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By mayadaisyy

575K 15.6K 3.2K

โTo be bewitched, or under a magic spell.โž Nova was your average sweetheart, she was quiet, shy, loved by all... More

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Authors Note
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Authors Note


2.5K 113 11
By mayadaisyy

Muted [ 4.3 ]

Nova walked into school for the first time with a genuine smile. Her terrors hadn't gone away completely but for the first time in a really long time she feels some kind of peace. A sense of relaxation.

"Hey guys." She waved to Stiles and Scott as she met with them.

"Hey Noves." Stiles smiled at the girl, "Are you going to watch us practice?"

She shrugged, "Why not? Though I'm surprised you guys even showed up and are still on the team."

"Why do you say that?" Scott snapped his head in her direction.

"We're barely in school long enough to finish classes, so you certainly don't stay for practice."

"She's right. We're terrible students." A panicked look fell over Scott, his lips forming a pout, "I might not even be captain anymore."

Stiles sent the girl a glare, unserious of course, before turning to Scott, "Of course you're still the team captain. You got your grades up, just like Coach told you to, right?"

He nodded, "Yeah, but he never told me I was back on the team-- he just told me to show up at try-outs today."

"We got bigger things to deal with, anyway." Stiles dismissed, "Did you tell Argent yet?"

The teen werewolf stuttered out his answer, "Uh, I texted him, but he didn't get back to me..."

The two had incredulous looks on their faces, "You told him his sister Kate came back from the dead over a text?"

"I didn't have the money to call France." Scott sheepishly responded.

A sad look fell over Stiles' face, "Yeah, you think you got money problems? Try paying for an MRI and a visit to Eichen House."

Nova frowned, "Another notice?"

He nodded, "Yeah. This one said "final." He released a tired sigh, "Now, what the hell are we doing here, anyway? We got like, one hundred and seventeen million problems, and worrying about our status on the lacrosse team is not one of them."

Scott went to agree but as his eyes caught the sight on the field he was left unsure, "...It is now." They all turned to look out towards the lacrosse field. Three players, two shooting their best shots at the goalie who seemingly caught each ball thrown almost effortlessly.

"Who the hell is that?" Stiles questioned.

The goalie removed his helmet, and cheered with his friends, "Nice, Liam! You might just be our first-ever freshman captain."

At the sound of his praise, Stiles and Scott worried, "Okay, maybe we should just practice a little bit..."

Nova tilted her head as she took a better look at him, "He's kind of adorable." She thought out loud, earning looks from both, "What?"

"And what does Derek think about you calling boys other than him adorable?" Stiles questioned.

She looked at them, arms crossed and eyebrows raised, "You think Derek likes being called adorable?"

Scott nodded, "He might." He smirked, "But I mean you tell us, what does he like being called?" He was trying to make her flustered.

"I hate you. Both of you." She pouted, turning to walk away from them.

"No you don't. You love us!" Stiles called out.

* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ☾˚ 。* 。 • ˚

"You thought he was a werewolf and confronted him about it?" Nova questioned as she walked with Stiles towards their next class.

"He was very good." Stiles insisted. "Too good."

Nova gave him a sympathetic smile, "Well I don't think he's better than you." She assured him.

Just as he was about to answer her, they watched as Malia began to back out of class, running away from her least favorite class. The two were quick to push her back inside of the classroom, "I hate math. It's pointless." She complained as they pushed her in gently.

"It's school! School is important, and math is essential." Stiles told her as they took their respective seats.

"To what?"

"Knowing how much to tip at restaurants." He finished off with a wink.

Rolling her eyes, Lydia turned towards them, "And other less important things, like medicine, economics, engineering..."

"Tipping." Stiles added.

Nova leaned her body forward to add onto the conversation, "And to make sure you get the right cut of your money even if it is only five dollars." She sent a slight glare towards Stiles.

"Still about that." He scoffed.

"Two dollars is not half." She pouted as she sat back up right in her seat.

Cutting their conversation short, the bell rang signaling the start of class, "All right, volunteers to the board! Lydia, Diego, Malia..." The teacher began immediately.

"Um... I didn't volunteer." Malia shook her head.

"You did now. To the board!"

Turning around to look at the other two, she sent him a glare which was received with two big thumb up from both Stiles and Nova, "Grrr..." She growled slightly before standing up.

While they waited for them to finish and while they waited, an alert over Stiles' phone called his attention. After looking at what was on his screen, he turned it a bit to show Nova who shares a similar puzzled but interested look.

After their class ended, they found Scott with Kira, walking with them as they talked over the most recent news they had just found out.

"An axe-murderer?" Kira questioned.

"A family-murdering axe-murderer!" Stiles exclaimed.

Scott looked unbothered, "I already heard about it." He told them.

