Anakin Skywalker AU Romance

By EmJayBlack

23.3K 612 124

I'm writing this fanfic because I decided to rewatch The Clone Wars again, and it is breaking my heart, so I... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Six

467 14 10
By EmJayBlack

They boarded the Count's ship, passing Dozer and Wingman who were settling an unconscious Dooku into a holding cell.


"Oops." Dozer said sarcastically, as Dooku's head lolled forward after colliding with the ships wall. Wingman chuckled as he latched the Sith's hands over his head in a pair of cuffs attached to the wall. The two of them came out of the cell, closing the door and followed along behind their Jedi.

Kyah kept Anakin's hand in her's as she led them to the large cockpit, with two pilot seats and six passenger seats behind them.

"Is everyone alright?" Kyah asked as she walked down the aisle between her men, who had already settled into the cushy chairs.

"We're all good General." Dozer gave her a big thumbs up as he walked up behind her and slipped into an empty seat, plopping down heavily with a groan of satisfaction. "Well, except Spinner." he added as the clone captain walked passed, dried drips of blood stained his scalp and smeared across his throat.

Kyah watched Spinner brush passed her to sit in the copilot's seat. She sighed, coming to stand behind him, "You hit your head really hard." She recalled the sound of his skull colliding with the cold, stone floor, and felt a chill run through her. "I want patch to look you over." She ordered and Spinner looked up at her with an expression that said 'really?'. When she nodded insistently, he stood up with a heavy sigh, clearly annoyed by her request, but didn't argue.

As he went to walk passed her, he was suddenly halted as her arms wrapped around his waist and she pulled him into a tight hug, pressing her cheek against his cold chest plate. Spinner looked down at the little woman clinging to him, first with surprise, then with compassion as he wrapped his arms around her too, gently rubbing her back.

He leaned down and placed a quick kiss to the top of her head, "We're all good kid. You got us out of there is one piece." He tried to soothe her, but her hold only tightened.

"There were way too many close calls today." She said sadly.

"We knew it was a risk coming here." He reminded her, and saw Anakin's expression twist in guilt as he looked away.

"I know." Kyah nodded and sniffled as she finally released her captain, taking a step back as she looked up at him and wiped her nose, "No more risks for a while, okay? I can't take it." She admitted.

Spinner smiled down at her, "Now you know what it's like watching you run headfirst into danger day after day." He said teasingly, but with a note of genuine grief.

Kyah chuckled and ran a hand over her face, "Fair enough." She nodded.

Spinner settled into one of the back seats as Patch knelt in front of him, and Wingman made his way to the pilot's seat, flicking through a sequence of switches as the ship came to life.

"You gonna have any trouble getting us out of here?" Kyah asked.

Wingman just scoffed and answered without turning around, "You wound me General." He feigned hurt and Kyah smiled.

"You need a co?" She asked, and the clone shrugged.

"Nah, I've got it covered." He decided.

"Try and make contact with General Kenobi." She suggested, "When they see us coming in this ship, I'd rather not be shot out of the sky." She shrugged and Wingman nodded.

Kyah turned back to Anakin as the ship geared up, "You're coming with me." She declared, leaving no room to argue as she took his robotic hand again and walked back out of the cockpit then down the hall. They entered a small storage hold with three doors coming off of it, as well as the sealed exit ramp. She swiped her hand over the first door, and it opened into a small closet. She looked beside it, and saw the door to the holding cell where Dooku slept, then turned around, walking across the hold to the last door, swiping her hand again and the doors opened, revealing a tiny med bay, fully stocked with a clean white bed in the centre.

"Sit." She instructed as she walked in and opened up the cupboards beside the bed, shuffling though various items.

Anakin silently did as he was told, sitting on the tall bed and watching her cautiously as she moved with incredible focus.

"Kyah?" He called her name softly.

"What?" She answered without looking at him.

"Kyah, take a breath." He begged, but she continued shuffling from shelf to shelf, pulling out everything she thought she'd need. "Please, just look at me."

She sighed as she turned slowly, raising her eyes to meet his. She could see the concern he felt for her all over his face, as he reached out and took her hand, drawing her closer until she stood between his knees with her stomach pressed against the edge of the bed.

A smile broke out across his face as he looked down at her, suppressing a giggle.

