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Brooooooooooooo im warning you this chapter is kinda shite, i didnt know what to do so that it garnered the same reaction from everyone, its a bit shit, sorry

Breathe in, breathe out half. That's the method of shooting his predecessors taught him.

They were crawling atop a pipe, watching as the soldiers escorted Spider.

Neteyam signed.

"Come on, go" Tarian nodded, looking to Lo'ak who was behind them, repeating it. They jumped off Spider's eyes shocked.

They jumped the humans, a similar face catching his sight. It was the very man he cornered as a boy, even the more reason to hurt him, he thought, pulling his mask off, shattering it. Spider looked at them happy, and nodded, they ran forward towards where the entrance was according to the human boy. They took down humans. Tarian jumped onto a small man, legs wrapping around his waist, palm crushing his exopack, the man gaped, Tarian looked at the other boy's, nodded. This wasn't Tarian, this was 03, this was the one they made. All 3 others understood that. His eyes held no emotion as he watched the men try to draw breath, feet kicking the exo packs away. Lo'ak smirked, picking up a gun. Neteyam reprimanding him, fuzzy background noise was all that sounded in his ears. He was running along with them, soldiers with guns posted everywhere around them.

Neteyam grabbed the gun from Lo'ak, who had leaned back involuntarily after shooting.

"Give me that!" He yelled, 03 Standing up, walking to them, stretching his arm out, as if asking for the gun. Neteyam looked at him, passing him the gun with a questioning look, 03 crouched, shooting at the soldiers.

"Run, run, run!" and they did. 03's hands wrapped around the ar, shooting at anyone who got close. He looked at Neteyam, despite his mindset he knew he loved the boy, as muted as it was right now.

They were near the water, everything was going well, the haze in 03's mind was clearing.

His ears pinned to his head, focused on the weight of the weapon and the sight of the sea ahead of them.

His head pounded, forcing him to stop and grab his head for a second, long enough to spot two men with guns aimed for the nearest boys they could find.

Tarian's, not 03's, not anyone else's eyes widened, glancing at Neteyam's body

The bullet shooting in slow motion. He looked at the unsuspecting boys, backs turned to jump into the water. Tarian jumped to Neteyam, hugging his body so they would fall into the water with the momentum. Tarians elbow's were under his armpits, holding him like a precious item as they crashed into the cold depths of water.

The next breath Tarian took felt like trying to fill a balloon with a hole, every breath he took hurt. He coughed lightly, eyes closed, barely noticing that he was underwater and had just coughed out blood. he floated up to the surface looking at Neteyam shortly, praying that he wasn't hurt.

Ilu's swam up to them, Spider and Lo'ak celebrating.

"Come on bro!" Neteyam looked annoyed. Coughing slightly.

"You skxawng i'm shot" Tarians eyes shot up from their half closed state, mumbling under his breath 'no's' like a mantra.

"Shit- give me a hand- Tarian help us get him up" Lo'ak stretched his hand to Tarian, knowing his strength would aid them. Lo'ak looked at Tarian. Spider already scrambling for the hold of Neteyam.

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