Kamen Rider Chrono

By SnowBlitz0

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(I do not own Kamen Rider, this is simply for the fun of writing and suggest you take the time to check out a... More

Chapter 1: Wish for Hope
Chapter 2: Warrior in Gold
Chapter 3: Zodiac
Chapter 4: Pigs and Gears
Chapter 5: Lucky Rabbit Jumps the Moon
Chapter 6: Gears Time
Chapter 7: Rampaging Ox & Loyal Dog
Chapter 8: Paradox Authorized
Kamen Rider Chrono: Christmas Riders
Chapter 9: Back to school
Chapter 10: Rabbit Ox Dog Part 1
Chapter 12: The Gears That Sets The Future
Chapter 13: A Reason To Fight
Chapter 14: The Dreaded Dessert
Chapter 15: Alter Time
Chapter 16: Investigating the Riders
Chapter 17: Tiger and Horse
Chapter 18: Trishception
Chapter 19: Mercy's Contingency
Chapter 20: The Immovable Pig Guards the Innocents
Chapter 21: Kibou's Resignation
Chapter 22: A Normal Life
Chapter 23: The Chrono Trials
Chapter 24: Alter versus Gears
Chapter 25: Decide What You Want
Chapter 26: The Dragon's Command
Chapter 27: Who is Kamen Rider Chrono?
Chapter 28: I Know What I Want
Chapter 29: Chrono Booooost!
Chapter 30: Zetsubou
Chapter 31: The Fall of Aquos
Chapter 32: A Deadly Duel
Chapter 33: Time for a New World
Chapter 34: Hope vs Despair
Finale: The King of Time
Prologue: Kamen Rider Strike

Chapter 11: Dragon Tiger Horse Part 2

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By SnowBlitz0

(Last time on Kamen Rider Chrono: Large amounts of Zodiac Servants target a large area within the center of the town, causing all three of the Riders to fall to an ambush by the Legendary Zodiac Beasts.)

AI: "The Lucky Rabbit Jumps the Moon."

A golden clock appeared in front of Chrono only for him to punch right through it. The debris formed a gun which he took hold of and fired. Dragnis scoffed and weaved through each bullet with precision while walking forward, grabbing the final bullet out of the air and flicking it back at Chrono.

Sparks flew from his suit as the Rider was launched into the air. He rolled back on his feet and dashed forward, tossing the gun to his left hand and going for a straight punch. Dragnis responded by grabbing the wrist of Chrono and tossing him over his shoulder, kicking him away.

Chrono flipped onto his feet and continued with firing the gun at close range, only to have Dragnis dodge it like it was nothing. The Dragon Zodiac ducked under the gun and rammed his shoulder into the Rider, tossing him up and swinging him across the plaza.

Dragnis: "So this is the one who inherited the name of Chrono, huh? Not impressed so far."

AI: "Yeah!? Well, we ain't here to impress!"

A golden pulse emitted from the Driver, causing time to freeze. Chrono disappeared and reappeared in front of the Dragon Zodiac, pointing the gun at his chest and was about to fire when Dragnis scoffed again. He took the shoulders of the Rider and spun him around, kneeing him in the stomach, then delivering a right hook that sent him flying.

Time replayed as Chrono went crashing into some barrels, both caught off guard with the fact that he could move in stopped time.

Dragnis: "I know better than to underestimate you Riders... Now, what is it that you all say? Henshin?"

Dragnis kicked the gun into the air as flames started to gather at his waist in a similar fashion to Chrono. The flames created a tornado around him, which dispersed to leave falling embers around him. He now wore a suit of crimson and gold. The chestplate bulky with scale patterns, pauldrons had big golden spikes, golden claws at the end of the crimson gauntlets, crimson boots that went up to his waist with gaps near the inner thighs, black undersuit, and a helmet that looked like a dragon with red eyes.

Dragnis: "Now. Let's fight for real."

...(PoV Switch: Gears)...

Tignus: "Finally! Someone that can hold his own in a fight!"

Tignus stepped to the side to avoid a slash and jabbed at Gears upper chest. The Rider stumbled back and advanced to the next color stage of the sword. It made a high-pitched sound as it soared through the air. Each swing not connecting with the target parrying and striking afterwards.

Gears rolled forward to avoid another hit and slashed at his back, sparks flying out from the wound as the Tiger Zodiac laughed. The Kamen Rider walked forward, raising the sword again when Tignus spun around, smashing his fist into the helmet of Gears. Gears managed to catch himself before falling and raised his left shoulder, using the large pauldron to block the next attack and counter.

Tignus: "Wouldn't be nearly as fun if you couldn't fight."

Gears: "You talk too much."

Gears ran forward, taking a wide swing at the Zodiac, with him blocking it with his right arm. The Rider spun around and slashed at his other side, predicting that he would block again, which he was proven right. He used the block to bounce the blade back off and slash down, forcing Tignus on his knee.

Tignus: "Fine, if I talk too much, then how about I shut up!"

