Home The Hard Way *Single Dad...

Par heavenandhiwater

5.7K 279 56

Eddie left Hawkins in 1986 with no reason to ever return. But now, a few years have passed and life has chang... Plus

Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Part Nine
part ten
Part Eleven
Part Twelve
Part Thirteen

Part One

862 26 5
Par heavenandhiwater

Eddie was supposed to be a rockstar by now. World famous and a few tours under his belt. Maybe even a supermarket tabloid scandal or two. But instead he's in the passenger seat of his uncle's truck on his way back to Hawkins. Back to the place he swore he'd never step foot in again.

A small sound escaped the baby who sat buckled between the silent men. Eddie's left hand shot into action, immediately coming to rest on her dark hair. All seemed to be well, just a little fussiness while she slept. Wayne watched from the corner of his eye, deciding which question to ask first.

"Where's her mama?"

Eddie shrugged, his shoulders dropping as he let out a long breath through his nose. "I don't know, man," he answered, shaking his head. "Got no fuckin' clue."

"How old is she?"

"Not sure," Eddie answered. "Twenty-four, twenty-five. Something like that."

"The baby," Wayne groaned, bringing one hand to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose as he signaled a turn onto the highway. "How old is the baby?"

"Oh," his nephew giggled. "She's uh, just about four months. On the twelfth."

Wayne spared a glance at the infant to his right. She'd been wailing while he loaded up her and Eddie's meager belongings from the disgusting apartment. But the moment the old engine in the truck roared to life she'd quieted. And now, nearly three hours into their drive she'd barely made a peep.

"You waited four months to tell me I have a granddaughter?"

"Figured you'd be pissed," Eddie shrugged again.

"I'm pissed you let your little situation get so bad. I'm fuckin' fuming, kid." Wayne was not one to mince words. He never had been. Not when his brother showed up eight months after dropping Eddie at his door expecting him to go with him. Not when Eddie came home for a second time with news that he wouldn't be graduating. And certainly not now. "You owe it to her to get your shit together."

"You think I don't fuckin' know that?" Eddie all but screamed, his voice echoing in the small cab of the truck. This finally roused his daughter from her nap. It started small, like it always did. Her tiny face scrunched up, her nose wrinkling as her lips turned down into a pout. Eddie put one arm over the car seat, the other crossing his body to press a soft hand to her pudgy stomach. He rubbed gentle lines on her tummy with his thumb in an attempt to soothe her before all hell broke loose. It didn't work. Of course it didn't. She screamed like a man ten times her size.

"Oh, honey," Eddie sighed, his head dropping to his chest. His long hair fell into his face, tickling at his already upset daughter. "Come on, Lu, I'm sorry. Daddy didn't mean to yell."

His voice sounded so tired. Almost broken as he begged her to quiet down. The trio still had seven hours ahead of them and listening to her scream would only make it seem that much longer. Wayne saw a sign advertising a motel five miles ahead.

He turned off at the next exit, following the signs along the road. Like a sign from heaven the neon letters came into view. MOTEL flashed in bright green, VACANCY in pink beneath it. Wayne parked his truck and left Eddie with the baby while he went into the lobby. He was sure he looked like shit. He'd gotten off work at 7 am, driven ten hours, and was now three and a half hours into the drive home. It had been a long day, to say the absolute least.

Wayne parked the truck outside of their designated room. The baby was still screaming, her face turning red now. Eddie slid from his seat before reaching back into the truck to retrieve the car seat.

"You wanna unload the crib?"

Wayne shook his head, waving his hand flippantly as he reached into the truck bed. He retrieved the beat up leather bag that held his change of clothes. "Think she'll be okay to sleep in that for one night."

Eddie nodded, too tired to disagree with his uncle. He hooked the plastic handle of the car seat over his elbow with a groan. Even at just four months, she was heavy. With his free hand he mimicked his uncle's movements, pulling own bag and the diaper bag from the truck before following Wayne into the room. Two twin beds sat against the wall, a chest of drawers on the opposite wall. It wasn't fancy, but it was somewhere for the family to rest. And that was what everyone needed right now.

