Slytherin's Potter ( Scorpius...

By wingardium_leviOsaR

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Lily Potter dreamed of going to Hogwarts and being in Gryffindor. But the time comes for her to go to Hogwart... More

Part 1: A Potter? In Slytherin? No way!
Part 2: Everything's changing
Part 3: Gryffindor's versions of Slytherin's
Part 4: Playing Dirty
Part 5: Family advice
Part 6: The Quidditch cup tension
Part 7: The end of the beginning
Part 8: Malfoy Manor
Part 9: A Slytherin Dinner
Part 10: A New year
Part 11: A Snake in the Lions' den
Part 12: Win, or Die trying
Part 13: Tension Rising
Part 14: The good, bad or shocking news
Part 15: Guilty cheaters can't handle the truth
Part 16: A Slytherin in Gryffindor's colors
Part 17: Boys are gross! Right?
Part 18: Who said summer school wasn't fun?
Part 19: People changing with time
Part 20: Don't mess with Slytherin's girl
Part 21: When September ends
When September ends. Pt.2
Part 23: Curiosity never killed the snake
Part 24: How unfair life can be
Part 25: Taking a stand
Part 26: The close to perfect first date
Part 27: The omen of a bad day
Part 28: And down goes Potter, broom and all
Part 29: Too much drama for one break
Part 30: Punk rock princess
Part 31: Friends, Boyfriends and Crushes
Part 32: Time's almost up
Part 33: New member to the Weasley clan
Part 34: A circle of magic
Part 35: Crossing the line
Part 36: The clean Potter name
Part 37: Guess who's coming over
Part 38: Enough is Enough
Part 39:Making new windows
Part 40: Bad, bad girlfriend
Part 41: High Society Girl
Part 42: A Selfish-Princess
Part 43: Lily Luna and nothing more
Part 44: A life changing party
Part 45: Match made in heaven
Part 46: Be proud of your father
Part 47:Best Birthday ever
Part 48: Which family is mine?
Part 49: The good in the bad
Part 50:Don't Fade away
Part 51: A light of you own
Part 52: How to look like a Slytherin
Part 53: Front page material
Part 54: Full of guilt and full of love
Part 55: Blacking out the guilt
Part 56: Glad you're well, Lily Luna
Part 57: Cracks in family foundation
Part 58: Understanding Yourself
Part 59: Christmas break the Malfoy way
Part 60: No man better
Part 61: From troublemaker to peace maker
Part 62: Our cousins, Our saviours
Part 63: One down, hundred to go
Part 64: The trials of undying love
Part 65: The damages of rivalry
Part 66: Undetectable changes
Part 67: Changes Raising Tensions
Part 68: Perfect Ideas
Part 69: Daddy's perfect little girl
Part 70: Heart to heart
Part 71: Like a game of chess
Part 72: An outside victory
Part 73: A job for a Weasley
Part 74: Out with the old, in with the new
Part 75: Taking advantage of time
Part 76: Change in the air
Part 77: The father and the boyfriend
Part 78: Checkmate
Part 79: Good changes and Bad changes
Part 80: The lines of maturity and self awareness
Part 81: Dealing with emotions and questions
Part 82: Live with what you do
Part 83: Union and Reunions
Part 84: Too mature for 16
Part 85: A dream to nightmare
Part 87: Giving and taking advice
Part 88: When something isn't right
Part 89: When something isn't right
Part 91: The invisible targets
Part 92: A generations mistake
Part 93:Stopping a repeat in time
Part 94: The impossible
Part 95: The changes of growing up
Part 96: Ready or not we are moving forward
Part 97: Life in future together
Part 98: A promise kept
Part 99 : Decisions always ride on shoulders
Part 100: Now begins the end
Part 101: Smile
Part 102: Lessons of life
Part 103: A two year wait
Part 104: The way of game
Part 105: When tables are turned
Part 106: The responsibility of a sister
Part 107: People change as life continues
Part 108: The reasons why we do
Part 108: Counting down time
Part 109:Beginning of something new and familiar
Part 110:The different forms of bravery
Part 111: The Potter siblings' secrets
Part 112: Reasons to worry
Part 113:Shadows Looming Over
Part 114:Dealings with pregnancies
Part 115:The unpredictability of life
Part 116: When you're no longer hurting
Part 117:Old life and new life
The Outtakes

Part 118: And life goes on

535 6 0
By wingardium_leviOsaR

Lily sighed as she sat in Jacob's office. Mitchell, demanding to see more of the castle, had been led off by her uncle Neville, to see all he could see. And Lily, now having time to get out of the classroom, had taken the time to come to her old headmaster's office to sit and think.

