Mafia Wife (Mafia Series Book...

By megan-blake

6.8K 164 139

A contractual marriage turned Gabriella Conti into Gabriella De Luca. What was meant to be an easy way out be... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 24
Part 25

Part 23

163 4 0
By megan-blake


Gabriella barely had time to step out of the car as Sebastien was rushing in her direction. He had been waiting for her outside, hands in his pockets. This made her feel as if he did not want her to go inside.

Because of his father?

Because of his future wife? She did not know.


"Hey - thank you. For this," she said, putting a forced smile on her face.

He had to believe she was torn and desperate.

"Sure, look - can we go... talk over there," he said, pointing to the little garden with his head.

Alright. So she hadn't been wrong; there was something off about this. Part of her hoped this was related to the whole fiancée thing because she couldn't afford to have Vincent against her.

Sebastien led the way and she followed behind him.

The silence was creeping her out, but she wouldn't be the one to speak first. She needed to see what the mood was and where his head was at. He led her to a wooden bench and sat down first before tapping the spot next to him.

She plopped down, her hands on her lap.

"I don't know that I can do anything, Gabby."

Not the way she wanted this conversation to begin.

"I-I knew it was a long shot. I'm... out of options Seb. What am I supposed to do? This wasn't supposed to happen. I didn't want them involved."

"You can't keep anyone out of this, Gabby."

"You were out... until recently."

"Yeah, and that blew up in my face." Oh boy. "But it was never... completely out, out. I wasn't involved but... I mean... my dad. My dad has my brother, so he didn't mind. My mom isn't a fan of this whole thing. I think my dad was just waiting for me to come into it myself. Instead of forcing me."

In a way, he had been forced in, no? He had done it under the guise of saving her even though she didn't ask for it... but it wasn't been that willingly.

"I'm - sorry. I - I'm still mad you did it without asking me. But I'm sorry you got involved because of me." If she didn't throw in a little shade, she wouldn't be able to sound sincere. But she did have to tug at his heartstrings.

"It wasn't gonna happen anyways."

"But marriage?"

He tilted his head to the side. "I'll be honest, I haven't met her yet."

"You're gonna marry someone you've never met?"

"Didn't you marry someone you hate?"

Hate. It was a strong word. She wouldn't say love but she wouldn't say hate. Niccolo had done enough for her that she could recognize what was under all the bullshit. Not to save him, or rescue him from his own red flags, but enough to know there was a kind person in there.

"Desperate people do desperate things..."

"You could have come to me sooner."

"I had just found out your dad was like a..." she lowered her voice to continue, "mafia dude."

Sebastien chuckled. "Really? Gabby?"

She shrugged. "I'm never gonna get used to this."

"Well, you could have waited, and talked to me."

"I felt betrayed. You had never told me anything."

"To protect you!"


"I know but... I was tired of everyone keeping things from me... so when Niccolo laid it out..."

"You trusted him."

She nodded.

"I know you're in this mess."

His words did irk her a little bit. She wasn't in this mess because of Niccolo. He did try to get her out many times. She was the one who kept poking her nose in, trying to make deals and whatnot.

Perhaps if she had listened from the start, things wouldn't be the way they were right now. So no, she could put a lot of things on Niccolo, but Gabriella was taking full responsibility for this mess. It was her own doing.

Not that she would tell Sebastien that.

"Too late to make better choices..."

Gabriella was startled when she felt Sebastien's hand on hers. He squeezed it before leaning forward so he could look her in the eyes. "Maybe it's not too late."

This was it. The hook, the opportunity she was supposed to use. She stretched her lips into a smile as she squeezed his hand back. How long could she maintain this eye contact, how much could she fool him?

There was another way to play with him.

Without thinking twice about it, Gabriella threw her arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest. Then she let it all out. All the tears, all the frustrations - everything she had been keeping locked inside.

All the emotions she hadn't been able to show until now. It felt like since the attack, she had felt under adrenaline, not allowed to falter, not allowed to breathe. So she cried and cried. If Sebastien had a heart, her tears should trigger him.

And they did.

It took a second, but eventually, he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. He began rubbing her back, gently hushing her. "It'll be alright, let it out Gabby."

