Tensura / The Void Watcher

By SoulTse

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{Note: This book and series involves crossovers} We all know how Rimuru got reincarnated and started his adve... More

Introduction: Arc 1: The rise of a new god
Chapter 1: Adding Primordials
Interlude: Noir and Bleu
Chapter 2: A banquet showdown
Interlude 2: Dragonic memories
Chapter 3: A Walpurgis rebirth
Chapter 4: Dreams unfold
Chapter 5: Molten Ice
Thanks! (A/N)
Chapter 6: Testing,Testing.
Chapter 8: A ghostly return
Chapter 9: Once a Sith
Chapter 10: Not getting dull
Chapter 11: Plans and meetings
Chapter 12: Swords and ice
Chapter 13: The Caretaker and the Child (I)
Chapter 14: The Caretaker and the Child (II)
Chapter 15: Minor spars
Interlude 3: Rain's one-day diary
Chapter 16: To remember
Chapter 17: A surfacing threat (I)
Chapter 18: A surfacing threat (II)
Extras: Notifications
Chapter 19: There the bar goes!
Origin chapter 1: God's Diary: A history
Origin chapter 2: God's Diary: A god and a mortal
Origin Chapter 3: God's Diary: An encounter
Chapter 20: Upgrade investment
Chapter 21: Night walk
Chapter 22: A dream of conversations
Chapter 23: A short breakout
Chapter 24: The fiery blaze
Chapter 25: The 501st legion
Chapter 26: A beneficial merchant
Chapter 27: The imminent fight
Chapter 28: The lost ones (I)
Chapter 29: The lost ones (II)
Chapter 30: A conspiracy's start
Chapter 31: The end of peace
Chapter 32: A tempest unleashed
Chapter 33: Holy-Demonic clash: The Blue Death
Interlude 4: Morgan Le Fay (Fate)
Chapter 34: Holy-Demonic clash: A turning point
chapter 35: Holy-Demonic clash: Operation Queller
Chapter 36: Holy-Demonic Clash: Frozen delusions
Chapter 37: Holy-Demonic Clash: Timely reinforcements
Chapter 38: Holy-Demonic Clash: The Sisters (1)
Chapter 39: Holy-Demonic Clash: My Equal (2)

Chapter 7: Aftermath

2K 63 4
By SoulTse

Rimuru's POV:

Mere seconds later,shards penetrated the smoke and lunged towards me,catching me by surprise and completely obliterating my entire right arm that tried to block that scary thing.

"Heh.Heh...not so...bad for you.." I said as I held the arm while trying to hold the pain coming from the wound.

"Rimuru!" Velzard screamed in horror and flew down immediately to check on me.

"Not that of a big one...just going to regenerate it again...!" I focused my will and energy on my wound,and regenerated my arms first into an arm-shaped blue fluid,then materializing into a real arm.

"That's better,see? I am fine."

"Thank god you are,you should have told me in advance that I should hold back a little bit considering your status now. I don't want to see you like that.." Velzard said and hugged me from behind.

Then,even Velda approached me with a confused expression on me.

"Jeez,are you trying to get yourself killed back then?"

"Course not,I just wanted to see if I can block that with my hands only,seems like it is unlikely to happen,heh. I truly have overestimated my capabilities now as I lost most of my powers after my reincarnation.."

"Sounds like you. Alright,I guess Velzard won? That means..."

He said with a teasing smirk remarking that,I bet he knew it would turn out like this way. This tricky little...

"Yeah I know,I know,fine. Velzard,you can come and bathe with us like when you were a kid, but please,have some shame that your brother doesn't."

"What do you mean I have no shame?! I didn't do anything wrong-"

"Wrong! You somehow made the entire place explode with water just because you wanted to 'release a bit' of your energy,and you know how terrible it went! As a god,you should have a good mind of restricting yourself." I pointed at Veldanava accusingly as I listed out his little crimes.

"You are to lecture me?! I'm a god,you ain't one!"

