LIONESS || lydia martin

By bers3rkers

114K 5K 1.7K

𝑳𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺 (s3a-) Asher Lewis knew what she was getting into when her and her pack came back to Beacon Hi... More

|part one|
i. tattoo
ii. chaos rising
iii. unleashed
iiii. frayed
v. motel california
vi. currents
vii. visionary
viii. the girl who knew too much
ix. the overlooked
x. the alpha pact
|part two|
i. anchors
ii. more bad than good
iii. galvanize
iiii. illuminated
v. silverfinger
vi. riddled
vii. letharia vulpina
viii. echo house
ix. the fox and the wolf
x. de-void
xi. insatiable
xii. the devine move
|part three|
i. the dark moon.
ii. 117
iii. muted
iiii. the benefactor
v. I.E.D
vi. orphaned
vii. weaponized
viii. time of death
ix. perishable
x. monstrous
xi. a promise to the dead
xii. smoke and mirrors
|part four|
i. creatures of the night
ii. parasomnia
iii. dreamcatchers
iiii. condition terminal
v. a novel approach
vi. required reading
vii. strange frequencies
viii. ouroboros
ix. lies of ommission
x. status asthmaticus
|part five|
i. the last chimera
ii. damnatio memoriae
iii. codominance / the sword and the spirit
iv. amplification
v. lie ability
vi. a credible threat
vii. maid of gevaudan
viii. the beast of beacon hills

xi. lunar eclipse

2.7K 113 48
By bers3rkers

Scott's eyes shot open quickly, him and his friends darting up into a sitting position. They look around the room they're in, which wasn't the Animal Clinic anymore. Scott slowly pushed himself out, stepping over the side. He rubbed hand down his face, the water flying off of his face. The other two following his actions, the water from their clothes dripping onto the floor. They looked around for a moment, taking in the white room. Then, as if on cue, they all slowly turned around.

And there it was. All the way across the room. The giant stump of the Nemeton just sitting there.

The teenagers start towards it, their parents lives on their minds. Scott walks up to it first, his eyes widening ever so slightly as he runs his fingers across his tattoo. His conversation with Derek comes to mind. He drops his sleeve, looking back down to the tree.

Stiles and Allison take a small step forward as Scott leans down, placing his hand onto the Nemeton. His eyes close and when he opens them, he's in the woods.

His eyes dart across the brush, hearing a groan in the distance. Scott starts walking slowly, his self from a year ago coming into view. He watches as his younger self shines his phone onto the leaves as he looks for his inhaler. Scott furrows his brows as the young boy continues his search, the half of Laura Hale coming into view. Scott's eyebrows raise as he remembers the night, following is younger self, who has fallen down a hill in shock. His jaw drops in a silent gasp when he see's himself get bitten. He watches his younger self quickly get up and run away before slowly backing up. Scott stops, slowly turning around as his foot hits something. The Nemeton.


Stiles, who had followed Scott in touching the Nemeton, also opens his eyes in the woods. His head snaps to the side in panic as he looks around.

"We're seriously doing this?" He hears someone say.

"You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town." Another answers.

His eyes widen when he see's young Scott and him trekking through the woods. It was the night they went to find the body.

"I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow." Young Scott complained.

Stiles cautiously followed them through the woods as he watches a different part of the night play though.

"Stiles, wait up! Stiles!" Young Scott runs through the woods, panic lacing his voice.

Stiles sees his self, but he also sees his father and a bunch of officers. He continues his walk through the woods, watching himself get caught.

"Hang on, hang on! This little delinquent belongs to me." The Sherriff tells his officers.

"Dad, how are you doing?" Young Stiles tries to play it off.

Stiles' expression changes to sadness as he sees his dad before all of this. Sheriff Stilinski walks his younger self back to the jeep, Stiles' eyes wide as he goes to walk another way but he trips. He catches himself with his hands, turning around to see the Nemeton.


"You're father is a highly respected private security consultant and a federally licensed firearms dealer." Victoria Argent tells her daughter in the car. It's late at night and was incredibly dark outside. "That's not exactly a nine-to-five office job. The hours are always going to be like this."

"I get it. It's just, it's kind of weird when he takes off in the middle of the night, rushing out with duffle bags full of automatic weapons..." Allison chuckles.

But her smiles quickly drops as she looks out the window with a gasp. "Mom! Look out!"

Victoria swerves out of the way of a young Scott McCall, the horn honking and the tires screeching.

"Mom, you almost killed him!" Allison breathes out in shock.

"He ran out into the middle of the road." Victoria pointed out, glancing into the rear view mirror occasionally.

"Okay, well, we have to go back." Allison said.

"Go back?" Victoria asked, giving her daughter a look.

"What if he's hurt?" Allison's eyes were wide. When she didn't get an answer she spoke up again. "Mom, turn around. Mom!"

Victoria huffed before carefully turning around and making her way back to the spot. As the car stopped, Allison quickly got out.

"Allison, Allison!" Her mother tried to stop her.

Allison looked around, not seeing the boy. Her brows furrowed as she looked down and saw foot prints leading into the woods. Without hesitation, the girl followed them.

"Allison!" Victoria called.

Allison followed the prints deeper into the woods, stopping when she saw an inhaler on the ground. She crouched down and picked it up. Her eyes darted around the area, not seeing anyone. Her mother quickly came up behind her.

"Alright, that's enough. Back to the car." She told her daughter.

Allison didn't say anything, just continued looking around. Victoria pushed her daughter slightly, taking the inhaler and throwing it. It landed in front of Allison's feet, the girl looked down at it before back up where her younger self and mother just stood. Then she turned her head, eyes landing on the Nemeton.


The three teenagers sit up with a gasp, catching the attention of the people waiting for them in the clinic.

"I saw it. I know where it is." Scott said, pushing himself out of the tub.