"What?" She asked, resisting a smile herself, as she watched his amusement grow, "What's so funny?" She demanded an answer.

"I'm too tall for you on this bed." He said and she rolled her eyes at him, "You look so little." He whispered gleefully.

Kyah reached to her left, pressing a button on the wall beside the bed, and dropping it a full foot very suddenly, making Anakin catch his breath in surprise.

He was now much closer to her height. "There, fixed it." She smiled cheekily at him and stood on her tip toes, pressing a quick kiss to his lips before pulling away, but Anakin dipped his head and followed her back, capturing her lips again in a longer kiss, as his hand lifted to hold her face and he stole her breath away.

"Feeling better?" Anakin asked as she melted like putty.

A blush warmed her cheeks and she shrugged, avoiding his eyes, "Maybe a little." She muttered and he chuckled pressing one more quick kiss to her lips before leaning back on his good arm.

"Is this the only reason you brought me in here?" He asked with a smirk, but she shook her head, shaking off the dopey, weightless feeling he'd left her with.

"No, I want to rewrap your arm, and reapply the bectta spray to your open injuries." She said and he frowned, looking down at his injured shoulder as he ran his metal hand over the joint.

"How did my wrap come off in the first place?" He asked and Kyah tensed, turning away to grab the new wrap off the shelf behind her.

"Talzin took control of your mind." She said quietly and Anakin's heart sank.

"What did she make me do?" he asked, not sure he wanted to hear the answer.

"Fight me. That's why she had you cut your arm free." She answered, "I guess you couldn't feel the pain in the trance." She shrugged.

"Did I hurt you?" Anakin asked as he shuffled nervously on the table.

Kyah turned back to face him, "You didn't even touch me." She smiled cockily, and saw him exhale in relief, "The fighting wasn't the hard part." She admitted, "When she threatened to make you cut your own throat..." Her voice trailed off, "That was terrifying." She admitted and Anakin's brow creased as he watched her expression fall.

"I'm so sorry." He said, "I thought it was just in my head. I could hear you call to me, I just couldn't break free." He admitted, and Kyah looked up at him, "I was trapped in some sort of nightmare." He recalled, shuddering at the memory of it.

"I got you back. That's what matters." She smiled sadly and raised her hand, running her fingertips across his forehead as she brushed his hair aside and looked up at him sweetly.

Anakin felt his heart swell, "That's the second time you saved my life today."

"True." She nodded and started unrolling the new wrap.

A moment of long silence passed between them as she prepped the supplies, before Anakin asked her, "Kyah, why did you come alone to this planet?" He asked, and saw her smile slip, before she tried to play it off.

"I volunteered." She answered quickly.

"Don't lie to me." he shook his head at her, ducking down to catch her eye as she tried to avoid his, "Why would the council send you on your own up against Dooku and Ventress?" He asked and she clenched her jaw.

"They didn't." She admitted, "They forbid me to come." She said, and saw the hurt in Anakin's eyes, "They said there was no trace of you, no leads. No hope." She explained, "Master Plo, actually tried to arrest me before I could leave." She said sadly.

"That must have been hard, escaping from your own master." He said, and she nodded.

"Yeah." She paused, lost in thought for a moment before shaking off the memory, "But your master wasn't ready to quit. He was gearing up to go searching for you, when he heard I'd beat him to it. I told him I had a lead I was going to follow up on, so he stayed to handle things on Mandalore." She explained.

"Right." Anakin's eyes grew wide, "We won then? On Mandalore I mean." He asked and Kyah nodded.

"You did." She smiled, "Once you'd broken through, the rest of the battle was over quite quickly." She said, recalling the bits and pieces she had heard.

"And you said Ahsoka was alright?"

"Obi Wan was with her." Kyah nodded, "He said she would make a full recovery." She answered as she slung the white wrap over his right shoulder, threading it under his arm again as she moved it into position and made him wince, "Sorry." she apologized.

"It's okay." He assured her, suppressing a groan as the injured joint adjusted to its new position.

Kyah worked in silence for long moments as Anakin remained lost in thought.

"If we go back to the temple now," he wondered aloud, "What will happen to you?" he asked.

"I honestly don't know." She admitted. "I've disobeyed the council before in little ways. I tend to take an 'ask for forgiveness not permission' approach to things." She admitted.

