Paradise: My Life Saver (A Ju...

By PurpleNinjaBelieber

26.1K 203 80


1. Fruit Punch Anyone?
2. Unnecessary Reminders
3. Ocean Blaze
4. Surprises
6. Faithful Accident
7. It Was Enchanting To Meet You
8. Late Night Thoughts
9. Not Just a Dream
10. When I Stare In Your Eyes, It Couldn't Be Better
11. Falling For You
12. Breakfast for Two
13. Tell Me What I Wanna Hear
14. Disappointment
15. Let You Know That Youre Always Lovely
16. This Is Love
17. Late Night Swim

5. Rebellious Work

1.4K 10 2
By PurpleNinjaBelieber

                                                                          5. Rebellious Work

“Morning Ladies!”  The voice startled me and I tore the pillow from under me and slammed it on top of my head.

“Wake up Ash!” My Aunt yelled from the living room. I tossed over to see that it was just 11 am.

                I hurled myself out of bed, tripping over my unpacked suitcases that lay carelessly on the floor. The little notebook my mother had given me dropped from my hand where I hadn’t noticed it’d been. I must have fallen asleep with it. I carefully placed it inside my night table and trotted to the bathroom. I studied my face as I brushed my teeth.  In the mirror it was surely noticeable that I had cried last night for my eyes looked weak and weary, there were bags under them. I washed my face quickly and proceeded to the living room. When I entered, my aunt had a stack of pamphlets in her hand. Kass, Tori, Paige and Alyssa looked dashing and vibrant. I looked down at my grey shirt and sweats.

“Here are today’s activities” Laurie said handing each a booklet of paper. “Feel free to do and go wherever you’d like.”

My stomach rumbled and my Aunt pretended to just become aware that I was standing there. 

“Morning doll.” She said with a smile.

I stood there with my arms across my chest, not bothering to respond.

“Well, get dressed, what are you waiting for? The uniform is in your closet.”

Kassandra snickered already testing my patience. “Shut it Kass.” I replied then grumbled back to my room.

                I snatched the uniform from the hanger and slit on the white pencil skirt and white polo that came with a black vest with thin white stripes. A tiny silver name tag was pined to the shirt, it read “Ashlynn”. I grabbed my hair in one hand and tied it in a sloppy pony-tail with the other meanwhile slipping on my black and white converse. “Done.” I whispered taking one last look in the mirror and heading back to the living room.     

“Don’t laugh!” I said peeking into where the girls sat discussing their afternoon plans. They looked up curiously and I walked towards them as if I were some runway model, causing them to chuckle. Might as well pretend I was okay with making a fool of myself.

“Dude, you don’t even look that bad, it’s actually cute!” Alyssa said with a sincere smile.

 “Don’t lie to her.”  Kass said turning her attention to a glass of orange juice.

 “Kassandra why don’t you just go choke on a d---”

 “Hey! That’s enough! You get going; you’re not going to be late.” Aunt Lauren said interrupting me.

 "See you later babes." I winked, blowing a kiss to Alyssa, Tori and Paige. They giggled as i closed the door.

 "No homo!" I said peeking back inside, setting off an encore of giggles.

 "Alright thats enough." Aunt Laurie said impaciently. I rolled my eyes and was on my way. 

             The restaurant wasn’t too far it was just two floors down. The ship was filled with teenagers running around giggling and enjoying there time, while I was getting weird stares from them. I hurried along to minimize the time I had to bee seen around looking like this.

                I entered The Gardens from the employee side. “At least it’s an elegant restaurant.” I said, pep talking myself. The kitchen smelled of freshly baked garlic bread and spices, it was actually making my head spin. It was probably from the fact that I was running on empty this morning. I took a quick glance around the kitchen and made sure no one was watching me, the kitchen staff looked intense and focused, they wouldn’t notice. I grabbed a bread stick and dipped it into the butter and took a huge bite. Mmmm! I would defiantly get use to this---

“Well, well, the newbie has arrived, and she’s tardy.” I dropped the last good piece of my breadstick, as I had been caught off guard by a familiar voice.

I twirled around and sure enough it was that same boy, the one with the French accent and single dimple from yesterday.

“May help you?” I said, disturbed at the fact that he’d called me a newbie. No one really knew how much I detested the word “new”. 