"Yeah, we passed it. There was this stump. This huge tree. Well, it's not huge anymore. It was cut down. But it's still big, though. Very big." Stiles continued as he got out.

"It was the night we were looking for the body." Scott says, looking at his best friend.

"Yeah, it was the night you were bit by Peter." Stiles said.

"I was there, too, in the car with my mother. We almost hit someone." Allison added on.

Scott faced her. "It was me. You almost hit me." He turned back to Deaton. "We can find it."

No one said anything, Asher and Deaton glancing at each other.

"What?" Allison asked, hugging herself from the cold.

"You guys were out a long time." Isaac spoke up.

"How long is a long time?" Stiles looked up at them.

Asher sighs, kissing her teeth.

"Sixteen hours." Deaton reveals, his hands on his hips.

"We were in the water for sixteen hours?" Scott's eyes widen.

Asher nods. "And the full moon is rising in less than four."


Cora brings a bottle of water up to her brothers lips, helping drink some. Derek leans his head against the wall, his eyes opening.

"You're okay." He sighs.

Cora smiles brightly at him. "I'm much better than you are right now. All because of you."

"Hopefully not all for nothing. The moon is rising, Derek." Peter says, leaning against  the table. "You drained your battery all the way to red and there is a fully charged alpha on her way to rip you limb from limb."

"I'll be fine in a few hours." Derek says, his voice rough.

"I sincerely hope so, because a few hours is all that you have." Peter shakes his head.


"No, dude. You are not going back with them." Stiles refuses as he goes to sit on the edge of one of the tubs beside Scott.

"I made a deal with Deucalion." Scott reminds.

Asher rubs her hands together from where she's leaning against a wall by the doorway.

"Does anyone else think that sounds a lot like a deal with the devil?" Stiles gestures about with his hands.

"Why does it matter anyway?" Isaac asks, sitting beside Allison.

"Because I still don't think we can beat Jennifer without their help." Scott looks at Stiles.

Allison turns to Deaton. "He trusts you more than anyone. Tell him he's wrong."

"I'm not so sure he is." Deaton shakes his head as Asher walks up beside him. "Circumstances like this sometimes require that you align yourself with people you'd normally consider enemies."

Asher looks up as she feels Isaac and Stiles' stare on her. She rolls her eyes, looking away from them.

"So we're gonna trust him, the guy that calls himself, "death, destroyer of worlds"? We're gonna trust that guy?" Isaac asks.

"I wouldn't trust him, no. But you could use him to your advantage." Deaton corrected.

Asher shook her head. "Don't even think about about trusting him. He's mischievous, manipulative, he always has a trick up his sleeve. He thinks about how every situation could go and plans at least ten different ways to make it go his way. Deucalion is too far gone to try and help him, Scott." He looks up at her. "I know how you are. This is one you can't help."

Scott slowly nods as Stiles looks over to her.

"If he always knows what to do, then what are we going to do?" He asks.

Asher sighs. "Like Deaton was saying. Deucalion is the enemy yes, but he could also be used as bait."

They all though about her words for a moment, but turn when they hear the front door open. Asher immediately recognizes the scent, walking towards it. Deaton follows her. Ethan stands there.

"I'm looking for Lydia. And you, Asher." He says.

Lydia slowly steps out beside Asher, her eyes wide. Scott follows her, making sure she's safe.

"What do you want?" Lydia asks.

"I need your help." Ethan looks between the two girls.

Stiles pops out, leaning against the door frame. "With what?"

"Stopping my brother and Kali from..." Asher furrows her brows at his words. "From killing Derek."


"We know about the lunar eclipse, so don't think Kali's gonna sit around waiting for it to level the playing field." Ethan told Derek, Cora, and Peter. "She's coming. My brother's coming with her."

Asher looked down at Lydia, who was standing beside her. She nudges her arm, making the red head look up at her. Asher silently asked how she was doing, getting a small shrug back.

"Good enough for me. Derek?" Peter looks to his nephew.

"You want me to run?" Derek asked.

"No. No, I want you to stay and get slaughtered by an alpha with a psychotic foot fetish." Peter said sarcastically as he started towards the man. "Of course I want you to run! Sprint, gallop, leap your way the hell out of this town."

"If you want to fight and die for something, that's fine with me." Cora spoke up from behind them, catching Derek's attention. "But do it for something meaningful."

"How do you know I'm gonna lose?" Derek asked.

Asher scoffed, making everyone look towards her. "Dude, you were losing in a fight to me. As an alpha. I probably could've killed you if the power hadn't turned back on."

"We don't. But I'll bet she has an idea." Peter continued, looking away from the lion and at Lydia.

Lydia looked up at the man with wide eyes as Peter started towards her.

"Don't you, Lydia?" He asked.

"I don't know anything." Lydia denied.

"But you feel something, don't you." Peter continued.

Lydia looked down as he got closer. Asher stared Peter down, him catching her eye and taking half a step back.

"What do you feel?" Derek asked the girl.

Lydia furrowed her brows. "I feel like... I'm standing in a graveyard." She looks around at the Hales.

Cora raises her eyebrows and her gaze immediately lands on her brother. Asher looks down, making Ethan look at her in confusion.


The elevator to the apartment building dings open, Allison, Issac, and Scott standing inside.

"Just grab anything." Scott speaks into his phone as the three walk out. "Stiles, I'm not smelling your dad's boxers." The boy refuses. "Socks? Okay, I'll smell the socks." He finally agrees.

"What about me?" Isaac asks as Allison unlocks the door to her apartment.

"See what you can find in my dad's closet. Anything with a strong scent." Allison tells him, entering the apartment and opening the door to her dad's office.

The Argent girl stops as she see's the people crowded in in the room. With every weapon they own out in the open.

"Quite an arsenal your father's got here, young lady." Agent McCall gestures out in front of him as he sits in the chair.