Perhaps they hadn't changed anything years ago. Maybe you just couldn't change some things and some people. And maybe it wasn't she that had failed. Maybe it was just the failure to pass on what she and those in her year had done.

Lily didn't pay attention as the door to the office opened. "Ah, Lily, you really are here!"

In surprise, Lily turned to see that Johnny Pritchard was walking into the office. Lily stood up and hugged him. "Johnny! I never thought I'd see you here of all places!"

Johnny smiled as they pulled away from the hug. "Well I too was asked to talk to students. Although I made sure to come yesterday and at least have a big look around the school I never got to attend," he joked.

"What did you talk about?" Lily asked, but it hit her as soon as the words left her mouth.

"About Squibs," Johnny said as they both moved to sit down. "Jacob wanted me to come and explain my life after learning of being a Squib. How my family handled it, how I handled it, what my life was like, how it is now, what I went through, and such. I couldn't say no when he asked."

"There aren't kids here that hate Squibs too, are there?" Lily groaned.

Johnny laughed. "No, no, I don't think so. Jacob said that he'd heard me talk at a group counseling session about how to live with being a Squib, and said he thought it'd be great for kids to hear."

"You talked at a counseling session?" Lily questioned.

Johnny nodded. "Yes, that's what I do now. I work in a place that helps people through problems, and being a Squib, or having one in the family, is included in that. Actually, I work with your sister-in-law, Stacy. Her office is not far down the hall from my own."

"But I thought you were going to school to get a muggle job?" Lily asked.

"I still go to school," Johnny assured. "The way I do it is what muggles call unconventional, but I do it. But when I was offered the position to help others that are just coming into my situation, I couldn't say no. So I work most days of the week."

"I thought you weren't sure if you wanted to work within the magical world?" Lily pointed out.

Johnny gave a small grin. "I wasn't sure. But then . . . I finally told my longtime girlfriend about what I am, and what my family is."

"Really? How did that go?"

Johnny sighed. "Well, it was . . . a shock for her. A bit of disbelief. Well, a lot actually. And there was honestly a period where we didn't see each other while she . . . processed what I'd told her. But we're ok now. And when we began to talk about things, honestly and in-depth, she suggested that I stay in the magical world. And when the job opportunity came, she urged me to take it."

Lily smiled. "Well I'm glad it's worked out for you. That doesn't always happen."

"I'm extremely lucky," Johnny said with a nod. "And for that, I'm extremely grateful."

"You know, I still haven't met Cassidee, although I've heard all about her," Lily teased.

Johnny chuckled. "You'll love her. We'll have to have dinner sometime."

"How long have you been dating?" Lily inquired.

"Years," Johnny said simply. "I've lost track. But . . . well don't tell my siblings, but we've planned to get married."

Lily raised a brow. "Are you serious?"

"Once we are both finished with our schooling," Johnny said with a bit of a smile. "Then we'll announce it to our families, and begin the planning of the ceremony."

Lily smiled. "And your sister always worried about you. Looks like she never needed to. You've always seemed to work things out on your own."

"I did my best," Johnny admitted. "And I know I failed at times, but I did my best." He smiled at her. "So, what are you here to talk to them about?"

"House unity," Lily sighed, her old thoughts coming back. "Honestly, it's almost a little disappointing."

"How so?" Johnny asked.

"Because . . . me and the others in my year worked so hard to stop the hatred between Houses from continuing and growing. But . . . apparently we didn't," Lily admitted.

"Lily, not everyone changes," Johnny told her. "And you can't reach everybody. Some people have to learn themselves. Our parents did, you guys did, and now maybe this generation will have to as well."

"It's still so sad," Lily sighed.

"Perhaps your parents thought the same thing." As usual, Johnny sounded much too wise.

"Never again, Scorpius Malfoy, and I mean it!" Lily hissed as the pain of labor ran through her. She squeezed Scorpius's hand, in her pain and light anger, she hoped she at least cracked it.

"You always said no more than three," Scorpius joked weakly, obviously hiding his own pain that she caused.

"You're doing great, Lily, really," Victoire assured. "Just a little bit more."

"You just had to have another one!" Lily groaned. "You had to have a little girl."

"I'm sorry," Scorpius said lightly.

"I hope it's another boy!" Lily seethed, her pain turning into anger. "Merlin, the other two weren't this painful!"

