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● Word Count: 175k ● ◇ Ever since he was young, Harry had been fascinated with the Emperor, the founder of th... Daha Fazla

Prologue [Deviation]
Chapter 1 [A Choice]
Chapter 2 [Harry's Selection]
Chapter 3 [First Impressions]
Chapter 4 [The Beginning]
Chapter 5 [First Meeting]
Chapter 6 [Declaration]
Chapter 7 [Break]
Chapter 8 [Uncle]
Chapter 9 [Grief]
Chapter 10 [Penny]
Chapter 11 [Dolphin]
Chapter 12 [Consorts]
Chapter 13 [All Hallow's Eve]
Chapter 14 [End of 1997]
Chapter 15 [Rising]
Chapter 16 [Ceremony]
Chapter 17- [Refusal]
Chapter 19 [One and Eighteen]
Side: [Harry, Draco and Dahlia]
Chapter 20- [Ambition]
Side 3- [Daphne]
Chapter 21- [Promotion]
Chapter 22- [Official]
Side 4- [Luna]
Chapter 23- [Breaking Point]
Chapter 24: [Ego]
Side 5 - [Harry]
Chapter 25 - [Fondness]
Chapter 26- [Australia- Part 1]
Chapter 27- [Australia: 2]
Chapter 28: [End of 1998]
Chapter 29: [Two's Company]
Chapter 30: [Three's a Crowd]
Chapter 31: [Shifting Power]
Chapter 32: [The Last Stretch]
Chapter 33: [Rue]
Chapter 34: [Unexpected]
Chapter 35: [Truths]
Chapter 36: [Two]
Chapter 37: [Meltdown]
Chapter 38: [The World Tour]
Chapter 39: [Conspiracy]
Chapter 40: [Baby Steps]
Chapter 41: [The Tournament]
Chapter 42: [The Last Selection]

Chapter 18 [The Beginning]

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XStrawberryJams tarafından

I adore this chapter, and I don't think I've ever said that! Seriously, I put so much emotion into some of these scenes, because I was drawing on personal experiences, and it somehow made it so much easier to write ^-^ It got to 5k words in the end!
Anyway, I've got two mock exams tomorrow [today], but I just wanted to get this out now whilst I remember.

Trigger Warnings- Mentions of body modification [Side character], Mentions of Miscarriage [Past], Mentions of Suicide, Mentions of Death.


1st April 1998- Wednesday

"-Despite Concubine Felix's lax in informing His Majesty, and the harem as a whole, of his pregnancy, he still receives the Emperor's sincere congratulations on conceiving a royal child, and therefore, his Majesty graciously promotes him to the position of Primary Concubine." Bellatrix looked undeniably smug, her voice dripping with haughtiness and superiority. After all, Concubine Felix was firmly within her camp- his promotion was a boon to her own status and position as the Harem's most powerful member.

Harry's eyebrow rose in disbelief, however, at the situation. Despite going against the Emperor's decree so blatantly and knowingly, the Concubine was still receiving the boons that his pregnancy brought? He looked around the room, noting by their stunned faces that many agreed with his thoughts.

Felix was currently not in attendance, his isolation also extending to attending the daily meetings, which Harry thought was more of a blessing. He was growing tired of the uselessness and the monotony of them, the talks dominated by Bellatrix, his personal opinions washed away under the sea of voices talking over one another. It seemed that all decorum vanished from the concubines when they stepped within these walls, and they became snide, gossipy animals.

"That is to be expected, a second child is a rare occurrence here. Only three of us have ever given his Majesty two or more children. Sister Penny, with two daughters and a son," Regulus sent a genial glance towards the proud-looking Consort. "Sister Alecto, with her twin daughters," Alecto looked ruffled at the mention of them, but pleased to be put in the spotlight, "And the Late Noble Consort Evangeline, with her two daughters and son. With Brother Felix already three and a half months along, the chances of his child being born are incredibly high. This is something to be celebrated."