I was busy having a debate over this topic,and then...

"Hmph,you two never change."

Did I hear Velzard mumbling something? Whatever,I need to get some points with him,for now.


"Woohoo! This feels great!" Velda gave his compliment right after soaking himself in the water along with me.

"You see,I told you this would be great,like the old times."

"RImuru,you should have told us about this earlier! Keeping this secret from me,your best friend,sounds not-so-good?" Veldora exclaims while enjoying the refreshing feeling of hot baths while having drinks.

"It's only you,kid. I and Big Brother all knew of this way way way before you did,something that you would have no luxury enjoying." Velzard said with a cocky chuckle on her face in replying to her little brother.

"Come on guys,let's get this around. Oh and,Velzard,I remember you people have another sister in your family called Velgrynd,if I recall? The Scorch dragon. What is she like? You bunch never ceases to amaze me every time I meet one of you."

I couldn't help but remember all the moments in the past,everytime I met one of them,their specialties and personality,their being,always piqued my interest and fascinated me.

"Velgrynd? What should I say? She is quite of a fighter,has some interesting taste in fashion,a pretty nice individual,but would get somewhat cocky in a fight if she got too excited. Pretty complicated,it would be best to see her in person,though she is away on her adventures in other dimensions for now I presume?"

Velda gave his compliment about her,while expressing complications of her in the meantime. But judging from his reaction,she was a pretty good sibling.

"Velzard? What about you?"

"Hmm.Pretty much the same goes like what Big brother had just said.I found her quite annoying actually,but easy to endure compared to Veldora's stupidity."

"Why me again?!"

"Because you are so idiotic and irresponsible,you caused so much trouble for us!" Velzard annoyingly said as she held Veldora's head and drowned it beneath the water.

"Maybe that's true..." After being released from her grip,Veldora said,but not without his sister's hands near his neck.

"Poor guy." I said and velda gave me an expression of tiredness.

"This is what you go through?" He asked.

"Probably." I shrugged as I submerged myself beneath the water again,watching the brother and sister quarreling,but still with Velzard taking the upperhand.

"Anyway,I heard that there are matters you are dealing with in the West my friend,am I correct?" Velda asked me as I eyed him.

"Yep,what is it, old guy?"

"Well,if it's not going too well,I could have just asked Luminous to do me a favor since well,I knew all the older demon lords pretty well and we are friends. So,how is it?"

"I'm going to tell ya later about that after we get up from here now.. Oh,and ladies first.."

"Alright,I'm out of here then.Veldora,you are coming with me,now!"

"Wha-" He couldn't even finish his sentence,and he was already in his struggle to resist the pull of her sister,trying his best not to be dragged into another suffering.

"Those two,what's wrong with them all the time?" I let out a sigh and decided it was time for me to prepare our sleep later,the 4 of us,and so I decided to get up myself, turning myself into my slime form.

"Velzard, I will prepare your room too,so have your time here. Just don't soak for too long and remember to take some rest,got it?"

"Hmph,I know."

"Heh,like what you would have said anyway,take your time.Any problem, then you can call me for help anytime."

"Thanks." When I bounced back to the floor,I could see her pouting for a bit. Did I not satisfy her wishes enough?

"What's up mhm? Upset about something?"

"N-no! Of course not!"

"Alright alright,see ya later then." Shrugging off,I went to my room and started to tidy it up.


Velzard's POV:

"What do you mean you are all sleeping in my room?!" Rimuru screamed in the top of his lungs upon hearing the news.

"Hey don't act like that,I have no problem with it!" Veldora said before receiving a punch into his face by the irritated Rimuru as his head was smashed into the wall before pulled out and the wall repaired by Rimuru.

"But I DO!" He exclaimed.

Upon entering Rimuru's room,I can see Big Brother laughing hysterically and Rimuru just shouting at him,looking very annoyed.