"Maybe it is a girl then. They always tend to be pain in the asses," Scorpius muttered. Lily responded by squeezing his hand even harder. "Sorry," Scorpius apologized through gritted teeth.

When the familiar sound of an infant's cry entered the room, Lily felt her entire body began to relax as it realized that it was over. Lily relaxed into the pillows behind her and closed her eyes. "You got your wish, Scorpius. It's a girl," Victoire said with amusement.

Lily opened her eyes to see a delighted Scorpius. "Malfoy's are always right," he teased.

Lily rolled her eyes. "Whatever," she mumbled as Victoire brought a pink bundle. The baby was placed in Lily's arms, and both her and Scorpius were silent. The baby was small, like any baby was when just born. She was quiet, and her eyes were closed. Her breaths were soft in sound.

"What's her name?" Victoire asked.

Scorpius seemed too distracted, so Lily answered. "Cissy Astoria Malfoy."

"Perfect. We'll go let the family know," Victoire assured as her and her team left them alone.

Lily looked at Scorpius. "Want to hold her?" she guessed. Her heart was pounding with the familiar feeling. The overwhelming happiness, joy, and love. But at the same time, her muscles were exhausted, as was the rest of her body.

Scorpius very gently brought their baby girl into his own arms, and looked down at Cissy with amazement. Lily could already see that he was easily wrapped around her tiny finger, and would be wound even tighter as she got older.

"She's beautiful," Scorpius murmured. Then he smirked as he glanced at Lily. "Just like her mum."

Lily couldn't help but to smile. "She is beautiful. And surprisingly quiet."

Scorpius chuckled. "Any infant is quiet after Drake. That boy was a crier for the first four or five months."

"Thankfully he's grown out of that," Lily agreed as she looked at their newborn daughter.

The door opened, and the one to be the first one in was Mitchell this time. He ran to where Scorpius was sitting, and stood there, looking at the bundle. "Aunt Victoire said it's a girl!" Now five, Mitchell had been as excited as Scorpius was at the thought of a little girl.

Scorpius nodded. "It is," he told him and the rest of the family that came in. "Her name's Cissy."

Mitchell moved around to look at the baby properly. "She's really pretty," he complimented. Then he smiled. "I like having a sister."

Lily laughed. "You just got her," she teased.

"But Uncle James says that having a baby sister is the best thing ever! And both he and Daddy say that being a big brother is an important job, especially to sisters," Mitchell said.

"They both still pick on their sisters," Lily joked.

"You ask for it."

"All sisters ask for it."

"Lily," Cecilia addressed from where she sat at the kitchen table, drawing a picture. Mitchell and Draco were playing around the living room, while Scorpius held and talked to Cissy.

Lily looked up from the modeling pictures she'd been looking over. "What is it, Cece?"

Cecilia looked unsure of exactly what to say. Getting ready to turn nine, Lily could easily notice how much Cecilia looked like her brother. While her hair may be blonde, they had the same face. It always made Lily think of Duncan.

"Well, I was thinking about something when I played with Fleur and Gabby the other day," Cecilia mentioned. "And it's just . . . well you know how Teddy calls you his sister, but you're not related? And how you see him like a brother, and he sees your dad as a father figure?"

Lily nodded. "Yeah. What about it?"

"Well, I see you as more than a babysitter, but I don't know what to call you," Cecilia stated. "Obviously it's not a mom and daughter thing. But it's still something different. Special. So . . . what is it?"

Lily thought about that. She agreed with Cecilia, that it was something more than just being close and a babysitter, but there really wasn't a word for it. So what to call it? "Well . . . what do you want to call it?"

Cecilia looked down at the picture she had just been drawing. "Well . . . Mum says that big brother Duncan saw you as a big sister. So . . . could I call you that? My big sister?"

Lily smiled. "Sure. Big sister it is."

But then Cecilia looked at Scorpius. "What should I call Scorpius?"

Scorpius looked at her and smirked. "Just called me Uncle. It'll be simpler than thinking about what to call me."

Lily rolled her eyes. "You are simple, sometimes," she mocked.

"Lily," Scorpius said, gaining her attention. Lily had sent the kids over to the Burrow, where her grandmother had a lot of her great-grandkids gathered for some reason, and then had gone to have lunch with Scorpius on his break.

Lily raised a brow. "What is it?"

"Well, I was thinking," Scorpius mentioned, "that . . . Cissy's getting bigger, and she's not going to need a crib soon. And, I think now might be a good time to discuss getting a bigger place."

