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[Memories are also in italics]

I grinned, my sharp canines peeking out from under my lips.

There was so much info, dates on missions, schedule for the train, which i recon they needed cause Norm moved forward to look at it, his eyes twinkling.

Then there was the thing i had forgotten about, the files that i dreaded, that i thought of as i was hitting the punching bag with such ferocity it became a sad pit of sand.


My eyes clenched, the robotic arm, which has been laying idly on the desk clenched up. My ears pinned down, the memories flooding back into my head, Sullz walked forward

"What is this?" I looked down and felt bile rising in my throat as he clicked the mouse in my place, opening a random video.

"This is Soren Weiß, main scientist of project Tiftanglen. The subject has shown hightened senses and a bad reaction to light."

The camera panned from the slightly chubby ginger man to a window, it was a one way mirror. The man walked towards a lightswitch, flipping it on.

There stood Tarian, 1 year younger, ripe age of 14. There were large vents that were covered with as much protection they could get and still make sure pandoran air flew into the confined 4 by 4 space. Tarian looked rabid, his hair flying up into every direction it coold, but his eyes looked like pools of distress overflowing. His nails were long, scratching at his shoulder which was red and bleeding

"It has not taken kindly to the brand, and seems untamable"

His other arm was an even worse sight, it was enlarged and an angry red, which compared to the cool blue tone of his skin elsewhere was alarming. The hand, no, stub was hideous, stitches sticking out of it from the vulgar scratching, the area with the most damage was the socket, which was a metal rod forced into his hand and soldered onto bone. It hurt so much, every move felt like he was moving his very bone, bending into ways that it wasnt supposed to, forcing his bone to crumble like month old bread.

He knew himself that it was on purpose, to make him desperate for the prosthetic, make him yearn the easy escape it granted him.

Apart from the frantic twitching and wide dilated eyes he was screaming with every move, the bloodied floor home to his wriggling body. Periodically his back would arch had he would let out a choked sob

"The subject seems to be responding well to the conditioning, the next pla-"

3rd person

Tarian opened his now slightly teary eyes and went to wrestle the mouse from Sully, who was just watching the screen with an agape mouth, they could never know the extent of what they did, this was his start over, he would not let them. He grabbed it from him though he was barely holding onto it anyway, and closed the files

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