The Zodiac let out a powerful aura, causing Gears to stumble back. Tignus cracked his knuckles as his body began to coat itself in a metallic material. That material shattering after a couple seconds. The armor was more muscular with a bronze coloring. Tigers heads on his shoulder that draped down like a cape of sorts, two large claws on each arm, full armor on his lower half, and finally a helmet like a greek soldier.

Gears Driver: "40%! 60%!! 80%!!!"

...(PoV Change: Paradox)...

Aquos: "Is it just me or are you holding back?"

Aquos raised her right arm to block a swing and countered with two swift punches to the gut, then a jump kick to send Paradox backwards. She remarked that the Rider didn't seem nearly as ready as her colleagues.

Paradox pushed herself off the floor, water particles floating up from her body. The lady dashed forward, stopping a couple steps in front of the Horse Zodiac and tried a spinning high kick. The Horse Zodiac sighed and told Paradox that she was leaving herself open, going for another block and counter.

A smile formed under her helmet as her body started to shimmer, phasing straight through the block and landing her kick across the face of the Zodiac. The blade on her heel caused a deep cut across her cheek.

Aquos: "Huh...? Is that...? Mine...?"

The Zodiac touched her cheek, smearing the palm of her hand and taking a shaky look at it.


Paradox: "That's... kinda how a fight works."

Aquos: "Heh, alright... I'm going to enjoy this."

Aquos moved fast enough to create afterimages, pausing for a second when she came face-to-face with the Rider, taking a hold of her arm and ducking behind Paradox, twisting her joint behind her. She then kicked the back of her knee to force her down and pushed her down the rest of the way with her heel.

Paradox panicked, out of instinct she phased through the Zodiac and swiftly retreated away. The Horse smirked as she walked forward menacingly, wind swishing around her and clinging to her body, obscuring the Zodiac. It blew away with enough force to lift Paradox off her feet, revealing her true form. She was covered head to two in white armor, the gauntlets and greaves extending out a bit in a bladed fashion, a thick mane dropping from the top of her helmet.

...(PoV Change: All)...

Chrono rolled to the side to avoid the flaming shots, summoned his twinblades and dashed forward. Twisting his weapon to split apart the twinblade, he slashed at the next shot, causing an explosion to engulf him.

Dragnis scowled underneath the helmet and raised the gun to his chest, sensing something was wrong. A shimmer in the space by the explosions proved Dragnis right. Instinctively, the Dragon Zodiac spun around and whipped the gun in his hand. Chrono stumbled off to the side before getting grabbed and tossed like a ragdoll into Gears.

Paradox took a wide swing at the Horse Zodiac in front of her, watching her vanish before her eyes and getting kicked in the back. She phased just in time to stop her head from getting stomped on, pushing off the ground and attempting to sweep the legs out of Aquos.

Aquos stepped out of the way and picked Paradox up by the throat, easily tossing her in the air and jumping up, kicking her stomach in and sending her flying to her colleagues.

AI: "Starting to run out of juice. We need to find a way to get out of here."

Gears: "Easier said than done! I think our only option is to focus on one and kill it."

AI: "Well, you can do that. Chrono's vitals are dropping, so we are leaving."

Paradox: "Seriously? Lord, I wonder how you ever did it back in my time."

Chrono: "Haah... Haah... Let's switch coins."

Gears/Paradox: "Huh?"

Chrono: "The coins do different things, right?"

Paradox: "..."

Gears: "...Worth a shot."

All three removed their coins with Chrono handing the Rabbit over to Paradox and Pig to Gears. Paradox and Gears looked at each other, nodded, then she handed the Dog coin to Chrono.

Chrono/Gears/Paradox: "Dai Henshin!"

AI: "Ready, Go! Steady, Go! Time to go! Kamen Rider Chrono!! The Brave Dog Guards the Innocents."

Gears System: "Zodiac Time! Bulky! Made of Steel! Impenetrable Shield! Kamen Rider Pig Gears!! Such an Immovable Force."

Paradox Driver: "Distorting Reality... Paradox Authorized. Splicing DNA: The Swift Rabbit."

Chrono stood up straight, the wind blowing his scarf in a dramatic fashion as all the rabbit features began to turn to sand. The scarf bulky and more unruly, covering his collarbone. The arrows from his faceplate extended, curling back to give it the appearance of wolf ears. The final additions being longer gauntlets with blades attached to the length of them, and greaves with claws.

Gears' chestplate and pauldrons grew in size, with spikes shooting out of his shoulder armor. The gauntlets swelled up, with it getting extending off the suit near the elbows. The greaves were now padded with several layers of bronze, with the same kind of spikes on his kneepads.

Paradox's cape detached from her chest to reveal a bunny-like chestplate underneath. The white pauldrons started to stretch down from her shoulders all he way down to her wrist, connecting to the bracelets. A white ball appeared on her waistline, reminiscent of a rabbit's. Finally, the calves on the greaves grew bulkier.

Tignus: "Heh, time for round two!"

Tignus charged towards Gears. Gears stepped to the side to avoid a slash and punched him in the back, sending him flying into barrels. The Rider nodded to the other two and charged his blade once more, giving chase after the Tiger.

