Why Am I Sakura?!

By StarGizer789

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This what if story will be about how I the story teller became the most un-liked character from Naruto, Sakur... More

I Am Curse From Above!
Days Of The Ninja Academy
Reaching Out My Hand
The Demon Hidden In The Mist
Heated Rivals
Rematch Crimson Snow
Fragile Heart
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test
Over Coming Challenge Chunin Test part 2
The Hunting Snake
Spiral Sakura
The Flow Of Change
The Battle Zone
War In The Home Front
Clash Of Titans
A Road Trip
A Bond To One Another
You Are My Ideals
3 Legendary Sannins Konoha's Finest
You're Smile That Brightens My Day
The Sun And The Moon Fight Over Mother Earth
The Dark Side Of The Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon
Guardians Of The Dark Moon part 2
Darkest Before Dawn
The Light That Morning Brings
The Sun And The Stars That Shine Upon
The Holy Knights Of The Round Table
Days That I'm Missing You
Return Of A Hero
Teacher Vs Students
Leaf Ninja At The Sand Village
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art
The Blooming Vs The Eternal Art Part 2
Love And Family
Friendly Reunion
New Member of 7
The Slug Princess vs The Snake Prince
Clash Of Dawn
Relax And Reflect
Return To The Holy Lands
Royal Hidden Conflict
Royal Life Style
Past Of The Copy Cat Ninja
Royal Party Time
Behind Close Doors
Time To Prepare
Family's Ties
Immortal Duo
Ties Of Change
Myriad Of Lives
Onwards The Search
Striking The Immortals
The Hawk's Prey
Life Within The Trees
Hidden Secrets
A Glimpse Of Me
Art Vs The Lightning!
Meeting Of Tailed Beasts
Touch Of Divinity
Spy In the Rain
God's Entrance Of Pain
Battle Of The Paths
Liberation From Secrets
Unity Of Family
Journey To The Dark
True Mage vs Ninja Mage
Sunset Silhouette
Crimson Moon
Crimson Blood
My Silhouette
Mirror On The Wall
Fall Of Konoha
Fall Of Konoha part 2
Passion Of The Night
Alternative Life
The Red Moon Scroll
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma
Mirror Match: Naruto Vs Menma Part 2

Over Coming The Dark Within

143 8 4
By StarGizer789

Warning: I advise the reader to use his or her discretion, intended for mature readers only.

Contains scenes of explicit sexual nature activities, strong language, bloody violence for short [L.S.V.], and unsuitable for children under 17, you have been warned.


/We start off from chapter 59, we start off with Naruto's mindscape where both Naruto and his dark self are laying on the shallow waters and tired out from their long battle against each other and breathing heavily [here's a pic of it]/

/Both Narutos struggle to get up and they did slowly, both Naruto and his shadow self staring at one another/

Shadow Naruto: All that talk and look how bad you look.

Naruto: Oh shut up, like your any better!

/Both Narutos are panting, struggling to catch their breaths. They each create a Rasengan and charge towards one another, forcefully colliding their spheres. This causes the concentrated chakra balls to explode, and Naruto awakens, returning to the real world. His eyes snap open, a look of shock apparent on his face. He breathes heavily, clearly exhausted from the ordeal/

Naruto: Oh crap...

/While Naruto is tiring out from fighting his dark self and just in time with both Sakura and Kakashi returning to the waterfall of truth to see Naruto tired which got Sakura to react with concern and she rush to be by Naruto's side and she spoke with worry in her voice/

Sakura: Are you okay?

/Naruto looks to Sakura while still feeling tired from his fight/

Naruto: Yeah, man fighting myself, it's like anything I would do, he does it the same way, we have the same strength, tricks, jutsus, everything, I throw everything I had, but it wasn't enough, I can't think of anything to get an edge.

Sakura: I see, why don't you take a break and think of a different way, maybe you're looking at things wrong.

Naruto: Like what?

Sakura: Just relax for a moment, I'll tell you what you need to do, okay.

/Naruto wordlessly nodded in agreement and gets up, and so Sakura and Naruto went somewhere within the woods to have Naruto rest and that being Sakura having Naruto's head on her own lap, while Naruto looks up to Sakura who's caressing his hair to help Naruto relax more and spoke softly/

Sakura: So tell me everything that happen in that mind of yours.

