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"Come on man! Go faster!" Tarian whooped, the tulkun below him, on whose fin he was sitting was named Wanui, Wanui let out clicks of cheek, eyes closing as if imitating a smile, Tarian whooped. They flew near other tulkuns, sea navi eyeing him, smiling. They passed Ronal who seemed to be smiling, he had never seen her smile before. Tarian jumped into the water, creating waves on the surface. Wanui clicked annoyed. Roughly it meant

"Dont do that". At some point he started to understand her. He swam down to the ground, Wanui following him curiously. He met her in the middle, placing his hand on her snoot.

He thought for a second, thinking of the sign.


Wanui clicked happily, nodding, doing a flip in the water which Tarian recreated to the best of his ability.

Tarian hadn't felt this happy in a while, his wounds had healed a long time ago, but true happiness is hard to find, he thought for a while that he was meant for solace, but his was nice. The sun was low in the sky, Wanui not swimming so enthusiastically anymore. She was tired.

"Swim back?" He signed, looked at her eye. Wanui clicked, her clicks now cognitive and understandable for the boy.

"Yes" Tarian nodded, climbing up to her back, laying down, watching the still alight sky pass them.

Tarian swam up to shore, turning away, walking back to the marui, waving solemnly at Wanui.

He took off his hand, taking a bag full of screws, tools and other human materials he had gotten as a gift from Max.

His hand was weird today, he flipped open the gun compartment. Taking a wrench and getting to work.

Half an hour passed as he quietly tinkered with his hand, the metal on his thighs, his single hand slightly struggling to work effectively, used to a stand holding it up. He saw Jake walking near the entrance, Tonowari following him, he leaned in, looking at them intently.

"What is wrong?"

"Sky people, they are looking for you down south, they have a boy that speaks navi" spider, Tarian thought.

"Have they killed anyone?" asked Jake.

"Not yet. They threaten to, but noone will reveal where you are, on my command"

Tarian looked forward to Neytiri who was looking angrily at whatever she was doing at the moment.

"We must hunt this demon, kill him"

"We have to think about it" Said jake, not wanting to hear more Tarian zoned out for the rest of the conversation, trying his best not to hear it, the proof that he didn't belong here.

That him living his life peacefully was a bad choice which led to killing of creatures so majestic. What if they killed Wanui? They didnt know of her importance, nor did they care if she was the friend of some random boy.


When he exited the marui Lo'ak was sneakily followed by Tsireya. He saw him being led to the marui he could only guess was Tonowari's. He followed them watching Jake drag his hands down his face. He slipped in behind Lo'ak, being noticed and acknowledged by Jake.

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