And now that his pregnancy was out in the open, it would be incredibly suspicious if he suffered a miscarriage, especially at over fourteen weeks along. It was smart, and Harry was sure that's why many were so against others hiding their pregnancies, despite changing that opinion the moment it involved themselves.

Erin piped up. "Still, with only a pregnancy, Concubine Rosier has been given the Primary position, which has a lot of responsibilities, whilst still being in isolation? I mean, surely that isn't-"

Bellatrix cleared her throat, a frown on her face, dark eyes glaring down at them from the dias. "Silence. We are not here to question his Majesty's decrees, only to accept them for the gifts they are. Be happy for your Brother and his growing child, Noble Witt."

"My apologies, this news is greatly welcomed." Never had Harry heard such sarcasm from a member of the harem, and tried his hardest to stifle his amusement. However, he wasn't lucky in that endeavour.

"And what about this situation amuses you, Noble Potter-Black? Do share." Bellatrix's snide comment brought him right back to Hogwarts and the pompous attitudes of some of the students and teachers. His lip twitched at the comparison, holding back further slips.

"I was smiling in agreement with Sister Erin, Consort Bellatrix. It is, after all, a great occasion- the Emperor will have yet another child in a matter of months, perhaps even another son. After all, Concubine Rosier has given him one once before."

Her lip pulled up into a snarl. "Yes, I suppose there is a chance. Well, no matter the gender, we should all pray for the health of Brother Felix and his child. Please make sure that you do so. This meeting is adjourned."


"Please don't rile up Bellatrix any further-" Harry startled at the unexpected voice, his head snapping to the side to meet the unimpressed stare of Regulus. The man had obviously followed him all the way to his palace unbeknownst to him or Anya, whose surprise and worry were palpable. "-You don't want to face the consequences whilst you still hold little of your own power." Regulus' tone was chiding and sharp, and it made Harry's teeth grit.

"I wasn't riling her up. If anything, she was trying to antagonise me!"

"That may be so, but you still made a statement by mentioning that Felix already has a son, and may yet have another. My cousin-" Here, he heaved out a sigh. "Is admittedly getting older now, and is approaching fifty quickly. Our family has always had decreased fertility, and it only grows worse with age. She desperately wants a son, so please don't use something like that against her."

Harry turned to fully face Regulus, a frown on his face. "If she didn't want to be hurt, she shouldn't hurt others. She had most likely done more harm to our Brothers and Sisters, the maids and Eunuchs, and his Majesty than I ever will." He span on his heel and began walking towards the Palace of Noble Handsomeness, ignoring Regulus' calls.

"Harry, I'm only trying to help you out!"

"Master, that was unwise of you. Please don't alienate yourself from such a powerful ally. Go back to him and apologise." His head maid spoke into his ear, and Harry shot her a glare.

"I can do as I wish, I'm following my morals." Turning to face her just before they entered the gate, Harry leaned closer, cupping his hand to obscure his words. "And don't order me around. You may be precious to me, but my reputation...my family's reputation isn't to be tarnished by me being seen to be chastised by a maid."

Her eyes widened in understanding, head whipping around, noticing the eyes of passing Eunuchs and fellow maids on them. "My apologies, Master. I didn't think."

"I need you to be strong for me, Anya, the perfect maid. You are the head of my staff, please continue to meet those expectations. I can't trust many, and I will continue to trust you without a doubt until you give me a reason."


8th April- Wednesday

In a change of pace, Harry was invited for lunch with Attendant Lukas, who he had yet to have any meaningful interactions with. The Attendant, whilst not exactly standoffish, came with the unfortunate position of being close to Concubine Patricia, who Harry was avoiding as much as he could. He was, admittedly, afraid of the woman, more so than he was of Bellatrix. The Consort could be controlled by Regulus, talked down by her fellow Consorts into a more mellow mood, and didn't often resort to violence towards her fellow concubines. Patricia, however, was reported to have done many violent things towards many different people, including concubines. Harry couldn't help but think of the suspicious circumstances her daughter died every time he looked at her.

