The ice prince

By Skye_blue109

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You are an agent for SHIELD and you are watching over Loki. but strangely he seems attracted to you... She g... More

Chapter one: Charlotte Harper
Chapter 2: Loki
Chapter 3: Thor
Chapter 4: The airship
Chapter 5: New York city
Chapter 6: Prisoner and saved
Chapter 7: A date with the god of mischief
Chapter 8: Raid
Chapter 9: Ultron
Chapter 10: all this just for an arm
Chapter 11: The vision
Chapter 12: Sokovia
Chapter 13: Death
Chapter 14: Asgard
Chapter 15: Stephen strange
Chapter 16 Hela odindottior
Chapter 17: Skaar
Chapter 18: Escape to asgard
Chapter 19: The battle of asgard
Chapter 20: Charlotte's 'death'
Chapter 21: Nowhere.
Chapter 22: Planet titan
Chapter 23: Back on earth
Chapter 24: Scott lang
Chapter 25: A time machine
Chapter 26: Going to 2012 and 1970
Chapter 28: the funeral.

Chapter 27: the last fight

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By Skye_blue109

                                         //warning, this might be a very long chapter//

when we got back, everyone was there, I smiled and looked around for natasha, but she wasn't among the crowd.

 clint fell to his knees and on the ground, "where's nat?" hulk asked clint, he didn't answer, but I knew, "she is dead" I answered, everyone looked at me.

 "I-I can read minds" I told everyone, banner hit the portal out of anger and I retreated to my room and put on my shirt and pants, and sat down on my bed, running my hand through my hair, why does life take away things I love? first charlotte, then natasha.

 charlotte was my love, natasha was my friend, who might be taken away next? "sentiment is for the weak" a little voice in the back of my head told me, "then I'm weak for falling for a beautiful and kind woman like charlotte" I told that little voice.

 a knock on the door aroused me, "come in" I said, tony then came in the room and sat beside me, "I have too tell you's about charlotte" tony spoke up, I looked at him and told him to continue, "you see, I had many other girls in my life, and one of them had a baby.......MY baby" tony continued, I didn't know what he was talking about.

 "the girl I had a baby with was called Luna harper, a few months later, she had a baby, a girl.......she named the baby charlotte harper" he finished, I got up and looked at tony. "are you saying.....that charlotte, is your child?" I asked him, tony nodded, I looked at him in shock.

 "why didn't you tell her?" I asked him, "because she'll think I'm an irresponsible father! I left her and her mother!" tony sighed, I decided it was best to shut up, I sat down beside him and there was silence for a few minutes.

 "if we bring her back, can I have her hand in marriage?" I asked tony, he nodded. "I know that you'll take good care of her" he said, I smiled. I hugged tony tightly, tony was a little surprised, but he returned the hug anyways, then hulk came into the room and told tony that they were making the gauntlet.

 "we also need someone to snap" he continued, I looked at him in shock, "someone use the gauntlet?! it's a death sentence! don't you want to live?" I asked bruce, he scratched his head, "someone needs to do it" he replied, me, tony and bruce went outside my room and down to the hall. I had to help, even if I didn't want to, and I didn't want to.

 "come on, loki!" rocket called me, "help make this crap!" I rolled my eyes and threw a wrench at rocket, luckily for rocket, it missed. but unfortunately, steve noticed that.

 "hey, loki! don't do that!" he yelled, I rolled my eyes and went on making the gauntlets' thumb, it was small, but if you put it on, it will take the shape of your hand and the size of it.


we looked at the monstrosity we made, the gauntlet, in its glory

. "it looks a bit stark-ish to me" I told thor, he nodded his head and then tony came into the room, "alright, we need someone to do the snap, I can't do it, I'll explode" he casually said.

 I chuckled and then thor volunteered to snap, "I'll do it! I'll do it" he told everyone, I looked at him in shock and said to him "no, no, brother, that is too risky! I cannot let you die" thor rudely shoved me off, and went towards the gauntlet, but steve got him and held his shoulder, "no, you won't" and then he shoved thor back.