Eddie sat his daughter on top of the bed furthest from the door. Her diaper bag followed close behind her as Eddie began to pull out the necessities, a clean bottle and the last can of formula he had. He opened the lid and prayed it would be enough to get her by. He knew it wouldn't be.

His hands moved by muscle memory alone as he prepared her dinner. 4 ounces of water from the sink in the bathroom. One scoop of formula. Shake and serve. He set the bottle on the small table that sat between the beds and took a seat on top of his bed next to the car seat. Just as he was beginning to unbuckle her, Wayne coughed.

"Let me do that," she said. "You go shower."

"I'll shower after she's fed."

"Eddie, you stink." His words weren't unkind or intended to hurt. He was just being honest. Not unlike the many times he'd had to say the exact same words to Eddie when he was 13 and didn't believe in hygiene.

Eddie smiled at that. It was small, like he was too exhausted to smile properly. But it was something. He nodded as he stood from the bed before walking into the bathroom. Once Wayne heard the water begin to run he resumed unbuckling her. She was solid as he pulled her away from the car seat to his chest. Her screams had softened into whimpers by now, but it didn't take an expert to see that she was clearly still unhappy.

"Come on, little lady," Wayne sighed as he positioned her head into the bend of his elbow. "Chow time."

Once she began drinking the, truthfully, disgusting milk she quieted immediately. Wayne couldn't help to smile as he watched her dark eyes scan the room around them. Just like your daddy, he thought.

By the time Eddie walked back into the room Wayne was putting her over his shoulder to burp her. Eddie handed him a small hand towel from the bathroom to save his shirt.

"Been a long time since I did this," Wayne told him with a smile as he tucked the towel under her body. "Old man still got it."

Eddie seemed lighter after his shower. His uncle's bad joke pulling a genuine giggle from him, his lips curling to a real smile. Wayne glanced over Eddie as he turned away from him to rummage through his bag. He was so thin, suddenly. Half the size he was when he'd driven away from Wayne's house five years ago with his band. He saw the way his ribs showed as he stretched his arms over his head to put his shirt on. His legs looked skinnier, too. He felt the solid weight of the baby in his hands and he knew why.

He saw so much of himself in his nephew. Going without so that she wouldn't have to. Trying to make it on his own as best he could. Eventually doing what he knew was right, and taking her out of a bad situation. He'd never wanted any of that for himself, but he'd done it all for Eddie. He certainly never wanted any of this for Eddie. He always thought Eddie would do better.

"Alright, princess," Eddie said, suddenly facing them again. He reached his arms towards them and Wayne handed Lucy to her father. He hugged her tight to his chest, one hand covering her back while the other supported her bottom. She tucked herself under his long hair, her eyes closing contentedly. "Let's get you a bath and a new diapy, huh? Stinky girl." He cooed, his fingers tightening around her tummy to tickle her.

Wayne made himself comfortable on his own bed as he listened to the one sided conversation happening in the small bathroom. "Ooooh, Lucy!" Eddie feigned offense. "Stinkiest baby in the land." The sink squeaked on and he heard Eddie humming. He began to doze, the sounds of Lucy's giggles and the splashing water gently lulling him to sleep.

He hadn't slept for long when Eddie's voice woke him. He cracked open one eye, finding the baby sleeping peacefully on her stomach on the other bed. Eddie laid behind her, perched on his elbow while his other hand rubbed her back.

"-never meant for this to happen. Man, I hope you don't remember this." He sighed as he whispered to her. "But soon as we get home, daddy's gonna get a job. A real job, yeah? Gonna make you proud of me. Gonna make grandpa proud of me." He leaned forward, his lips meeting his daughter's dark hair at the back of her head. Wayne closed his eyes, trying to fall back to sleep. He knew his nephew was right. He was going to make him proud. 

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