"What the heck are you guys doing?" I said while using the towel to mop my hair dry after I got out with a fresh bath,manners in another room.

"Hey Velzard! We are all going to sleep with Rimuru tonight! Particularly you,even if I and Veldora are going to sleep on another bed." Velda said while tapping my shoulders,still giggling hard.

"I tried hard to make this happen so,take your chances~" He whispered near my ears,which got me so excited that I could feel my face heating up!

"Velzard,you good? Your face is like a tomato." Rimuru said innocently as he looked at my face with an amused smile.

"N-n-n-n-no I am in my best state! There is nothing wrong with me! I'm just a bit...excited." I said the last part particularly in a smaller voice.

"At least it's you,not Veldora sleeping with me. If it's him,I will probably be kicked out of the bed at midnight!" Rimuru playfully replied to me as he gave Veldora another gaze of daggers.

"Come on! I wouldn't? Just ask Big Bro Velda the next morning to see about that!" Veldora protested this accusation made by his pal commenting on him.

I can't help but let out a sigh,before sitting down at the bed that I am supposed to be sleeping on tonight. But every time I think that I will be sleeping with Rimuru tonight,my heart races and fast it goes.

I and veldanava may had lived with him for thousands of years before,but this still new!

The more I think of it,the more excited I get. I will make sure to hug him hard like a plushie this time,not letting this chance slip away.

*Knock Knock"

"Who's that?" I asked in question,clearly surprised that at this late,someone would be knocking on Rimuru's door.

"Ah,I know who it is.Rain,you can come in now!"

As the door opens,a blue hair maid walks in with a few plates in her hands,some even levitating mid-air as she moves her hands around to control them through telekinesis.

"Rimuru-sama,your midnight snacks are here. Shuna told me in advance of this,you do have some habits do you?"

"Thank you! It must be troubling for you to get these here so late,you're not working a night shift aren't you?" Rimuru questioned her,with slight concern in his tone.

"I am merely doing my duty to serve my master,besides,demons do not require sleeping." She dismissed his worries with a little grin as they chatted.

'So she's a demon,the same as I assumed her to be the first time I've met her earlier..' I thought as I looked at her.

"Oh,Veldanava,Veldora and Velzard-sama,it is a surprise to see all of you here. I owe you all a proper greeting."

"No,it's fine I don't care! Make yourself relax." Veldanava replied,trying to chill her down a bit from such a formal attitude.

"Kuhaha! Neither do I!"

"It's fine."

"Oh and Rain,how are the preparations for the festival that will happen next month?"

""Festival?"" I and Veldora shouted because we never knew such a thing existed.

"You guys don't know? I thought I told Velda to tell you?" And then,Rimuru looked at Big Brother with a suspicious gaze.

"Hey..I uh..forgot.Sorry." Big brother then turned his sweating head away from him,probably embarrassed by his forgetfulness.

"I should have known you would forget again,anyway,just let me tell you guys that we are going to host a festival or carnival whatsoever soon,make sure you guys are there! Since it's going to last for a while."

"My lord,before I leave,I just wanted to remind you that Shion has some new 'recipe' for you to try out..."

Rimuru's face immediately turned pale as paper,even Big Brother and Veldora doesn't look good at all. But why,it's just another recipe,right?



"WHAT?! Please,help to do something like..Just shut her off or something like that with some bullshit reason that she would be convinced! I am NOT going to place myself on the verge of death again! You have my full authority! Please do something!"

Rimuru pleaded with his panicking voice to his loyal personal maid.

"My lord,As much as I want to help you,I-" Rain was so anxious that her eyes were filled with conflict under the gazes of Rimuru,Veldora and Veldanava.

"Please! I beg of you! You have the most effective poison resistance out of all of Tempest! Could you please just do this for this time?"

"I-I...I understand as you wish. But please just one time,last time I had it I had a trauma on it and I haven't eaten for 3 days. I don't need to take in energy,but it really didn't turn my mood up..." Now even her face turned pale and showed immense disgust and fear,is that a big deal?