                His tone changed as he seemed to recognize me. “Oh, why it’s the girl who wanted me to join her at the private pool.” A teasing smile spread across his face. I didn’t respond and instead grabbed another breadstick and plopped on the counter and began to chew.

“You know I never did get your name…”

“I told you, you don’t need to know.” As I said this he inched closer to me trying to read my name tag. I instantly covered it and moved away playfully, he jerked back at my sudden movement.

“Why won’t you let me know your name?” He asked curiously.

“Just because.” I replied indifferently.

“Get off the counter this instant. Ashlynn!” A hoarse voice demanded at me.

                Irritated, I turned to face an old women with her panties tied in a knot perhaps. As soon as the women had come to view, the French boy went straight to work and pretended not to have been distracted. Sure the kid could’ve given me a heads up.

The lady drew closer to me. “I said get off the counter.” She snapped.

“Who are you to tell me what to do?” I replied calmly and charmingly. The activity in the kitchen stopped and it was suddenly so quite that if a spoon where to drop you would surely hear it.

“Your Aunt warned me about you.” She snarled. I tilted my head and gave her a dashing smile. Throughout my short years I’ve learned that it pisses people off when you’re all sugary and sweet when you’re getting yelled at or in trouble.

“Get to work people!” She roared and sure enough everyone did as she said. That’s surely wasn’t going to fly with me.

“Who are you to be bossing around people like that? Oh…you must be the boss…” I said playing innocently dumb. “I’m so sorry.” I continued and she bought it.

“Since it’s your first time I’ll let you slide. My name is Charlotte, and I want you on top of your game. There’s pretty much three basic rules, First off no eating, drinking, spilling, or dropping the food, for it comes out of you pay check. Two, be friendly to the costumers and three do as I say. Got it?”  

“Sure.” I nodded though one, she could probably smell the garlic in my breath, two, being friendly didn’t always come naturally to me and three I hate being bossed around.

“Good, now wash the dishes over there, if you need anything, Aaron will assist you. Aaron waved at with a knife in his hand. Great, Aaron just so happen to be the French guy. As soon as Charlotte left I walked over to the sink of dishes. I almost hurled just looking at the disturbing used plates. I added more soap then necessary and began to scrub the built up left over food off.  “Maybe if I don’t wash them thoroughly, maybe I’ll get fired.” I smiled at the thought.

“You know you’re not doing a very good job... Ashlynn” Aaron noted picking up one half of a quarter washed plate.

“I know.” I said cheery at the fact that it was noticeable.

“I suggest you scrub all this shiz off or you’ll be staying after hours.” Aaron said grabbing an extra sponge and rewashing my plates.

“Dude, I can do it myself.” I said snatching a dish so violently from his hand that it slipped out of my hand, sending it crumbling to the floor.     

“Score!” I yelled excitedly.

Aaron laughed though he was shaking his head. “Yep, I give you another five hours before you’re fired.” He moved to the furthest side of the kitchen for a broom and returned to clean up the shattered plate.

“Really?” I said even more excited this time.

“Yea…” He looked at me questioningly.

I sighed, “You see, it was a choice of mine to be working here, I’m being forced to. The faster I get fired the happier I’ll be.”

“Well, my job actually is to look after you and make sure you do your job correctly. I really wish you wouldn’t try any stunts or I’ll be the one getting fired. Charlotte warned the whole staff about you.” He smiled and his dimple deepened.

“What she tell you all?” I said sitting back on the counter.

“That you’re one hell of a trouble maker and rule breaker.” Aaron pulled me gently off the counter.

“So you actually like being told what to do, all the time?”

“It’s not really a choice, it’s sometimes a sign of respect.” Blah Blah Blah I thought in my head as Aaron spoke, I wish he was less gentleman like and… less boring. He’s good looks were really being put to waste, if he was only a little more adventurous…  

“Ashlynn! The dishes are not done, sweetheart keep it moving Aaron.” Charlotte mentioned as she passed by.

“Did she just call me an “it”?” I ask slamming a dish towel on the counter.

“Please don’t start.” Aaron said giving me back the towel.

I let it go and continued with the dishes, Aaron washed while I dried.

“How old are you?” I asked after a while of silence.

“18, and yourself?”

“I’m 16.” I said setting the last plate in a cupboard.

“I could have sworn you were like, 12.” He said smiling

“I’m so not 12!” I protested.

“Could have fooled me.” He said breathing a little too close to my face.

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