In attendance were other First-class attendants, such as Zacharias Smith and Theodore Nott, Second-Class Attendant Merula Snyde, who was sat next to the man, and, unfortunately, Concubine Rakepick, who was glaring daggers into Harry from her seat opposite.

It became clear as to why this unusual gathering was called for when Lukas, after having spoken with everyone around the table for a little while, trying to appear innocuous, smirked suddenly. "On my birthday, I requested to spend the night with the Emperor, which he agreed upon. Hopefully, my darling daughter should expect news of a little sibling soon."

"Oh, that's amazing, Brother!" Attendant Snyde gushed, leaning into him and holding onto his arm. Lukas looked at her with a smirk, then let his eyes wander to take in the reactions of the others.

Patricia gritted her teeth and didn't offer any congratulations of her own, despite Lukas' searching look.

Harry smiled wanly at the man. "Congratulations, Attendant Erikson. I hope that your wish will come true." He did not. The more power that went to Erikson, the more chance he had of overtaking Harry, and since he was an ally of Patricia's, it meant she would also be attaining some of that extra power.

The man seemed to accept his congratulations with no hidden agenda, lip twitching slightly as if he didn't know how friendly he should appear to Harry. "Thank you, Noble Potter-Black, you are kind."

Patricia then stood, startling the table's occupants as her chair screeched on the pavement. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, and her hands were shaking slightly under the tight grip she had on the tablecloth. "Apologies, Brothers, Sisters, but I have somewhere to be."


Harry later found out from June that the woman, after the tea had ended, had approached the Emperor, and had asked to spend the night with him in a fit of jealousy over her cousin's flaunting.

It made Harry laugh at her childishness, but fear what would happen if she didn't get her way in the future. There was discontent stirring in the harem these days from a variety of sources, although, at what, Harry couldn't quite pinpoint.

What was startling, however, was the malice he could feel seeping out of Dahlia whenever their paths crossed, her baby blue eyes no longer staring up at him with friendliness, but blankness. It was a startling change from just a few months ago, and Harry couldn't help but worry about what had made her act in such a way. He had done nothing of note to offend her to such a degree, not that he could recollect, so it stood that she was being influenced by another concubine. His bets were on Bellatrix, who was her pseudo-aunt, and who Harry had spotted her hanging around more in the past months.

It concerned him, both that Bellatrix was gaining allies and therefore power, but also that this was his friend, yet he couldn't do anything about it unless she wanted him to. Which, decidedly, she did not. Dahlia seemed content in her current position as her aunt's lackey, and who was Harry to judge?

He was going to win the Emperor's unanimous attention no matter who stood in the way, for both his family, and for himself.


25th April- Saturday

To Harry's surprise, he awoke in the morning to discover that Pippa had gone into labour during the night and delivered a healthy baby girl, who the Emp- Thomas had named Melina, unknowing that she had even been in labour.

Later, when he asked Cedric why they hadn't been expected to pray for the health of both mother and baby, as well as wait outside the palace for news of the birth, he informed him that such a spectacle is only done for the children born to the Emperor's official spouses, who have their own Palace's. There was no need to 'disturb the peace' of the Consorts and Concubines.

"Did you know this, Anya?" He asked his head maid as they sat in his private living room, him sewing pretty patterns- still slightly wonky, despite the days of practice he had put into them- onto a piece of scrap cloth, whilst she was finishing off the final decorations to his newest robe, made from the materials the Emperor had gifted him when he first joined the harem.

Anya looked up from her work, a surprised look on her face. "I did not, Master, otherwise, I would have surely told you."

The constant reminders that those who were Nobles or below weren't considered as the Emperor's legal spouses jarred Harry, and he vowed to become one as soon as was feasible. However, his attempts to grow closer to the Emperor, mainly by propositioning the man, were simply met with rebukes and amusement.