Yup, the greatest weapon. Being as weak as they expected her to be. No one expected her to be strong, no one expected she could survive any of this. Yes, there were moments when she doubted herself, but they absolutely did not believe in her.

So the best she could be was to be what they wanted her to be. This broken woman who had to be rescued, saved, and protected. It wasn't who she wanted to be, but who she had to be to win.

"I need them back, Seb," she cried into his shirt, leaving stains of tears behind. "I-I don't know what I'm gonna do. I don't wanna do this anymore. I can't take it. I want my mom, I want my brother... I don't wanna live this life." Sobs were torn from her throat, half her words muffled from their proximity.

"I'm sorry, Gabby. See, do you understand why I did what I did? It was to protect you. I know what kind of world this is. You don't. I was only trying to protect you. I was trying to save you some pain... the things that might have happened if I hadn't..."

...Like this? Having to pretend, having to lie? Having to potentially sell herself? She already had to do it. He didn't save her from shit. How many stories was he spinning in his head? How many lies did he tell himself so he could feel like a good guy, a hero?

"I-I get it now. I'm sorry, I - you were right."

"Look, I can't... I can't do much."

Gabriella pressed her body to his, her breasts flushed to his chest as she tilted her head up. "Whatever you can do Seb. I'd be so grateful."

She lifted herself, every so slightly, touching her forehead with his. Their mouths were closed but not touching. Gabriella felt his hands come down, squeezing her waist. He was trying to restrain himself.

"You're the only one who can help."

God that made her want to gag.

But it worked on him.

She felt him close the gap, coming close, but hesitation clouded his every movement. Still, he ended up doing it; he pressed his lips to hers.

It was a peck. Nothing more than a peck.

She could handle this.

"Wait for me here, alright?"

She nodded.

He untangled himself from her and left her to wait on the bench. Though he didn't say it, she had a feeling his next stop was his father. It was what they needed. They both knew he couldn't pull off anything.

Minutes ticked away, but Sebastien didn't come back.

Unable to sit still any longer, she got up before walking around. Gabriella wrapped her arms around her body, a sigh escaping her. She hated this, all of it. She wanted it to be over but, there was no end in sight.

At least the view was pretty.

She walked towards one of the rose bushes, gently brushing up one of the petals, avoiding the thorns. If only she had done that sooner.


At the sound of the foreign voice, she spun around, gasping.

Not Sebastien.



He was standing in front of her, a smile on his face. "I didn't think we'd see you so soon, Gabby."


"Now, don't be so surprised. We had such a lovely interaction last time."


"Imagine my surprise to see you with my son."

As he took a step forward, the first thing she wanted to do was take a step back, but she controlled her reaction. She had to stand her ground. He took another, then another, until he was right in front of her, forgoing all personal space.

Vincent lifted a hand, gripping her chin and forcing her to look up at him. "I wonder what you could want? Aren't you a big girl who can handle herself?"

He dipped his head forward, burying his nose in the crook of her neck. "You sure beg a lot for a big girl."

Was he?

Was this what she thought it was?

Her entire body became stiff, on high alert.

"It was cute to come to him but... we both know he isn't your real target." His breath was warm against the exposed skin of her neck, and she swallowed hard.

His closeness wasn't having the intended effect. She wanted to run.

But you wanted this. You said you would do anything for it.

It meant this.

Though Gabriella was doing her best to control her body's reaction she had no doubt Vincent could see right through her. She thought she had a shot at fooling Sebastien... but his father?

Then again, she never truly thought she would be in this situation with him. It was... wrong - on so many levels.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she felt his lips on her neck. He was going for it. She wanted to push him off, but she couldn't. He kissed his way down, reaching her collarbone. "The best part of a girl in her twenties? These," he said, moving a hand up to cup one of her breasts through her shirt.

Son of a bitch.

"There is something to be said about a man of experience instead of a little boy." He lapped at the top of her breast spilling from her bra. "You must be quite desperate to come to my son. Should we test how desperate you are?"

So he knew. He had seen right through her.

Gabriella kept trying to up her game, but no matter what she did, someone was always two steps ahead of her. She couldn't win. She couldn't even keep up.