Aquos: "Let's see if you can keep up."

Aquos disappeared, leaving behind a couple doubles. Paradox ducked, prematurely dodging a swing. The Horse tried to quick back at the Rider behind her, only to get her leg caught and herself tossed into the air. The Zodiac quickly recovered and raced off with Paradox close behind.

Dragnis: "Just you and me."

Chrono: "Yeah. Let's go."

Chrono ran towards Dragnis, his ear twitching when he got closer. The Rider rolled to the side as a pillar of flame erupted underneath where he was, then jumped into the air, narrowly dodging a fireball. The Rider landed with a thud and weaved under a swing, counter with a swift jab and kick.

The Dragon held the spot he was kicked, glancing down for a second before snapping his fingers. Multiple magic circles appeared around Chrono, each shooting out pointed chains. Chrono summoned his twinblade, swinging the attached spear into each of the chains as they approached, destroying them and turning them to ash.

Chrono split the blades apart, pushing against the ground while a golden pulse trigger from his Driver, the air around him shimmering. His speed increased, reaching top speeds almost as soon as he started booking it. Dragnis scowled and swiped his hand through the air, a blade of fire started flying towards the Rider. Chrono slid under the attack, quickly popping back up and slamming his boot into the chest of the Dragon.

Dragnis stumbled back and was about to unleash another magical fire attack when a glint of gold drew his attention. Soon after, an explosion knocked him into the air, not giving him any chance to react to the follow-up.

AI: "Grand Time Kick!"


Gears Driver: "100% Charge!"

Gears and Tignus charged at each other, with Tignus swinging his mighty claws at the bulky chestplate. Sparks were sent flying from the impact, and both were tossed back. Gears looked down to where he struck and noticed a scorch mark complete with smoke rising from it.

The Rider quickly braced himself, taking another hit directly to give him a clear shot. Gears grabbed the arm just as they were about to go tumbling, and thrusted his sword forward. A groan of pain escaped the Tiger as he slammed his head into Gears.

Gears wiped the spot where his mouth would be and deflected another sword swipe, thrusting forward to counter, then retreated a couple steps to parry and block. They both traded blow for blow, sparks creating a small ball of smoke as they tried to overpower the other.

Tignus stumbled back, now a panting mess as was Gears. Gears pressed a button on the left of the Driver, causing the device to shoot out two gears that flew around, slamming Tignus back, and connecting to his right leg. Gears took a couple steps back, then breaking into a full sprint and jumping high into the air, kicking down towards Tignus.

The Tiger Zodiac stumbled to his feet and tried jumping out of the way, but tripped over himself. In the split instant before the kick connected, a small figure seemed to appear out of thin air and took the finisher for the Tiger Zodiac.

Gears landed with a grunt, watching as the explosion started to fade and catching the coin as it flew towards him.

Gears: "Hm? The Snake Coin?"


Paradox extended her blades and delivered a jab towards Aquos. The Horse narrowly dodged it, threads of her mane flying from her head, and kicked the Rider back. Paradox stumbled before turning it to a roll off to the side, avoiding another kick and sweeping the Horse's legs.

Paradox Driver: "Atomic Flare."

The female Rider's right leg glowed a bright blue color as she raised it similar to an axe from an executioner. She brought her leg down before Aquos could get away, creating a large crater with an even bigger cloud of dust.

Paradox waved the cloud away from her face and noticed the glint of something shiny. She reached down and brought it to a visible level, confusion painting her face under her mask.

Paradox: "The Rooster?"


Dragnis: "Looks like you underestimated you three."

Gears and Paradox jogged over to Chrono's side, raising their fists along with him. Tignus and Aquos appeared at Dragnis' side, injured and tired, but Dragnis himself seemed nearly untouched.

Tignus: "Gears... Right? Don't think next time you'll be so lucky."

Aquos: "Same goes for you, girly."

Chrono: "I'm not letting you get away!"

Time froze around Chrono and he jumped after them, but a roundhouse kick from Dragnis knocked him out of the frozen time.

Dragnis: "That's enough from you. Now, let's go."

Gears: "Wait!"

Gears started towards them, but a wall of fire sprouted up to block him from going any further.

AI: "That went better than I thought."

Paradox: "Yeah, but I couldn't shake the feeling that they were toying with us."

Gears: "That sounds about right. That Dragon Zodiac looked like the only one to be taking it seriously."

AI: "Seems like it, but let's head back to HOME... Weirdly enough, I could consider this a success."

Chrono: "Ugh, why's that?"

Gears: "Well I took down another Zodiac, even if it wasn't the Tiger."

Paradox: "Same here."

Mercy: "CAN YOU HEAR ME!?"

Chrono: "Uh, yeah. You're coming through."

Mercy: "Lord! I've been trying to contact you three for awhile now! Get back here, quick! Especially you, Chrono! Don't think I didn't notice your vitals!"

All three of the Riders sighed, afraid of what awaited them back at HOME.

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