The Black Pirates

By Games-Books-Anime

230 8 0

Born and raised in Strickland Kingdom, Wooyoung's only access to the world beyond is The Black Pirates, crew... More

Twenty One


8 1 0
By Games-Books-Anime

"That's the other dragon?!" Mingi yelled, but Yunho roared and the other dragon barred his teeth, growling at Yunho in challenge.

"What do we do, Wooyoung?!" Captain Hongjoong asked, but I shook my head. In truth, I had no clue what we did! Then Yunho's tail curled around us and I knew he wanted us to stay put, so he could protect us.

"We trust him!" I finally said and looked at the other dragon, frowning as I saw six figures standing beside him.

"Captain!" I breathed and Hongjoong moved to stand beside me.

"RM!" He breathed and I frowned.

"I thought he was a pirate-"

"He's a split pirate. He has an army of ships, yes, but he mainly stays on land now after an injury. He didn't have a dragon the last time I saw him." He said and I looked at the dragon, who was snarling at Yunho. I set my hand on Yunho's tail then he looked down at me and I nodded once, silently signaling to him. He looked back at the other dragon then spread his wings, roaring in the other dragon's face. The other dragon smartly submitted, bowing his head and even bringing his wings in some.

"What now?!" Seonghwa asked, but we watched as a firestorm surrounded the other dragon, the storm shrinking until a man with shoulder length black hair and I think tattoos stood where the dragon was. As Yunho shifted back, he gripped my arm and kept me behind him.

"That dragon is new." He whispered and I hummed.

"How do you know?" I asked and he glanced at me.

"I've only been a dragon seven years, yet he submitted to me. He knew I was the older dragon, even if he is older in human years." He explained and I licked my lips.

"Now what, Yunho?!" I whispered and he sighed.

"Now, we speak with that dragon and the pirates. They won't hurt us, because the dragon knows I can easily kill all of them if I so pleased." He said and I nodded, gripping his arm as we slowly went towards the others.

"Captain Hongjoong. Long ways away from your boat." RM, I think, smirked at Hongjoong.

"You've got a new pet-"

"Jungkook is not a pet!" RM snarled and Hongjoong smirked.

"Considering how he obeys, he's a pet-"

"Enough, Hongjoong!" I cut in and he looked at me, the other pirate looking at me as his friends glared at mine.

"We just need to break an ancient spell on my magic, so I can kill all the faeries. Yunho said the dragon who was here before owed him a favor. Are you honoring that or not?!" I asked Jungkook, the dragon, then he snarled.

"Jong-Hyun owed you a favor?!" Jungkook asked and Yunho nodded.

"Where is he-"

"Dead." Jungkook whispered and frowned.

"He died protecting me, then I got cursed." He said and Yunho sighed.

"He passed his dragon on to you!" He whispered and shook his head, glaring at the younger dragon.

"When did he pass?" He asked and Jungkook eyed RM, who nodded at him.

"Three years ago, that's when RM found me out here." He said and Yunho nodded.

"He owed me a favor-"

"Where are you attempting to go?" RM asked and I eyed him then Yunho.

"The Dragon Temple." Yunho said and Jungkook's eyes widened.

"What are you doing taking them there?!" He asked and I looked at the man again. It was tattoos on his arm!

"Breaking an ancient spell and killing the race that hunts us!" Yunho said, but Jungkook growled.

"You know the rules, especially if you're older!"

"And I know Jong-Hyun owed me a favor to allow anyone into the Temple! You going to honor it or will I have to force you to?!" Yunho snarled and Jungkook went to object, but RM put his hand out.

"You're trying to kill the faeries. Why?" He asked and I glared at him.

"That's need to know-"

"You want passage through the Hot Lands? You'll tell me-"

"How about we just kill you now?!" Jongho spit, but Yunho put his hand out and Jongho stopped.

"You can threaten us, RM, but I will tear your little pet there apart before you can even pull your gun! Do you really wish for the dragon you sleep with to die?!" Yunho warned and RM's eyes widened as he glanced at Jungkook.

"How do you know they're sleeping together?" One of the other guys asked and Yunho smirked.

"I didn't. Thanks for confirming it-"

"Taehyung!" Jungkook growled, but I smirked as RM looked at Yunho then me.

"I'd heard rumors that the Faery Prince was searching for his long lost son, a half-human from some Eastern kingdom. Heard he even hired pirates to find his son. Am I safe to assume that's you?" He asked and I gave him a look, but he smirked.

"Seems you hate the Prince then-"

"You don't know what he's like!" I growled, but he lost that smirk.

"Actually, Faery Heir, I do." He said and I frowned, but he reached up and pulled his shirt up some, exposing a scar on his left hip. And it looked like it stretched beyond what he was showing, covering skin that his clothes still hid.

"The Faery Prince did this four years ago, because one of my ships happened to get too close to his waters. I have a particular bone to pick with that prince, and I'll happily eradicate an entire race. You need passage to the Dragon Temple? You have it. Just promise me one thing." He said and I felt my eyebrow lift in silent question.

"Burn that fucking forest to the ground!" He growled and I smirked.

"Happily!" I said and he smirked again.

"Then you're free to pass through our lands. Just don't cause trouble, and don't kill Jungkook-"

"I can't promise that one!" Yunho snarled, but I put my hand on his right pec and he looked down at me.

"Promise for me then! I need this!" I breathed and he growled, glaring at Jungkook.

"Fucking fine!" He spit and I looked at RM.

"We won't kill your dragon friend!" I said and he nodded.

"I trust your dragon knows how to get to the Temple?" He asked and Yunho scoffed.

"Course I do!" He said and RM smiled.

"Then off you go. Just keep that promise for me, Faery Heir." He said and I smiled as we went past him, the six pirates silently following us as we trekked through the sand.

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