Scott, hearing his father's voice, slowly walks into view. His mouth was open slightly in shock and his brows were furrowed. McCall stands up and puts his hands into his pockets.

"Scott." He greets his son.

"What are you doing here?" Scott gets defensive.

"Following one of the only leads I have." McCall answers. "Now, since I don't know where you've been, why don't you have a seat? We can talk." He stops for a moment. "You too, Isaac."

Isaac walks up beside Scott, brows furrowed. "How do you know my name?"

"Your name's one of the few things I know." McCall answered. "To be honest, the rest of what's going on around here has me stumbling in the dark, even over the smallest clue."

"If you're trying to tell me that you don't have a clue, I learned that a long time ago." Scott said, walking through his friends and up to his father.

"I'm really hoping to avoid the embarrassment of dragging my own son into an interrogation room. Really hoping." McCall told him.

Scott huffed, thinking about his words.


The alarm in Derek's loft goes off, but Kali punches it off the wall and sends it flying. She smirks when she see's the teenagers staring back at her. "Where is he?"

Lydia swings her arms and snaps her fingers. She turns to Ethan. "I think he said he was heading out to do some shopping, run a few errands." Kali starts walking closer. Lydia clears her throat. "The usual werewolf afternoon."

"Who do you think you're talking to?" Kali snarls.

"Someone in desperate need of a pedicure. I'd be happy to give you a referral." Lydia crossed her arms as she glances down at Kali's feet.

Asher chuckled, but immediately stopped when Kali started to walk towards Lydia. Kali didn't make it far, though, as Aiden stepped forward with a growl.

Kali turned around with a smile. "Oh, really?"

Aiden just growled again.


Derek and Cora got into his car, Peter walking up and leaning on his nieces window.

"Don't call until you're at least a hundred miles away." Peter told Derek as he buckled his seat belt.

Derek glanced at Cora before just looking at Peter.

"Go!" Peter urged.

Derek quickly put the car into drive and sped off, leaving Peter just standing there.


"I'm not gonna lie. I'm more than a little disturbed, not only by the number of missing parents, but the fact that it's Stiles' father, your father, and your mother." McCall paced as he talked to the teenagers he finally got to sit down.

Isaac raised a hand then pointed at himself. "Mine are both dead." He popped an ICE BREAKER into his mouth."

"Save the cliched teenage apathy for your high school teachers." He told the boy. "The three of you know more than you're saying, and I'm fully willing to keep you here all night if I have to."

Allison huffed and Scott rolled his eyes. His gaze landed on some arrow heads on the table.


Kali walked up to Aiden. "Did someone take their little assignment too seriously?" She circled him as he looked up at Lydia, who looked down.

Aiden huffed. "She's not the problem."

Kali stood in front of him again. "Maybe the problem is where your loyalties lie."

"Oh God. Is this about to get really violent?" Lydia asked.

"Probably." Ethan and Asher said at the same time.

But then, suddenly, the ceiling window smashed open and Jennifer Blake fell through. Lydia screamed, Ethan pulling her to the ground as Asher went to stand in front of them. Jennifer looked up at Kali, slowly standing up.

"So, who wants to go first?" Jennifer asked, a scowl adorning her face.

Kali shifted immediately, going to kick the woman but got dodged. She swung on Jennifer, but once again got dodged. Kali went to kick her again, but Jennifer dropped down, the leg going over her. She quickly stood up, a smile on her face. Asher watched the fight go down, gasping when Jennifer threw a hand out and Kali went flying.

Aiden circled the woman with a growl. As Jennifer turned to face him, he sent a clawed hand towards her, but she dodged it. She shoved her hands against her chest and he went to the ground.

Ethan stood up, leaving Lydia with Asher before shifting and taking his jacket off. He let out a growl as he ran over to his brother, who ripped his shirt off. Jennifer walks up to them, mid shift into Hulk Wolf, and throws them away from each other. Asher gasps in horror as her brothers land across the room from each other.

Lydia quickly stands up, but Asher puts a hand out to make sure she stayed put. Asher huffed in annoyance as Kali got up again. Jennifer smirked as Kali went to attack, but she moved out of the way. Kali stopped for a moment, staring at the woman's face.

"That's right, Kali. Look at me. Look at my face." Jennifer said lowly, Kali's face slowly breaking. "Do you know what it takes to be able to look like this? To be able to look normal?"

Kali slowly shook her head. "I don't care."

"It takes power." Jennifer told her anyway, raising her eyebrows. "Power like this."

Asher furrowed her eyebrows, knowing that anything she did wouldn't be good. She watched as Jennifers hands shook slightly as her palms faced the ground. The broken glass slowly rose into the air, wind flowing into the room. Asher's eyebrows raised and her eyes widened in fear as the sharp ends pointed towards Kali.

"I... I should've..." Kali started. "I should've ripped your head off!" She screamed.

"NO!" Asher screamed in pain as the woman let out a battle cry and sent all the glass towards Kali.

Lydia gasped in shock as she felt Asher's hands leave her and run towards the woman. Asher caught her before she hit the ground, laying her body across her lap.

"No... Please." Asher whispered, moving the hair out of Kali's eyes.

Kali, who was still just barely holding on, looked her in the eyes. "I'm sorry."

Tears fell from Asher's eyes as she shook her head. "No, Kali. I know we fought, I know we screamed, but I love you... so much. I- I can take you to Deaton, I... You can't die, too!"

Kali smiled at her. "You were always like a daughter to me, Asher. Just know I never wanted to hurt you."

Asher nodded. "I know, I know. Please, just... Hold on, Kali, please."

Kali looked away as her heartrate started to get even slower. "I love you."

Asher leaned her head onto the woman's chest, sobbing. "No... I can't lose you..."

Kali's head lolled back, the strength she was using to hold it up fading away.