It was frustrating now more than it was disappointing, his attention focused on getting the Emperor to accept. However, he didn't want to push the matter too much in case it backfired on him and ended with ire instead of entertainment.

The robe Anya was currently making him was an attempt to gain something from the Emperor, whether that be only more attention, or what Harry really wanted. It was a lot more flashy than his usual outfits, a light blue bordering on green, which paired handsomely with his eyes. It was more cinched at the waist to show off his figure better, and the slits at either side revealed more of his legs when he walked. It was a bold robe, made less so by the more modest shirt he wore underneath, a white turtleneck revealed by the opening. No trousers were needed, as the robe tied up at his middle, held shut by a bejewelled clasp.

It only needed a few finishing touches, and it'd be ready for the next time he met with the Emperor.


29th April- Wednesday

"Greetings, your Majesty." Harry bowed, feeling the slits on his robe shift with his movement. He battled down the instinct to clasp it together, hands twitching at his sides with slight discomfort. He was really pushing himself doing this, and he hoped it was worth it. He also hoped it didn't get back to one of the more antagonistic of the harem, which would be disastrous.

The Emperor, who was busy working at his desk hummed, not glancing upwards. "Thank you for coming, my Noble."

Harry continued to bow, feeling his back and arms start to ache at holding the position for more than a few seconds. His earrings were also starting to irritate him, the silver strands tickling his neck when he breathed, enticing him to break position and brush them away. "I thank his Majesty for inviting me here."

Thomas' lip twitched, and he placed his pen down, looking up at last. His eyes dilated when they took him in, widening slightly in shock, wandering over his figure with interest. It made pleasure unfurl smugly in Harry's chest, fighting the grin that wanted to stretch across his face. The Emperor visibly gulped, turning to his head Eunuch and waving him out. The man exited with visible reluctance. He turned to Harry once more, eyes roving up and down his figure as he began to sway nervously, as if he was a criminal awaiting a verdict. "Harry," The Emperor's voice was thick with emotion, staring at him with lidded eyes. "That robe suits you well."

"Thank you... Thomas." He finally straightened from his bow, smiling bashfully at the man.

"Come, sit." He gestured to the sofa off to the side, nearby a side table that contained a myriad of different foods, such as fruits, thin slices of meat, cheese, bread and sweets. Also on the table was a teapot and two teacups, along with a small jug of milk and a bowl full of sugar. Harry eyed it with interest, but his gaze was ultimately drawn back to Thomas, who was still intensely eyeing him. "How are you today, my Noble? Is there a special occasion that warrants such a change in your attire?"

"I simply felt that today was the time to wear one of my newest robes. My maids have been hard at work, and I thought that you may appreciate this one."

"I do, it is a very bold choice, but you suit such boldness well."

Harry busied himself with making them both tea, tilting his head to hide his grin, but he couldn't hide the emotions betrayed by his voice. "Thank you." The only noise was the clinking of cups and saucers as he finished off making the teas, picking up one to pass it to the Emperor, startling when his eyes met burning red. He drew back slightly, unsure, but Thomas grabbed his wrist and took the tea, continuing to hold on as he took a gulp. His eyebrows raised.

"You know how I like my tea." It wasn't a question.

"Yes, your Majesty. I have been observing." Thomas hummed, looking amused as he finally released his wrist, which Harry drew back to his side slowly. He cleared his throat anxiously. "Thomas?"


"Why have you called me here?"

The Emperor's head tilted, a superior look in his eyes, challenging him to argue. "Can't I simply want to see you, my Noble?"

Harry spluttered a little, feeling the hotness of a blush on his face. "Yes, of course, but, well...I assumed..."

Thomas chuckled, the sound resonating in his brain, sending tingles down to his toes. Merlin. "Not to worry, I simply wished to know how you are faring. I haven't seen or heard from you in a few days, since I've been busy sorting out arrangements for my newest daughter."

