Ghost Story Shorts 3

By GlennRiley48

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Get ready to be spooked once again with the third volume of our chilling collection of short ghost stories. I... More

Introduction And Foreword By Josh Rogan
The Old Estate
Cruise Ship
Haunted Mountain Peak
The Atkins Estate
Ghost Ship In The Fog
The Trunk
From My Dreams
Demonic Ghost Dog
The Entities
The Exorcism
Terror Over The Airwaves
The Nightmare At Edwards Manor
The Empty House

The Menace Of 50 Berkeley Square

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By GlennRiley48

Mandy Loxely was a recent graduate of psychology from the University of London. She had always been fascinated by the paranormal and had decided to write a book on ghosts. Mandy believed that ghosts were not spirits, but rather the animal instincts and negative traits that people leave behind when they die. She had spent the last few months researching haunted houses and was particularly interested in 50 Berkeley Square, one of the most famous haunted houses in London.

Mandy was having drinks with her friends one evening when they started discussing haunted houses. Her friends knew about her interest in the paranormal, and one of them mentioned 50 Berkeley Square.

"You know, that place has quite the history," her friend said. "It's said to be one of the most haunted houses in all of London."

Mandy was immediately intrigued. "What kind of history?" she asked.

"It was built in the 1700s by a man named Sir Thomas Gascoigne," her friend replied. "He lived there with his two daughters, but after he died, the house fell into disrepair. In the 1800s, it was used as a boarding house, and that's when the stories started. Guests reported seeing a ghostly figure, and some even claimed to have been attacked by it."

Mandy listened intently as her friends continued to recount the stories associated with the house. The more they talked, the more she wanted to see it for herself. She was a firm believer in her theory about ghosts, and she wanted to put it to the test.

"I think I'm going to go to 50 Berkeley Square," Mandy announced, surprising her friends.

"What? Are you crazy?" one of them exclaimed. "That place is dangerous."

Mandy shrugged. "I'll be fine. Besides, I want to see if my theory is right."

Her friends tried to talk her out of it, but Mandy was determined. She said goodbye to them and headed off to 50 Berkeley Square.

As she approached the house, Mandy couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The house was in a state of disrepair, with broken windows and peeling paint. But it was the feeling of dread that really unnerved her. She took a deep breath and walked up to the front door. It creaked open as she pushed it, and she stepped inside.

The interior of the house was just as dilapidated as the outside. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling, and the air was musty and stale. Mandy made her way to the second floor, where most of the paranormal activity was said to occur. She found a room to spend the night in and settled in.

At first, nothing happened. Mandy started to think that maybe her friends had been right, and she had made a mistake coming here. But then she heard footsteps in the hallway outside her room. She froze, listening intently. The footsteps continued, growing louder and closer. And then they stopped outside her door.

Mandy held her breath, waiting for what would happen next. But there was nothing. She heard nothing else, and after a few minutes, she convinced herself that it was just her imagination.

But then she saw something move out of the corner of her eye. She turned her head, but there was nothing there. And then she felt a cold breeze brush past her face, even though the windows were closed.

Mandy was starting to feel uneasy. She was alone in a haunted house, and things were starting to happen that she couldn't explain. She tried to stay calm, reminding herself that she was a psychology graduate and that there had to be a rational explanation for what was happening.

But then she saw it. A figure, translucent and glowing, appeared before her. It was the ghostly figure that her friends had warned her about. It was a woman, with long, flowing hair and a sad expression on her face. The apparition seemed to be looking directly at Mandy, and for a moment, she felt a sense of sadness and despair wash over her.

Mandy tried to move, to get up and run out of the room, but her body wouldn't obey. She was paralyzed, unable to move a muscle. The ghostly woman started to move closer, and Mandy felt a sense of panic rising inside her.

Suddenly, the room was filled with an icy chill. Mandy could see her breath in the air, and she felt as if the temperature had dropped by several degrees. The ghostly woman was right in front of her now, and Mandy could feel her presence like a weight on her chest.

The ghostly figure reached out a hand, and Mandy felt a cold, clammy sensation on her skin. She wanted to scream, to cry out for help, but her throat was tight with fear, and she could barely even breathe.

And then, just as suddenly as it had started, the experience was over. The ghostly woman disappeared, and Mandy was once again alone in the room. She was still paralyzed, but slowly, feeling started to return to her limbs.

It was several minutes before Mandy could move, but when she did, she ran out of the room as fast as she could. She stumbled down the stairs, her heart pounding in her chest, and burst out of the house into the fresh air outside.

Mandy never returned to 50 Berkeley Square again. She couldn't explain what had happened to her that night, and she didn't want to try. Her experience had left her shaken and scared, and it took her several weeks to recover fully.

Years later, Mandy still believed in her theory about ghosts, but she had learned that sometimes, it was best not to tempt fate. She had braved the famous haunted house, and it had left her with an experience that she would never forget.

Authors Note:

50 Berkeley Square is a townhouse located in the prestigious Mayfair district of London. This historical building has been the subject of numerous ghostly tales and haunted stories over the years. The most famous haunting occurred in the early 19th century and is said to be one of the most terrifying ghost stories in London.

The story goes that a wealthy man named Thomas Myers rented the top floor of 50 Berkeley Square in the early 1800s. He was known to be a recluse and would rarely leave his room. One day, his servants noticed that he had not come out of his room for several days. Concerned, they went up to check on him and found him dead in his bed. It was rumored that he had been conducting experiments with the occult and had summoned an evil spirit that ultimately led to his demise.

After Myers' death, the top floor of 50 Berkeley Square remained vacant for many years. It wasn't until the mid-19th century when a wealthy man named Mr. Dupre decided to rent the space. However, it wasn't long before strange things began to happen. His servants reported hearing strange noises coming from the top floor, including groans and footsteps. They also claimed to have seen the ghostly figure of Thomas Myers roaming the halls.

One of the most chilling stories associated with the haunting at 50 Berkeley Square involved a group of sailors who dared each other to spend the night in the haunted house. One of the sailors reportedly died of fright after encountering the ghostly figure of Thomas Myers.

Over the years, the haunting at 50 Berkeley Square has been the subject of numerous investigations and has been featured in several books and TV shows. While some dismiss the stories as mere folklore, many people still believe that the building is haunted by the ghost of Thomas Myers.

Today, 50 Berkeley Square is home to an antique bookshop and is open to the public. While visitors are welcome to explore the building, it is said that the top floor remains vacant to this day, perhaps due to the lingering presence of the ghostly inhabitant.

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