Made for love

By Applepiez09

138 13 2

Elena. she moves to her new town in New York with her two brothers Kai, Leo and her mother, She starts a new... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chpter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 (END)

Chapter 3

5 1 0
By Applepiez09

I had a long day at school, very busy and tiring. Once I came back home headed to my room and fell on my bed...
I was really tired. Then suddenly my phone started to ring, unknown number?. "Hello?" I said "heyyy! Is me Oliver remember you gave me your phone number" I forgot that I did give him my number. "Oh heyyy!, what's up?" I said "I was just thinking we should go on a walk if you want tonight" Oliver said I obviously will agree since Owen is coming tonight. "yeah of course!" I answered him. "by the way, I told Damien that we will go and he wanted to join" Oliver said, Damien wanted to join us?. "Sure he can why not" i said, "okeyy! Then come to the cafe, is a new place I heard about" Oliver said, "alright " I said. "I heard that your neighbors with Damien right? You two come together I will wait at 6:30" I wouldn't mind walking with Damien little "sure thing, see you!" As soon as I hung up my brother Leo barged into the room. "What are you doing my dear little sister" little sister? He's only one year older then me... he's annoying I thought to myself "What do you want" I told him, he jumped into my bed "nothing your bed is more comfortable then mine" He said. "Alright you can sleep here for a little" I wont mind if my brother sleeps here, I hope he wont make a mess once he wake up. "Elena! Come downstairs help me make food" I sighed and made my way to the kitchen, It took us an hour to make food for Owen and my brothers. "By the way mom, I'm going out to eat" I told her, I was scared if she will deny. "Okey honey enjoy" wow that way unexpected.
When I headed to my room my brother wasn't here, I got dressed I wore white cargo pants with black and white crop top I had my belt on and my other accessories.
Suddenly my phone started ringing, it wasn't Oliver because I have saved his phone number. "Hello, who's this" I said "oh is me Damien" I guess Oliver gave him my phone number "oh yeah! I'm about to head out" I told him while putting my shoes on. "I'm already outside your house" wow that's quick "alright I'm coming" I hung up the phone, I said my goodbyes to my mom and headed out.
Once i got out I saw Damien with messy hair wearing a black hoodie and baggy jeans with some accessories. "Heyy I'm here!" I said, he turned around and looked at me up and down. "Let's go! Oliver must be waiting" he said with a smile. "Alright let's go".
On our way there was a rock I didn't notice I almost tripped over it but Damien held my wrist. "Are you okey?" He looked worried, but why. "Yeah I'm fine, thank you" I answered him with a little smile.
Once we reached the cafe we saw Oliver waving at us, me and Damien entered the cafe and made our way to him. "Hey dude!" Oliver said to Damien "what's up?" He answered, Oliver looked at me. "Hey Elena!" He said with a smile "heyyy!".
We sat down then 5 minutes later the waitress came. "Hello welcome to our new cafe, what would you like to order?" I have already planned what I wanted to order so I will go first. "I would like to order hot chocolate with cookie" as soon as I said it Oliver and Damien said the same thing "then I will get the same as her" they looked at each other weirdly. "That's all?" The waitress said. "Yes thank you" I answered.
"Are you guys having an eye contest or something?" I said because they kept on looking at each other without a blink. "Oh yeah sorry" Oliver said so did Damien."excuse me I'm going to the bathroom" I told them and made my way there. The bathroom was for males and females but I didn't mind. Once i was done i came out to wash my hands and a man came to wash his hands next to me, I felt little uncomfortable because he was too close to me and kept on looking at me. "Is there a problem sir?" I asked him, he looked at me with a weird smile. "Is there a problem? Young lady" The young lady sounded weird to me.
He took a few steps forward but I couldn't go back there was a wall behind me, I was scared I started breathing little heavier, I wanted to push him back but he took my wrist as soon as I lifted my other hand someone from behind pushed that guy away from me. It was Damien, He grabbed him by the collar and punched him in the face, his nose started to bleed but i couldn't care less. "Don't you ever get close to her again" Damien said with a threatening voice. "Okey chill man" that creep said.
Once that man was gone Damien turned to me with a worried face, he cupped my face gently in his hands. "Are you okey?" He looked deep in my eyes, "I'm okey" I said as he searched everywhere to be sure. "I'm glad" he looked relieved but didn't let go of my face and looked me into my eyes, so did I.
His eyes were beautiful, I saw ocean with little waves in his eyes. Am I falling in love?...
"What's going on?! I saw a man running out of the bathroom with his nose bleeding" Oliver said from behind, Damien suddenly let go of my face and turned to look at him "yeah that creep attacked Elena" Damien said "oh my god? Elena are you okey?" He took some steps forward to check if I'm okey but Damien stepped in his way "she's okey" Damien said "alright... Then we are leaving this place I will cancel our order let's go" Once Oliver walked out Damien took my hand "let's go" and dragged me with him.
I kept on looking at Damiens hand that was holding mine, I got butterflies in my stomach, what is that feeling? I thought to myself I kept going crazy about how he's holding my hand.
Once we got out of the cafe Oliver looked at Damiens hand that held mine and looked back at us. "So buddies, we didn't do much today but it was nice meeting you" he came between me and Damien "yeah it was nice meeting you" I said while looking at them both "I will walk you home Elena" Oliver said. "Don't bother I will my house is on her way anyways" Damien insisted for him to walk me home "I wont mind spending time with Elena little more" Oliver said with a smirk on his face "we should go then, shall me" I felt like they were about to fight.
On my way back home I was squished between them. "Um guys i think you should give me some space to breath" I laughed awkwardly. "Oh my bad" Oliver said.
Once we reached my house I said my goodbyes and entered the house, once i took my shoes of i looked up and saw Owen laying on the couch comfortably feeling him self like at home. "Oh Elena your back" Owen said, but I rolled my eyes and  headed to my room.
Once I reached it I looked out of the window it was late and I felt tired, I changed my clothes and tucked my self into bed.

Damiens pov:
Me and Oliver watched as Elena entered her house safely, "alright dude i need to go now" Oliver said. "Oliver, I've got a question" I said "do you like Elena?" There was a shock on Oliver's face. "Why are you asking" Oliver said. "I'm interested, you act so friendly with her and the way you look at her" I said. Obviously didn't like it, I felt jealousy every time he set his eyes on her, every time he touched her or asked her are you okey. "To be honest dude I kinda like her" Oliver said, I was shocked by the answer, he never had a crush on any girl these years. "Good to know dude" once i said that I walked away from him without saying any goodbyes.
Once I reached home I went in my room and thought about everything that happened to her everything she did. Thanks god that I was there on time to help her to get away from that creep, I was filled with anger at that time, my blood was boiling.
And when cupped her soft face in my hands and looked deep in her eyes. And how I took her soft hand.
I thought of her for hours and I felt happiness when I thought about her, it was the best day

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