One of Vincent's hands slid down to her crotch and he began palming at it. She didn't like where this was going.

"Maybe you need to show me."

The feel of his mouth was churning her stomach. She wanted him off.


The sound of Sebastien's voice came like salvation. Right? It would be enough?

It was.

"I'll have my son speak with me. We'll be able to finish this," Vincent said, nipping at the top of her breast. "So much left to do."

He walked away from her, but his presence lingered on her body.

She thought she was ready for this.

Was she?


What the fuck.

She felt so fucking dirty she wanted to rip out her skin. All Gabriella could feel was his mouth on her. Pervert. Asshole. Deranged maniac. He had known her since she was a girl. She had basically learned to swim at their house...

When she met Sebastien she had been wearing training bras. She hadn't been a woman.

Yet he put his hands on her as if he only knew this grown-up side of her. He'd taken it without asking. Pushing her into a corner, while he knew she had no choice. What would have happened if Sebastien hadn't come back?

Would she have had to let him do whatever he wanted?

Wake up, Gabby.

She'd known from the start this might be the price. Niccolo had warned her.

Her mother and brother were in this mess because of her. She should be willing to pay whatever price got them out. Even if the mere thought of it had her wanting to empty the contents of her stomach.

His hands.

How could she let him fuck her? How could she let him touch her? He would be able to tell. Even the best actress in the world couldn't hide this level of disdain and repulsion. He made her fucking skin crawl.

"And so she returns," Niccolo said with a smirk as she walked in.


Niccolo could wash off the shame that clung to her like a second skin.

Gabriella didn't bother replying to his comment or entertaining his little jab. Instead, she headed straight for him, her eyes never looking away from him.

"Lucas, you gotta go."

Usually, these words were spoken by Niccolo.

Not tonight.

"What are you, me?" Niccolo teased as his eyes met hers.

But she didn't reply with words.

Gabriella didn't want to talk. She wanted to remove the feel of Vincent's hands on her body. She wanted his scent to be purged from her body. And the way to do it? Niccolo. She had no doubt he would be a willing participant.

And so would she - this time.

She was in this world and there was no way out, but she wasn't cut out for it. Lives meant something to her, she meant something to herself. She had wanted to be more than she was, and yet, though she had persevered through it...

She didn't want this.

She didn't want any of this.

Gabriella stood there, reaching under her skirt and pulling her underwear down. Once they were pooled around her feet, she lifted them one at a time, before pushing them away with her foot.

She walked towards Niccolo, her eyes never leaving his. At some point, he would say something, he would do something. This wasn't the kind of opportunity he turned down. Never. Once she was in front of him, she hopped on his lap, one leg on each side of his.

"How did it go?"


She had climbed on top of him, wearing nothing under her skirt, and he didn't even react. What the fuck?

"He'll get back to me."

Niccolo's hands were on her hips, squeezing tightly. "What else?"

"Nothing else."

"Come on Gabby, don't lie to me." He sneaked one hand up her back, gripping at her long blond locks. "You wouldn't be this desperate for my cock if nothing else happened."

At this moment, she hated him. Because she didn't want him to know. She wanted to fool him, she wanted to project something else. But he was looking into her eyes, looking right at her and she didn't like it.

"It's fine."

"Oh is it?"


"Maybe your fine ain't the same as mine."

"Are you gonna keep talking or are you gonna fuck me?"

Enough. She didn't want to share, and chitchat. She wanted him to make her forget, she wanted Vincent out of her body.

"What did Sebastien do to you?"

"He didn't do anything. I didn't know you loved talking so much. You're not usually one to turn down a good fuck."

"No one is turning you down, sweetheart. It's foreplay."

"I prefer the way you used to do foreplay."

Come on. Could he not be Niccolo for once? Could he not keep acting like he didn't give a shit about anything? The same pushy guy who'd sneak into her room and eat her out? The guy who'd get her all wet while her mother was waiting downstairs?

Where was that guy when she needed him?

"What did he do?"

"Nothing," she replied again.

Fine, he wanted to be like this? She wouldn't give him a chance to be distracted.