/Gently resting his head on Sakura's lap, Naruto gazes up at her with an earnest expression. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts, reflecting on his recent battle against the darkness within himself. As Sakura tenderly strokes his hair, he begins to share his experience, sincerity evident in his voice/

Naruto: It just that..., I didn't think I'd be seeing myself acting like that, he said a lot of bad things, especially about you, I felt so angry toward that guy, no myself, how I hated the village, how I feel whenever you're keeping secrets, and how my life was like back before meeting you, I felt like I relayed on you to make my days so much better and I knew it, and deep down I felt like I was using you.

/Naruto felt unnerved by Sakura's unchanging expression which is a gentle smile and soon enough she sigh and spoke gently/

Sakura: I understand, I don't blame you if you felt like that, I can't make any honest promises that you could believe in, but I do have good attentions for you, I'll be a little honest here, I do have some shame that I want to hide away, but anyways I didn't think you'd feel that way of "using me" as you say in what way?

/Sakura wonder what Naruto meant by being used/

Naruto: Well...

/Naruto blush a bit and glancing to the side for a moment then he gaze up to Sakura and spoke/

Naruto: You know...

/Naruto is motioning his two hands as if he was grabbing something round which quickly got Sakura's attention and it causes her expression to change into shock while blushing, then Naruto soon stop motioning his hands since Sakura got the idea and cause of that Sakura blushes a bit more/

Sakura: I see...

Naruto: Yeah...

/Both teens felt awkward for each other and they both look away from each other for a moment but soon Naruto and Sakura look to each other while blushing nervously, but soon enough Sakura sigh while still blushing/

Sakura: Well you are a guy...

Naruto: Yeah...

/Naruto felt a bit ashamed of himself but Sakura notice his expression and spoke quickly/

Sakura: Don't feel ashamed, it's natural, I'd go as far as to say I'm flattered.

/Sakura smile while still blushing and Naruto looks up to Sakura with confusion on his face, but Sakura continues on/

Sakura: It's normal to think of stuff like that and it's okay, Naruto I'm your girlfriend, it's okay to think about pervy stuff every now and again, beside it's clearly obvious that you like my ass, and I'm proud of it, might be the only good thing I have.

Naruto: No way.

/Sakura look to Naruto with wonder, while he smile and reaches his hands out to Sakura's face to caress it/

Naruto: You have a beautiful face.

/Then Naruto use his thumb of his right hand to press gentle in a playful on Sakura's lips/

Naruto: Beautiful lips I love kissing so much, green eyes that I can't look away even if I try, and finally...

/Naruto got up and moved closer to Sakura and he press his lips on her forehead for a moment, which surprise Sakura and her expression doesn't hide it/

 Naruto: You got a large charming forehead, it makes me want to kiss it.

/Sakura's cheeks flushed a rosy hue from the overwhelming surge of embarrassment, she tenderly placed her hand on Naruto's shoulder, gently creating a delicate space between them. Her laughter, light and melodic, danced in the air as they shared the moment. Naruto, his eyes glistening with warmth, responded with a smile that mirrored her joy, their hearts intertwining in a touching instant of genuine connection/

Sakura: Pff haha, You're such a dork.

Naruto: Yeah I am.

/Naruto's eyes sparkled as he tenderly drew Sakura closer, their laughter mingling like a harmonious melody in the air. Her giggles were a symphony of delight, enchanting his heart as they stood on the cusp of their youth. As their eyes met, their smiles mirrored one another, a wordless expression of the connection they shared. Time seemed to pause, and in that magical moment, their souls whispered to each other, entwining in a delicate dance of affection and understanding/

Naruto: There's my rosy cheery girl.

/Then Naruto kisses Sakura's neck while she giggles and blushes/

Sakura: Be serious.~

/Naruto and Sakura's laughter mingled effortlessly, their delight resonating between them. As the giggles softened, Naruto gently leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, loving kiss. Embracing each other, they held on tightly, their heads touching and eyes locked in a profound gaze. Time seemed to pause as they looked deeply into one another's eyes/

Naruto: I love you Sakura, you know that.

Sakura: I know you adorkable noddle boy.

/Naruto and Sakura held each other in a tender embrace, their gentle chuckles a testament to the happiness they shared in that moment. Time seemed to stand still, allowing them to savor the warmth of their connection and the simple joy of being together. As the laughter faded, Naruto's voice rose with newfound confidence, the love and support of Sakura's embrace infusing him with strength, ready to face his dark self/

Naruto: I think I know what to do.

/Sakura looks to Naruto with surprise/

Sakura: Are you sure?