Asher pulled her own head up, staring down at the woman. "I love you, too." She licked the tears off of her lips. "I love you so much, momma." She whispered the last part before slowly moving the woman off of her lap and standing up.

Jennifer was now looking at Lydia, a smirk on her face. Lydia, however, is looking past the woman as she watched Asher slowly shift into her full were-lion form, the twins forming Hulk Wolf beside her. Asher let out a low growl, making Jennifer turn towards them. The twins rolled their shoulders and walked up to her. The twins growled and swung at her, but Jennifer ducked under their arm. Asher slowly went around them, coming up to stand in front of Lydia.

A loud roar escaped her lips as she watched Jennifer snap her brother's neck. Jennifer looked at her with a smirk, ready to take down another.

"You want to fight me again? You think I'm going down easy after you murdered my mother figure in front of me? Snap my brothers neck?" Asher growled, shaking with anger.

Jennifer chuckled. "What's the line coach likes to say? The bigger they are..."

Asher ran at her and before Jennifer could dodge or block a hit, she dropped to the ground and slid her leg under Jennifers. The woman fell onto her back as Asher stood back up. She stared down at the woman, getting a scowl in return.

"Oh, were you expecting me to be the one ending up on the ground first?" Asher taunted. "No chance."

Jennifer pushed herself up and rolled her neck. "Well, this is going to be fun."

Asher looked back at Lydia, but she could feel Jennifer throwing a punch her way. The lion grabbed her wrist, turning back to the woman. She twisted her arm, hearing her wrist break. Jennifer just smirked, sending a kick to Asher's leg. Asher let go of her wrist, stumbling back. Asher growled, baring her teeth. She kicked at Jennifer and as the Darach dodged it, Asher shifted into a lion, tackling her. Lion-Asher roared in her face, her claws digging into her skin. The lion brought a paw up and slashed her in the face. Jennifer fought under her, but the weight of the lion's body was too much, and she couldn't move her hands to use her powers. Lion-Asher sunk her teeth into Jennifer's shoulder, ripping a shred of skin off.

Lydia watched in shock as Asher attacked the woman. She didn't know what to do.

But then, when Lion-Asher moved slightly to slash her again, Jennifer brought her hand up and shoved it against her chest. The lion's body flew into the air, rolling across the ground as she landed. Her body slowly shifted back into human form. And she was unconscious.

Jennifer stood up blood dripping from her face and shoulder. She turned to Lydia. "Where's the dagger? I know she has it."

Lydia didn't answer, her breathing heavy and tears falling from her eyes. Jennifer walked up to her.

"Where. Is. The. Dagger." Jennifer repeated.

But Lydia said nothing, just staring at her.


"You can't keep us here." Scott told his dad.

"Not without some kind of warrant." Allison added on, shaking her head.

"I've got a desk full of probable cause." McCall said.

Allison sarcastically winced as she stood up. "My father is a highly respected private security consultant and federally-licensed firearms dealer." She put her hands on the desk. "That means he has to own a few weapons." Allison took her hands back off the desk, walking around the side and pointing at something. "Like this hundred and seventy-five-pound tactical cross bow. Or this carbon steel Marine combat knife. Fifty AE Desert Eagle." She raises her eyebrows and picks something up. "Smoke grenade with pull ring ignitor."

Then she quickly pulled out the ring, throwing it at the Agent's feet before telling the boys to go. They all run out the room, leaving the men in panic.

"Wait! Scott, wait!" McCall calls.


Stiles pulls onto a dirt road, squinting his eyes as dirt and leaves fly across the windshield from the storm. He leans forwards as he tries to get a better look. He gasps as something pops up in front of him, looking back as it goes away. But as he looks back, he let out a yell. He was headed straight for a tree. Stiles tried to swerve back onto the road, but he lost control and crashed. His head hit the steering wheel and he was out.


Jennifer walks towards Lydia, who backs away from her. She pushes herself against the beam, gasping in fear.

"What do you want from me?" Lydia asked.

"I want you to do what you do best, Lydia. I want you to scream." Jennifer smirked.

Lydia furrowed her eyebrows in confusion before Jennifer let out a screech, her neck snapping around before her face changed into her slashed one.

And Lydia screamed.


The banshee's scream echoed in Derek's ears as he was driving down the street. He quickly pulled of to the side of the road.

"What the hell was that?" Cora turned to him.

"Lydia." Derek said, looking down with wide eyes. "We have to go back."

Derek pulls off in determination.


Allison, Isaac, and Scott pulled up to the preserve. Scott got off his bike, pulling his helmet off as the others got out of Allison's car.

"You okay?" Allison asked him as she got out.

"I didn't know what to say to him. I couldn't come up with anything. But what you did, that was awesome." Scott smiled at her.

"I still haven't gotten anything from Stiles, you?" Isaac interjects.

Scott's smile drops as he looks at him. "I don't get it."

"Alright. Well, we can't wait for him. Come on." Isaac says, walking off.

Allison immediately follows, but Scott stands back for a moment. He looks down the road as if Stiles will appear, but he doesn't. He pulls his phone out. But there's no text from his best friend, either.


The three walked to the edge of the cliff that stared down at Beacon Hills. Scott was still staring down at his phone.

"Cutting it a little close, aren't we, Scott?" Deucalion said as he walked up behind them.

"We got a little delayed. Where are the others?" Scott asked.

"Occupying themselves with other pursuits." Deucalion said.

"So it's just you and me against her?" Scott asked.

"I think you'll be surprised at what a good team we'll make." Deucalion answered.

Scott turned back to the others. "Okay, get Stiles and then get to the root cellar, okay? We'll keep Jennifer away long enough for you to get them out of there."

"How are you gonna do that?" Isaac asked him.

"I have a plan." Scott assures.


