The Brain and the Bass Guitar...

נכתב על ידי adult_disneyprincess

213K 9.9K 1.3K

Derek Hale is a loud mouthed Londoner with the band Unknown Artist. He's been in the tabloids for everything... עוד

Coming Soon
Chapter One (Mature Content)
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve (Mature Content)
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Epilogue-One Year Later
Character Ask

Chapter Six

9.2K 491 73
נכתב על ידי adult_disneyprincess


 The first month of married life is not the honeymoon stage for Derek and Stiles. They argue over stupid things until Stiles just ignores him, and then Stiles just sort of starts killing him kindness until Derek stops being an asshole most of the time. "Morning." Stiles hums when Derek walks into the kitchen at eleven. Derek makes a loud groaning noise, he's probably hung over like always, and Stiles laughs as he hands him coffee.

"Thanks." Derek says, softly. Stiles hums to him as if saying he's welcome and he reads over a magazine where his and Derek's faces are on, taken one day when they were coming from marriage counselor. It has the title "Trouble already? Derek and Stiles Hale seen leaving a marriage counselors office." Stiles sighs, and Derek looks at him before taking the paper from him. "Unknown Artist's Derek Hale and his husband were seen leaving a marriage counselor ("Counselor." Stiles corrects him, gently) office. When this report asked Mr. Hale if he and his husband were having trouble, I was told to go have sexual relations with myself." Derek reads, chuckling to himself. "Reportedly, the other members of the UA had this to say about Stiles: 'He's a good guy, makes Derek calm. We really like him and he's not like the other people Derek has seen.'." Derek reads, frowning some.

"They like me? That's nice." Stiles hums, sipping his water while Derek looks at him. "It bet it was Jackson. He got me coffee once." Stiles says,and Derek gives him a look. Stiles smiles as he reads the other articles that don't involve him. "Apparently, some one is talking about on Twitter." Stiles hums, showing a page to Derek that makes him roll his eyes.

"Allison Argent always talk shit." Derek says, and Stiles chuckles as he moves to answer the door when it rings. Derek goes to make himself something to eat, and Stiles smiles when he sees the rest of Derek's band at the door.

"Hello. Come in. I made cupcakes." Stiles says, and he moves away from the door. Isaac cheers as he moves to get some, Erica gives him a weird look (Stiles will win her over if it kills him), and Jackson hugs him. Stiles grins as he hugs him back, Stiles likes cuddles and hugs and he's been feeling attention starved lately, and Derek gives them a strange look. "What brings you all by?" Stiles asks, and it's sort of a stupid questions since they're all together.

"Gregory gave us the copy of the new contract and Derek needs to sign it." Jackson tells him, eating one of Stiles' cupcakes. Stiles nods as his head as watches Isaac pass a thick packet of paper towards Derek, who just grabs it before looking around for a pen.

"Whoa. You can't just sign something before reading it!" Stiles tells him, taking the contract away for him so that he doesn't do something stupid. "Really, you lack common sense Derek Hale." Stiles tells him, and Derek gives him an angry looks before he tries to take the contract again but Stiles turns away from him before he looks at it.

"Just let me sign it, Stiles. Gregory wrote it up for us." Derek says, and Stiles waves him away.

"Just let me read it over for you guys, okay?" Stiles says, and Derek looks like he wants to argue but Isaac and Jackson nods his head.

"Just let him do it, Hale." Jackson tells him, winking at Stiles. Stiles smiles at him before he takes the contract to his room to look over while Derek tells Jackson something in a whisper, Stiles thinks he catches something about being a brat or something but he really doesn't pay any attention to it.


Derek is strumming his guitar in the music room, writing down some lyrics, and he looks up when he hears a knock on the door. It's Stiles, he's always so fucking polite it's hilarious even when Derek tries to piss him off he's usually so nice to him, and Derek grunts. "I'm a little busy, Princess." Derek tells him, and Stiles frowns as he walks into the room anyways.

"Don't call me Princess." Stiles tells him, and Derek chuckles as he plays a couple of cords while Stiles watches him. "Wow. You're good at that." Stiles says, and Derek laughs. He thinks it's funny that Stiles has never heard of him, for some reason it almost makes Derek believe Stiles' story about not wanting his money. "I need to talk to you about something, but I'm sure that you won't be happy about it." Stiles says, and Derek gives him a curious look.

He isn't really paying attention anymore when Stiles sits down on the floor next to him, and Derek snaps a picture of him for Twitter. "Guess who's joining me for a writing session? #cutie" Derek posts, and he smiles to himself. He doesn't know why he's posting so many pictures of Stiles, maybe because he really thinks that he's cute when he's not paying attention. "What is it?" Derek asks, not really paying attention to him as he writes down notes in his notebook.

"I read over the contract and I think that it's not a very good one." Stiles says, thinking his words over carefully. Derek looks at him curiously before he gives him his full attention, and Stiles licks his lips before he speaks cautiously. "Gregory has been cheating you and your band out of a lot of money." Stiles says, and Derek looks at him in disbelief.

"That's bullshit. What is wrong with you?" Derek says, snorting at him. Stiles bites his lip before shaking his head. Gregory has been there for him all of his life, and he shakes his head again. Gregory is the one person that wouldn't portray him or the rest of the band. He discovered then in a bar four years ago and signed them.