"Me too." He chuckled and nodded for her to go on.

"This time though..." She sighed, "I don't know if they'll forgive this."

Anakin shook his head, "They must." He insisted, "I mean, yes you disobeyed, but you did manage to save me, and capture the Count." He reminded her.

"And I'm sure the Republic will be more than pleased with me, but the council? I just can't see them looking past my blatant disobedience." She shrugged.

"What happens if they won't?" Anakin asked as she tied the new sling, adjusting it's positioning slightly, "What will you do?"

Kyah dropped her hands to the table on either side of him as she looked overwhelmed, "Let's just get back to Mandalore first." She suggested, "Maybe the notorious Negotiator will be able to help my case." she shrugged.

Anakin nodded, "He has talked me out of more than a few precarious situations in the past." He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, making her smile as her eyes fell closed.

"This is nice." She said happily.

"What?" He asked, looking around at the cramped medical room in confusion.

Kyah giggled, "Us. Being... whatever we are now." She struggled through the sentence, "It's nice." She shrugged.

"Agreed." Anakin smiled, tipping his head and ducking down to claim her lips in a drawn out kiss.

Her eyes fluttered open as she looked up at him, seeing concern when she'd expected happiness.

"Is something wrong?" She asked.

"No." He shook his head, but looked like he was holding back, "It's just..." He trailed off, searching for the right words, "I don't need to label, whatever it is that we are now, but, I need to know what it means to you." He asked nervously, like he was afraid of her answer.

"Well, I don't know exactly what a relationship would mean for us." She admitted and saw his face fall, "But I do know what you mean to me." She added and his eyes locked with her's again, "I have never felt like this before." She spoke honestly, hoping it wouldn't scare him, "I've had friends, and I've loved before, but..." She hesitated, wondering if she should go on, "This feeling I get when you're close." She sighed contently, "Even just when I think about you." She added, "It's unlike anything I've ever known. Stronger than anything I've felt before." She looked back up at him after rambling on and saw a smile on his face as he looked down at her.

"I feel the same." He nodded, "I love Obi Wan, and Ahsoka. They're my family, but it doesn't compare to how I feel about you." He sighed contently.

Kyah drew her bottom lip behind her teeth as she reached up and pulled him into a hug, her hand trailing up into his messy curls as his head rested on her shoulder. "Since we're on the same page, I guess we'll just figure out the logistics as we go forward." She shrugged, "There's no point in making any big decisions before we find out where I stand with the council." She said, a pang of anxiety quickening her heart at the thought of leaving the order.

"How far are we from Mandalore?" he asked, pulling back enough that he could look at her as she kept her arms draped over his shoulders, twisting his hair around her fingers.

"Just over three hours." She said and he nodded, his eyes falling closed as he sighed happily.

Kyah watched him lean back against her hand as she continued playing with his hair.

"That feels good." He sighed and she smiled. He opened his eyes and blushed when he saw her suppressing a giggle at his reaction to her touch, "Shut up." He blushed harder as she let loose a laugh.

"You're like a puppy." She giggled on, "Head scratches making you all sleepy."

"Shut up." Anakin said again as he raised his robotic hand to cover his beat red face.

Kyah pulled back and spun around, grabbing a canister of Beccta spray off the shelf behind her before turning back.

"We're almost done." She said and took his free arm, turning it so she could see better. Tugging the rip in his sleeve, she positioned it back over the lightsaber burn, "It looks heaps better after the first round of beccta." She commented as she aimed the canister over the wound. She saw him wince and turn his head away as the cold spray fizzled and foamed over the burn, "Sorry, I know it stings." She said with concern, glancing up at his face as she lowered the beccta.

"It's okay." He insisted, offering her a tight lipped smile.

Next, Kyah knelt down in front of him, and repeated the steps for the deeper burn on his leg, "This one is not doing as well as I'd like." She frowned.

"It feels better than it did." He assured her.

Kyah stood back up and set the spray away before grabbing a package from the shelf just above, and snapping the contents in her hands, then shaking them vigorously. She turned back to Anakin, and lay the instant ice pack over his shoulder.

  "You should get some rest while you can. I'm sure Obi Wan will have lots of questions once we arrive." She nodded to the pillow at the head of the bed, "Lay down." She instructed.

