Lone Stars

By VixxDr

688 4 1

Lexus Quintin lives in a life where people are constantly forgetting and abandoning her. Family and friends r... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 7

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By VixxDr

It took awhile for her to finish, but eventually Lexus got the wire replaced and her bike put back together. She was putting her tools away when the back door creaked open making her jump. She had completely forgotten she hid away behind the garage as an older man came out spotting her, like an Anak caught in the headlights.

"Whatcha doing back here?" He asked, his voice scratchy and low. The man spotted her bike and tools in hand. "Having your own private tune up?"

"Sorry, just needed some space and-"

He waved her off, shuffling toward her. "Ya ain't no arm or foul, don't worry." The man sat down in a chair by the door and sighed, probably from aches or kinks in his joints. "Needing some fresh air myself."

Curious, Lexus put her tools away and closed the seat compartment of her bike and approached him. "Thanks, I'm Lexus."

He nodded a greeting, "I saw ya roll on up here earlier, your ride all smoothed out?" he asked.

Lexus nodded, "Just a clutch cable, I seemed to have pushed it on the long ride out of the city to here." she sheepishly told him. "Are you Cid, by any chance?"

He chuckled, "That's my name." he confirmed. "Wondered how long till you figured it out, I know for sure you're Roland's niece."

She walked over to him, "You knew I was coming?" she asked.

"Sure did, that old uncle of yours contacted me. Made sure you arrived when you did, and you did. Although, he hoped for better ride conditions." He added, eyeing her bike she had just worked on. He rubbed his chin, leaning back with a grunt. "If it's gonna handle the road out here, might need an upgrade."

Her brows went up, arms crossing as she shifted herself to the side. "An upgrade?" Lexus questioned, glancing to eye her bike up like he did. "What kind?"

Cid got up with another grunt and made his way over, circling the bike. "I don't get much motorbikes around here, typical cars of classic and new." He stopped by the front wheel, rubbing his jaw line. "Could test and give it better wheels and headlights. You'll be driving at night, I suppose?"

Lexus walked over, taking a breath in thought. "My uncle warned me of the Daemons that come about at night, I'm hoping to avoid it during my travel."

"You'll need stronger headlights, pit stops are pretty far from each other. Best to be safe than sorry out here." He offered, raising his gloved hand toward her. "I'll give her an upgrade in return for a favor- No gil required."

If this was some random stranger that offered her the idea, she'd be highly suspicious of the conversation. But the fact he was an old friend of her Uncle's, she found no harm or foul by the idea of an upgrade. After all, her lights might be weaker than needed since she barely needed to use them with the city having the protective wall.

"What's the favor?" She asked, smiling curiously at the shorter old man.

He gave a raspy chuckle, resting his offered handshake on the bike handle. "I see you got yourself a weapon, maybe give it a taste by getting rid of some pests we get time to time around here." Cid patted the crossbow resting on her bike, then grinned at her. "Heard of Daggerquils?"

"Oh, yeah! Ajax taught me about the beasts out here." She told him, stepping over to remove the crossbow and strapping it to her back. "What about them?"

"Those pain in the ass things have been threatening to get a little too close to comfort toward Hammerhead. Kicking up dust and flying too close, expecting to see them outside the garage any day now." He explained rubbing the back of his neck as he took his seat once more. "If it's not too much trouble. Should be about one or two, enough for you to handle."

Lexus grew excited, a time to finally put her skills she had spent two years training on to the test. "Yes! I'll take care of them, just take good care of my bike, Cid."

He chuckled and nodded, "Of course! You can find these pesky things out West, near The Three Valleys." he informed her.

"Got it, I'll nail those birds down in a flash!" She said, punching her fist into her palm excitedly.

Cid merely shook his head with a chuckle as she made her jog West of Hammerhead. "Gotta find the spark in that one."


It was a long trek, Lexus was glad she ate and had her energy replenished from her meal to make the long jog to The Three Valleys. "I will be so thankful Uncle Roland and Ajax had me jog every morning."

Her eyes were scanning the sky now and then, keeping an eye out for the brightly colored birds. She remembered reading that these birds can be about eight feet in length, which she assumed was wingspan. Lexus extended her arms out, trying to get the idea how big exactly.

Her eyes wandered upward, finding herself at The Three Valleys and found bright blue and orange birds flying high in the sky. She frowned, hands on her hips. They were too far high in the sky to shoot from her stand point, she needed higher ground. Lexus ran over to the rock formations and got herself onto a higher flat landing, taking off her crossbow.

"One, two, three four.... About five should give the message." She figured, loading her bow and raising it up to aim.