"It's true. I wouldn't lie about this." Stiles tells him, and he takes a step forwards while Derek waves them away. "Derek. It's millions of dollar over the past three years." Stiles tells him,and Derek shakes his head again.

"Stop lying to me. Just because you're bored and you hate it here doesn't mean you have to ruin my life with your lies." Derek snaps at him, and Stiles flinches while he takes a step back out of instinct.

"Derek. Unknown Artist brought in over five hundred million dollars last year counting tours, merchandise, and record sales. The band only saw twenty-one million each." Stiles tells him, pointing towards the part in the contract that has it written. "You need a different lawyer and agent. The record company that produces your music isn't associated with Gregory." Stiles tells him, pleading to him.

Derek shakes his head while he moves to get away from him, and he slaps the contract out of Stiles' hand like a child. Stiles gives him a pleading looking, and Derek isn't paying attention to him. "That's a lie! Gregory would never do that to me! He's always been their for me!" Derek tells him, and Stiles shakes his head. It's true Gregory has been there for him, especially when his relationship with his mother became rocky and very public, so Derek needs to to be able to trust someone.

"It's not! Why do you think he wrote the contracts? He probably told you that he has your best interest in mind, and that you didn't have to read through it." Stiles says, and Derek gapes at him because that is how Gregory words things to him. Stiles seems to know that because he nods his head as he tries to show him, but Derek doesn't believe him so why would he need to look at the papers that are lying to him. "Derek. I'm not lying about this. Please. He's cheating all of you, okay?" He says, and Derek storms out of the room. He's tired of listening to Stiles.


Stiles just gapes as he goes and he rushes after him. "Derek! Derek! Stop!" Stiles calls after him, but it's no uses since he doesn't stop walking. Stiles sighs to himself as he leans his head into his hand while he thinks about what to do, Derek cannot let Gregory get away with this, and the idea hits him. "Jackson?" He calls out, hoping Derek's friends are still here.

"Watching the game." He calls back, and Stiles watches back to the see that he's watching a charity match that he played in. "What?" He asks when Stiles gives him an unimpressed look. "I pushed Louis Tomlinson to the ground and didn't get fouled,it's great." Jackson says, and Stiles has no one who that is so he just shakes his head.

"Why did Derek storm out?" Erica asks, she's upside down on one of Derek's reclining chairs and Stiles wonders if Derek has any normal friends. Stiles sighs as he sits down next to Jackson and he licks his lips, if Derek didn't believe them than he shouldn't except the rest of them too. Boyd walks into the room, and Erica brightens up before sitting up right making her cheeks turn pink. "Boyd, hey." She says, and Boyd almost smiles at her. The corners of his mouth twitch and everything, and it momentarily distracts Stiles because that's weird.

"Because Gregory has stolen millions of your hard earned dollars and he doesn't believe me." Stiles blurts, and they all look at him.

"What?" Isaac asks,and Stiles sighs as he takes out the contract to flip to a certain page.

"It says that he gets all the money, after taxes, that is earned from merchandise, guest appearances on talk show and stuff, performances that aren't in the scheduled concerts, and basically anything that isn't concert appearances he got the money for." Stiles says, and they all look at him like they don't understand. That's when Stiles understands why they never noticed, so of the words he had trouble understanding what they mention and theses are high school drop outs. "Guys. Those cardboard cut out made more money than you all saw last year." Stiles says, and they look at each other.

"So he's fucked us out of millions of fucking dollar that we earned?" Jackson asks, and Stiles nods his head at him. "Then what can we do? We cannot sue him, we willingly signed the contract." Jackson says, and Stiles nods.

"But you can get a new lawyer and agent, preferable not the same person." Stiles tells them, and they nod. "Now. I'm going to make sure that Derek doesn't do anything stupid." Stiles sighs, and Boyd nods as he moves to follow after him. Stiles knows that Derek can be explosive we he gets angry, and Boyd does too.


"You cheated us!" Derek tells him, and Gregory looks like a wild animal caught in a trap. Derek has him cornered in his office, Gregory didn't even bother deny it, and Derek is seeing red. "This is our hard earned money. I trusted you! You're fired!" Derek tells him, and Gregory shakes his head.

"It doesn't matter. I've got more that enough now from you and your bands stupidity." He spits, and Derek looks at him shock. He cannot believe that this is the same man that was almost like a father to him, and he shakes his head before moving to walk away. "Watch out for that husband of yours, Derek. He'll take you for everything until you have nothing." He spits, and Derek glares at him before turning around.

Derek almost runs smack into Stiles, and Stiles reaches out to steady him while Boyd looks him up and down. "Are you okay?" Stiles asks, carefully as he leads him outside. Derek scoffs before shaking his head and he makes to walk away from the building, and Stiles is on his heels. "Derek. I'm sorry." Stiles says, and Derek shakes his head.

"Don't be. I'm sorry that I didn't believe you." He says, and Boyd looks at him oddly. This is the first time that Derek has ever apologized for anything, and Stiles tells him that he forgives him. It's the start of some type of relationship, he hopes. 

המשך קריאה

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