Pretty Boy (Draken x reader)

By chamomile_547

173K 5.5K 2.2K

(UNDER EDITING) where a girl finds herself making friends with gang members this doesn't really follow the pl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 11

3.7K 123 81
By chamomile_547

after the fiasco of meeting Takemichy, you, Draken, and Mikey went to a small cafe to spend part of the day.

"so, didn't think you had it in you to go against that big guy." Mikey started, and you chuckled at his words.

"honestly, i still would've if i was the only one there. but i woulda been scared shitless. i knew with you guys there he couldn't do anything, so i took that as an... opportunity."

the boys laughed at your truthfulness, and before any of you could speak more a few familiar faces entered the building.

your group of three turned your heads, watching as Baji, Chifuyu, and Mitsuya sat down at the same table.

"hey guys!" you greeted, smiling at them all warmly.

they all returned their own polite words, and your group made some small talk.

"so we broke up this fight today that one of Toman's guys was running;" Draken started, explaining the fight club that was happening under their noses.

you tuned out for the most part, looking around the small cafe at the posters and pictures tacked on the walls.

"-and then y/n kicks him in the shin, and she's just so chill with it. then she waved at Takemichy as if nothing happened!" he finished, and the boys all laughed at your behaviour; you slightly giggling.

before you could converse any more, the waiter came over to take your orders.

it was at this moment that you finally realized which cafe you were at, watching as the waiter walked over.

"hi guys! i'm Kenji and i'll be your server today. what can i get ya?" he asked, and you ducked your head at his presence.

you hid behind Draken who was sitting beside you, making it so that Kenji was unable to see your face.

Draken swivelled his head towards you, mouthing words. asking what was wrong.

"hide me!" was all you whispered, and he took the hint and puffed himself up as if to shield you.

Baji looked over to you confused, then back at the waiter, and his eyes widened in realization.

he shot Kenji a glare, and Kenji looked to him before speaking. "hey, i remember you. you came in a few days ago with a girl, right?"

"that's right." Baji answered shortly, and you took this as a chance to announce your presence.

"hey, Kenji, how's it going?" you asked awkwardly, still guilty about not contacting him since he gave you his number.

"oh! hey, it's good, what about you?"

"good good." you replied, and the others sat at the table watched the encounter go down with confusion written on their faces.

"hey, sorry i haven't texted you yet. i've just been, uh, really busy." you said apologetically, and he just nodded his head in understanding.

"no worries! we've all got things going on." he shot you a reassuring smile, and you perked up at that.

once you all ordered and he went behind the front counter, you let a breath out that you didn't know you were holding. 

"the hell was that?" Draken asked, jealousy showing on his features.

"ah, he's the guy that hit on me when i was with Baji." you explained, and Baji nodded.

the air around you all turned awkward, and Mitsuya took it upon himself to flip the mood.

"so, what did you guys do about that whole fight club thing?"

Mikey answered him, and the conversation seemed to flow once again.

you turned to Chifuyu, who was on the other side of you.

"so since you guys are in a gang, do you, like, ride motorcycles?" you asked sheepishly, not wanting to make a fool of yourself with a silly question.

he laughed and smiled at you, and you took that as him making fun of you.

"sorry i asked! it was a dumb question." you mumbled the second part, a slight blush of embarrassment on your cheeks.

"no no, it's not dumb. i just thought you would've known we all have motorcycles. i mean, there are three of ours parked outside!"

you turned your head to look out the window, and low and behold, stood three bikes lined up in the parking lot.

your face turned a deeper shade of pink, and you laughed at yourself for not realizing.

looking at the bikes for a little longer, you turned back to Chifuyu.

"those are so sick! i've always wanted a motorcycle."

"oh yeah? any idea what kind you'd want?"

your eyes lit up at the question, and you quickly blurted out "yamaha YZF-R1" (or any bike you'd want more!)

he laughed again at your quick answer, and the two of you talked a bit more about bikes, getting to know each other better in the process.


all the drinks you guys ordered were long finished, and everyone was getting ready to leave the cafe.

the bill was split by everyone, and Kenji went to hand you the receipt, before Draken reached his arm out and grabbed it from his hand.

"i'll take that, thanks." Draken said, a warning look in his eyes directed to Kenji.

you all left after that, and stood out in the parking lot for a bit.

it was nearing 6:00 p.m, and the boys had a gang meeting so you were getting your headphones out to walk home.

"hey y/n," Baji caught your attention, making you look at him.

"wanna go for a ride? i can drive you home."

Baji had overheard your conversation with Chifuyu, and wanted to let you ride on a motorcycle; his motorcycle.

your eyes lit up at the question, and you nodded your head vigorously.

everyone chuckled at your reaction, but Draken felt a twinge of jealousy in him.

'why didn't i think of that?!' he internally facepalmed, watching Baji help you onto his bike.

you said your goodbyes to everyone, and Baji informed the rest he'd be at their meeting spot in a bit.

"hold on tight!" he said as you nodded and wrapped your arms right around his waist.

