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[Atp, in most scenes theyre talking in navi, all conversations with the navi teens are IN NAVI, because atp if i marked every line of navi in italics i would jsut be marking all of the dialogue in navi, unless its the lab scenes with Max, with whom Tarian speaks english to brush up on it, navi will only be marked with italics when its the recom scenes or something like that.]

When his eyes finally cracked open he was surrounded by tech he wished to never see again. Iv's in his arm, white pure bandages tainted by blood wrapped on his abdomen.

He was swarmed by avatars and scientists with exopacks alike- shit why- why-
"Hey- hey- you're ok. You're in the navi stronghold, im Max."

Navi, stronghold..Max... Tarian shook his head, his pupils dilating in pain as he tried to sit up.

"Hey! No- dont do that-" He said right before Tarian hissed in annoyance, laying back down.

"How long was- i out-" He said, trying to get his bearings.

"Not a while, im surprised you came to that fast. Mo'at couldn't fully help you so we helped you, you where out for half a day."

His voice laced with the rhythmic beating of the heart monitor.

He was uncomfortable, feeling the IV in his arm he looked at his right arm, or well, stub and said.

'Where the hell is my arm"

"Oh, we took it off when you arrived here." He looked around the room, which led to Tarian finally scoping it out. It looked like the carbon copy of the labs he was in what seemed days ago, which made him panic slightly. Looking at the ground and shelves, Tarian propped himself up on his elbows, wincing lightly. He pointed to a little shelf that stood on the ground, in it was a black object which could only be his arm.


Max looked at where he was pointing with his left arm, and walked towards the shelf, his knees cracking as he bent to the ground to grab the heavy metal object

"Jesus, how do you carry it around everyday"

Tarian shrugged

"Hey max!"

"Hey kids"

At that Tarians ears picked up, launching himself into a sitting position


"Tarian you're up?" Lo'ak looked at him confused

"Yeah" Tarian looked to Kiri, who was laying on the tank in which her mothers avatar lay

"Hi mom"

An log of grace played, if you looked close you could see felix running around behind her.

"So who do you think she did it with?"


"Its Norm, guaranteed"


Tarian chuckled

 "I dont know guys" he quiped, having only seen them interact through the video logs.

"You do not deserve to live."

Tarian full on laughed at that

"Think about it- hes with her constantly" Lo'ak pointed to Norm in the recording
"Look! He's giving her looks"

"I would kill my self, i would drink acid."

"I would too honestly"

Tarian commented, not even thinking about the pain in his abdomen.

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