Asher, who had woken up when Lydia screamed, just continued to lay there. She knew if Jennifer saw she was awake then she'd have to fight again. She  carefully watched when Derek and Cora came back, the girl now comforting Lydia, who was sitting down by Asher.

"You did this for me?" Derek raised his eyebrows at Jennifer.

"For us. For anyone who's ever been their victim." Jennifer said.

Derek took a few frustrated steps towards her. "Stop talking to me like a politician. Stop trying to convince me of your cause."

"Fine. I'll convince you of someone else's." Jennifer agreed. "Scott."

This made Asher finally sit up. She didn't care if she had to fight again. She would. For Scott. Lydia turned to her, grabbing her wrist out of instinct. Asher nodded at her.

"You can save his mother, Stiles' father." Jennifer continued.

"How?" Derek demanded.

Jennifer smiled, walking to him. "I need a Guardian. That's a role that can either be filled by the three parents I was forced to take, or by you."

"I can't help you. I'm not even an alpha anymore." Derek pointed out.

Asher furrowed her brows, finally looking over to Cora. She didn't even process how she was okay until now.

"All I need is for you to help me get Deucalion in the right place at the right time." Jennifer explained.

"Just killed three, almost four, of them on your own. What do you need me for?" Derek asked.

"You haven't seen him at his strongest. I have." Jennifer said. "And if he's got Scott with him, I don't stand a chance. Unless I have you."

"Derek, don't trust her." Cora warned him.

"I have the eclipse in my favor." Jennifer snapped. "But the moon's only gonna be in the Earth's umbral shadow for fifteen minutes. That's the extent of my window. There's no decision to struggle with. Help me kill him and the others live. Just help me." She pleaded.

Asher struggled to her feet, wincing slightly. "No. If anyone is going to kill that man, it's going to be me."

Derek turned to face her, seeing the pain in her eyes. He looked back, contemplating his decision.


"Are you sure we're going in the right direction?" Isaac asked as they walked through the woods.

"I know we're near it. Do you think you can pick up a scent?" Allison yelled back at him, the wind messing with their voices.

"I'm trying, but I can't..." Isaac stopped suddenly. "I hear something. It's an emitter. It's one of your dad's."

Allison looked up at him. "Are you sure?"

"It has to be. Come on." He nodded, pulling her with him.

They sprinted through the woods, faltering slightly when they see the Nemeton. But they recover quickly and run right for it.

"Allison." Issac says, seeing something in front of them.

She looks to where he is, seeing the door to the root cellar. Allison starts to it, Isaac trailing behind her. He helps her pull the door open before helping her in. Little do they know, but the ceiling to the cellar is starting to fall in. The two rush down the stairs, Chris smiling in relief when he sees his daughter.

"Thank God." Allison mutters, crouching down to her dad and kissing him on the forehead.

"You found us." He smiles.

"Where's Stiles? Where's my son?" Noah asks as Isaac cuts him free.

"And Scott?" Melissa adds.

"They're coming, alright? They're on their way to help." Isaac answers them.

"Okay." Melissa sighs.

They all look up as rocks start falling in. The storm outside is crushing the rock that is the ceiling.


"We have to get going. Lydia, we can get help." Cora said.

"From who?" Lydia asked as they stood up.

"I don't know, but we can't stay here." Cora answered.

They go to leave the loft, but the sound of bone's crunching stops them. They turn around, seeing the once Hulk-Wolf now separated again. The girls look at each other before running to check on the boys. They each crouch down next to one.

"They're alive." Cora smiles in shock.

Lydia gasps as she stares at Aiden, a small smile on her face.


Scott and Deucalion walk up to the old abandoned distillery, dirt flying up all around them.

"You said you had a plan?" Deucalion asked Scott as they stepped up to the entrance.

"On the first day of class, Jennifer sent all of us a message. It was the last line from Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness. I got a message of my own to send her." Scott nods.


Jennifer, who's watching a countdown for the lunar eclipse, furrows her brows when she sees a message from Scott. She pulls her notifications down, clicking on a video.

Scott pans his camera up to the symbol Ennis clawed into the wall all those years ago. "You see this symbol? It's a symbol of revenge."

Asher and Derek come up behind her, watching the video as well.

Scott turns the camera, showing himself and Deucalion in front of the symbol. "You talk about balance, about saving people. We know what you really want. And now you know where to find us."

Asher and Derek glance at each other while Jennifer looks up from her phone with a glare.


"Cora, grab that table." Deaton points as he carries the other twin into the clinic. "Grab his head. Take his hand."

The three crowd around the boys in panic.

"Can you save them?" Cora asks.

"Only if they start healing on their own." Deaton shakes his head.

Lydia looks between them, her eyes wide.


Scott and Deucalion stand and wait for Jennifer to come to the distillery. They finally see her, but they also see a couple of other people. Asher and Derek. Scott's jaw drops a little, his brows furrowing when he sees the extra people. Scott looks over at the alpha, whos clenching his jaw.

The three walk all the way in, standing on the other end of the room.

"What are you doing?" Scott asks.

"This might be hard to believe, but, actually, I'm trying to help you." Derek answers.

Scott looks to Asher. "You're cool and all, Scott, but I'm here for him." She nods at Deucalion.

"Ooh. Like brother against brother. How very American this is." Deucalion taunts before folding his cane up. "Are you ready, Jennifer? Did you gather your herbs? Pray to your ancient gods and your oak trees?" He pulls his jacket off to get ready for a fight. "Slit a baby's throat, perhaps? Should we show them why you needed to sacrifice nine innocent people just to face me?" He starts towards her as he shifts. "Or is it twelve now?"

His werewolf face is a dark grey, demon like. His eyes shine a bright red and his voice is deep. Scott's eyes widen as he sees this, Asher sending him a look. Deucalion lets out a deep growl before running at the woman.


"It's blocked. What do you see? Anything?" Chris asked, trying to find a way out of the cellar.

