Getting Closer

By wonwoozi21

436 30 5

Charlie Evans is already on track to having his dreams come true. His life is near perfect, with grades that... More

Prologue - Charlie
Chapter One - Juliet
Chapter Two - Charlie
Chapter Three - Juliet
Chapter Four - Charlie
Chapter Six - Charlie
Chapter Seven - Juliet
Chapter Eight - Charlie
Chapter Nine - Juliet
Chapter Ten - Charlie
Chapter Eleven - Juliet
Chapter Twelve - Charlie
Chapter Thirteen - Juliet
Chapter Fourteen - Juliet
Chapter Fifteen - Charlie
Chapter Sixteen - Juliet
Chapter Seventeen - Charlie
Chapter Eighteen - Charlie
Chapter Nineteen - Juliet
Chapter Twenty - Charlie
Chapter Twenty One - Juliet
Chapter Twenty Two - Charlie
Chapter Twenty Three - Juliet
Chapter Twenty Four - Charlie
Chapter Twenty Five - Juliet
Chapter Twenty Six - Charlie
Chapter Twenty Seven - Juliet
Chapter Twenty Eight - Charlie
Chapter Twenty Nine - Juliet
Chapter Thirty - Charlie
Chapter Thirty One - Charlie
Chapter Thirty Two - Juliet
Chapter Thirty Three - Charlie
Chapter Thirty Four - Juliet
Chapter Thirty Five - Charlie
Chapter Thirty Six - Juliet
Chapter Thirty Seven - Juliet
Chapter Thirty Eight - Juliet
Chapter Thirty Nine - Charlie
Chapter Forty - Charlie
Chapter Forty One - Juliet
Chapter Forty Two - Juliet
Chapter Forty Three - Charlie
Chapter Forty Four - Juliet
Chapter Forty Five - Charlie
Chapter Forty Six - Juliet
Chapter Forty Seven - Juliet
Chapter Forty Eight - Charlie
Chapter Forty Nine - Juliet
Chapter Fifty - Charlie
Chapter Fifty One - Juliet
Chapter Fifty Two - Charlie
Chapter Fifty Three - Charlie
Chapter Fifty Four - Juliet
Chapter Fifty Five - Charlie

Chapter Five - Juliet

6 1 0
By wonwoozi21

Staring at a bowl of fruit doesn't seem that fun, but when your parents are screaming at you because of your behavior, the act suddenly seems interesting. For the past five minutes, the assorted fruits have become my companions while my father and mother continuously nag at me about Michael. Who gives a shit about Michael? Do they know that I'm their child?

"Don't you know the consequences of your acting out?"

"What will they think of us now?"

"I hope Michael is not rethinking this marriage."

"I wonder if they'll forgive us."

"I can't believe you!"

I just sit there and question my existence. Am I truly here? Is this real? Are they real? Am I? "You're acting like I'm Satan," I say loudly. My mother turns to me.

"We're in a very difficult situation because of you!"

"Oh please, I'll just apologize and everything will go back to normal."

"When has that ever worked?"

I turn to my mother now. "Like every time. No one can deny the puppy eyes." My mother rolls her eyes and my father just huffs. "You guys are drama queens."

"Juliet. Please, for once, think about consequences for everyone."

I'm getting furious. "It's so nice to see my parents so concerned about my wellbeing. I mean, Michael physically hurt me and emotionally abused me but that doesn't matter because it hurts a business deal."

My father looks to my mother and sighs. "I'm sorry you feel that way."

"I feel a but coming."

"But this deal effects all of us, you included."

"I don't care about money! I care about not fearing for my life!"

"Money is everything! How naïve are you?!" my father yells. "Everything is based around money, Juliet. Everything. I mean, look where you live!" I feel my face redden. This sudden act of honesty from my father is something that I never expected. I just pout and cross my arms in response.

"I am upset," I say slowly. "And I'm angry. I'm tired and I'm scared." They both calm down a little bit but still have judging eyes. "Someone, who I used to love hurt me. Michael hurt me. And you two don't care."


"No!" I interrupt. "Michael hurt me." I stand and silently say goodbye to the fruit. I turn to my parents once again. "I will apologize to his parents for leaving early as soon as I remember their address. But I will not apologize for defending myself."


I start walking towards Brooke's house when I remember that all my things are still at my apartment. Why does the world punish me this way? Now I have to grace the little bitch with my graced presence. I change directions and walk slowly to the apartment.

