My Rose

By SkyeGoenett222

51.1K 1.5K 97

Skye is a shy, innocent and lonely girl who works in an office. She lives a simple life, where not much happe... More

Story Characters
Chapter One: Human Girl
Chapter Two: ???
Chapter Three: Taken
Chapter Four: Bad Dreams
Chapter Five: Mates
Chapter Six: My Rose
Chapter Seven: Anna
Chapter Eight: Tease
Chapter Nine: Plan
Chapter Ten: The Date 1
Chapter Eleven: Flashbacks
Chapter Twelve: I Need You
Chapter Thirteen: Dungeon
Chapter Fourteen: The Rebels
Chapter Fifteen: False Escape
Chapter Sixteen: The Truth
Chapter Eighteen: Acceptance
Chapter Nineteen: Morning Fun
Author's Note:
Chapter Twenty: The Fight Part One
Chapter Twenty-One: The Fight Part Two

Chapter Seventeen: Turned

1.3K 46 6
By SkyeGoenett222

TW: Mentions of r@pe

Skye's POV; It's now noon time,

Alex had gone back to Beth and Angie, while Rose and I went to the cabin. I was expecting to see people, but I didn't. No one was here. "You'll meet everyone later. Come on," Rose said, noticing my confusion. "Okay. You want to show me around?"

"Will you explain your..fangs after?"

"Yes I will," I joked. She took me down into the base, showing me her temporary throne. "It's a nice set up. Better than what I was imagining," I said, following Rose onto the front porch. "Yes, it is pretty good,"

"Do they know about me?" I asked, following her onto the porch. "Yes, they do. Apparently for a while now too. They weren't surprised when I talked about you,"

"Well, I know how Alex feels about me. How does everyone else feel about me?" I asked nervously. "They're actually very accepting of you. They understand the mate bond," Rose reassured. I felt my fangs retract. And now my mouth is sore. I tried rubbing it to ease the pain, but that didn't work. Rose hugged me from behind, resting her chin on my head. "Did someone turn you while we've been apart?" She asked. Her voice was a little shaky. I can tell she is afraid of what my answer might be. Whether someone had hurt me or not. "Nobody turned me baby. Well, not in the traditional sense, or on purpose," I started. "Explain," Rose pleaded.

"Well, it starts with Alex being Linda's mate. Their bond not only affects them, but me. It's their bond that has turned me. I don't know why or how that has worked, but it has. And for years, Linda and Ron have been poisoning my food with black rose oil. Apparently the only effect that it has on me is making me weak. It won't kill me like it would a normal vampire. It just kept me as a human," I said, leaning into Rose. "And now because it's been sometime without it in my system, I'm turning,"

"Wow, okay. There are stories of these things happening, so it's not hard to believe. But how did Linda and Alex meet? Does Linda know about Alex?"

"Remember the story you told me? About a human couple and your parents," I started nervously. I don't really want to tell her that my father is the one who killed her parents. I'm afraid of how she'll react. I'm mainly afraid that she'll reject me. Zach told me all about that, and it doesn't sound too fun. But if she does, I'll understand. "Yes,"

"Well um..those were my parents. Linda and Alex met then. And um," I took a deep shaky breath. I just have to force it out of me, she deserves to know. "My bastard father..was the one who..k-killed your parents," I practically whispered that last part. I felt Rose stand straight and freeze. Here comes the pain, better brace myself. I removed myself from her and looked her in the eyes. "I'm so sorry," The tears started flowing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry that my father did what he did," I cried. "And yet, fate put us together," Rose said in disbelief. "I understand if you want to reject our bond now," I said, preparing myself for the pain. "What? No. Who told you about rejections?" Rose said, shocked that I'd think of such a thing. "Zach did, when we first met," I replied. My face was soaked in tears. "Skye, I will never reject you. We have been bonded for a reason. And I have waited so long for you. I don't care that you're the daughter of my parent's murderer. Just because you parent is one way, doesn't make you the same," Rose said, wiping my tears away.