Gabriella pressed her palm to his chest and glided her hand down until she reached his belt. Without skipping a beat, she slipped her hand inside both his pants and boxers, wrapping her hand around her goal.

Within a second, he was hard.

Slowly, she began stroking him, hoping his focus would now be on the right thing. She never had to work this hard to get him going before. His eyes widened ever so slightly, but most of his poker face stayed on.

"It was Vincent."

Against her will, her hand stilled. It was only a second, and then she recovered, but it was a second too long. He knew. She tried to keep going, but he wrapped his fingers around her wrist, stopping her.

"What did he do?"

There was no longer any hint of amusement laced with his voice. No more teasing, no more bantering. She lifted her head, noticing the tick in his jaw.


"Bullshit. Did he r-," Niccolo paused. "Did he fuck you?"

"What if he did?"

He hadn't. But she couldn't understand why he was acting so fucking mad about it. Her mind kept circling back to that conversation. But that couldn't be it.

"Did he?"


"What did he do?"


"He touched you."

Gabriella leaned forward, pressing her nose to his. "Make it go away."

Finally, he acted.

Niccolo grabbed her ass, lifting them both from the chair. The next thing she knew, he was slamming her into the nearby wall. She winced as he covered her mouth with his, kissing her like he needed air.

His tongue was everywhere, wrapping around hers, tasting her. She clutched at his shirt, gripping at the fabric as if she was about to rip it apart. Her legs were tightly secured around his waist, his erection digging into her thigh.

This was what she needed.

His hands lowered to his belt, and he undid it, allowing his jeans to drop to his ankles. He pulled down his boxers, allowing them to have the same fate. Faster. Much faster. Anticipation was coursing through her and she licked her lips.


Without any warning, without any preparation, he slipped his hard cock inside of her. She didn't need foreplay, she was already soaking wet. She groaned as he filled her, stretched her and she threw her head back. This.


"No one else can touch you."

One of his hands came up, wrapping itself around her throat. He didn't squeeze, he didn't grip, he simply rested his hand there.

"No one else can have you."

He dragged out his cock, leaving nothing more than the tip in, and involuntarily, she began thrusting her hips, hoping to get the sensation back. But he used his one hand to hold her there, against the wall.

"Impatient, princess?"

Yes. Very.

"You're mine."

She didn't argue, she didn't say anything.

At her next intake of air, he slammed into her, knocking the wind out of her. She bit on her bottom lip, strong enough to draw blood. Gabriella dug her nails into his scalp, clawing at it. She wanted more - she needed more.

She wanted to forget everything.

Like when he rescued her when she was kidnapped.

She needed this.

"Do you understand?"

Her hair was sticking to the back of her neck, her breath was stuck in her throat and she couldn't put two thoughts together. So she nodded.

"Say it."

She nodded again.

"I wanna hear it."


Her mind was melting, all thoughts were taken away from her. This was what she wanted, this was what she needed.

Niccolo was forceful, more than he had ever been, and she was getting off on it. He was thrusting into her, her ass slamming back into the wall to the point of pain. She'd have bruises later.


The pain felt good.

The hand on her throat squeezed, just a little, not enough to choke her, but enough to restrict her airways.

"I fucking hate this."

Yeah, she hated it too.

"If anyone takes care of you, it's me."

But he couldn't. He hadn't.

They were stuck.

Lost everything.

Left with nothing.

Two broken people with nowhere to escape.

Niccolo kept slamming into her, tearing moans from her throat as she clung to him. Her legs were wrapped so tightly around his waist, she could feel her thighs shaking. More, more. She wanted to be a blank slate.

His teeth were leaving marks on her breasts, abusing the flesh. A little more, just a little more.

She was screaming his name over and over again. Waves rocked her body as warmth spread through her blood. She curled her toes, gasping for air as her core clenched, milking him for all he had.

The familiar searing heat filled her, and she tightened, while he emptied himself inside of her. His grip on her throat finally loosened as his arm dropped by his side.

As though he could tell, his other hand gripped at her left thigh, right about the time her legs were about to give up. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, taking long breaths, but never quite filling her lungs.

This - him... she could do.

Someone else? Maybe not.  

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