Project tiftanglen || Neteyam

By imcluelesshaha

10.7K 257 31

"You ruined me! You damned me, forced me to live like this, and why? Why?! Tell me god damn it" "Why" "What?"... More

A/N pls read


411 8 1
By imcluelesshaha

[Atp, in most scenes theyre talking in navi, all conversations with the navi teens are IN NAVI, because atp if i marked every line of navi in italics i would jsut be marking all of the dialogue in navi, unless its the lab scenes with Max, with whom Tarian speaks english to brush up on it, navi will only be marked with italics when its the recom scenes or something like that.]

When his eyes finally cracked open he was surrounded by tech he wished to never see again. Iv's in his arm, white pure bandages tainted by blood wrapped on his abdomen.

He was swarmed by avatars and scientists with exopacks alike- shit why- why-
"Hey- hey- you're ok. You're in the navi stronghold, im Max."

Navi, stronghold..Max... Tarian shook his head, his pupils dilating in pain as he tried to sit up.

"Hey! No- dont do that-" He said right before Tarian hissed in annoyance, laying back down.

"How long was- i out-" He said, trying to get his bearings.

"Not a while, im surprised you came to that fast. Mo'at couldn't fully help you so we helped you, you where out for half a day."

His voice laced with the rhythmic beating of the heart monitor.

He was uncomfortable, feeling the IV in his arm he looked at his right arm, or well, stub and said.

'Where the hell is my arm"

"Oh, we took it off when you arrived here." He looked around the room, which led to Tarian finally scoping it out. It looked like the carbon copy of the labs he was in what seemed days ago, which made him panic slightly. Looking at the ground and shelves, Tarian propped himself up on his elbows, wincing lightly. He pointed to a little shelf that stood on the ground, in it was a black object which could only be his arm.


Max looked at where he was pointing with his left arm, and walked towards the shelf, his knees cracking as he bent to the ground to grab the heavy metal object

"Jesus, how do you carry it around everyday"

Tarian shrugged

"Hey max!"

"Hey kids"

At that Tarians ears picked up, launching himself into a sitting position


"Tarian you're up?" Lo'ak looked at him confused

"Yeah" Tarian looked to Kiri, who was laying on the tank in which her mothers avatar lay

"Hi mom"

An log of grace played, if you looked close you could see felix running around behind her.

"So who do you think she did it with?"


"Its Norm, guaranteed"


Tarian chuckled

 "I dont know guys" he quiped, having only seen them interact through the video logs.

"You do not deserve to live."

Tarian full on laughed at that

"Think about it- hes with her constantly" Lo'ak pointed to Norm in the recording
"Look! He's giving her looks"

"I would kill my self, i would drink acid."

"I would too honestly"

Tarian commented, not even thinking about the pain in his abdomen.

"I'm thinking, their avatars, out in the woods, all alone.."

The room buzzed with light laughter and Kiri's disgusted face

"Its not always nice to know who your father is" Spider murmured. Tarian looked at him, a conflicted face, that was weird, and out of nowhere.

"Spider" Kiri said

"Dont, i dont even remember him."

"No, spider. Spider you are not him."

"Ow- fuck-" Tarian mumbled, which caught in Neteyams ears

"Ri, are you okay?"

"Yeah im fine 'Teyam" He said, placing his hand on blood patch on his bandage that was actively getting larger. From what he understood, it hand't damaged any major arteries, he would be fine, mostly.


The group of navi teens, along with Tuk planned to sneak out, much to Max's dismay, Tarian wanted to come along too, be hell or high water.

"I'm fine Max!"

"You're not! You got impaled literally yesterday!"

Tarian had managed to stand up by himself and rewrap the bandages, he was now standing in front of Max with a neutral face.

"We wont even do much! We're just gonna walk around the forest!"

"See, for some reason I don't believe that-." Tarian groaned

"I promise! It's just us, we'll be safe. Plus the wound doesn't even hurt that bad anymore"

That was partially correct, it didn't hurt cause he still had some leftover pain duller from Mo'at.