Isaac shook his head.

Noah looked down in defeat, him and Melissa sharing a glance. Chris looks out again as the cellar starts to fall in more.

"Look out!" He calls.

Everyone falls to the ground to get out of the way, but Isaac doesn't make it.

"Isaac!" Allison yells.

Stilinski grabs him by his coat and throws him forward before coming up behind him. The boy looks up as one of the support beams start to crack.

"Melissa! Go, go, go!" Noah says, trying to get her out of the way.

Isaac stands up, adjusting his hands to get a grip on the beam. One of the poles beside the Argent's snaps, making the beam Isaac is holding up push harder onto his hands. He lets out a grunt, his eyes starting to glow amber.


Derek shifts with a roar, his eyes glowing blue. He runs at Deucalion, throwing a clawed hand at him, but the man catches his wrist. Derek goes to hit him with his other hand, but Deucalion catches that one too.

While he's distracted, Asher sneaks around them and shifts into a lion. She pounces at the alpha, knocking him forward. Lion-Asher lets out a load roar, shaking the building. Deucalion smirks, standing up and staring down at her. They go around in a circle before Deucalion runs for her, but Asher ducks under his legs. She turns around and they face each other again. The lion slashes at his legs, but as soon as her claws touch his skin she feels claws in her neck. Deucalion grabs Lion-Asher by her loose skin, throwing her across the room near Scott.

Scott leans down, petting the side of Asher's head. The big cat lets out a whimper before she shifts back into human. She looks up at Scott, her eyes glowing from the pain.

"Are you okay?" Scott helps her sit up.

"I want him dead." Asher grunts, pushing her self up.

But she stops, watching Jennifer walk up to the man. She throws her hands out, attempting to send him flying, but nothing happens. She looks down at her hand in confusion before Deucalion grabs her and Derek by the throat. He chuckles before throwing them to the ground.

Asher growls, running up and slashing his back. Deucalion turns around, glaring at her.

"Oh, Asher. We could've been so powerful together." He shakes his head.

"Maybe I would've considered if you didn't murder my dad." Asher scoffs.

Deucalion swings, but Asher catches it and twists his arm. The man punches her in the head with his other hand. Asher stumbles to the side, letting go of him in the process. Deucalion kicks her down, growling.

"You can still reconsider, A." He smiles.

Asher glared at him, betrayal overtaking her face. "You don't get to call me that, asshat."

Deucalion laughs. But then he slashes his claws across her chest, leaving her there on the ground as he turns back to the other two just as Derek throws another punch. Deucalion pushes his arm down, his body falling to the side. Then he swings his hand back up and Derek goes flying. Jennifer comes up to him again, getting a backhand to the face before she could try anything. Deucalion pushes her back, her body landing in the doorway.

Scott gasps, looking around at everyone. He sees Derek on the ground, holding himself up as he pants. He turns his head, seeing Asher leaning on her of her hands while the other holds the wound across her chest.

Deucalion grabs Jennifer, pulling her to her feet. He brings her in front of Scott, shoving her to her knees.

"Kill her." He says, his voice deep and angry.

Scott stares at him, a mixed expression on his face.

"Do it." Deucalion said.

Scott looks down at Jennifer. She's breathing heavily, her eyes holding anger. Deucalion, seeing his hesitation, lets out a load roar. Scott winces, his eyes shutting and biting his lip in pain. He falls to the ground, and when he looks back up, he's shifted.

"Now kill her." Deucalion repeats. "You're parents are dying. That storm you hear? She's burying them alive. It's her connection to the telluric currents. Kill her and it ends."

Scott looks down.

"It won't end. Not with me." Jennifer denies. "He'll have you kill everyone you love. It's what he does."

"They're dying, Scott. You're mother, and the parents of your best friends. Kill her now and it's over. Become the alpha you're meant to be. Become a killer." Deucalion keeps trying to convince him.

Scott looks up at him again. "They're not dead yet."

"Who's going to save them? You're friends?" He smiles in amusement.

Scott stands up. He stares straight at the man as his eyes start to glow. "My pack."


The roof above them shook, panicking everyone inside the root cellar. They all looked up as more dirt and rocks fell in.

"Is it me, or is this place getting smaller?!" Isaac yelled as he tried his hardest to hold the ceiling up.

Isaac takes a few deep breaths, pushing harder as the wood starts to get heavier.


Deucalion let out a growl before running towards Scott with inhuman speed. He dropped Jennifer and grabbed the boy by the back of the neck and then grabbed his wrist, holding it up.

"Maybe you just need a little guidance." Deucalion said.

Asher was breathing heavily where she sat on the ground, she whimpered when she tried to stand up. The pain was too much. She could feel the sweat dripping down her forehead, and the blood from her chest was seeping through her fingers.

Deucalion walked Scott over to the woman, who was panting on the ground.

"I forgot to tell you something, something Gerard told me." Scott caught his attention. ""Deucalion isn't always blind.""

He pulled some flash arrows from his pocket. Ones he stole from Argent's office. Asher watched what he was doing, covering her eyes as he threw them on the ground. Deucalion hissed as the bright light hurt his eyes. All three werewolves shut their eyes as the flash temporarily blinded them. Asher saw Deucalion slashing around, trying to hit someone.

She pushed her self up with a grunt. Asher smiled, watching him hover in the corner. She knew the lunar eclipse would be happening any minute. But she also knew she didn't need claws and fangs to cause someone pain. 

The wolves blinked their eyes, regaining their vision. Just as the lunar eclipse started. They looked down at their hands, realizing they no longer had their abilities.

"The eclipse. It's started." Deucalion panicked.

Asher chuckled, coming to stand right in front of him. "Yes it did, Deuc."