Lexus shot at the birds, mostly aiming to kill for an instant death then clipping their wings. She preferred to just take a few down rather than hurting and making their survival more trivial. One fell right beside her, making her jump at the thud. She got a good look at the pretty bird, it's long tail feathers really were a sight with its long blue wings. The tail feathers started at blue than faded into orange toward the end. She noted to college a feather or two, Lexus wouldn't put it past her if these things were hunted for their feathers often.

After four were shot down, the rest seemed to take the hint and flew off further North West. With huff of success, Lexus knelt down to the bird, resting her crossbow as she plucked a long beautiful tail feather, feeling the softness against her fingers.

The sudden sound of a low moaning roar, Lexus looked over into the small open field to see a Dualhorn wandering about. It was different from the photos, it was dark shaded with its horns glowing bright red.

"Woah, that's an insane looking Dualhorn!" She stepped closer to the edge, seeing it stomp about wanting to charge at something.

That something, -or somethings- came into the distance. What would've been the odds of Lexus running into the same damn four guys again out in the middle of nowhere? Well, seemed pretty well done since those exact men were approaching the said Dualhorn.

She watched from the edge as Gladio stood up front, a large broad sword in his tight grip. The stomping turned into a charge as the red Dualhorn ran at them. As if swatting a fly, Gladio used his sword and swung at the creature, knocking it over to its side. She could hear Prompto cheer at the action, making her grin. Lexus could even see Noctis looking eager to fight the thing.

Once the struggle of the Dualhorn got over to get back on its feet, the four guys attacked it left and right. Gladio stuck by Noctis as he used a shield that materialized now and then, but kept use of the broadsword he held. Prompto kept his distance, the sound of gunfire echoing from him as she jump and slid about to get angled shots. Ignis jumped between ranged attacks with his daggers to close in stabbing with a polearm. Then Noctis, who moved about more than the others. One moment he was slicing his sword at the hind leg of the creature, then the next appeared somewhere else in the blink of an eye. Lexus found herself trying to keep track of the warping prince, but wasn't focusing on her balance of where she was.

She slipped on the smooth edge of the rock and found herself tumbling down and hitting the found on her back end with a cry. She groaned, sitting up as she rubbed her lower back, feeling the chances of a bruise growing there within a few hours.

"Stupid rock..." She grumbled, then heard stomping. Freezing on the ground, she slowly turned seeing the glowing red Dualhorn kick up dirt, finding a new target to charge at.

"Oh, shit! Lexus!" Prompto cried, the other three seeing who the new target was. "Run!"

"Not enough time!" Noctis yelled, throwing his sword her way.

Lexus stared at the rampaging creature as it charged at her. Her hands reached for her crossbow, but forgot she left it up on the ridge. Suddenly arms wrapped around her waist broke her eye contact and suddenly she was across the way on the other side where the Dualhorn had just smashed where she stood. Noctis let her go, summoning his sword as Prompto ran over.

Noctis warped right at the beast before a word could be said from him to the stunned girl. Prompto fired his gun, staying near Lexus just in case it spotted her again.

Thankfully it didn't as after Noctis swung the final blow, the red Dualhorn roared into the sky and fell onto its side with a loud thud, dead. Everyone took a breather, mostly the men as they were running around fighting the damn thing. Prompto gave a small cheer, turning to Lexus who still sat on the ground.

"You alright, thats was scary." He told, kneeling down to her.

"Yeah, whew." She shook her head, getting to her feet, Prompto stood, expecting her to stumble but she stood straight fine. "Another prompt timing." She joked with a sigh.

"Thank Noctis, he swooped right on and got you out." He told, the three approaching the two.

Lexus looked to the prince, he didn't seem as reserve, actually making eye contact with her. "Thanks Prin- Um, thanks Noctis."

He shook his head, "What were you doing out here? A bit dangerous to be out here on your own." he asked.

Lexus scoffed, folding her arms. "Doing a favor, was killing some birds and just fell off the stupid ridge."

"Killing birds?" Ignis questioned

"With what?" Gladio inquired, seeing no weapon on her person.

Lexus frowned, then hung her shoulders and groaned. "I forgot, I left it on the damn ridge!"

"I-I'll get it!" Prompto offered, though Noctis was ahead of him. He warped onto the ridge and returned just as quick, the crossbow in his hands. "Or, you could just use your wrap power."

Noctis handed it to her, earning another thanks. She strapped it back on, adjusting the straps. "If you guys weren't out here, I'd been crushed."

"Like you said, prompt timing." The blond grinned.