 "we need somebody else to do it" steve said, then bruce stepped in and volunteered. "I'm the strongest here, I can stand it" he told everyone, they looked uncertain, but I told them if that's what bruce wants he can have it.

 steve then gave the gauntlet to him and we all held our breaths (not all of us, though. tony suited up and steve got ready) and readied ourselves for the snap.

 the second he put it on, energy began pulsing through his veins and he yelled in pain, "TAKE IT OFF! TAKE IT OFF!" I shouted, "NO! LEAVE IT ON!" steve yelled back, "ARE YOU OK, BANNER, ARE YOU OK?" he asked bruce, bruce nodded his head and then raised his hand and snapped his fingers and then fell to the ground, the gauntlet falling off his hand.

 tony rushed to bruce and put some ice on him, clint kicked the gauntlet away and scott looked at bruce, I thought the snap failed, but I heard chirping outside, me and scott went to investigate, and we realized the snap worked, the birds were back, "it worked" I told scott breathlessly, then all of a sudden, a missile hit the tower and sent us flying away.

 I fell into the sewers and fell unconscious for awhile, but then thor found me and shook me awake, "t-thor?" I stammered, sitting up, "let's get you on your legs" he muttered, once I got to my feet, we began looking for the exit out the sewers.

 thor saw the exit and we saw the mad titan, THANOS. 


we were still looking at thanos when steve and tony came out the sewers, "what we looking at?" tony asked thor, he looked at thanos and understood.

 "you wanna take this guy out?" he asked me, "yes, I want to kill him" I replied without looking at tony, I took out my daggers and thor summoned Mjölnir and stormbreaker, and tony, steve, thor and me went to thanos.

 thanos looked at us and put on his helmet, "you know, when I snapped my fingers, I thought the earth would be more proper" he got his sword and held it, "but I was wrong, it became more stubborn" then tony hit thanos with an energy blast and the fighting began.

 thanos hit tony back and Steve hit thanos with his shield, thor tried to cut off thanos's head 3 times, but he failed, I hit thanos on the stomach with an energy blast of my own.

 thanos winced a bit, but that didn't stop him from fighting, he looked at me and sent on of his minions to attack me, cull obsidian.

 I knew he wouldn't go easy on fighting with me, after I dodged a few hits, it was my turn, I hit him with an energy blast and sent him flying into a pile of rubble.

 that energy blast made me use up my energy, so I was exhausted, I sat down and then saw thanos holding stormbreaker in his hands and trying to kill thor, pressing the axe closer and closer to his chest.

 I couldn't help, for I was so far away and by the time I get there thor might be dead. then not too far from thanos and thor, mjölnir rose to the air and hit thanos with a smack on his head, I looked to see who was worthy of mjölnir, and to my surprise, steve rogers is worthy of mjölnir.

 thanos left thor to fight steve instead, I sighed in relief and all of a sudden, cull obsidian came back and smacked me into a pile of rubble, and I nearly broke my back. I cried  out in pain and cull obsidian went away, my eyes turned blurry and I felt like I was going to die.....

??????? POV

I slowly woke up looked around while on the ground, this place seemed familiar, the piles of rocks, the queer architecture, I sat up and held my hand to my head, then I heard other voices. "mr. stark?" "mantis! MANTIS?!" "drax!" "CHARLOTTE! CHARLOTTE!" I slowly got up and looked around again, and I saw doctor strange, "they need our help" he then began making sparks and twirling his hands in a circle.


I slowly looked up and saw captain america's shield broken, I saw thanos's army, we lost again, I struggled to get up, but I couldn't, a big piece of concrete pinned my leg to the ground.

 I looked at steve and saw him limping towards thanos, ready to try and defeat him, but on the comms, a voice called him, "ey, steve" steve looked around in confusion, trying to see where the voice came from, "on your left" the voice continued, then all of a sudden, a portal opened, with the black panther and his army coming through.

 I saw all the heros who had been snapped come back to ready for the last battle, the battle for earth, then one last portal opened, and I saw doctor strange, drax, peter quill, peter parker, mantis and to my joy, charlotte harper.

 then a little farther away from me, Antman came out of the ground and released the concrete block from my leg, he picked me up and set me down beside tony.