Lily sighed. He was right. Cissy was getting bigger and older, and she had never liked being in a crib. Normally she was sleeping with her and Scorpius. But that still meant that she would need a normal bed, and possibly a room of her own. "Well, we could just get rid of my study and give her that room," she suggested.

"No, you love that room," Scorpius argued calmly. "I think we should move. And . . . well I haven't decided anything yet, but I think I might know the perfect place."

"And where would that be?" Lily asked.

"Our summer house in Ireland," Scorpius suggested. "I've talked to my dad about the idea, and he thinks it's great. He'd be happy to give it to us, if that's what we decide on."

Lily smiled at the idea. The house in Ireland. It was her favorite, and it did have many wonderful memories. "I do like the idea," she admitted. "But, are you sure?"

Scorpius grinned and nodded. "Yeah. It'll be perfect for us. I mean, it has more than enough rooms that you can keep your study, I can keep my workout room, and each of the kids can have a room of their own, even Cecilia, for when she spends long periods over. So?"

"This house is so big!" Mitchell exclaimed as he began to run around. "And it's really light!"

"I like the ocean," Cecilia commented as she looked around. "It's really pretty." Lily knew she was already thinking about drawing it.

"Can I go see my room?" Mitchell asked.

Lily nodded. "Sure. It has your name on it." Lily had gotten the idea from when Draco had given her a room at Malfoy Manor for her birthday. Mitchell immediately ran off, while Cecilia walked up the stairs at a more calm pace to see the room Lily and Scorpius had made up for her.

Scorpius set Draco down, who immediately went over to where Padfoot was sniffing the couch and table. Draco loved having Padfoot as a dog, probably because he was such a big and gentle dog.

Scorpius came over to Lily, who was holding a napping Cissy. "So, good idea?"

Lily nodded with a smile of her own. "It's perfect. And Mitch seems to really love it."

"And Cecilia will have a hundred sceneries to draw, and it's open enough for Pad to run around with the kids. And we both still get our private rooms. Not to mention a much bigger bedroom," he murmured, twirling a strand of her hair around his finger.

Lily sighed. "It really doesn't seem like it's been more than ten years since you first brought me here to keep you from being bored on vacation," she mentioned.

Scorpius looked around too. "Yeah, I know. But at the same time, it seems like I've known you much longer than just since I was thirteen. It feels like I've known you all my life."

Lily laughed lightly. "So sentimental," she teased.

Scorpius smirked as he placed a gentle and chaste kiss on her lips. "Only for you, princess." Then he looked down at Cissy and smiled. "And for the little angle here."

Lily rolled her eyes, but continued to smile. "This little girl is going to be hell when she's older, because she'll be more spoiled than I was."

Scorpius laughed. "What's your point?"

Lily shrugged. "Nothing more than that. And also to remind you that this little girl will eventually grow up, and then you're going to be hell to handle."

Scorpius raised a brow. "What's that mean?"

"Well, it's just that you always say that you hope she turns out like me. Remember that I developed early and started dating at thirteen," Lily told him.

Scorpius scowled. "It's a little early for that."

Lily grinned. "Yeah. Just remember this when she is that age. Because I'm going to tell you the same thing."

"Why does Mitchell get to go?" Cissy demanded as the Malfoy family, Cecilia included, walked onto Platform 9 and 3/4. Mitchell was eleven now, and it was September 1st. The time for him to go to Hogwarts. And ever since he'd gotten his letter, Cissy had questioned why only he got to go. No explanation was good enough for her.

"Because he's old enough," Draco answered with a roll of his eyes. He didn't seem to mind being too young to go to Hogwarts. But he did seem to be the most patient of the three children, no matter the circumstance.

Mitchell placed a hand on his little sister's shoulder. "Just be patient, Cissy. I'll be back. And soon, you'll get to go too. Then we'll both be going together." Mitchell had been turning into a much more patient version of his father. And he had taken everything Scorpius and James had said about sisters and how to treat them to heart. He was always watching out for Cissy, and making sure that she was always ok.

"I'll tell you what," Scorpius said as he hoisted the little girl into the air. "When we get home, we'll go out and you can get your own owl, so that way you can write to Mitch whenever you want. How does that sound?"

Cissy giggled. "Can I name him whatever I want?"

"Just don't let it be something ridiculous," Draco muttered as he stood beside Lily.

Lily ruffled her youngest son's hair. "Be nice."

Draco gave a nod. "Yes, Mum," he said politely.

