Paying the Price

By ClaraGraceBanks

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Four siblings Not just any four siblings Quadruplets Royal quadruplets All with secrets of their own At t... More

Characters and Aesthetics
Chapter 1: Janae
Chapter 2: Oliver
Chapter 3: Oakley
Chapter 4: June
Chapter 5: Janae
Chapter 6: Oliver
Chapter 7: Oakley
Chapter 8: June
Chapter 9: Janae
Chapter 10: Oliver
Chapter 11: Oakley
Chapter 12: June
Chapter 13: Janae
Chapter 14: Oliver
Chapter 15: Oakley
Chapter 16: June
Chapter 17: Janae
Chapter 18: Oliver
Chapter 19: Oakley
Chapter 20: June
Chapter 21: Janae
Chapter 22: Owen
Chapter 23: Oliver
Characters and Aesthetics Pt. 2
Chapter 24: Jenifer
Chapter 25: Oakley
Chapter 27: Janae
Chapter 28: Owen
Chapter 29: Oliver
Chapter 30: Jenifer
Chapter 31: Oakley
Chapter 32: June
Chapter 33: Janae
Chapter 34: Owen
Chapter 35: Oliver
Chapter 36: Jenifer
Chapter 37: Leo
Chapter 38: Oakley
Chapter 39: June
Chapter 40: Janae
Chapter 41: Owen
Chapter 42: Oliver
Chapter 43: Jenifer
Chapter 44: Oakley Part 1
Chapter 44: Oakley Part 2
Chapter 45: June
Characters and Aesthetics Pt. 3
Chapter 46:Odin

Chapter 26: June

120 9 26
By ClaraGraceBanks

Last  chapter recap- Oakley

Janae sat up and wiped her face, she smiled and said with a laugh "Don't make promises you can't keep Oakley. We all know you are too prideful for your own good.

She was right but I did mean it. I was going to try and do better as much as I hated having to be dependent on them. I hated seeing them this upset more.


I love Oakley so much but my God is he an idiot.

He literally was walking the string of death and almost didn't tell us. I mean if we had not gotten him to the hospital when we did the doctor said it could have been hours before he died.

He is too stubborn and I fear that one day it will cost him dearly.

It almost did today and it still might.

When we brought him in we had to tell them his name and ours. They didn't react to it though so I assume that word has not gotten out that we are missing.

Although when it does, the people at this hospital will know that we were here which may or may not get us caught.

If Oakley would have just told us in the first place that his wounds weren't healing right or that he thought they might be infected we wouldn't have had to bring him here in the first place.

We had to make up lies to tell Owen and the doctor what had happened.

We told them that Oakley had been attacked by a dog and that is where the infection came from.

If word got out that our father was the one that did that to Oakley the people would go crazy. They would not trust him to lead and might do something crazy like try to storm the palace.

Oakley would also never live that down. If word got out that he let our father do that to him he would be seen as weak and unfit to be king. It would completely destroy our family's name.

So we lied to the doctor and to Owen because it was inevitable that he would see that when the doctor looked at Oakley.

Owen was so sweet. He was really concerned about Oakely, every second he would ask "Is Oakley going to be okay? What's going to happen to him? Is he going to wake up soon? What is the doctor doing to him?"

We brought him to the hospital and the doctor ran many tests and told us that he was dehydrated and had severe sleep exhaustion along with the deadly infection.

Oakley was literally going to kill himself.

He was already passed out on Oliver's back when we brought him in so the doctor said that he was going to give him medicine that would help keep him asleep.

The four of us stayed with him in the hospital room for the whole two days while he was out, occasionally taking turns leaving to go home and get things we needed.

Thankfully all of us were there when he woke up. Owen noticed first, running up to him in excitement. I knew that Oakley was very confused when he woke up and that he excepted answers immediately.

Thankfully Oliver picked up on this and took Owen out of the room to the cafeteria so that my sister and I could talk to him in private.

After yelling at Oakley a bit and reminding him how dumb he is we told him what the doctor said to us and right as we finished talking Oliver and Owen returned with trays of food.

"Here you go, Oakley! I got us both grilled cheese sandwiches!" Owen said excitedly while running up to Oakley and coming to sit next to him.

"Be gentle Owen, Oakley is still healing," I told him while helping him get up by picking him up and sitting him next to my brother.

"I'm not made of glass June," he said while rolling his eyes at me and lifting Owen onto his lap.

Oakley took a bite of the sandwich and then turned to Owen "Thank you very much, Owen, this sandwich is delicious."

I think that Owen was going to combust because of this joy. He had the biggest cutest grin on his face.