 "AVENGERS!" steve yelled as thor grabbed stormbreaker and he grabbed Mjölnir, "assemble" thor then yelled and we went to the war to save earth, charlotte and wanda flew since it was easier, I used a cloud of energy to fly beside charlotte, who looked at me with joy, then we fought off cull obsidian and killed him, "this is fun!" charlotte laughed, "more fun I had in 5 years!" I replied, charlotte looked at me in horror.

 "WE HAVE BEEN GONE FOR 5 YEARS?!" she asked me. "yeah, by the way, you looked a bit.....uh......" I couldn't saw anything, she looked a bit old, wrinkly. "wrinkly? I know! I might be 90 something!" she replied as she ripped apart a demon.

 "so what?" I asked her as I kicked an alien off bruce, "it means I'm OLD" she explained, "so what? that won't stop from loving you" I told her as I shot an alien who was attacking black panther, charlotte tried to explain but tony called for her help.

 I sighed deeply, and went back to fighting, but then I faced a big demon, we fought until I was close to winning, but I was distracted for a few seconds by tony, I saw him almost get shot by a demon, so I put an energy shield on him and while I did that, the demon I was fighting took out my dagger and stabbed my stomach, I screamed in pain, and then shot the demon in the face and blew off his head.

 I fell to the ground and the world spun around, my eyes began darkening, then I remembered charlotte, she wouldn't leave me, wouldn't she? I weakly reach up to my earpiece and called charlotte.

 "charlotte.....I-I'm wounded" I say over the comms, "what? oh my god, I'm coming, loki!" charlotte replied, I pulled out the dagger out my stomach and lay there bleeding.

 when she came I nearly bled myself out, when she finally came to me she held my blood matted hand, "can't you heal me?" I asked her weakly, she nodded her head, "b-but this might hurt a bit" she whispered, she then began to make runes in the air and all of a sudden, I felt a pain in my stomach.

 I didn't mind the pain, I just looked around to make sure no demon was going to sneak up on us, luckily me and charlotte were hidden, in a short time my wound was healed.

 I thanked her and sat up, "we have to fight" I told charlotte, but she made me stay, "you need to rest" I tried protesting, but she made some shield walls and trapped me there.

 "you stay here" charlotte told me and flew away, "CHARLOTTE! COME ON!" I yelled in anger, I tried to break the walls, but it didn't work. so I dug down and finally got out the shield, I then brushed myself off.

 I thought to myself, why did charlotte trap in a force field? I then went looking for her, I saw thanos fighting a bunch of warriors, then I found hulk. "what do we do? we're losing!" I told him, it was already clear, a bunch of brave men were being struck down like flies.

 "we need to send the gauntlet back were it came from!" hulk shouted, hitting a few demons, "BY THE WAY, WHERE'S CHARLOTTE?" I asked him, "with tony, they're fighting thanos" he replied. "oh no...." I then ran to thanos, making sure I had a ton of energy to fight off thanos, but when I came there, charlotte was fighting a bunch of demons with the gauntlet in her hand.

 "oh no!" I thought, fighting my way towards her, then thanos threw his sword at her and I pushed her to the ground before she got sliced, "AH!" she squeaked, she then got to her feet in no time flat and looked at me, "I didn't need your help........ but thank you" she said to me.

 "now what did you mean that you were old?" I asked her, "lets hide so I can tell you properly" she replied, she brought me near a pile of debris and began explaining, "I'm an enhanced, you see? the longer I stay in space the quicker I age up. meaning all those 5 years I've been ageing, the older I become, so when I'm supposed to be 40 or 30, I'm 90" she then quieted down.

 "I know a spell to make you live for a few thousand years" I said after a very awkwardly long silence, "really? that's so nice! will I look young, too?" she asked me excitedly, "yes, my dear" I replied, my eyes shining with joy, then all of a sudden, the falcon landed near us.

 "what are you two doing? there's a fight goin' on out here and you just chillin'?" he asked us, "tony needs you, and quick" he then left us, charlotte grabbed my hand and we ran to find tony, "charlotte, look!" I then pointed where wanda maximoff is and charlotte looked in shock and a bit of terror in her blue eyes.