He obliged, adjusting his position on the narrow bed, before falling against the pillow, laying on his back and groaning as his sling shifted, settling the sore joint in its new position. Kyah watched the pain fade from his expression, as he looked up at her with eyes already half closed.

"I'll come wake you when we're close." She assured him and leaned down, brushing his hair aside and pressing a kiss to his forehead.

She Grabbed the canister of Beccta again and another ice pack, before opening the door and walking out, looking back to see that Anakin was already sleeping soundly. Slow and even breaths raised in his chest as a soft snore hummed from within him. She smiled and waved her hand to close the doors again, then walked distractedly up to the front of the ship.

"How's general Skywalker doing?" Patch asked as she walked beside his seat in the back row, and all the other clones turned to see she'd returned.

"Worse than he's letting on, but he'll live. He's sleeping for now." She said, reaching up to her temples and massaging the headache building behind her brow.

"You're head bugging you?" Mouse asked as he and Cat knelt on their chairs, facing backwards with their arms over the headrests so they could see her.

Kyah nodded as she rubbed her forehead, "It almost feels like withdrawal since we left Mustafar." She admitted, "All the power and rage I felt there has drained out, leaving me tired and sore."

Spinner stood up out of his seat near the front and walked towards her. His head was bandaged where the hilt of the witch's blade had come down against him and there were a few butterfly bandages across his neck where the knife had bit in, "You should get some sleep too while we have the time." he suggested.

She handed him the icepack she'd grabbed on her way out, "For the back of your head." She explained. He accepted the package, cracking and shaking it before holding it over the well established bruise. "There's nowhere else to go and sleep on this ship." She sighed, "One med bay, one holding cell, and that's it."

"You can sleep here general. We'll be quiet." Viper suggested, "Dozer's already over there earning a second meaning for his name." he chuckled and Kyah looked around the seat in front of her, seeing Dozer passed out against the wall, his mouth hanging open as he snored. She laughed too, shaking her head at the clone as she leaned against the chair beside her, facing Spinner again.

"You know I don't like to sleep around other people." She reminded him and he nodded.

"Yeah, I know kid, but you haven't slept since you got the news he was taken." Spin said with concern creasing his brow.

Kyah nodded, "I'm exhausted." She admitted, "I just don't want to risk having one of my dreams." She said, knowing most sleep for her, was anything but peaceful.

"I get that, but you still need rest kid." He pressed, "Once we get to Mandalore, everyone's going to want to talk to you. It'll be a few more hours at least before things settle down and you can get to bed."

Kyah nodded, "I know Spin." She smiled up at him, her heavy eyes blinking slowly, "I'll be fine til tonight." She assured him, and he simply sighed, knowing there was no use in arguing.

"As you wish general." He shrugged, knowing he wouldn't win this argument. "Come sit with me then." He nodded up to the front of the cabin, "I want to talk to you." He said and Kyah gulped. She knew he must have a lot of questions about what was coming next for them, but she also knew she didn't have many answers.

He led her to the front row, just behind the copilot's seat, and moved in to sit against the wall, gesturing for her to take the seat beside him. She sighed as she sat down, laying the Beccta canister on the floor in front of her.

"Oh, good." Spinner said as he reached down and grabbed it, "Patch ran out." He explained.

"Did he get to you first?" Kyah asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, but I wanted to give your arm another hit." He explained.

Kyah let him pull her arm out, turning it over and spraying the back, then the front of the burn marks over the wound left by the shrapnel of their ship.

"I know you've probably got a lot on your mind right now, and I don't want to add to your stress, I'd just like to know where you're at." He said, and Kyah glanced up at him, before looking down at her hands in her lap as he set the spray canister down on the floor again.

"You mean about how I'm going to handle the Council?" She asked.

"No." He shook his head, "I know there's nothing to be done about that. Whatever happens will happen." He shrugged, "I mean about Skywalker." his brows lifted as he looked over at her.

Kyah's eyes fell closed as she sighed, sinking against her chair, "I don't know what you want me to say." She answered him quietly.

"Do you love him?" Spinner asked bluntly and Kyah looked up at him with wide eyes.

She thought hard about her complex feelings, but eventually nodded, worry creasing her brow as she looked up to see Spinner.