Draken was watching the two of you, and Mikey flicked his temple.

"stop worrying so much, she'll be fine riding with Baji." Mikey tried to reassure, but didn't get the hint that Draken wasn't entirely worried about your safety; sure he was, but he was more jealous.

Draken tore his eyes away from you, and the remaining boys began their way to the shrine.

Baji revved his engine, and soon after that you felt the jolt of the bike starting up and gaining speed.

it felt as if you were flying through the roads, and when Baji looked at your through his mirror he could see a look of pure happiness on your face.

you squealed in delight, and Baji smiled at your state.

"can this thing go any faster?" you yelled to Baji over his shoulder, and he slightly looked back.

"hell yeah it can!" he yelled back. Baji had been going slow as to not scare you, but he gripped the handles and turned it in towards him more, making the bike gain traction and speed up.

he took the long way to your house after you told him the address, as to give you more time on his motorcycle.

you let out a half-scream half-laugh as the two of you tore around, forgetting any problems the two of you may have.


the ride unfortunately came to an end, Baji turning off the engine as he parked outside of your house.

you got off the bike and stood up unsteadily, adrenaline coursing through you from the ride.

you turned to Baji, and grinned as wide as you could.

"thank you for doing that! it was seriously so fun."

"anytime." he laughed, and the two of you said your goodbyes.

Baji once again turned the engine on, and drove away, not before smirking and waving to you.

you waved back and kept your hand up until you could no longer see him, then walked up the front steps and into your house.

as soon as you entered the house, you spotted your mother sitting at the kitchen counter, an angry look on her face.

you spoke hesitantly, chalking her bad mood up to a rough day at work.

"how was your day, mom?" you asked, and she turned to look at you.

she stayed silent for a long while, and you fidgeted under her cold gaze.

"what's wrong?"

"you. you're what's wrong." as the words came out of her mouth, you froze, remembering the meeting she had with your principal that morning.

your mood from earlier had immediately changed, a frown forming on your lips.

you stayed quiet, silently encouraging her to elaborate.

"your principal told me you've been causing a lot of trouble. sleeping in class, being a disruptive presence, skipping, stealing?"

your heart dropped, but you just stood there, unable to move.

"and then i went to your class to talk to you. and guess what, you weren't there!"

her voice was rising in anger, and your hands starting shaking due to situation.

"i mean, where the hell were you?! and just now, you pulled up with someone random guy on a motorcycle. what the hell is wrong with you y/n?!"

at this point you snapped, anger bubbling in your chest as you stood there and let her yell at you.

"he's my friend! and who cares if he has a motorcycle? that doesn't make him a bad guy!"

"oh yeah? well, i talked to Haru today after class ended. she said you're hanging out with a gang? so i'm guessing the boys i met this morning are in it too! and that guy that dropped you off!"

your breathing hitched in your throat, even more anger rising as you thought about Haru, who had suddenly left you as well as your other friends at school and now ratted you out.

"they're nice people mom! it's not like they're cold-blooded killers!" you defended, but it fell on deaf ears.

"i bet they're why you've been skipping and slacking off. from today on, i don't want you to see them anymore. they're bad influences!"

and that was the last straw. you started yelling instead of having an even-toned voice, pooling out all of your emotions onto her.

"mom, just listen to me! they're good people, and great friends! they're not a bad influence on me, if anything they've helped me! my depression goes away when i'm with them."

"oh please, not this again." she scoffed. "you don't have depression, or anything like that. you're just being dramatic."

you yelled back in retaliation, "countless doctors have said there's something wrong. why can't you just admit you're in the wrong about something for once?"

tears threatened to fall from your eyes, but you pushed them back and held your ground.

"i don't care. you're not seeing them again. and i'm taking your phone, and i'm going to watch over you everyday to make sure you finish all of your schoolwork. if you want to act like a child, than i'll treat you like one!"

"i'm not a child, and i don't need to be treated like one. you're not listening to me. you never have."

she stayed quiet for a second, allowing you to ask something.

"and why are you trusting Haru more than your own daughter? she stopped talking to me a while ago, and i've been going through it alone."

"well she's more of a daughter than you'll ever be." she spat, malice lacing her tone.

as soon as the words left her mouth, though, guilt washed over her.

"y/n i didn't mean that-"

but you were done listening to her. you're vision was clouding from the anger you were feeling, and you turned on your heels to exit the house.

"don't you dare leave this house y/n!"

your mother yelled after you, but you didn't slow down at all.

you turned the door handle and opened the door, but before you left, you spoke up once again in a low tone.

"well, thanks for yelling at me instead of being there for me. why don't you go call up Haru? i'm sure she'd love to comfort you right now."

and with that you walked out the door, slamming it closed on your way out.

(a/n: a bit of a longer chapter! i was debating putting the argument in the next chapter, but this one would be too short😭 but the next chapter will carry on from this part:) also i wanted to say thank u guys so much for all the reads and votes!! it means a lot to me🫶)

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