Crazy for you Forever ( male...

By Pinkamenacupcakes20

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*Warning* swearing, sexual content, abuse, pregnancy, triggering subjects. Severus Snape and (M/n) have bee... More

A Heartbroken Friend
How did she find out because i didn't tell her
I never was loved and never will
No one loves you as much as I do and no one can change that
I promise I am going to marry you because I love you
Why is this happening I don't understand this?
I guess I'll get over you...
If only you knew my pain... you asshole!
Maybe We Can Fix This.
I love you even more than before now.
If I pick, who must I betray?

Of course, it's you, that snotty rat.

261 10 0
By Pinkamenacupcakes20

(Unknown POV) (TITLE IS A HINT XD and fuck a proper timeline, it's not all gonna make sense for good reason XD)

I reported it to him. Not all of it, I rather let him find out when he goes to visit that (M/n) is carrying his son and only heir. Or that he will be born in a few weeks time. I rather leave that up for him to see for himself. After all, they haven't spoken since the incident and he now realizes his mistakes. It's only better that they'll have something to talk about. Especially when he notes that the boy, has the name he always wanted to name it. That surely can't be coincidence. Oh and I'm pretty sure (M/n) is struggling after all, feelings are complicated. I bet dear "Sevy" would be devastated, if he knew that (M/n) still loved Lucius even though, he loved Severus as well.

It was obvious after all, who made sure that (M/n) never got bullied after that year than Lucius himself. Yes you may be thinking a Gryffindor helping a Slytherin? Well if it weren't for him helping Sirius stopping their names not slandered, we wouldn't be here. He made a mistake and genuinely cared for (M/n). I know damn well this is just Albus' way of keeping an eye on him. In a way, I think Albus wants the same thing I and the group does, that (M/n) has back who he truly loves. Severus doesn't exactly know if he loves (M/n) but Lucius has from the start even during the mishap with them. The two just don't seem to fit well and plus Severus could never give him what he truly wants. Which is a life without worry, Lucius could do all of that and more. But again, all I need to do is keep watch and nudging into the right direction after all.

((M/n) POV)

I stirred after all I was so tired when I woke up. It was only 6:30, that sucked. So I decided to get dressed and changed into something that covered but also kept Draco and I warm. It wasn't easy being pregnant and in a way, it wasn't easy dreaming of Lucius all these years later. It wasn't right, Draco and I deserved better than that. But it never stopped the pondering heart of where was he and why did he do it or the many others that stayed. It didn't matter, I had Severus now but no matter what...he just wasn't Lucius. I knew Lucius would be livid, that I didn't tell him about the pregnancy or him being the father, but a part of me was too scared that he'd just leave me and our son again. At least I knew Severus would never do that to us.

It didn't matter! We had breakfast to eat, Draco and I. But it wouldn't hurt to see if maybe he'd show? I sigh and look at my owl Star and I decided to write Lucius a letter.

"Dear Lucius Malfoy, You probably are living the high and spoiled life with my sister. But it's time you know. I've been pregnant with our beautiful boy Draco... I even had a beautiful room set up here for him. Even thought about giving him your last name but I'm sure you wouldn't care and frankly Severus would probably never agree to it... Why did you do it? Why must you leave us? Why did you shatter my heart and tear the future we could have had apart? God Lucius why do I miss you and wish you and I were still together even though I have Severus and he's amazing but he's not you! He's not you and that's killing me slowly. I estimate that Draco would be born on June 1st, by the way he's kicking and antagonizing me. Maybe you'll show maybe you won't. At this rate, I shouldn't care but you are his father and you both deserve to have each other in their lives. With sincerest apologies and deepest gratitude (M/n) Black," I wrote.

I seal it up in the envelope and wrote all the information Star needed, but it was a route my owl was most familiar with. After all, I'm sure Cain missed his mate for life. It seemed ironic that our owls were mates for life but we haven't been that way in years. 1980 was quite a long year in my opinion and we're not even at the end of it yet. I hope he'd get my letter and I went to eat an early breakfast to calm Draco's insistent fussing in my stomach.

(Lucius POV)

It has been years since I've seen (M/n), I was disappointed in myself. How could I let myself fuck up a good thing? I mean I had everything I could want. Father would have never approved but when he died, I've been freed from his shackles. Nothing would make me happier than to apologize and beg for his forgiveness, I know he has Severus but from what Peter reports to me. I know that (M/n) has been missing me too. I would love nothing more than to scoop him up in my arms and smother him in kisses as I apologize. Surely, his love for me hasn't changed.

I then hear a peck on my window. I look surprised as I see Star and a letter in his beak. I take the letter and let Cain out so the owls can rebond. After all, they hadn't seen each other all this time. I open it and I'm startled. "Dear Lucius Malfoy, You probably are living the high and spoiled life with my sister. But it's time you know. I've been pregnant with our beautiful boy Draco... I even had a beautiful room set up here for him. Even thought about giving him your last name but I'm sure you wouldn't care and frankly Severus would probably never agree to it... Why did you do it? Why must you leave us? Why did you shatter my heart and tear the future we could have had apart? God Lucius why do I miss you and wish you and I were still together even though I have Severus and he's amazing but he's not you! He's not you and that's killing me slowly. I estimate that Draco would be born on June 1st, by the way he's kicking and antagonizing me. Maybe you'll show maybe you won't. At this rate, I shouldn't care but you are his father and you both deserve to have each other in their lives. With sincerest apologies and deepest gratitude (M/n) Black,"

I nearly dropped the letter after reading it. (M/n) had been pregnant all this time? With our baby! How did Peter not tell me this? Oh this is marvelous news! But what about Severus, I am very sure he won't be pleased that I was invited even though it's my baby and not his. Doesn't matter, this is my chance! To beg for forgiveness and get back my lover and son. But what do you even bring to help your love in labor? I had to start researching if he wanted to know and have it when he got there. I got a little gift basket and got ready to leave Malfoy manor. It was only a matter of time before our sweet boy was born anyways.

~June 5th~

I was so excited and I went with Madame Pomfrey to go see (M/n). I set my goody basket aside and I gave him my hand to squeeze.

((M/n) POV)

I whimpered in pain squeezing Lucius' hand. "How fucking dare you put this baby in me? It's cause you're fucking hot that this baby was thought of! Ow motherfuck-" I yelled in pain. Lucius only smiled in return as we both knew I didn't mean it and was glad he was here. After all, I forgave him when he told me anything. It wasn't fair to not tell him sooner. I whimpered and squeezed Severus' hand when he got here. I knew both would be very agitated with the other after but Draco was more important. I sniffled and panted softly. "My baby! My Draco." I say once I had him comfortably in my arms. He had his daddy's blonde hair and my (E/C) eyes. Draco was beautiful and he yawned cutely in my arms. I was so relieved and he was relaxed. I knew both men would shut up since Draco was more important than anything else. I smiled down at our baby boy and coo. "He's so beautiful." I said. I let both have their turn holding our baby boy. I just melted watching both with Draco. That's what made everything so difficult. I just didn't know if I had the heart to choose.

Oh my gosh right? Two chapters in one day? I'm awesome XD, I hope you liked both of them! Kisses - A

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