Noctis' phone ran out, making him flinch and reach for it in his back pocket. Prompto teased with a 'ring ring' as he answered.

"How's the bike?" Gladio asked, looking down at her.

Lexus smiled, "All done, just came out here for Cid's offer." she informed.


She nodded. "He wanted some Daggerquils taken care of. In exchange he upgrades my ride for these roads." She reached into her pocket and took out the long beautiful feather. "Check out this souvenir."

"It's a lovely sight." Ignis praised, stepping up to get a good look.

Noctis ended the call, looking up the the four. "Car's ready, and so are we."

"Let's head back together, we'll keep you safe, Lexus." Prompto offered as Noctis took lead for them all to venture back to Hammerhead.

"If I managed this far off, I can I would manage well on my own." She responded.

"Says the one who was nearly crushed." Ignis retorted, earning a glare at the back of his head.

Lexus huffed, "I'm not some battle driven crazies like you guys, but I can fight fine. Trained two years after all." she boasted.

"Only two?" Gladio remarked teasingly.

"Two was all I could get, before my uncle insisted I go adventuring out here." She told him.

"Like I said, fate." Prompto grinned, she shook her head amusingly at him.

They made their way out of the valleys and found the road, jogging and walking half and half up to Hammerhead. Lexus kept up with them well, but she also assumed they were slowing themselves for her.

"So, who's up next behind the wheel." Gladio asked his crew.

Prompto spoke up beside Lexus. "Ignis should take it and never let go."

Gladio seemed to have agreed, nodding to him. "It helps that he can keep four eyes on the dash."

"Ha!" The blond laughed. "I couldn't even keep one."

"Not sure I'd do any better." Noctis told, surprising Lexus with that joke of self doubt.

Ignis seemed content with the praise of being their driver. "Put me in the driver's seat."

Lexus stayed quiet, listening to how they interacted. They never really asked Noctis, being a prince and assumed leader of the four. These four certainly were an odd bunch to her.

"Good," Gladio added. "I need the legroom in the back."

Prompto turned to walking in front of Lexus backwards to face her, hands behind his head. "Lexus is lucky, all that bike room to herself."

"Can't really ride a bike with four, can we?" Ignis joked... Or she thought he did.

"Oh, you guys got each other's company." She waved, spotting Hammerhead up ahead- Thank the Six.

"Can't very well have a good nap on a bike, either." Noctis commented.

"You and your napping." Gladio groaned, making Lexus assume it was a bad habit of the Prince.

They all paused to take a break, being in dark clothing in this blistering head was now starting to be a bad idea in Lexus mind. Then again, the four men were no better with one wearing a damn blazer. He showed no mind to the heat though, unlike Prompto and Noctis who whined about it twice.

"I don't know how most of you are wearing what you are right now in this heat." She quipped, mostly eyeing Ignis.

He seemed to have caught her eye, folding his arms. "We've been trained to deal with worse."

"Speak for yourself." Noctis retorted, wiping the sweat from under his bangs.

"Hey Noct, it's rude to keep a girl waiting." Prompto told, seemingly eager to head back more than the others. "You'd better apolgi- What is that!?"

Everyone turned to where Prompto was pointing at in panic, up in the sky a large flying thing looked to be diving right for them. That was certainly not a Daggerquil! It screeching pierced the sky as it dove and flew right over the group. They all ducked or crouched, not knowing how low it was going to come at them. It's size looked to be larger than all of Hammerhead alone!

"It's a live hurricane!" Noctis yelled over the gust of wind it brought with it.

"That thing's like half-bird, half-storm, half-airship!" Prompto cried.

Once the wind died down, the bird was must further out, growing smaller into the distant sky. "You realize that three halves." Gladio commented.

Ignis scoffed, "Would explain its size." he added.

Noctis grinned, the first sight of excitement Lexus had seen from him. "Awesome in every sense."

They watched it fly up and head South. Lexus watched it a bit longer, shaking her hand up and down to try and scramble for the name. She remembered Ajax warning her of this creature, if she could just remember the name.

After that mishap, it fueled the group to get back to Hammerhead even more- no breaks.


They finally walked up to the garage in Hammerhead, the blond chick who Lexus heard was Cindy was cleaning the car they were desperate to have back. While the men praised and gushed over the car and Cindy, Lexus found Cid lounging in a chair relaxing under the shade. Cid glanced up, chuckling as he got up.

"Got the problem dealt with?" He asked.

Lexus produced the feather once more, almost enough proof that she had done the deed. "I got a good few, they flew West and shouldn't bother you anymore."

"For a while, at least." Cid led her inside and there she saw her bike- It even looked cleaner than before. "Cindy wanted to give it shine before ya took it."