Cecilia looked at Lily. "I see some of my friends, so I'm going to go and catch up with them." Now fourteen, Cecilia was turning into a very beautiful young girl. While she had the same face as Duncan still, her blonde hair fell in waves around and down her shoulders. But she had such an attitude that really made her stand out from Duncan, and really proved why she'd been Sorted into Slytherin years ago.

Lily smiled at her. "Ok. Well have fun this year. Make sure to write and all that."

Cecilia nodded as she hugged her. "I will, sis. And thanks for taking me. Mum and Dad were pretty upset and worried about having to work today instead of taking me." Over the years, Cecilia had really stepped into the idea of seeing Lily as a sister, and Lily personally liked it too.

"It's not a problem," Scorpius assured as he set Cissy down, and hugged Cecilia as well. "Now, take care, take no crap, and stay away from boys, you're only fourteen."

Lily and Cecilia both rolled their eyes. "Whatever you say, Uncle Scorp." Then she looked at Draco and Cissy. "You two behave."

"We will," Draco assured.

Cissy just giggled.

"I'll see you guys during break," Cecilia promised as she took her things and began to move over to a group of her friends.

Lily looked toward Mitchell. "You better write, little boy," she teased lightly, although still serious. "Remember, I can easily come down there any time."

Mitchell smirked, and looked way too much like his father at that moment. "I will, Mum, I promise."

"Make sure to watch out for your cousin. It's Alana's first year too," Scorpius reminded him. "Not to mention Dora."

"I will, Dad," Mitchell said, a bit serious now.

"Make sure you spend a little time with Neville and Hagrid. They're both excited to see you," Lily told him as she straightened out his collar. He really was too much like his father.

"I know, Mum. I already told them I would," Mitchell assured. "So, can I get on the train now?"

Lily looked at her little boy. Eleven-years-old, and he would be twelve in just a few months. She could hardly believe it. Time had moved so fast it seemed. Her little boy was finally going to Hogwarts. No longer would he be at home all the time. He wouldn't be there, reciting things his father or uncles had told him, or begging to go out flying a bit further above the nearby town. It almost made her want to cry, but Lily liked to think that she didn't cry easily.

"Hug your mother and your sister, then you can go," Scorpius told him.

Mitchell immediately hugged his mother. "I'll write. I promise," he told her. "And I'll tell you all about how I'm in an awesome House, and that I love it."

Lily smiled. "I know you'll love it, no matter where you're put."

"And I'll be sure to watch out for and spend time with cousins Alana and Dora," he promised.

Lily leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. "Good. Have fun, but make sure you at least attempt to study."

Mitchell gave a serious nod. "I will, Mum. I'll be on top of my class, you'll see." Then he hugged Cissy.

"Mum," Draco addressed, his soft voice a bit quieter than normal. "What if he's not in Slytherin? What do you think people will think about it?" Draco was usually the one to ask questions with deep meanings and thought. He might be a bit too young to understand certain things, but he always knew how to ask, or to wait for an answer's understanding.

Lily gave his shoulder a squeeze. "A lot of things. But it will never matter. The only thing that will matter will be what Mitch thinks."

And Mitchell's first letter told all about how happy and proud he was to be a Slytherin, just like his parents.

"So, has Jason written you yet?" Lily asked Hugo curiously as they sat together for lunch. It was Hugo and Stacy's oldest child, Jason's first year at Hogwarts. Mitchell was now a second year, and had been excited to have one of his best friends and favorite cousins to be coming to school with him.

Hugo nodded. "Yeah, I was surprised he wrote so quickly. I didn't write my mum and dad until a good few weeks after I started. He's taking after his mum, which is probably good."

"Does he like his House?" Lily inquired.

Hugo grinned. "He's in Slytherin, and he loves it. Says he gets to hang out with Mitch, Cece, and Alana all the time."

"I'm glad he likes it. I personally think it's a kickass house," Lily joked with a laugh.

Hugo chuckled too. "Yeah." He sighed. "It's so surreal though, having my own son be old enough to start Hogwarts."

"I felt that way when Mitch left last year. It gets a little easier with time," Lily assured.

"I mean, I know there's four other kids in the house, but it seems so much quieter without Jason at home," Hugo commented.

"It's really quiet with only two. And soon it won't be long before Drake goes, and then Cissy too," Lily mentioned.

Suddenly, Hugo began to grin. "You know what makes me really proud though? In my son, and . . . well kind of in what I've done myself?"

Lily looked at him curiously. "What is it?"