"I understand,but please bear with it. After that,you could pat and sleep on me for whatever time you like in my slime form during your tired breaks whatever you want! PLEASE!"

"Really?! Then I will be going all out!" Her worried expression was instantly lit up to a delighted and hyped up one with stars in her eyes.

"My slime form. I am not getting awkward that much."

"It doesn't matter! Having that kind of treatment is one of the best blessings from you my master! I will do my best,serves you right Diablo!" She got very jolly and was hugging him hard with a smile on her face thanks to her excitement.

Did she mention Diablo?

"Eh. Ahem...I think it's also time for you to get dismissed and have a nice rest for the night right,Rain? Diablo have such habits,so as his rival,wouldn't you want to do such too?"

"Ah my bad,I will apply to it right away. Have a good night,Rimuru-sama."

"You too."

Walking away with a gentle smile,she turned and closed the door quietly. A sigh came out of RImuru's mouth immediately.

"It's always a rare sight to see her acting like that judging her nature in the netherworld before. But I'm no longer surprised after a few weeks of stay. Still,it would be devastating for others to see." Veldanava chuckled while claiming that.

"Whatever. You guys better get to sleep soon,it's damn midnight already!"

"Alright alright. See? Veldora got bored and slept already. And you Velzard,GO sleep with Rimuru.""Uh..sure."

He said it! Rimuru said it!

I kept sweating bullets and my face was heating up,because of how excited I was for this moment!

"Yeah,no complaints." He said as he remotely used telekinesis to turn off the light switch near the door.

" Good night you guys." Veldanava said one last time as he also climbed into the bed and covered himself with the blankets.

"You too." Rimuru replied as he threw himself onto the wide empty bed and letted out a lazy yawn. Staying still for a few seconds,he then turned his attention to me and waved.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"M-me?" I said,pointing at myself.

"Yeah. Are you going to sleep on the ground with that? If that's what you want,I will be taking this cozy thing for myself."

Hearing that,I immediately walked and sat on the bed beside him,my face still heated due to my flow of emotions earlier.


"Alright,alright." He took off his cape and put it and his weapon near a chair before hopping back into the bed.

"It's been somewhat a day,but I guess I need rest too." He giggled. "Come on,are you sleeping too? I'm fine but don't get tooooooooo cuddly." He pulled a nearby blanket himself and offered me some space,which I accepted.

"I don't know what kind of luxurious life you had inside your big castle,but I hope that this here does sate your taste." He joked.

"Ha ha,very funny." I gave him a tired eye before turning myself to the opposite side where he sleeps.

"Did you laugh?"


"Did you?"


Knowing my response,he sighed before finally staying still in his position.

"I'm done for today now. See you tomorrow,Velzard."

After he said that,feeling that he didn't move an inch afterwards,I eventually still turned to see how was he doing only to find that he already feel asleep seconds after greeting me.

Looking at his sleeping face,my heart was calmed and I silently enjoyed this serene sight,stretching out my hands and soothing his cyan hair,feeling it's soft touch.

"You know.." I muttered. 

"I was so happy that you returned to our side after so long,it was like a dream come true. It gave people chances,chances to save the world,and chances for others such as me to have a more selfish goal.."

"I can imagine the faces of Artoria and Morgan if they knew you died once in an attempt to destroy the core of all evils,and their faces when they know that you are alive again."

"Because,I feel the same."

Making sure that he isn't faking to be asleep or anything else,I continued.

"Say,the three of us knew and expected rivalry,but we had made a deal that we will share,good thing that you had no idea until now. Right now,there is only me...."

Reaching for his face,I gently caressed his cheeks before taking my hands back.

"No other woman than us will have any chances,for that I am sure. But now?"

"Let me steal some more time from them."

A pretty short one unfortunately,but the next ones will be more interesting than just average minor shenanigans! Stay tuned for chapter 8,and I will see ya there!

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