Lexus grinned widely, looking it over, she could see herself in the yellow metallic. "This is great, thanks!"

"Those headlights should do you good, still oughta be careful though." He warned, walking with her back out as she rolled the bike out.

They saw Cindy taking a photo of the men with their car, Prompto thanked her as Ignis and Noctis spoke. His eyes spotted her and he walked over to her. "Are you heading out?"

Lexus nodded, taking her helmet from the handle. "Before it gets dark. Spent enough of nearly a whole day here."

"Right, right..." He seemed nervous, she raised a brow at his fiddling with his camera. "I, er, never got a photo of you when we first met. Mind if...?" He held the camera up.

Lexus saw no harm in this, but was genuinely touched he wanted to keep a photo of her nonetheless.

"That's not creepy to ask, is it?"

She couldn't help but laugh and shook her head. "It's just sweet, is all. But sure, I don't mind.


The excited blond did some settings on his camera and stood next to her. She smiled, allowing his hand to move to her back as they positioned themselves for a selfie. They smiled as the camera clicked, Prompto softly cheering to himself.

"It takes a while for the photos to come out so-" He said, wanting to give her a copy.

Lexus shook her head, "I have my own ways of remembering people. You're going to be hard to forget this time around, Prompto." she assured him.

A hint of a blush was seen across his freckled cheeks, refraining from hugging her not wanting to make this awkward. Judging by his body movements he wanted to, according to Lexus, but was thankful he didn't.

"You be safe out there, Lexus!" Gladio called, hoping into the car.

Lexus gave a salute, "No worries!" She placed the helmet on and straddled the bike. They all waved as she took her leave, revving her engine and speeding off the head heading South.


Thankfully for her, no more pit stops were made but not that she favored it. She wanted to take her time, but the day was going to end soon and she had to get a place to sleep for the night. She had just made it to the coast, smelling the salty sea air and the breeze against her arms. Her eyes glistened at the sight of the water, and the large long dock of Galdin Quay out in the ocean. She was extremely eager to see this place before the day ended, it was even more beautiful in the evening! The lights were lit along the docks toward Galdin Quay, and the setting sun reflecting off the waters gave it the warm colors.

Lexus pulled her bike into a parking spot, making sure to center it in case anyone tried to squeeze whatever space for their cars. A constant problem she used to have in the city. Judging by the day ending, she got her bag of clothing and toiletries and walked toward the dock ready to spend the night on the shoreline. Her eyes were everywhere, seeing couples play at the water's each, splashing each other and people fishing off a smaller dock further along the beach. She wasn't paying attention to where she was walking, pumping into a solid form.

"Oh, sorry about that." She told, looking up to see purple like hair under a fedora. The man turned, his clothing rich and fancy, but his smile was soft.

"My apologies, my dear." He told, lifting his hat to greet her. "Simply just blocked the way of your path, no harm done?"

She shook her head, stepping back. He was something indeed, making Noctis look like a peasant and this guy more royalty like. "I wasn't paying attention, is all."

The man placed his head back on, nodding as he looked around at the scenery as if just noticing it. "Indeed, a beautiful sight." His eyes gleamed at her, making her nerves grow once more. "Have a lovely evening, my dear."

She nodded with a thanks, stepping around him and continuing toward Galdin Quay. Shaking her head thinking how weird that guy seemed, she made her way up the steps. A man dressed well in a vest with welcome combed her, greeted her.

"Welcome to Galdin Quay."

"Hello, where do I rent a room for the night?" She asked.

He extends his arm out in a direction. "Just toward the left across the eatery"

She thanked him and got her bag, walking in. She heard people talk about many things, the view, what to do tomorrow, how their day went. Some even talked about something Lunefreya said on the radio, about her duties as the Oracle when she marries. It still stunted her how someone like Noctis got with Lunefreya, but judging by the murmurs it was a political marriage. Made sense to her, with the treaty and all.

Lexus managed to get a room to herself with an amazing view! The sea and sunset was something she could stare at forever. Once settled, she took a photo of herself showing off the room to send to Roland. She called again and still got no answer back from him. She left another message, informing him of the bike fix, her first beast killings, and her interactions with the four man group. Lexus expressed in question to Roland if she should be happy meeting them again, especially Ignis.'

While Prompto treated her like all those years after the first meeting never happened, Ignis hadn't spoken much until it involved that incident. She was glad they didn't ask about it the second time they met up, and inwardly hoped they wouldn't meet again. She finished the voicemail and sighed, falling back onto the huge wide bed. She still couldn't believe she was out here, on her own, out of the city. Lexus expected to wake up back in her room above the bar tomorrow, this all being a dream.