Harry's next question was an innocent one, filled with a longing to know the Emperor's thoughts, and the emotions he was currently feeling. "Are you pleased to have another daughter?"

Thomas seemed to search his expression intently for a few seconds before the crease at his brow relaxed, and he sipped at his tea ponderingly. "I have grown to find a special joy in holding my newborn daughters, mainly in the disappointed face some of my concubines pull with the knowledge that they cannot use their daughter in the way they could a son." His dark smile sent shivers down Harry's spine, but his trepidation was soon replaced by intrigue as the expression morphed into fondness. "I had hope that, perhaps, my daughters could be equal to my sons, but it seems that many of my concubines don't view them as such." His face contorted once more as he spoke his next words. "It is strange, considering how, as I am immortal, I won't be handing my throne down to my children any time soon, perhaps not even within the current generation's lifetime. Therefore, why is there so much competition to bear me a son?"

"It would be an honour to have a child of yours, no matter the gender, and no matter the position they would end up within," Harry replied, truthfully. Admittedly, now that he looked into it, he did want the position of the Emperor's most honoured spouse, being Emperor Consort for his own personal satisfaction, but he held no ideals that any children he could possibly bear would become the next Emperor. Perhaps his grandchildren would have a chance, no matter how many greats would come before that.

The Emperor laughed softly, a teasing lilt to his tone. "I thought you would say that. Still, I can see in your eyes, and in the tone of your voice, that you are telling the truth." Before Harry could retort, Thomas held up his hand, and it took Harry a few seconds to realise that he was waving in a Eunuch standing to the side, who was holding a box. It also startled Harry to see that the man's lips were sealed together with crude stitches, making him look disturbing. "I have prepared a gift for you: Materials that your maids can use to craft you new robes and accessories, in various shades of blue. I hope to see another variation of the one you are wearing, it suits you well." Thomas ignored Harry's uneasy look, smiling at him instead as if the man to the side of him didn't look like a mockery of a scarecrow.

Harry watched as the man hobbled closer, disturbed and feeling his heart begin to race in fear and disgust. He tried to not allow it to show on his face, but with the hawkish way the Emperor was staring at him, eyes roving his features, absorbing every little twitch his face made, he knew it was futile. "Thank you, your Majesty." He bowed his head and stood to receive the box from the Eunuch, noting how the Emperor didn't correct his address. He placed it on the table, and steeled himself, watching out of the corner of his eye as the frightening Eunuch disappeared from sight. "May I...kiss you? As thanks for this thoughtful gift." And to get his mind off of what he had just seen.

And, admittedly, for much more selfish reasons than he would allow himself to think on.

Thomas hummed, tilting his head in mock thought, before beckoning him forward with a satisfied smirk. "Of course, my Noble."

It was soft and sweet, barely a brush of lips, until suddenly, it wasn't. A hand twined roughly into his messy locks, the tight grip drawing a startled shout from his lips, and the Emperor struck. Teeth clashed roughly, and a tongue invaded his mouth skillfully, Harry struggling to even think, let alone match the man in his aptitude. He felt inexperienced, lost for what to do, and drowning further as the kiss prolonged. It panicked him, the roughness, the passion, the intensity, yet it also further endeared him to Thomas, the thumb stroking at his cheek relaxing him.

They parted unexpectedly, the Emperor looking pleased with himself as Harry drew in deep, gasping breaths, hair mussed and lips swollen and red.

"I apologise if that was sudden, but it came to me then that the only previous experience of kissing you have had was me was on All Hallow's Eve, and I couldn't bear to leave that as the impression you held of my affection. Are you agreeable to another one?"

All Harry could do was nod, still breathless and overwhelmed, yet so accepting of everything the Emperor would give him at the moment.

The robes, seemingly, had been a success. He'd have to see if Anya would make him a few more with his new materials.