/Naruto nodded which leaves Sakura to no longer doubt Naruto's decision/

Sakura: Okay.

/Then both Naruto and Sakura walk together hand by hand back to the waterfall of truth, soon enough they reach the place and Naruto walks to the center to sit down on the grassy center while Sakura kept a good distance away to await for Naruto, who close his eyes while seated on the grass to meditate and reenter his mind once more to face his dark self again, and upon seeing the his dark self walking through the waterfall and grins sinisterly [here's a pic of it]/

Dark Naruto: Back for more huh, you never learn do you, you can't defeat me.

/Naruto having his eyes close but soon opens them while smiling/

Naruto: Yeah I get that, I can't defeat you by force since we're both the same.

/Then Dark Naruto glares at his original self with a hint of anger/

Dark Naruto: Yeah and you can't chase me out either, I know you better then anyone else.

Naruto: Then...

/Naruto stands on his feet and spoke/

Naruto: You already know, don't you.

/Dark Naruto felt annoyed and seeing his original self with a simple smile is getting to him/

Dark Naruto: You're not seriously considering it!

Naruto: Yeah I am, I left it in the back burner, but thinking back on it, when I saved my friends from that Akatsuki guy, and it came more clearly to me when I looked into Sakura's eyes, I felt in that moment that I know now what I want to be, I no longer doubt who I want to be.

/Naruto clinch his fist feeling motivated and smile more cheerfully/

Naruto: And I won't waver about it either.

/Then Dark Naruto is angry towards his original self and shouted/

Dark Naruto: You bastard, are you seriously considering that, don't you remember the pain you went thought, they've lied, and hurt us since we were kids, making us like outcast don't you remember that!

/Naruto recalls a bit of his past when he was a kid before he meet Sakura just simply reflecting for a moment, then Dark Naruto tears up while still angry/

Dark Naruto: We went through hell because of them, they've all lied even Sakura too, we don't know what they'll do, you can't trust them, she didn't even give us a choice.

Naruto: No your wrong, she did gave me a choice, sure she kept secrets I get that, but she respected my choices and I with hers, sure my trust in her is a bit rocky right now, but I know better that she has the best intentions for me so I can trust that about her, but right now I need to trust someone most of all and that is myself, I need to believe in myself so I can move forward.

Dark Naruto: Why, when they put though so much, and you still want to carry that burden!

Naruto: I realize when I protected the ones I care about, my connections to the village it made me realize, if things where different I would have never meet Sakura, Kakashi, Iruka, my friends and everyone else in the village, I realize that now, it's not just about me anymore, I have a future to carry out and so I need to move forward towards it.

/Now Dark Naruto felt frustrated towards his original self/

Dark Naruto: Do you think I'm something in your way, what was I too you huh!

Naruto: I became strong because you existed, it's thanks to you I've got to where I am today.

Dark Naruto: And what now huh!

/Then Dark Naruto runs towards his original self and shouting with tears in his eyes/

Dark Naruto: What am I suppose to do from now on!?

/Naruto having his arms wide open which surprise Dark Naruto and both embrace either other [here's a pic of it]/

Naruto: Simple, just be me, you are me after all.

/Dark Naruto is surprise by his original's response/

Naruto: Thank you for everything you've done, but it's all right now, I'm here.

/Then the Dark Naruto's eyes turn back to his original color which is blue and soon smile softly and started to fade away into light and returning back into the real Naruto as light of an aura surrounds Naruto for a short moment and it faded away, then Naruto in the real world soon open his eyes and got up which got Sakura's, Kakashi's, and Killer B's attention and without thinking Sakura went ahead and walk to Naruto with a simple smile having a strong feeling she knows that Naruto accepted himself, then Naruto turns to see Sakura already so close by with a smile on her face/

Sakura: I take it everything went well?

/Naruto nodded and look to Sakura, then Kakashi and Killer B then they smile back to Naruto and so Killer B and Kakashi walks towards Naruto and Sakura to join with them/

Killer B: So what do you say, you want to control the 9 tails' power, from this moment I'm going to be your instructor so prepare for death or torture.~

/As Killer B rapped which cause Naruto to feel hyped up/

Naruto: Yeah!

/Then Kakashi went a bit closer to both Naruto and Sakura to speak with them while Killer B went ahead to enter in the waterfall of truth since it's an entrance to an old temple/

Kakashi: Well since there's nothing for me here to do, I'll take my leave, if you be so kind Sakura.

