Supernatural Dean x Reader

By Sabina34el

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Dean Winchester x Reader love story Mature themes + Romance *warning 18+* These are not all my characters the... More

Chapter 1 - First encounter
Chapter 3 - Crowley - ❤️‍🔥
Chapter 4 - Forbidden Fruit - ❤️‍🔥
Chapter 5 - Nightmares
Chapter 6 - The start of Something - ❤️‍🔥
Chapter 7 - The hunt - ❤️‍🔥🌶️
Chapter 8 - Location - 🌶️
Chapter 9 - "baby" - 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Chapter 10 - cass's daughter - 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Chapter 11 - losing faith
Chapter 12 - Lucy - ❤️
Chapter 13 - acceptance
Chapter 14 - Tear down -⚠️
Chapter 15 - rebuild -❤️
Chapter 16 - Breakthrough -❤️
Chapter 19 - Welcome home - 🌶️🌶️❤️
Chapter 18- She said "yes" - 🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️
Chapter 19 - in the end -❤️
Chapter 20 - Wayward son - ❤️

Chapter 2 - Father with wings

3.8K 67 15
By Sabina34el

I lock the door behind me as I walk into the motel room. I kick off my boots and flop onto the bed. I decided I'll take a shower in the morning. I take a deep breath and groan not wanting to move. I stand up once more and shimmy my way out of my black jeans. I toss my brown leather jacket onto the chair. I take my black shirt off and replace it with an oversized band T-shirt I sleep in. I carefully until the black strip of fabric tied around my wounded arm. The bleeding had stopped and I began to heal but it was still raw. I splashed cold water on it to clean it out and dug in my bag for a bandage. Once I found one I placed it on the wound and made my way for to bed. I flop onto it pulling the blankets up to my chin and I drift off to sleep.


I stretch my arms as I yawn myself awake. I turn to the side and read the clock on the bedside table. It is 8:30 am just about time to leave. I drag myself out of bed not wanting to get up. I make my way to the bathroom and splash water on my face. Instantly waking me up I go to grab clean bandages for the cut on my arm. However, as I remove the bandage I placed last night and looked down the cut was healed. All that was left was a fine pink puckered line on my skin. At that moment I heard the flap of wings.

"Hello, dad." I say in a monotone voice.

"y/n, what are you doing here with sam and dean?"

He actually sounded worried.

"They were on the same vamp case as I but I got to the first."

"I understand you hunt and bobby protected you all these years while I was away but I still worry about you."

I let out a scoff at his words. Not sure if I believe them.

"Arnt you besties with sam and dean? So why are you so worried?" I turn to face him.

"Yes I am friends with them I care about you all, that's why I said you need to keep  your distance from them."

Although I didn't like it I understood why.

"They asked me to help put lucifer back." I say turning back around to face the mirror.

" I see...I understand I can't ask you to back down. Especially after what he did to your brother. But I am going to ask you to keep your true self a secret for now. I don't know  how they will react when they find out you are my daughter."

I look down at the sink. I understand why they can't know. They are hunters and they just met me to them I could be just another monster to slay. Even if I grew up with Bobby. Dean already seemed suspicious of me. Because of that I decided to agree. I rather lie and be alive then tell the truth and die.

"Fine, but I'm only doing this because of Jameson, because of my brother."

"Very well but remember I do love you and I do want what is best for you." He says as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

The touch was welcomed and warm. I have mixed feelings about the gesture. I was still mad at him but in the end I will always love him. I turn back to face him once more.

"I understand dad...and hey thanks for ya know," I say while pointing at my arm.

"I will be back but I need to go." with that he disappears.

Nothing new.

Having a dad as an angel is not always easy. With that, I hop in the shower and let the warm water drip down my body. Taking away all the sore muscle pain and all the thoughts running in my head. By the time I get out it is 9:00, time to go. I quickly get dressed, throw my belongings in my bag, tie my hair back and grab my helmet.

I walk out the door of my room and am met with sam and dean leaning against the hood of the Impala.

"Ready to go?" Sam asks. Surprisingly chipper.

I nod yes. I glance at Dean. He was not frowning as much anymore. Maybe all he needed was some sleep.

"Are you driving with us? or do you have a car?" dean asks.

They clearly didn't see the helmet in my hand. Or me come off my bike yesterday. So without responding I pull my helmet over my head and get on my bike and start her up.

"You lead, I'll follow," I say loudly over the rumble of my bike.

Sam chuckles and heads to the passenger side of car. Dean stands for a second more his eyes meeting mine. A wave of electricity shoots through my body. He holds his gaze for a second before breaking away with a smirk on his face. Dean pulls out of the parking lot and I follow behind. Headed to where ever it is we are going.

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