A good hour passes and I finally arrive. Taking a deep breath, I enter the premises of the front lobby and up two flights of stairs to come to apartment number 6. Man I can already smell his hatred. "Honey I'm home!" I yell as I enter the room. Michael is sitting on the couch, looking like he knew I'd be back. He just stares at me and I smile. "I'm taking the kids and leaving you!" I announce as I head toward the bedroom.

"Juliet," he calls out.

"Little Henry and Charlotte, where are you?!" I call out to my imaginary children. "Daddy is a bad, bad man!"

"Juliet, please stop," he says from the door frame.

I stop in my tracks, shocked. "I didn't know please was in your vocabulary. I'm so proud of you."

"Would it shock you that I also know the word sorry?" He pauses. "Because I am. Sorry, that is."

"Oh!" I step forward. "See, I know that already because this isn't the first time you've had to use that word. But I appreciate you trying to expand on your vocabulary skills." I head to the closet and start taking my things out of it.

He now comes at me and starts putting back my things. "What are you doing?"

"Like I said, I'm taking the kids and leaving."

"We don't have kids."

"That's what you think." I run into the kitchen because I'll need the food that I bought.

"Juliet, stop this nonsense."

"I'm leaving today, moving in with Brooke, then tomorrow I'm paying your parents a visit so I can say the engagement is over and then we will never see each other again. Isn't that just swell?" He runs in after me and I just know he's rolling his eyes. "I just learned that my parents love you more than me. Isn't that just swell?!" I say through gritted teeth.

"You're not going to do any of that," he calmly says.

I frantically say, "Oh just because you say it, it'll come true!"

"We're not breaking up."

"Michael, I have never said this – I have repeated this in my head many times – but you are the worst human being that I've met. You're a shit-faced, cock sucking, slimy prick. I hate that you breathe the same air that I do and you're a stuck up, half-witted, scruffy-looking, nerfherder!" I pause for breath and I'm surprised I remember dialogue from Star Wars from when Michael had on the marathon a week ago. "I don't ever want to see your fugly face ever again and for once and for all I'm taking the kids and leaving!"

Michael comes up from behind me and pins me against the counter. His hands find my waist and he asks softly, "Remember all the fun we used to have?" I close my eyes and remember sophomore year when we officially became an item and all the nights we spent together, especially the night I lost my virginity. "We used to like each other."

"We did," I smile.

"Let's go back to that. I want to have fun again." He pulls away my hair and starts to kiss my shoulder and neck.

"Michael, I'm leaving," I start but then he starts to get into it. His hands move along my body and I don't object. He always knew the right places...


I get up from bed and I quickly try to find my scattered clothes. "Where are you going?" Michael breathlessly asks. I shouldn't have done this. I really shouldn't have done this.

"I have to go. I have better things to do."

"Juliet, come on, don't be stupid."

"I'm taking the kids!" I shout. Why the hell did I just do that? And where are my shoes?

"Just stay here and we can fool around like we used to!"

Why did I come here? I honestly can't remember. All I know is that I have to go. "I'm tired, Michael. I need to go." I take my clothes and rush to the bathroom and shut the door as quickly as possible. I need to stop doing this to myself. Why should his unexceptional penis control me? I change as fast as I can and when I get out of the bathroom Michael and his naked form is waiting outside. "Get out of my way," I whisper.

"Tomorrow I'm meeting with some buyers but I want you to stay here tomorrow so we can talk."

"Yeah, sure, whatever." I say that just to get out of here.

"See you later," he shouts as I run out of the apartment and building.


"The dick doesn't control you!" Brooke yells at the top of her lungs. After I walked across town to get to her house, I told her where I was. "God I really hate heterosexuals."

"Oh come on," I say while folding my arms.

"Shut up for two minutes." She fetches a water bottle from the fridge. "Listen, I know you and your straight relationship is fucked up, but you're adding to his douchebaggery."

I sit and bite my lip. "Shit!" I yell as I remember the reason why I went over there in the first place. "My clothes!"

Brooke – obviously annoyed – rolls her eyes. "I love you girl but you're crazy."

"I know." I sit down at her small table and put my hair in a ponytail. "Okay, enough about Michael, I wanna know about your relationship."

"Bitch, I told you yesterday about my homo problems."

"Brooke," I whine.

She sighs loudly and sits down with me. "I'm meeting a girl tonight at a party and whatever happens happens."

"I'm glad you have things figured out. You deserve happiness."

"Don't get gloomy on me," she laughs. "Michael is an ass. You are going to get through this rough patch and I don't want to talk about this anymore." We sit in silence as we hit a road block in the conversation.

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