1st May- Friday- Pippa Macmillan

"His Majesty congratulates Noble Macmillan on the birth of her daughter, and praises her for creating a steadfast link between the Royal House of Slytherin and the Noble House of Macmillan." Pippa's breath grew still as Bellatrix stopped there, waiting anxiously for the news of her promotion, or even a title such as 'Honoured Mother', but she simply stared down at her with a superior glint in her eyes. She deflated internally, yet kept a brave front in the face of the scorn she could hear. "Your Sisters and Brothers also congratulate you, Noble Macmillan."

Cordelia tittered about how even the birth of her first child could not shift her rank, and she shifted in discomfort.

Nobody seemed sorry for her, their faces blank or scornful.

It was then that she realised she had no true allies in the harem, even those who she had hung around for years didn't send a sympathetic glance her way. Pippa had thought her pretentious attitude would endear her to at least a few of the more old-fashioned ones, but... Granted, she couldn't see the face of those further down the line-

Shifting in a way that seemed inconspicuous, Pippa glanced around and shrank back into herself as she realised they weren't paying attention. They'd already moved on to the next topic, talking about the next item on the agenda, despite the fact that she'd just given birth to his Majesty's newest daughter.

Where were her congratulations? Her praise, her fawning, her attention?

Sleeping with the Emperor had elicited a crowd gathering around her, gushes and cooes about the possibilities of another royal child (no matter how fake she knew them to be), but now that the princess, her princess, had been born? Nothing.

And she was still a Noble. Not even Primary Noble, or even Secondary Noble, but Third Noble.

"And his Majesty would also like to announce-" Bellatrix's teeth audibly clashed. Pippa perked up, leaning forward eagerly. Anything Bellatrix was annoyed about could only be good. Perhaps, she had gained a title after all- "That Noble Potter-Black is a... precious concubine whose example the Harem should follow... observing the Emperor's interests and acting on them... Noble Potter-Black! What is the meaning of this?! What does the Emperor indicate by 'observing his interests'?!"

Noble Potter-Black, a boy who had been on her radar, yet dismissed for being lower-ranked despite his quick promotion, looked up at the Primary Consort with a sweet, vicious smile that didn't suit his young face, green eyes blazing with smugness. It set her heart racing, hands shaking slightly where she gripped the hand rests of her chair despite her attempts to still them. "His Majesty liked that I had noticed how he liked his tea- without milk. I had no idea that would leave such an impression on him." Here, he tilted his head, a confused expression plastering itself on his face as he surveyed the room. "Did nobody else think to know such things about His Majesty?" At the lack of response, he smiled again, tauntingly harmless. "Well, now that you know, you may all endear yourselves further to his Majesty with this, Sisters and Brothers!"

Pippa's teeth gritted, her hands clenching, hidden by the sleeves of her robe. A few looked similarly annoyed- Bellatrix, Patricia, Alecto, the Malfoy girl and her little group- but the general consensus seemed to be begrudging acceptance that the Noble, the boy, had bested them. Concubine Regulus and Consort Penny even looked amused!

Her anger grew, festering in her heart and settling at its centre with viciousness. How dare he overshadow her!


3rd May- Sunday

Harry relaxed onto the bench, sinking further into it with a sigh, enjoying the warm sunshine on his face that spring had brought along. He had been in the harem for nearly a year now, and at times like these, he couldn't help but reminisce.

Thinking back on his previous naivety, Harry scoffed, folding his arms. Those he had been warned about, such as Regulus' personality and Penny's power, had proven to be great friends, and friends had turned to enemies. Dahlia was growing worse these days, instead of ignoring him as she had previously, she now stared at him coldly, waiting for a moment to strike. They hadn't spoken for months, nor did he want to. She had proven herself to be childish, and most of all, unneeded for his rise to power. She clung to the robes of those more powerful than her, allowing herself to be manipulated in their clutches and used for their own gain. It was her own fault for deciding by herself that he wasn't worth her time, despite their long friendship. Greengrass and Nott were deeply on her side, which was expected, and Smith had gone and gotten himself involved with Patricia's group. It was only Luna, out of their selection, who remained steadfast by his side, and he couldn't feel more grateful for her loyalty.