Without warning, Asher kicked him in the chest and he fell to the ground. She crouched down, hovering over him. She grabbed the sides of his head, but tried incredibly hard to fight her off.  He pushed her hands off, but she punched him in the nose to dissociate him for a moment. As he was distracted by the pain in his nose, Asher once again grabbed the sides of his head. And she pulled his head up and smacked it onto the concrete. Again. And again. And again. Asher took a deep breath as she felt blood touch her fingers.

"Asher!" Scott called.

She didn't look back. She just continued her attack on Deucalion.

"Asher. Jennifer's gone." Scott said again.

Asher stopped, looking back at him. "No."


Noah let out a loud yell as he held up a beam. He shut his eyes as he tried his hardest.

"I can't do it! I can't hold it!" Isaac said, feeling the eclipse strip his power away.

Chris and Allison put their hands up, helping him as much as they could. The man yelled as he felt the entire ceiling fall down onto them.

"It's too much! It's too heavy!" Allison cried.

Then someone dropped in. They had a bat. Noah looked up as the person put the bat between the ceiling and another beam. They all looked over, seeing Stiles. With his jaw dropped at it working.

"I always said aluminum was better than wood." Noah marveled.

Stiles threw himself at his father, the man chuckling and holding him tight. The others looked around as more dirt and leaves fell around them.


Scott looked out into the fog, Asher leaving Deucalion on the ground to come up beside him. They watched the fog outside the distillery. Waiting for Jennifer to come back like they knew she would. Asher and Scott glanced at each other before back to the fog. And there she was. But she wasn't Jennifer.

She was the old slashed up Darach. A long back skirt flowed behind her as she walked up to the teenagers.

The Darach let out a screech, throwing her hands out and the two kids were sent flying into the back wall. They hit some metal tube things (bro i fr dont know what it was dont judge me), and they fell to the ground, legs entangled.

She turned to Deucalion, who was slowly standing up from the ground. She let out another screech, picking him up and throwing him. When the wolf landed on the ground, the Darach pulled and Asher by grabbing his hair and slamming his head onto the concrete. Just a few more times then Asher did.

"Jennifer!" Derek said, holding a hand out as he came out of hiding.

She looked up with a gasp, leaving Deucalion there, fighting for his life.

"He doesn't know." Derek continued.

"Know what?" Jennifer growled.

"What you really look like." Derek said. Jennifer stopped, looking down at the man on the ground. "He knows the cost of bringing Kali into his pack. But he's never seen the price you paid."

Jennifer thought for a moment. "No. No, he hasn't." She realized, crouching down beside him.

She put her hand over his eyes. Deucalion  squirmed slightly, but couldn't do anything. Jennifer closed her eyes, and after just a second, Deucalion was screaming.

Asher pushed herself up into a sitting position, Scott doing the same beside her. They looked down at their legs before untangling them. Which was quite difficult, because they weren't communicating. 

Derek watched with wide eyes as Deucalion screamed. Jennifer opened her eyes, staring down at his. Which were now fully healed.

Deucalion blinked, widening his eyes for a second as he got used to them. He looked around in confusion. He could see. He could actually see.

"Turn to me." Jennifer growled. Deucalion didn't. "TURN TO ME!"

The man shakily turned his body, looking towards the Darach with wide eyes. He pants, trying to catch his breath. He closed his eyes for a moment, but opened them again. When he opened them again, her face was normal.

Jennifer smirked and went to hit him again, but she swayed to the side. Derek ran over and caught her before she could hit the ground.

"What is this?" She asked.

"Healing him made you weak, just like healing Cora did to me." Derek told her. "You wont have your strength for at least a few minutes."

"Then you do it." Jennifer suggested, nodding with a smile. "Kill him."

Derek smiled momentarily, but it fell just as quickly. "No.

"What?" Jennifer furrowed her brows.

"Like my mother used to say, I'm a predator, but I don't have to be a killer." He answered before grabbing her by the throat. "Let them go."

Jennifer took a breath, regaining her strength as she shoved him into a pallet beside them. She walked up to him, hitting him in the face. Again, and again, and again. She grabbed him by the shirt, her eyes narrowing in sadness.

"Derek..." She whispered.

When he didn't say anything, she let him go and turned around. She smirked when she heard him stand up. She turned back to him with her eyebrows furrowed.

He rushed to attack her, but Jennifer shoved him against something concrete. (I DONT KNOW WHAT THIS IS EITHER OKAY SUE ME) She pulled him off and shoved him. She did this repeatedly, the man shutting his eyes in pain. When Derek opens them again, she pushes him into the air by his throat. And Jennifer continues her cycle of pulling him off the concrete and slamming his body into it.

She pants and stops for a second. Jennifer looks Derek in the eyes, and they shine a bright blue.

"Your fifteen minutes are up." Derek growls, throwing her down.

Scott and Asher finally get up, Scott running for the woman. He slides across the floor, slowing to a stop as she throws mountain ash into the air, the powder forming a circle around her.

"Like I told you, Derek, either you or the parents." Jennifer told him. "Well, I guess I'll just have to take them now."

Behind Scott, Asher slowly walks up beside Derek. She didn't forget about Deuc, but she knew Scott had a plan and she couldn't mess it up.

"In a few minutes, they'll be dead and I won't need a lunar eclipse even to kill a Demon Wolf." Jennifer said, then looked at Asher. "Or a little piece of gold to kill the Were-Lion."

Asher growled lowly.

Scott clenched his jaw, putting his hands up against the circle of ash.

Jennifer smiled in amusement. "You've tried this before, Scott. I don't remember you having much success."

Scott didn't say anything. He just made contact with the ash, pushing his hands against the invisible barrier as it started to glow. Derek furrowed his brows, watching Scott attempt the impossible. Asher rubbed her hands together slightly, just hoping it would work. Scott's hands started to shake as he pushed harder, getting another smirk from Jennifer.