"In his letter, Jason told me all about this new friend he'd made, a kid he had just met in class one day. A Gryffindor. And . . . maybe it's stupid, but it makes me proud to think that I might have helped that friendship grow by all the efforts we made years ago. And it makes me proud to know that my son couldn't care less about what House he's in, and which House his friends are in," Hugo said with a smile. "I'm proud to call a boy like that my son."

"I had a moment like that," Lily said with a smile of her own. "It was a little different. When Mitch came home for Christmas last year, I heard him telling Drake all about it. And Drake mentioned that he didn't think he'd be a Slytherin, but in a different House. And without even hesitating or pausing to think, Mitch said it didn't matter, and that they were brothers, and he'd love him no matter what House he belonged to. That is probably one of the proudest moments I've had with Mitch. Because it tells me that he, and maybe the other kids too, is going to be smart enough to not screw up like me and my brothers did."

Epilogue Moment:

Here they were again. The Potter children up in their old childhood treehouse. Each of them sat on the floor, forming a triangle, and each looking at each other. Their eyes were narrowed at each other. James was scowling, Lily was glaring, and Albus was almost pouting.

"Ok, we came to do this calmly and rationally," James said slowly. "So let's talk this problem out, and not fight."

That idea went out the window. "It was my idea, so I get to do it!" Lily jumped in.

"But it would seem better coming from me!" James argued.

"I suck with gift ideas, so I should be able to use a good one!" Albus complained. "You guys had a dozen different ideas before this one! I had nothing!"

"It should go to whoever thought of it first, and that was me!" Lily insisted.

"It'll be easier for me to do. I have the connections," James pointed out.

"I have just as many connections as you do!" Lily countered.

"I have more important connections," Albus threw in. "I could get it done quicker and easier."

"I gave birth to three kids, so I deserve it," Lily stated.

"That has nothing to even do with the idea!" Albus exclaimed.

"No, but it means I've earned it! Let's see you do that!" Lily retorted.

"Hey, princess! Are you guys done up there?" they heard Scorpius yelling.

"Come on, Mum, I want to go home!" they heard Cissy whine.

The three Potter siblings glared at each other still, although now they were silent. Lily moved over to the door. "This is not over," she claimed.

"Fine. We'll continue this another time," James agreed.

"Tomorrow over lunch?" Albus suggested.

"Make it two o'clock, because I have a photo shoot at just before one," Lily told them.

"I'm sure Dad will understand," Albus said with a nod.

"Yeah, that works for me too," James agreed. "So until then, we'll wait to argue about Mum's Christmas gift idea."

"Deal," Lily and Albus said.

Lily pushed past the blanket covering. "See you guys tomorrow," she said with a sigh, then slipped out into the chilly air. Down below, she could see Scorpius and Cissy both waiting for her in the snow. Cissy was leaning against her father, looking tired. Her thick blonde hair was ruffled by the light wind, and her brown eyes were almost shut, they looked so drowsy. "You could have taken her home first," she commented.

Scorpius smirked as she stepped off the ladder and into the snow. "She wanted to wait for you," he replied. "Now, are we ready?"

Lily nodded. "Yes, we are."

That night, after Cissy had been tucked into bed, Padfoot and Salazar had been fed, and Regal had been let out, Lily sat in bed, a potion book in her lap. She read over the pages carefully, until Scorpius came and pulled it away from her. Lily just smiled at him as he put it on the bedside table.

"When are the boys coming home?" Lily asked curiously.

"Three days from now," Scorpius said with a sigh as he came to sit next to her. "It'll be nice to have some noise in here again. Is Cece coming back here the first night?"

Lily shook her head. "No, she said she wanted to go back home for the first few nights. But she'd be here for Christmas Eve, and then part of Christmas day."

"I'm sure Mitch will be thrilled," Scorpius said with a chuckle.

Lily smiled as she brought a hand up to run through his hair softly. "I'm not sure what we'll do in the next few years when Cissy goes to Hogwarts. It will be very quiet here."

Scorpius continued to smirk. "Oh, I know what I'll do," he hinted suggestively, his eyes dark as he looked at her.

"You really think sex will fill that void?" she teased.

"Well I'll do my best," Scorpius laughed before placing a small kiss on her lips. But then he sighed and leaned his forehead against hers, his warm breath fanning across her cheeks.

Lily brushed her lips across his cheek. "I'm sure you will."

Scorpius smirked as he leaned back to lay his head on his pillow. He pulled her with him, so Lily laid next to him, her cheek on her palm. "You are an amazing woman, Lily Luna."

Now Lily smirked. "But of course. I'd have to be. After all, I am Slytherin's Potter."

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