I watched wanda as she ripped thanos's armour apart, thanos then yelled something, and then a second later, his ships began to shoot at us. wanda flew into the air as a shot fell near her, me and loki ran to hide under a rock, I clung on to loki and closed my eyes in terror, but a minute later, everything became quiet,I looked up and saw the ships shooting something else.

 "tony? what's going on?" I whispered through the earpiece, "I have no idea" he replied, "friday is still scanning" he continued, I then poked my head out of the rock me and loki were hiding under, and saw a brilliant flash of light in the sky.

 "what is THAT?" I asked myself, then the flash of light then crashed into thanos's ship and destroyed it, plus the guns got broken, "" loki gasped, we got up from the rock and saw the light crash to the ground.

 I then ran towards the light and when I got close enough, I saw it was my childhood friend, carol danvers, "DANVERS!" I yelled, she looked at me and her face had a bit of shock and a bit of happiness, she ran towards me and pulled me into a hug.

 "how are you, charlotte?" she said after a long time of hugging, "I'm fine, carol! I got superpowers, too!" I replied, it was like me and carol were 8 year olds, again, "hey, are supposed to get the gauntlet to the van thingy?" a voice said, I looked down and saw peter parker sitting down, "oh, right!" carol then picked up the gauntlet and patted my back. "see you later, charlotte!" she called to me as she flew to the van.

 the second she went away the demons came back, angrier and stronger, loki fought by my side and I thought we were going to die. "TONY! WE NEED HELP!" I screamed into my earpiece, "I'M A LITTLE BUSY HERE, CHARLOTTE!" tony replied, "I NEED TO TELL YOU SOMETHING! I'M YOUR DAD! PEPPER WILL EXPLAIN HOW!" he continued, I thought that tony is kidding, but after pepper potts explained everything, I was shocked, "I need to find tony...I mean dad" I told pepper, I left loki without a second thought, and then a few seconds later, I saw carol flying to the van to put the gauntlet back in there, thanos threw his sword at the van and an enormous explosion then followed. I then got thrown into bucky barnes.

 I quickly got up and ran to get the gauntlet, but thanos pushed me and took the gauntlet, I got up again and tried to choke thanos while thor came and tried to cut thanos's chest, but thanos threw him away, and then grabbed my arm and punched me, I lay on the ground, waiting for a demon to rip me to pieces, but not a single demon came.

 I turned my head to tony, he and strange were looking at each other, strange lifted his hand and pointed his index finger to the air, it looked like tony knew it is a sign, because tony ran to thanos the second he put on the gauntlet.

 I tried getting up, but I had too many bruises, I watched as tony tried ripping off the gauntlet, but thanos threw tony away, I then heard footsteps behind me.

 "charlotte! are you ok?" thank the gods! it is loki, "I'm ok" I replied, loki then made me sit up, I looked up and saw thanos, "I am....inevitable" he said, I then closed my eyes and waited to be turned to ash again. but when thanos snapped, I didn't feel funny or dizzy, I then opened my eyes and saw thanos looking at the gauntlet in confusion, he turned his hand and I saw the stones weren't there, I looked at tony and saw him with the stones.

 "tony...." I whispered, tony looked at me and then at thanos, the stones floated up to his hand and assembled, energy surges went through tony's arm, " man" then he snapped his fingers, all the demons then turned to dust, far away thanos's followers slowly turned to ash, then thanos sat on the ground and turned to dust.

 tony limped over to a rock to sit down, pepper, rhodey, peter parker, steve, me and loki went over to him, "m-mister stark, we won, mr. stark, we won!" peter sobbed, pepper slowly pushed peter away, "friday?" pepper said quietly, "health signs are critical" friday replied, pepper then took my hand and led me to tony, tony looked at me and pepper.

 "hi, pep. hi, charlotte" he said weakly, tony took my hand and pepper's hand, "you can rest now" pepper said, "I love you, dad" I said to tony, tony smiled, and the next second, he died, pepper then began to cry, and all the avengers knelt down in salute for tony stark. the fight for the universe is over, but the cost was great, tony never had to fight another fight again. 

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