/Sakura nodded in agreement and she place her hand on Kakashi's shoulder and soon she close her eyes to gather nature energy and spoke with a smile on her face/

Sakura: Of course, can't have Shizune be waiting and worrying about her hubby right.

Kakashi: But of course.

/Finally Sakura entered sage mode to teleport Kakashi back to Konoha with the Flying Raijin and soon enough Sakura return back to normal and sigh of relief/

Sakura: Sure gets annoying, being a delivery girl all the time.

/Then both Naruto and Sakura follow Killer B and enter in too see the inside the large temple [here's a pic of it and imagen Sakura is also there too]/

Killer B: You'll be fighting the 9 tails here.

/Killer B points out the temple and so Killer B, Naruto, and Sakura walk towards where they need to be and all the while they talk along the way/

Naruto: In this place.

Killer B: That's right, you hear fool ya fool.

/While they walking towards where they need to be Sakura is looking around the temple in awe which made her a bit unnerved in some level especially seeing the headless statues as she thinks to herself/

Sakura: (Where they always here, I think I've forgotten what happens here, but I do know more or less that Naruto gets the power of the 9 tails, okay I speed up that process but still, I can't remember what happens next or something, god it's been a life time already, I haven't touch a P.C. ever since being born here so I don't remember what's going to happen here.)

/Then Naruto grab Sakura's hand which startled her and she quickly look to Naruto who look calm in his expression/

Naruto: You okay Sakura, you seem a bit spooked.

Sakura: I'm alright, just this place gives me the creeps if I'm being honest here.

/Finally when they reach the entrance where and Killer B spoke/

Killer B: We're here, this is a sacred place selected as jinchūriki long come to undergo purification ceremonies, in here you can talk to your tailed beast in a special way and inside this place, you hear what I say.

/Both Naruto and Sakura look around until they see a cat-like face sculpture on the wall [here's a pic of it]/

Naruto: In there huh.

Killer B: Only those who's been chosen may enter this place, put your head in this space and if your a good man respected no darkness in your heart detected, the door will open and you won't be rejected. 

/Sakura having a closer look to the cat-like face sculpture on the wall and she wasn't sure if she's seeing blood on the jaw of it which made her nervous for Naruto and soon enough Naruto spoke while thinking/

Naruto: No darkness in your heart, so that's why back in the waterfalls of truth, I see.

Killer B: However.

/Then Killer B turns to face both Naruto and Sakura while speaking/

Killer B: If there's any darkness in your heart then the doors will not part, you consent.

/Soon enough Killer B grins with a dark vibe he's giving off [here's a pic of him]/

Killer B: And the statue will bait off your head and tear you apart, you content, those headless statues you saw on your way here are past jinchūriki who's hearts aren't sincere 

/Naruto nervously grab his neck with his free hand of his left since he's holding Sakura's hand with his right and now Sakura's more nervous for her boyfriend and she worriedly look to him/

Sakura: Are you sure it has to be done this way, I mean you could use a shadow clone.

/Then Killer B points at Sakura with both of his hands and spoke loudly/

Killer: Yo check yourself, this is a sacred place fool ya fool, and many generations of hidden cloud ancestors look over it, tricks like that won't work on it.

/Sakura express worry and she thinks to herself in her mind while panicking/

Sakura: (Okay what the hell now, was this on the story I don't know, I can't remember, all I recall was Naruto getting the power that's all, and now I don't know if this was part of the story or not, cause I went to Britain so it's possible, including Excalibur and Avalon among many others, but still, no don't freak out Sakura, maybe it's nothing to worry about, maybe he's just pulling my leg here, but...)

/Sakura glance at the cat-like face sculpture on the wall and seeing the lower part of it's jaw where the blood is and it seems to be old and Sakura felt nervous for Naruto which made her pale a bit/

Sakura: (I don't know if I want to risk my boyfriend for it, fuck it I'll bomb tag the shit out of it!)

/Sakura without thinking was about to reach to bag but Naruto spoke up which stop Sakura from doing anything/

Naruto: Sakura, the reason why I came here is to control the power of the 9 tails, I know you're scared but trust me, everything will be fine.

/Sakura look to Naruto as her shaky hands lessen and Naruto squeeze Sakura's hand gently to gestor to have faith and so Sakura's worry expression lessen soon enough/

Sakura: Okay...