"Do you really like it? I waited in line extra long so that we could get the fresh ones!" He said super proudly.

Oakley smiled then took another bite. "Well thank you so much for your hard work in getting me this sandwich it was greatly appreciated, buddy."

Owen smiled and giggled at Oakley's thanks.

Oakley turned his attention off of Owen and back onto us.

"So what did the doctor say about me going home? Because Im sick of this place."

Janae looked at him and said, "Oakley you just woke up from a two-day sleep an hour ago. They are not going to let you go for a long time. You need to learn some patience, all of us are sick of this place but we are not leaving until you are 100% okay."

He rolled his eyes and said "I am 100% fine. Im not in any kind of pain, I feel very well rested and I'm ready to go."

Janae was getting more and more upset the more that Oakley spoke.

"Oakley James Price we are not leaving until the doctor comes in here and tells us that you are good to go. I am not trusting your word for how you feel ever again because you like to lie and I do not know if you are actually telling the truth or not."

Then as if it was right on cue, the doctor walked in and said "Well I guarantee you that we will be keeping Oakley here until he is completely fine."

The doctor came over to Oakley and said "Well Oakley, I'm glad that you are awake. I tried looking for your medical records but I found nothing. I tried looking for all of your medical records and I found nothing. Not even a birth certificate. It's as if the four of you do not exist. Is there a reason why?"

I looked around at my sibling's faces and began to panic.

I mean I'm not totally surprised that there is no record of us. Our parents wanted to keep us a secret and obviously, they did a good job at that but what now? What are we supposed to tell this doctor?

"We are not from here. We were born in another country so I'm not surprised." Oliver said saving us.

He's always been a great liar. He has probably lied to the four of us out of hundreds of situations before.

"Oh. Well yes, that would make sense. Are you boys twins?" The doctor asked my brother.

"Yes sir, but we're actually quadruplets." He motioned to my sister and me.

"Oh wow, well in all my years, I've never met a set of identical quadruplets." He said in fascination. He came over to me and Janae and started looking at the two of us and then back at our brothers.

"Um, sir can you please tell me what's going on with our brother and when we can take him home," Janae said trying to get the doctor to focus back on Oakley.

"Oh yes! Well, we are going to want to keep him here for probably another day or so just to monitor him and make sure that the antibiotics are clearing up the infection and that he's healing properly. We also want to make sure that the pain medication we gave him wears off completely because of how strong the medication is." He said as he went over the Oakleys monitors with his clipboard to write some things down.

"Also we legally are not allowed to release him until a parent or guardian signs a release form." The doctor said coming back over towards me and my siblings."If you guys need to borrow a phone and call someone that's fine. Just let me know what we need to do."

I looked over at Oliver ready for another one of his great lies to get us out of this situation. I could see he was trying to come up with something.

I watched as he had a lightbulb moment.

"But sir, we are 18. We are legal adults, that's why we don't already have our parents here. They live in the country we were born in. The four of us live on our own with our little brother." Oliver said motioning to Owen at the end.

Well, he's done it now.

There is no way that this doctor is going to believe that we are four years older than we actually are.

"Oh okay. Well in that's case, Oakley can sign himself out whenever but we would like to still keep him here for another day." The doctor replied, believing our ridiculous lie.

I wish he wouldn't have told Oakley he could sign himself out because obviously the first thing my brother said once the doctor left the room was "I want to leave. You heard what he said, I can check myself out."

Janae rolled her eyes and glared at Oliver, "Yeah I also heard the part where Oliver lied and said that we are 18. We are already in enough legal trouble at the moment, I would really like to stop this." She turned and looked at Oakley and said in a demanding tone. "But the most important part of everything the doctor said was the part where he said that it's best that you stay here so that they can monitor you."

Oakley didn't like this response, "Well he said I could go. Whether I am 18 or not, does not matter. He thinks I'm an adult and said that I could leave. There is no reason for me to stay here any longer than I already have."

Owen who had been sitting quietly next to Oakley this whole time, turn his head and looked at Oakley, and said "Oakley please stay here for a little longer. I know that doctors can be scary but I will hold your hand if they give you a shot. I just want you to get all better and they will make you all better if you stay here."

I think my heart melted on the floor hearing Owens's cute little voice say that he would hold Oakley's hand.

He must have had the same effect on Oakley because the next thing that my brother said was "Fine ill stay. But only because Owen asked me to. Not because I am still sick."


AN: Ugh. Yall I said I was going to stick with my weekly update schedule but here I am, a week behind.

I apologize to you all. I hope you all have a great rest of your week and hopefully I will see you next Sunday, (let's pray I don't get behind again)

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