She pulls me into her and gives me a deep, passionate and reassuring kiss. "Don't you dare think that I'll ever leave you. I will be with you till the end my love," Rose said between kisses. "Glad to see you're okay," a familiar voice said. I turned around and saw Alex. "Alex!" I said surprised. I'm not sure why, but I hugged him. This surprised him too, but he didn't push me away. Letting him go, I went back to Rose, nuzzling into her side. "How did you get out?" I asked Alex. "Rose came looking for you after you left. And she helped me," He explained. I was going to say something, but something else had stolen my attention. The smell of blood.

My fangs jumped back out with less pain than last time. I scanned the field and saw nothing that smells of blood. "Where is it," I demanded. Following the scent down into the base. It didn't take me long to find it. Bags of blood sitting behind the counter. Without thinking, I started chugging every single bag of blood. Rose and Alex followed me downstairs. Alex had the look of amusement, while Rose had the look of concern. "I had a feeling she'd need a little something to tie her over," Alex said, folding his arms. "Why don't I feel full-filled? I just drank 20 large bags of fucking blood,"

"Because that isn't human blood. It's animal's blood. It'll take the edge off until we get you a human to feed on," Rose said, wiping the blood from my mouth. Funny, it used to be just me doing that to her. "You should know, once you've had human blood, you'll be fully turned," Alex explained. After being with Rose, Beth and Alex, I'm not afraid of being one of them. Although I am afraid of harming innocent people. "I don't want to feed on innocent people," I stated. "You won't have to. You can do what we do, and go after people who aren't so innocent. The ones who deserve it," Rose explains. Okay, I like that idea. "I actually found a guy who most definitely deserves it. He's tied up in the woods right now," Alex said matter of factly.

That peaked my interest. "What did he do," I demanded. "He likes to rape woman and children," Alex said with a disgusted face. "Then he definitely deserves it," I grinned. "How about this, Alex, you inform everyone of Skye's arrival. And Skye and I will pay a visit to the man," Rose said. "Yes your majesty," Alex bowed. He smiled at me then left. "Wait, we don't know where he is tied up. How are we going to find him?" I asked confused. "You are going to track his scent, his blood," Rose said, walking up the stairs. "But I don't know how to do that,"

"Yes you do. You just did it. You found the blood down here didn't you?" She grinned. "Yeah, I guess I did," I said proudly. Maybe I'm better at this whole vampire thing than I think I am. I followed Rose to the middle of the front yard. "Alright, start tracking," Rose said, resting her hands behind her back. I took a deep breath and relaxed. Focusing on my sense of smell, I could smell the bark on the trees, the flowers scattered all around, the grass, and water. There must be a body of water nearby. "I can smell the trees, flowers, grass and water. But I don't smell any blood or sweaty gross men," I sighed. "Try moving around. Walk over to the tree line," Rose suggested. Taking her suggestion, I walked over to the tree line.

I immediately picked up a slight scent of what I think is the man. I turned my body towards the direction where the scent was the strongest. "Have you picked up on something?" Rose walked up behind me. "I think it's him," I said a little hesitantly. I kind of want to impress her, but I also need to know if I'm right. Rose smelled the air, her eyes turned a slight shade of red. "Am I right?" I asked. "Yes you are. No follow it, just like you did before,"

I started walking in the direction where the scent was its strongest. Finding a constant trail, I wanted to go a little faster. I looked over at Rose with an evil grin. "And what is it that you're thinking of?" She questioned, raising her eyebrow. Everytime she does that, it makes me want to stop whatever it is that I'm doing or planning to do. But not this time. "Just wondering if you could keep up with me,"

"What do you mean by that? Of course I can-"

I cut her off by running off as fast as I could. To me, it looked like I was in a moving car. But it was just me running. I could get used to this speed thing. To no surprise, Rose had caught up with me, running at my side. "I thought I told you to stop running from me!" She shouted. "Yeah, I don't listen very well," I joked back. "Guess we're going to have to train you to," She smiled devilishly. Before I could say anything, she sped up. She was now way ahead of me, but not out of sight. Not wanting to let her win, I ran faster. I soon caught up with her with ease. I looked at her with challenging eyes. She was shocked to see me beside her. "Why so shocked?" I taunted jokingly. "You are the first to ever be able to keep up with me," She said in disbelief. "And I bet I could outrun you," I yelled, running even faster. I was now running at full speed. I looked behind me and saw that Rose was actually struggling to keep up with me, cute.