"If anything happens i'll be fine, plus im more responsible then them! I can protect them!"

"You- You're injured! You're not going! Jesus i've known you what, few days first i saw of you you were impaled for gods sake!"

"Please! You know that even if you tell me no i'll probably try to sneak out and might hurt myself in the process-"

Max sighed, knowing that he would get nowhere with this, he dragged his arm down his face, groaning slightly.

"Be back here before eclipse, if i see any sign of excess strain i swear to eywa i-"

"Alright- dad" Tarian rolled his eyes, calling him dad teasingly

"We'll be fine Max, also thankyousomuchbye!" And with that Tarian ran of the lab, his actions followed by cuss words out of Max's mouth.


Tarian ran up to the group waving to them

"You sure? He let you?"

"Yeah! Now come on!"


"Tuk come on"

Tarian said, trying his best to hide the fact that his wound was still very much hurting and wasn't just wrapped extra tight to take longer to bleed through.

"Bro why'd you even bring her anyway?"

"shes all like 'Im telling! I'll tell mom if you don't let me come!' "

Followed by Tuk facing him and sticking her tongue out, Tarian let out a hearty chuckle.

They passed an air ship

"Cool! Are there any bodies" asked Tuk

"No- come on"

"Wait where's Kiri"

"Spider go get Kiri' Tarian said groaning.


"Its almost eclipse! We have to go or Neytiri will skin us! And Max will turn me into a collectible!" Tarian groaned. It was near eclipse, but he could already see a tiny dot of blood poking through the bandage, he didnt want to stall any longer.


"Come" Said Lo'ak

"What are you doing??" Said spider

"Shut it, im tracking.".

"Its too big to be human" Lo'ak said while pointing to footprints

"Maybe, but not any of ours."

They followed the trace, Tarian grunting in annoyance as the two young boys played detective, walking along the same pace as kiri and Tuk. They came up on a stop, the boys hidding behind bushes as a helicopter flew above the trees, a group of avatars came out of it, landing on the ground.

"Dude" said spider

"thats where your dad dad fought"

"We're not supposed to be here"

Kiri said

"Holy shit"

Tarian said, watching them, these must be the recoms, he recognized them somewhat

"Dude you gotta call it in" said spider

"We shouldnt be here" muttered Tuk.

"Devil dog this is eagle eye"

"Eagle eye, come forward"

"I've spotted some guys, they look like avatars but they're wearing full camo and are carrying ar's"

"Where are you?"

"We're near the old shack"

"...Whos we?"

"Me..spider kiri, Tarian and...Tuk"

"Listen to me very carefully, do not engage, retreat, stay quiet you got me?" you could practically hear the change in his tone once he heard.

"Yes sir."

"You're in so much trouble" said Kiri, slyly


"Youre gonna get grounded"


"For lifeeeee"

And a hand reached through the shrubbery, grabbing each of the kids, Tarian felt a hand grab his que, pulling him to the grassy field. He was held back, a hand pulling his que and a gun to his head.

He reached for his knife which was in a sheath attatched to his armband, but the gun was pushed deeper into his skull

"Drop it!"

Tarian hissed his abdomen covered in fiery pain and reluctantly dropped his knife.

Some soldier picked up Kiri's hand.

"Look colonel, a half breed!"

The colonel, Miles Quaritch looked at Lo'ak

"Show me your fingers."

Lo'ak raised his hands, middle fingers brazen.

"You're his..aren't you.

Where is your father?"

Lo'ak looked at him, talking in navi

"Sorry, i dont speak english, with assholes"

Quaritch yelled again in broken navi

"Where is your father!?" But quickly turned away, walking to Tarian.

"Well well.. Who are you?"

Haha suckers! Cliffhanger for you.

Tommorow you might get spoiled, it depends what level of motivation im feeling lol.

I have a math olimpiad tomorrow, so theres a 50/50 chance i'll be drained lol.

if i do post a chapter tommorow, expect better wuality then this shite, im tired alr, tis been a hard week.

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