Loud shouts of horror from outside the walls disturbed his peace, and Harry sat up with a frown. He was turning towards Anya to ask her to go and find out what all the noise was about when the gate to his garden opened, and in hurried a harried-looking Eunuch, his face pale. At seeing him, his expression seemed to crumple further. "Your Lordship! Noble Potter-Black! Terrible, terrible news!"

"What? What is it?!"

"Second-Class Attendant Brennan has committed suicide by drowning!"

Harry felt his blood turn to ice, face draining of colour as Anya gasped at his side.


"I- What did you just say?"

"Attendant Brennan has been found de-dead in her bathtub. The suspicions so far lean to-towards suicide."

He felt his body go weak, gaping up at the Eunuch, who also seemed so shocked to the point he had yet to bow. Not that formalities were on Harry's mind at that moment, however. His thoughts were racing, turning the words over and over again in his head, yet still failing to compute them.

Attendant Brennan- Victoria...was dead?

He barely knew the woman, but she had been nice, caring for him in little ways such as pushing the nicest cakes towards him, poring his tea and adding a sprinkle of sugar just how he liked it, smiling at him with no hidden agenda, yet keeping her distance despite how he would readily accept her. It was these little things, so unworthy of mention in the moment, that came to him then.

Harry made a choked sound, his chest tightening with distress. "An-Anya."

"Master, I-I shall get you some tea. You are dismissed, Eunuch." The man, realising his lack of formality, bowed deeply, but Harry was already being led to sit on the bench, his thoughts swirly manically.

Victoria was dead? By suicide? No, no, he didn't believe it, he wouldn't! She had been... his thoughts were fuzzy, but Harry was sure she'd been settled, uninvolved in any drama, content to stand on the sidelines and simply observe. She didn't even vie for the Emperor's attention or seem to want any children from the man. Her only desire, which she had whispered to him when she had noticed his soft gaze aimed at the man, was a comfortable life of simple luxury, which she was afforded as a Second-Class Attendant.

Then, why was she dead?


10th May- Sunday

Her funeral was a sombre and dull affair, with no pageantry or grand ceremony, simply the Emperor, his concubines, a few of his older children and the Lady's maids in attendance, standing before the dark coffin before them. There were no sniffles, weeps or tears in sight, although Harry's vision was blurred as he stared forwards, blending into the crowd around him in his black robes. He wished he had a veil, to hide his expressions as the Concubines and Consorts did.

Victoria would be transported back to her home city at the end of the day, where her parents would bury her wherever they wished. As an unofficial spouse, she wasn't granted the honour of being buried within the Royal graveyard, although Harry was undecided if that truly was an honour.

The Emperor was immortal, so he'd never be joining them there anyway. What use was a Royal Graveyard if all it would contain is the souls of the waiting, possibly never to be joined?

The mourning period would carry on for another week, and then, they'd be expected to carry on with their lives as usual, as if a member of their group had not died merely two weeks before, that there was a gap in the rankings until it was rectified in the next ranking day. As if even he, who hadn't yet been here for a year, didn't remember all the memories he shared with her, little as they were, every hour of the day.


Word Count: 5.0k

Last Updated: 27/02/23

I really feel like Harry is transforming and realising his true thoughts in this chapter. I hope you managed to pick out bits and pieces of foreshadowing, but if I'm being completely honest, I don't think I even managed to dissect all of what I wrote. I think a ghost possesses me at times when I write because half of this chapter felt like a fever dream that the current me wouldn't dare to write ^-^
Anyway, hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did when I wasn't sleep deprived, and please leave a comment if you feel like it :) They give me such a confidence boost!

Expect a chapter or two for the first anniversary of this fic on the 13th of March *-* Bye for now :)

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