Looking back ahead of me, the man's scent became stronger. He is definitely close by. A split second later, I could see him tied up to a tree. Probably about a hundred yards ahead. I stopped, trying to strain my eyes to see him better. "Is that him?" I asked Rose. "Wait just a second. It was actually tiring trying to keep up with you princess," Rose said out of breath. "Oh come on. I wasn't going that fast. Was I?"

"I am the fastest vampire out there and even I had a hard time keeping up with you,"

"Oh," I shrugged my shoulders. I looked back over to the man, Rose still hadn't answered my question. "Can you answer my question now?" I said, not taking my eyes off of him. "Yes, that's him. Follow your instincts and go for it,"

I wasn't sure what to do at first, so I slowly walked up to him. Careful to not be seen just yet. I walked around so that I was now behind him. The closer I got, the more I felt my fangs burn. I need a taste.


Fucking idiot! I stepped on a damn stick. The man threw his head up and looked around frantically. I could hear his heart beating out of his chest. I looked over at Rose and she was just smiling in amusement. Ignoring her, I focused on the man once again. I could smell the fear coming off him. It made me feel..great. Like a drug I've never had before. A powerful and addictive one. I think I'm going to mess with him a little, before having a bite. It I quickly ran up to the tree he was tied to. "Boo," I whispered in his ear.

"Ahh! Please don't hurt me! Please just let me go!" The man begged. His eyes wide from fear. He looked like he was staring death in the eyes. I mean, I guess he is. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I can't just let you go. See, I've been told that you aren't as innocent as you have claimed to be," I taunted. I grabbed his arm and forced him to stand. The cuts on his arms were cut open again from being dragged on the tree bark. I could see Rose out of the corner of my eye. She wanted to step in and have him, but she was too interested in how I was handling him. "Do you like to rape women and children?"

"What?! N-no-"

"Don't lie to me! That would be a very stupid thing to do!" I spat, choking him. Not only was I filled with hunger for this man's blood, but I was filled with rage for the pain that he has inflicted. Pain that I could relate to. The man is now shaking, and I love it. "I'm going to make this easy for you," I said. I let his throat go and put my hands on my waist. I took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. "You will tell me the truth. Do you like to rape innocent women and children," I said calmly, but with a slight hiss in my tone. "Yes," He said blankly. "Now was that so hard?" I taunted, blinking to stop the trance.

"What?! H-how did you do that?!" he cried. "It's called persuasion," I grinned. "Please, please don't hurt me," the man begged. I've gotten my answer, and the hunger is starting to become unbearable. "Aww. Too bad," I said, before digging my teeth into his neck. I found the vein on my first try. It's a good thing that he deserves this, because I can't stop myself from draining him. I felt the life leave his body as he fell limp. Soon he was bone dry. I stood up feeling satisfied. This strange feeling of peace is a little overwhelming. Something I can't really describe. My senses had definitely gotten stronger as I was feeding on him.

My eyesight is incredible. I can hear every little movement all around me, and my sense of smell is about a thousand times better. Now I can really smell a body of water nearby. I looked back at Rose who just stood in awe. "How was that for my first kill?" I asked, smiling. I walked up to her with my hands resting on my hips. "That wasn't so bad, little one," She smiled. "Now you have officially turned my love.."


Author's Note: I hope you enjoy "My Rose". This is my second story, my first is called "Skye and her Alpha". All story characters are mine, and yes I use myself as one of the main characters as it is easier for me to write that way. I normally update every other day, but right now I'm in the middle of moving. But I will try my best to keep up with the schedule. I already have chapters just waiting to be published!

Please comment on anything good or bad, and make sure to vote! This lets me know if you are enjoying my story! Thank you!

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