"Okay." He shrugged.

"Okay?" Kyah repeated his response, hoping he'd say more.

"If you love him, then it's worth the risk." He explained, "You know as well as I, that things are going to get complicated for the two of you. Relationships being forbidden and all that, but if you really love him, none of that matters."

Kyah smiled, feeling emotion swell in her chest, "Thanks Spin." She said with fondness in her voice, "I can always count on your support. You have no idea how much it means to me." She shook her head.

He smiled too for a moment before his face fell again, "If he's the path you're choosing, then you have to decide if you want to stay with the order. To keeping your feelings and relationship a secret for the rest of your lives, or leave together and forge a new path." He laid out her options.

Kyah looked down at her hands, running her thumb over her bruised knuckles as she considered what he said, "I don't know if Anakin would be willing to leave." She said quietly. "And I don't know if the council will let me stay."

Spinner nodded, "If he loves you, he'll follow you." He assured her.

"And if he doesn't?" She asked, looking up at him with fear and doubt flooding her mind.

"I've seen the way he looks at you Kyah." He said plainly, "He does."

Kyah sighed, slouching forward, and dropping her head into her hands, "I hope you're right." She whimpered.

Spinner placed his hand on her back, rubbing soothing circles over her shoulders, "Look kid, I know how hard it is for you to let people in, but don't let your fear hold you back. Skywalker's a good man." He assured her.

Kyah flopped over against him, groaning as her head thunked against Spinner's armour and made him chuckle.

He leaned his cheek against the top of her head and sighed, his eyes falling closed. "It's been a long day." He said and Kyah nodded.

"So long." She agreed, "But really, it couldn't have gone better for us." She shrugged.

"True." Spinner nodded, looking down at her, "Leave it to you to walk head first into a Sith trap, then right back out with no casualties and a prisoner." He shook his head with a smile on his lips.

Kyah laughed, but her smile faltered as she looked away, "I wish I'd caught the apprentice too." She admitted, "Ventress is a formidable asset to the Separatists. It would have been a load off my mind to know she was in a cell."

Spinner nodded, "I know kid, but you shouldn't let one failure ruin your victory." he reminded her.

Kyah nodded and a silence fell over the pair as she turned over in his arms, looking up at Spinner, and noticing a distracted look on his face.

"Kyah," He began and she waited attentively for him to continue, "What the witch said about you." He glanced down at her and noticed her tense, "About your parents." Her eyes shut as a deep frown creased her brow, "Do you think it was true?" He asked finally.

"It feels true." Kyah shrugged as she leaned forward in her seat, resting her elbows on her knees, "I don't know how else to explain my connection to Mustafar." She said, then sighed heavily, "Still, I don't think it would be wise to take Talzin at her word. Her story might be based in truth, but it was certainly intended to manipulate me. I can't know for sure if aspects were false." She concluded and Spinner nodded.

"Do you want to find out?" He asked and Kyah shrugged.

"I don't know." She admitted running a hand over her long ponytail as she threaded her fingers through its tangles.

"General." Wingman called over his shoulder suddenly as a soft binging noise echoed from the console in front of him.

"What is it?" Kyah asked, brushing her hair over her shoulder as she stood and side stepped out of her seat, moving to sit in the copilots chair.

"I tried to send out a message to Mandalore like you said. I couldn't get through to anyone initially, but it looks like they're reaching back out now. Should I patch 'em through?" He asked and Kyah nodded.

He flicked through a series of switches until a small blinking light turned solid on the console, and a familiar voice broke through the static.

"Count Dooku." Obi Wan's harsh tone was full of venom as he addressed their ship, "I didn't expect you to be so bold as to broadcast your signal and location on republic channels." He commented.

"Well, he didn't have much say in the matter, seeing as he's cuffed in the back." Kyah said with a broad smile on her lips.

"Master Paladin?" Obi Wan's voice changed from one filled with angered to one filled with hope as he waited for her answer.

"Yes Master." She nodded, "Its good to hear your voice."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear your's as well." he sighed into the communicator. "If you have the Count in holding, does that mean you found Anakin as well?" He asked.

"Yes, we found him." She answered and could hear Ahsoka cheering in the background of the call, "He's resting at the moment."

