naruto asked turning to the girl, she only ignored him leaning forward watching as Sakura held up a nacho and Sasuke leaned forward taking the bite. A bit of cheese had fell causing her to laugh and wipe it away for him.

Sage was beginning to feel a bit jealous, obviously Sasuke and Sakura are more than friends from what she sees. She understands they've known each other for some time but Sasuke was also in Osaka for the last three years where he was friends with her and others.

Why is he treating her like a nobody and giving all of his attention to Sakura..

"Hey! Did you hear me y'know?"  Naruto leaned forward obstructing her view. Nacho cheese was on his face. Sage gave a small glare to him before rolling her eyes. "Yes, I'm a friend of Sasuke's." She said leaning forward again. This time she watched Sakura giggle as he whispered something in her ear and watched how she did the same causing him to chuckle from whatever she told him.

"This is ridiculous. Nothing is that funny." Sage murmured.

"INOO PIGG!!" Sakura stood up immediately when she noticed the cheerleaders ran out to the field. Her friend turned around waving to her as Sakura waved happily.

Sage had let her jealousy get the best of her, she stood and walked behind the seat they all sat on, when she got behind Sakura she bumped her a little bit causing Sakura to tumble over almost taking a steep fall.

Sasuke was quick catching her making sure she didn't fall from such a height. "Are you okay?" He asked as she nodded.

He helped her back to her feet where she turned around seeing Sage standing there.

"Sorry, I lost my balance a bit." Sage said.

"It's alright..." Sakura said.

"Watch your step." Sasuke said semi glaring at Sage who scoffed.

"It wasn't like I did it on purpose Sasuke-kun" Sage said as Sasuke rolled his eyes at the honorific.

"It's okay, I'm sure you didn't mean too." Sakura said offering an awkward smile.

"Man look at Kiba go! He's going to score in no time!" Naruto cheered, paying no attention to the others, his eyes were focused on the game.

Tokyo High ended up winning the game, Sage had left mid game due to not being in the mood to be there anymore. She couldn't sit and watch Sasuke and Sakura the entire game. It was supposed to be time between her and Sasuke but all he did was brush her off.

"Sakura, are you ready to go yet?"

"Oh yeah! I have my overnight bag!" She said.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I'm spending the night! I talked with my Aunt yesterday and she okay'd me to stay tonight and tomorrow." Sakura said. "She trusts me." She added.

"I see.. why didn't you just leave your clothes at home? You literally live two seconds away from me." He chuckled taking her bag from her to carry it.

"Because I didn't plan on stopping there. I thought we could go straight to your house." She said.

"Sasuke!" It was Sage calling out to him. She was waiting by the exit for however long. Sasuke assumed she was already gone by how she left the game.

"What is it?"

"Me and some friends are hanging out tomorrow, would you like to join?"

"I don't think so.." he said.

"She can come too.. since I know you can't function by yourself anymore without her being around." Sage said sarcastically as Sasuke rolled his eyes.

"If you're going to be a smartass then I really don't want to. You're being rude." He said.

"I don't mean to-"

"It's fine.. I mean.. if you want to go Sasuke.. you can.. I don't think I'd want to join if I'm not genuinely welcomed." Sakura said.

"Listen, you both can come.. we'll be at the mall tomorrow afternoon. It'll be a Saturday, let's enjoy the weekend." Sage said. "I don't mean to be rude.. it's just how I am.. I apologize if I come off that way."

"It's okay.. maybe I can see if my bestfriend would like to join as well." Sakura said.

"That's fine! The more the merrier." Sage said with a smile before turning and going on about her day.

"She's a bit....weird." Sakura said.

"She wasn't like that back in Osaka.. it's almost like she's a completely different person." Sasuke said. "She's being pushy and I don't like it."

"Maybe you should talk to her.. something could be wrong." Sakura said as he looked down at her.

"Yeah.. I'll try to talk to her." He said. "Hopefully nothing is wrong." He said.

"You sure you don't want to watch something on TV downstairs?" Sasuke asked.

"No I'm a bit tired." Sakura said as she walked up to his bed where he held his blanket up for her so she could climb in.

"Are you comfortable sleeping with me?" He asked as she nuzzled close to his chest, getting very comfortable. "Of course I am. I trust you." Sakura said.

"Hm." He hummed as he leaned down to kiss her forehead. "Get some sleep."

"I will, make sure you sleep well too."

"I'll sleep once I hear from my brother." Sasuke said.

"He'll text or call, he's probably settling in-" Sakura was cut off by a buzz on his nightstand.

Sasuke leaned up and reached over her grabbing his phone, it was a text from Itachi.

"Speaking of the devil himself." He said as Sakura chuckled. "See, told ya." She said reaching up poking his nose as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"He says he's just now being able to get into his hotel."

"Hotel? Did he sale your parents house?"

"..No.. not that I know of."

"I see.. maybe it's too hard for him to stay there.."

"Yeah probably.. or maybe it'll be too big of a distraction... I know he'll probably stop by there though." Sasuke sighed. "It was hard for me to be there by myself.. he probably feels the same." Sasuke said.

"I get it.. I hope things shape up for you both.. I couldn't imagine losing a loved one in that kind of situation."

"We'll be fine. As long as I have you and my brother has me." Sasuke said as Sakura nodded then yawned.

"Go to sleep Sakura."

"I'll sleep when I get a kiss goodnight."

"Now you're just being spoiled." He chuckled.

"And who's fault is that?" She asked.

"Certainly not mine. Who's been spoiling you?" He asked as she giggled.

"There's only one guy who I will let spoil me." She said as he chuckled leaning down to her. Softly he kissed her lips then retreated. He didn't want to kiss her for too long or else they both wouldn't stop.

"Now, Goodnight and Go to sleep." He said softly.

"Goodnight Sasuke." She said as she snuggled closer to him, closing her eyes.

With one last kiss to the top of her head, he began to drift off to sleep as well.

Entangled in one another, they both slept peacefully for the first time in a while.

He was happy he had her and she was more than happy to have him.

Hopefully the rest of their days could be just like this forever.

They could only hope.

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