It well could be, the part meeting Ignis and Prompto again could be the dream and the rest real. Now she sort of wished she had a photo like Prompto offered to prove it true. She stretched out, feeling the events of the day start to hit, exhaustion was getting to her.

"Nope!" She said, hoping off the bed. "Can't sleep on an empty stomach."

Lexus left her room, now noticing how dark it had gotten out from her long voice mail and moment of relaxation on her bed. It was less crowded at this point, a family and a few couples were having their dinner enjoying the nightly view. She walked over to the chef, who was enjoying grilling something that smelled amazingly delicious! Her stomach growled in attention to having whatever it was.

"Hello, what can I make you?" The blonde cheery chef asked, giving a small smile before going back to her cooking.

Lexus looked around, and found a menu propped up like a display of honor on the counter. There more of a selection this time around, made sense compared to a diner. Galdin Gratin, White Fish in Tomato Sauce, Sea's Bounty Risotto, Steamed Crab with Rock Salt, and Tenebraen Berry Opera. Her mouth watered at the selection, but instantly dried up at the site of the prices.

1,300 gil for the crab!? The white fish was just as much at 2,000 gil! It was pricey alone to stay at the hotel, but this was pushing her limits!

Her stomach battled her mind to get the food, but the limits on her gil were strict. She only brought the amount she had saved up for the near last minute trip from her work and a small extra from her uncle. With dejected sigh, she returned to her room and opened up the side of her bag fishing out Cup Noodles instant ramen.

"How sad." She muttered, preparing the cheap dinner.

Well, she wouldn't let this bum out her night. Once the noodles were ready, she took her cup and ventured outside to enjoy the night air and sounds of the waves.


Despite the traveling feeling far, having to stop, do a job, stop, arive, and do another job- The four friends finally got their ride to Altissa. Though because the access was so late in the night, they're boat ride would be delayed until tomorrow. For now, they could relax and have a good night's sleep.

Currently, Noctis was asleep on the bed waiting for his turn in the shower. Gladio had called dibs, near flinging Prompto who tried to call it first by racing him to the bathroom. He must have thought speed would be key, but forgot the fact he is a noodle compared to the beef that is Gladio. He would get second though, as Noctis instantly took a nap and Ignis wanted to make sure the prince gets his shower before him. Said man was sitting in a sofa chair reading a book.

For now, Prompto looked through the photos he took since they've left. Some photos were the battles they had, the car ride they had, and some selfies he took. He chuckled and smiled seeing them, tempting to turn and show Ignis some that had him in it. Then he came upon the photo he took with Lexus, puasing as he stood by the large wide window. The blond had only met her once, but she was the first kind person to her in his life. He had noticed some changes to her, mostly how she had grown up. But, she was a bit more on the quiet side and kept to herself. Nothing he wasn't used to with how Noctis was. He'd have to remember to develop this tonight, wanting to give her a copy the next time they meet.

His blue eyes searched up, he almost did a second take spotting the green pine tree hair outside! She was there again! His palm pressed against the glass, seeing her slurping on a cup of instant noodles. He frowned, wondering if she didn't favor the rich fancy foods they served here. Then again, could be a fund problem like they had. Prompto was almost tempted to go and meet with her, but the solemn look on her face said otherwise. He assumed she might be homesick or tired, his palm still rested against the window.

"See something, Prompto?" The blond glanced to Ignis, watching him curiously with the book now in his lap.

"Ah, just- Such a pretty night out!" He sheepishly answered. "I was going to take a photo, but the flash will glare off the glass."

"Why not go out and take it?" Ignis suggested. The temptation was strong to talk to her again, but something told him to leave her alone. "Something else on your mind?"

Prompto sighed, letting his hand drop to his side. "I noticed Lexus out there," Ignis placed the book down and made his way over taking his time. "I wanted to say hi, but she looks sad."

Standing beside Prompto, Ignis spotted her placing the cup down and slouching in her seat. She looked at the ocean before her, indeed she looked off.

"I don't blame her." He said, Prompto looked at him. "She said this was her first time outside the city, as it is for us." Ignis pushed his glasses up, placing a hand on his hip. "She must be tired, best to leave her be. If she's still here early morning, we can greet her before our leave to Altissa."

Prompto perked up, "Then I can give her the photo." he raised his camera as indication.

"Alright, who's next?" Gladio left the bathroom, clean and dressed for bed.

"Dibs! Me!" Prompto cheered, jogging to the bathroom ready to get clean from the day.

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