/And with that Naruto and Sakura let of each other's hand and he went ahead to went to the cat-like statue and Sakura stay close by too Naruto who stuck his head in and the anticipation is making Sakura very nervous but she doesn't speak up about it [here's a pic of Naruto sticking his head inside his cat-like statue]/

/Then Sakura hears Naruto screaming which she quickly took action and pulled him out with her monster chakra strength and sees Naruto seemly missing his head and she didn't think to clearly and tears in her eyes and she shouts/

Sakura: Naruto!

/Sakura without thinking took out Avalon that quickly appear to her hand and she quickly place it on Naruto's chest but then Naruto pop his head out of his jacket and grins at Sakura/

Naruto: Only kidding, there was a switch inside the statue.

/Sakura froze upon what Naruto had said and what he's done to the point she drop Avalon and soon enough Naruto spoke/

Naruto: Haha, sorry I couldn't help myself Sakura.

Killer B: Funny thing is I did the same thing too, those statues are there to scare ya fools yeah!

/Sakura now understood what original Sakura has felt, she now realize why original Sakura smack the stupid out of Naruto and now she's feeling the same feelings as the original Sakura herself, and her expression is clearly angry and without holding back her wrath she karate chop on Naruto's head so hard that he's face crash down hard on the ground floor which also got Killer B nervous which made him steps back and soon enough Sakura lift Naruto by his jacket and Naruto is dazed by the pain he feels and it's comedic mind you all and she started to shake Naruto harshly/

Sakura: What the hell was that, you all scared the living shit out of me and for what a stupid prank, damn it all, I was scare as hell that I thought you'd died you know!

/Then Sakura started to tear up because she's feeling emotional and she place her face on Naruto's chest to cry on him and soon enough Naruto snap out of his daze and feeling a bit sorry for what he did even if it was a prank but he smile on and rub circles around Sakura's back and letting her cry out/

Naruto: Sorry Sakura, it was a silly prank honest.

/Then a few moments later Sakura soon stop crying her worry for Naruto that was mix with anger towards him and soon enough both Naruto and Sakura silently walk in while holding hands Naruto clearly notice Sakura isn't over the prank and her expression doesn't hide it well/

Naruto: Are you okay...?

/Sakura look to Naruto while they're still holding hands and she has a mix emotions of anger and guilt for hurting him/

Sakura: Yeah, I'm fine, it was a silly prank, beside it's not like I smacked you so hard that your face planted on the ground or anything hahaha...

/Sakura then look away with the guilt eating her a bit inside and Naruto notice the guilt expression that Sakura is making even if she's trying to hide it but failing badly/

Naruto: Hey what's eating you, are you still mad at me or something.

/Then Sakura look to Naruto with tears in her eyes and she spoke a bit loudly then she wanted it to be/

Sakura: No!

/This took Naruto by surprise by Sakura's sudden shout which made her surprise by her sudden burst of emotions which leads her to feel a bit more bad about herself that she quickly look away and spoke more softly/

Sakura: No..., it was a prank, it shouldn't be a big deal, but god I over reacted by smacking you like that...

/Then Sakura look to Naruto and he sees Sakura's tears and soon he place his free hand on the side of Sakura's face and smile to her/

Naruto: It wasn't that big of a deal either, I kinda had that coming beside I pull pranks all the time.

Sakura: Yeah, but what kinda girlfriend goes ahead and smacks their boyfriend for a prank, it shouldn't be an excuse for violents especially to someone I love and I can't help but to feel awful about it.

/And so Naruto draw Sakura into a hug and cause of that Sakura cries out her feeling of guilt and he spoke softly to her [here's a pic of them and imagen Sakura having long hair]/

Naruto: You're such a crybaby you know that, but that's what I love about you, it shows that you really care about me.

/Both Naruto and Sakura still remain in each other's embrace until Sakura felt better then they soon look to each other while Naruto smile to her/

Naruto: Feel better.

/Sakura nodded and smile softly/

Sakura: Yeah sorry about that.

Naruto: It's fine, beside we do have more important things to worry about.

Sakura: Yeah, 9 tails, look no matter what happens I'm sticking with you to the end, you hear.

/Naruto with a smile nodded and so with that both Naruto and Sakura let go of each other but remain holding each other's hands and they walk to Killer B who remain silent during the whole time and he look to them/

Killer B: About time you love birds made up, so Naruto what kinda sealing was used on you to seal the 9 tails, answer the question.

Sakura: It's a tetragram seal.

Killer B: Tetragram seal, I gotta say that's impressive, it's even more soled then my steal shell seal, you got the key?