"Is he alright?" Obi Wan asked.

"He's injured, but he'll live." She sighed, "I'm afraid Ventress had her fun tormenting him before we arrived." She said grimly, "But it's nothing that won't heal with a little time."

"Wherever did you find him?" Obi Wan asked.

"On Mustafar of all places." Kyah said.

"Why would they bring him there?" Obi Wan asked in confusion, and Wingman glanced at Kyah, wondering exactly how much she would say about the encounter.

"There was an old fortress there." She said vaguely, "I guess he thought it would be off the republics radar. In fact it would have been, if not for our extra database of stollen Separatist information." She explained, "We narrowed it down, then I did as you suggested and trusted the force to guide us the rest of the way."

"You've done well Master Paladin." He commended her, "I am eternally grateful."

"You should have seen him master." Ahsoka's voice cut in, "He nearly wore a hole through the carpet with all of his pacing."

"Says you." Rex's voice sounded distant through the communicator, "You haven't slept or eaten a thing in two days."

"Shut up." Ahsoka said in annoyance, "How far off are you Master?" She refocused and spoke into the coms.

Wingman held up four fingers, "About four hours." She said and Ahsoka sighed.

"Cant you fly any faster?" She mumbled and Kyah laughed.

"Hey," Wingman chimed in, "I'm doing my best here. This ship's meant for fancy flying, not long distance." He explained and they heard Ahsoka sigh again.

"Well," Obi Wan took back the mic from Ahsoka, "we will be waiting for you when you get here." He assured her, "Satine is already making preparations for a banquet feast in honour of your return." He chuckled.

"Ooooh." Kyah said and ran a hand over her empty stomach, "That sounds amazing." She admitted.

"I'll let the security around the planet know to expect the Count's ship." He said, "I still can't quite believe you managed to catch Dooku, just the two of you." He admitted.

"It was my man, Falcon, who landed the final stun shot." She looked over her shoulder to see a thumbs up appear from between the rows of seats behind her.

"You mentioned Ventress as well." Obi Wan prompted hopefully.

"Yes, she was there, but by the time we'd captured Dooku, she had already bailed." Kyah frowned deeply.

"That's unfortunate." Obi Wan admitted, "But it certainly does not take away from the incredible accomplishment of capturing the Count." He assured her.

"Thank you master." Kyah smiled bitterly as she stared at her hands on her lap.

"I suppose I should let you go and rest for the time being." Obi Wan said, "We'll see you here soon enough."

Kyah cleared her throat, "Yes, of course. We'll see you soon." She sighed as she switched off the communicator.

She slumped in her chair and ran hand over her sore eyes, rubbing them harshly as she groaned.

She sat looking out the front window at the stars zooming past, until she heard someone behind her clear their throat.

Sitting forward, she turned to look around her chair, noticing Spinner behind her with his arms crossed, "Yes?" She prompted him expectantly.

"Just wanted to point out that Master Kenobi thinks you should rest too." He mumbled quietly, looking up at the ceiling, and glancing down to see her annoyed expression as she rolled her eyes.

Kyah stood up, and suppressed a yawn as she stretched her arms up over her head. She opened them to see a very worried looking Spinner, his brows knitted together as he opened his mouth to say something, but closed it again without speaking.

"Fine, geez. I'll lay down for a bit." She agreed and a smile broke out across her clone captain's face.

"Thank you general." He said and tried to suppress his triumphant grin.

"Yeah, yeah." She waved him off.

As she walked down the aisle to the back row, then heard Spinner and Wingman high-five behind her.

"You should at least wait until I'm asleep to celebrate." She narrowed her eyes at them.

Spinner shrugged innocently, "Hey, I don't win often." He reminded her, "Let me enjoy it."

Kyah scoffed, but couldn't hide her smile, though as she knelt on the seat in front of her, she looked back up at Spinner with a sober expression, as her brow creased in worry, "You'll wake me up right?" She asked and Spinner walked over to her, "If I... you know." She looked down at her hands as Spin placed a hand on her shoulder, and offered a small smile.

"I promise kid." He nodded, "Try and rest."

Kyah nodded as she lay herself down across the two seats, pulling her knees up to her chin and holding them close as she closed her eyes, the gentle hum of the engine helping to coax her quickly to sleep.

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