"Wait, what? You did? How?" Stiles and Nova questioned.

"My mom called me. She knew we'd see it on the news."

"Perfect! Let's go!" Stiles grabbed Nvoas wrist, and turned to walk away.

"Whoa, whoa–" Scott stopped them from going any further, "We've got econ. in five minutes..."

"All right, did you forget the part about the family-murdering axe-murderer?" Stiles questioned with confusion as Scott wasn't following them.

"Did you forget your dad's the sheriff? They want us to stay out of it." The alpha reminded the two.

"Are you guys kidding me?"

Nova agreed, "Yeah, when has that ever stopped her before?" Usually she wasn't one to go along with it but she if there's one thing she's learned, was that she trusts Stiles.

"There's a family-murdering axe-murderer and we're not going to do anything about it?"

Kira shrugged looking between the two brunettes, "Maybe we should just let the adults handle it..."

"So, the two of you, you just want to stay here, school, go to class?" Stiles shook his head with disappointment, "Never heard anything so irresponsible in my life!"

"So irresponsible!" Nova added for emphasis as she and Stiles turned to walk away.

"See you at tryouts?" Scott called out though didn't receive a response.

The two continued to walk their way, "Can you believe that guy." Stiles scoffed.

* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ☾˚ 。* 。 • ˚

Nova sat with Kira and Malia, on the bleachers as they watched their friends practice for lacrosse. Nova had found it hard to hold in a giggle at the sight of Stiles not being able to keep up with the rest, and Scott having to hold him up.

"What's wrong with you?" Malia questioned Kira, who was sitting at the edge of her seat, as she stared out on the field.

"Me? Nothing." She answered rather quickly, making the other two look at her skeptically..

Malia's face scrunched up with distaste, "You reek of anxiety, and it's distracting. What's going on?"

The asian girl sighed, "Scott and I sort-of had this thing happen... But it wasn't much of a thing... And I'm starting to think it never was anything at all."

"What do you want it to be?"

"More." Kira emphasized with hope.

"Well I'm sure you'll get your answer very soon." Nova smiled kindly before turning to Malia, "Now...do I smell of anything."

Malia breathed in her scent, "Strawberries."

"That's not what I meant–" Nova went to say but was cut off by the werecoyote.

"I like when you smell like strawberries. It makes you smell delicious." Malia said innocently.

The witch sighed, reaching through her bag, "You're hungry, aren't you?" The dirty blonde nodded, "Thought you would." She handed Malia a brown bag that held a variety of snacks.

"I love your dad." Malia went digging through the bag that was packed by Nova's father,  "Why can't he be my dad? We could be sisters."

Cutting their conversation short, the cheers of Coach ,"YES!"

They watched as Scott and Stiles tried to make shots into the goal but failed in doing so, "Isn't the team captain supposed to be one of the best players on the team? Or good?" Kira questioned.

"Supposed to." Nova shrugged.

They continued to watch until the boys were put in a different position, covering the goal together. The first boy went on to try and make the score but was taken down by Coach.

"That's my boys! Those two are like sons to me." Nova heard Coach say, making her smile for the two out on the field.

They two continued to dominate for a while earning cheers from the three girls and Coach, that was until it came to be Liams turn and he passed the two and scored in the goal.

Malia stood from her spot in protest, "That was luck!" She shouted. "Do-over!" She called out to Coach.

He looked back at her with a smirk, "Sweetheart, there are no do-overs– this is a practice." He remarked.

"Ten bucks on Scott and Stiles!" She bet.

"...I'll take that action." Coach pointed with a big grin.

As Malia took her spot back, she turned to the witch, "Nova, I think I need ten bucks." She whispered, making the other girl sigh with a smile.

The boys went back to their positions and as Liam went to take the shot, Scott rushed towards him, hitting him hard on the best and causing him to flip back, landing hard. There was a hear snapping sound heard causing everyone to panic.

Nova looked on as the whole team rushed over to them along with Coach, they watched as Scott and Stiles took Liam back towards the school. The three girls stayed on the bleachers when all of a sudden a ball came flying in their direction though two of the three didn't pay close enough attention, almost getting hit by the ball. Kira had caught it, in one of the lacrosse sticks, having Coach send her an impressed look.

"Oh!" His eyes widened impressed, "Wow! Nice catch! Throw it back!" He told the girl.

Kira looked unsure but with a look of encouragement from Nova, she threw it back though her aim wasn't as well, hitting the coach right at his abdomen, "Oh, my God!" The two girls muttered, cringing at the hit.

"Someone ask her if she's ever played lacrosse!"

Nova had a happy smile on her face for the girl, "I think you're better than Stiles." She said, earning a snort from Malia.

* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ ☾˚ 。* 。 • ˚

As Nova walked through the building of Derek's loft, she saw the door that was left open and the voices that were coming from inside. She easily recognized Dereks and had trouble recognizing the other one but came to realize it was Braedens.

As she turned the corner peeking inside, watching from the distance as they spoke. "And why would I trust you? I don't know anything about you." She heard Derek say leaning towards the dark skinned girl. Her eyes kept glancing between the two, not realizing the sense of nervousness that traveled through her body.

"Yeah, well... I know you. And I know what you really want-- you want what Kate stole from you." She crossed over to stand in front of Derek, "Briseann an dúchas trí shúile an chait. It means, 'the true nature of someone is reflected in their eyes.' In your case, the color of your eyes."

Leaning back Derek grabbed Braedens things and tossed them to her, "...You get a week." He said, watching as she walked out. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw the brunette girl who had made herself seen as Braeden passed her by.

She had a shy smile as she looked at him, "Hey."


Nova made her way in his direction, "Everything okay?" She asked but he just shook his head, "Now I know there's something wrong, you're even more moody and brooding than usual."

He shook his head with amusement, "This doesn't just happen." He flashed his now yellow eyes at her.

"None of what we've gone through just happens." She reminded him, "We're going to find out what's going on with you. I know we are, and I promise."

"Promise?" He raised his eyebrows with a smile.

She raised her hand, extending her small finger, "Pinky promise." He looked at her with a questionable look, "You have to lock your pinky with me at least so I know you somewhat believe me."

With a smile on his face he interlocked his finger with hers, only receiving a wide grin. "What now?" He released her hand and pulled her towards him, his hands circling around her waist.

She stood on her tip-toes, to wrap her arms around his neck, "Just, your smile. It's very charming."

He rolled his eyes playfully, "You'll never let it go, will you?" He said, recalling how Nova hadn't stopped teasing him about the comments he made when he was reversed in age.

However before she could answer with a smart remark they were interrupted, "Oh why don't you just barf on me." The agonizing voice of Peter caused the two to roll their eyes.

Nova removed her arms from around Derek and turned to Peter, "Don't you have a hole to die in?"

"Believe me, after what I just heard and witnessed I wouldn't mind start digging one for myself." He bit back.

"What do you want Peter?" Derek interrupted before Peter could talk any further.

"Well if you're putting my non-existent money on the line, might as well find out if she's found anything useful." He said in regards to Braeden.

"She's looking." The younger Hale answered.

Peter clapped sarcastically, "Perfect! Just perfect!"

Nova had taken a seat allowing the two Hales to talk, "Well if this is about money, have you ever thought about finding a job. Mcdonalds is hiring." Her head tilted with a smile.

"Is this funny to you?" He questioned with a scowl.

Nova answered with an innocent smile, "Yes." With a huff, the elder man went to make his way out of the loft space leaving the two alone. "You know, he's gotten more aggravating as of late."

"Yeah." Derek scoffed.

Leaning her head on the couch backrest, the girl let out a tired yawn, rubbing her eyes with exhaustion though she was still fighting to stay awake and alert. "You know if you're tired, you can go to sleep." The werewolf pulled her up off her spot and guided her towards the large king sized.

"I'm not tired." She opposed though it was written all over her face that she was lying.

He smiles softly, "Yes you are. I know you haven't been sleeping."

"Who told you that?"

Narrowing his eyes at her, he gave a knowing look, "I can see it." She just looked exhausted, no matter how much she tried to hide it. Not even the concealer under her eyes can hide the dark circles forming.

Fiddling with the ring on her finger she responded nervously, "It's been weeks, and the nightmares only get worse." Dealing with aftermath of what happened to her, hasn't seemed to want to go away, "On top of that, dealing with a missing boyfriend and everything you went through, it's been kind of hard to find any–"

"Peace." The werewolf sighed with guilt, "Have you told anyone about the nightmares?" Nova shook her head no.

"I can't. Everyone's got their own things they're going though, it's not fair to burden them."

Derek climbed on the bed before pulling her in despite her protests, "It's not fair for you to think you have to go deal with it all alone."

"Well it's not fair for you either. You just got back from being kidnapped and being turned into a teenager. You have your own things to deal with." She rambled on.

Derek took a hold of her hand, brought it up to her eye line, "You remember why I gave you this? What I told you?" He gestured to the ring, Nova nodded, "Then let me be here. Talk to me Noves, I want you to talk to me."

She let go of the breath she had held in, "I just want it all to end."

Kissing the top of her head, Derek agreed, "I know. Me too." He maneuvered the two of them so his arms wrapped around Nova's waist, her head resting on his shoulder. "But no matter what I'll always be there for you, I love you." He whispered into her ear.

She got comfortable, smiling at his words, "I love you too."

˛ ☾˚

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