Naruto: Yeah.

/Sakura is worry for Naruto regardless and her hand squeezing his hand just gently enough which he squeeze her hand in return to gestor too her that everything will be fine/

Killer B: Alright you two I'll shut this place and if anything goes wrong the beast inside will remain here until we get a new host, ya hear.

/Both Naruto and Sakura nodded in agreement and so the temple is sealed off from the outside world, and so both Naruto, Sakura, and Killer B sit on the floor to meditate but Naruto look to Sakura with wonder since both himself and Killer B place their fist on one another and he notice Sakura doing the same by placing her fist on his and Killer B which cause him to look at Sakura too/

Naruto: Sakura?

Sakura: I'm going with you, even if I can't help all that much, I'm going to support you regardless.

/Naruto couldn't help but smile knowing fully it would be pointless to talk her out of it/

Naruto: I guess I can't stop you, but just be careful okay.

/Sakura nodded in agreement and so they all close their eyes, and entering into Naruto's mind and both Naruto and Sakura are in the mind scape of where the 9 tails is caged in and they both look to see the 9 tails [here's a pic of it and imagen Sakura being with Naruto in his mind scape]/

/Then Killer B spoke that echo in both Naruto's and Sakura's minds directly even if he himself isn't in Naruto's mind like Sakura has/

Killer B: You both impress me Naruto, Sakura, now the rules are simple you see, once you greet the 9 tails inside undo the seal.

Naruto: Hey 9 tails, evil glare as usual huh.

Kurama: Naruto, and you Sakura, what are you two doing here...

Sakura: Alright, let's get ready for anything.

/Both Naruto and Sakura look to each other and nodded in agreement and they gather nature energy and they both enter in sage mode to be ready for the fight of their lives, then Naruto once he entered sage mode and in his mind scape he flowed up to the seal and place his right hand on it [here's a pic of it]/

/Then Naruto rip it off and he soon lift his jacket to and extend his right hand out to ready himself to unlock the seal [here's a pic of it]/

Kurama: I don't sense the real you anymore.

/While Naruto is ready himself to unlock the seal, Sakura is setting up traps and throwing kunais around the area and placing seals on the floor while Naruto is preparing to unlock the seal, then Naruto spoke with his teeth clinch by holding his jacket up/

Naruto: Alright Sakura I'm going to unseal it now!

/Sakura nodded and summon out her sword Excalibur and her shield Night Lotus then Naruto starts the unlocking of his seal by his gut area [here's a pic of it]/

/Kurama realize that Naruto is undoing the seal and also know that he's going to fight and he'll give it his all to be free regardless reason until finally the seal is undone and the cage unlock and quickly Kurama slam his palm to open it hard which made Naruto to move back quickly and so did Sakura [here's a pic of it]/

/Then Kurama roars and without wasting anytime he started his attack by charging his tail beast bomb [here's a pic of it]/

Kurama: I'll kill you both quickly, I've waited decades for this!

/Then quickly Sakura use the Flying Raijin to teleport to Naruto and grab him and during that moment Kurama condense the tail beast bomb and ate it quickly, during that time Sakura throws a few kunais knifes around quickly to a safe area if possible and soon enough Kurama fires his tail beast bomb [here's a pic of it]/

/And just when the tail beast bomb was going to hit the two teen couple, Sakura use the Flying Raijin to teleport herself and Naruto out of the way of the blast to a safe distance of the destructive blast that exploded soon after, then Sakura thrown another kunai at Kurama while Naruto charges his chakra to create his massive rasengan and when it say and done Sakura and Naruto teleport to Kurama for Naruto's massive rasengan attack [here's a pic of it]/

Naruto: Sage art: Massive Rasengan!

/And just when Naruto was going slam his massive rasengan with Sakura's help by teleporting him there but Kurama blocked it with his 3 of his 9 tails and shove the two teen couples off and roars at them/

Kurama: I see you plan to capture my powers, fooling around with powers you two couldn't hope to understand, I'll show you my unstoppable powers before you both die!

/Both Naruto and Sakura starting at Kurama while feeling his massive amount of chakra he gave off which made the two teen couple nervous for the battle that is too come and I'll end this chapter here/

End of chapter 60


Hey everyone it's been awhile, been busy and stuff like that and for the rest of you who wants me to update new stories of my other works sorry about that, but having a job is hard enough for me to focus on 1 story at a time so I'm putting my focus until this story is over, but anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter and I hope to see you in the next one, bye!

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