His eyes started to glow amber as he pushed harder and harder. Jennifer's smile started to fade as Scott made progress. His hand was over the circle, but the barrier wasn't broken yet.

Asher shook head in disbelief. From where he was on the ground, Deucalion sat up slightly to get a better look. Asher could see Jennifer start to panic.

Then it happened. Scott's yellow eyes changed into a bright crimson red.

Jennifer's jaw dropped as she saw it. Scott stepped over the line of mountain ash, making Jennifer gasp in shock. She took a step back.

Asher scoffed in amazement. "Oh, my God."

Derek did a double-take, not believing what he was seeing.

Scott clenched his jaw tighter as he took one finale step. And the barrier shattered, Jennifer falling with it.

Scott closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Jennifer gasped, scuttering back. Derek, moving his arm down away from his eyes, looked at him with wide eyes.

"How did you do that?" Jennifer asked.

Scott paused for a moment. "I'm an alpha now."

Asher smiled. "Hell yeah!"

Derek sent her a look, making her shut up. And no one noticed Deucalion stand up in the corner.

"Whatever you're doing to cause this storm, make it stop, or I'll kill you myself. I don't care what it does to the color of my eyes." Scott promised.

Jennifer huffed, glaring at him.

"It won't change the color of mine, so allow me." Deucalion said.

Before anyone could stop him, he pushed past Scott and slashed her throat. The woman gasped, bringing a hand up as her face changed back to her slashed one. She fell to her back, her breathing slowing down.

Derek watched, his expression unreadable.


Stiles slowly took his hands off his bat as it stopped shaking. Everyone looked around. They didn't see anything or hear anything.

"Is it over?" Allison asked.

They gasped in shock, a few of them laughing. Noah pulled his son into another hug.


Deaton was putting some supplies away, Cora was helping Ethan get off the table, and Lydia was standing at Aiden's head as he lay down.

She had a hand on his chest, and he put his own over it.

"I knew." Aiden muttered.

"What?" Lydia leaned down slightly.

"I knew you liked me." Aiden smiled up at her.

Lydia looked up, trying to fight off a smile. Aiden laughed lightly, turning his head to kiss the inside of her arm.


Stiles pulled his phone out, answering it and putting it to his ear. "Scott?"

"Hey. You okay?" Scott asked

"Yeah, we're okay. We're all okay." Stiles answered.

He heard something from the other end and then someone else said something.

"Stilinksi, hey! Is Melissa and Allison okay? Are the precious women okay, Stiles?" Asher rambled and Stiles could hear her running, presumably from Scott.

"What? Asher, of course. Allison and Melissa are fine, calm down." Stiles answered, looking back to see the girls chuckling.

"Great- No, wait! Hey, Scott!" Scott had taken the phone back.

"Hey, welcome back, Scott. Now, how 'bout you? Are you okay?" Stiles asked.

Scott looked back at Derek, who shrugged. "Sort of."

"Well, you think you can come get us?" Stiles questioned.

"Yeah, of course." Scott said immediatly.

"Great, okay, um... Bring a ladder." Stiles told him.

The people around him laughed.


"My mother told me you were a man of vision once. We're letting you go because we hope you can be that man again." Derek said.

Deucalion looked between the three.

"But if you're not, then having your eyesight back won't matter. Because you'll never see us coming." Scott threatened.

The two walked away, leaving Asher to stand in front of Deucalion.

She sighed. "Scott some-how convinced me to let you live. Well, actually, I got a call from Ethan and he told me that him and Aiden were okay, so who cares about you anymore." Asher shook her head.

"Asher, I..." Deucalion stopped.

"Don't. Nothing you could say would ever make me forgive you for what you did." Asher held a hand up. "You killed him. And you couldn't even let me have the body. You hid it and now I'll never get to say goodbye."

"Asher, please-" He started again.

"Shut up." Asher growled. "I'm not going to kill you, I'm not even going to hurt you-"

"Anymore..." Deucalion muttered.

"But if I ever see you again, and you have the nerve to speak to me ever again, I swear to any God that exists, I will not hesitate to rip your heart out of your chest and make you eat it." Asher stepped up to him.

She glowed her eyes a bright yellow. And they flickered purple for a moment.

"I really hope it never comes to that, because it would be a shame to stop this transformation from happening." Asher faded her eyes away.

Deucalion blinked. "You're becoming a Lioness."

Asher nodded. "Damn right, I am. Don't be the reason I don't."

And with that, Asher leaves.


Scott pulled the school door's open, and he stops in the hallway. And he just looks around.

He see's Aiden and Lydia leaned against some lockers, smiling with each other. Turning his head, he watched Danny and Ethan walk out of a class, holding hands. Scott smiles a little as he sees Asher trail behind them, a smile on her face as she talks about her new job. Where she has apparently met the nicest people. She catches Scott's eye, sending him a wave. Scott smiles a bit more as he turns to the stairs, Isaac and Allison sharing bright smiles as they have a conversation.

He jumps slightly as Stiles comes up beside him, wrapping his arms around the wolf and patting his chest. Scott chuckles before they start walking through the hall.

And that's that. One more monster fought and done with.

Everyone's happy. For now.


authors note:

and thats a wrap on season 3a!! woop wooop!

roll the credits!! the word LIONESS was said omgomg.

so, in my head, the werelions have a alpha beta omega sort of thing. but its: alpha: king or lioness, beta: cub, and omega: just lion. asher is a cub for now, she can be in any pack with a king/lioness or an alpha. but in my head, a lioness/king cannot be a leader to anyone but were-lions. so, they either have a pack of their own, or theyre alone as a leader. now, i dont know the real mythology of were-lions so ive kind of just come up with all this. dont hate me.

get ready for some jealous angst the next season heheh. asher gonna be falling in love while lydia just wants aiden :(( well, she thinks she wants aiden wink wink.


okay, thanks for reading!! hope you enjoyed!!

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