
By AnimeloverXOtaku

171K 5.1K 1.5K

1st place in Animewattyawards 2015. More

Yuri Kuranozuka.
Chapter One. The Host Club.
Chapter Two. Do you hate us? What happened?
chapter 3 - Dancing with the hosts. Welcome Yuri.
authors note:
Chapter 5. What the... brotherly type?
breaking away part one.
breaking away part 2
authors note.
The Twins Fight! Part One!
The Twins Fight! Part Two!
Jungle Pool SOS!
The Sun, the sea and The Host Club!
Beware the physical exam!
authors note.
A challenge from Lobelia's girls academy.
authors note.
A day in the life of the fujioka family.
Big Brother Is A Prince.
Honey's Three Bitter Days.
OHSHC wattys
Haruhi In Wonderland.
Chapter 25- Covering the famous Host Club.
OHSHC watty awards voting.
Strange or in love?
Off to Karuizawa
The final change?
The Host Clubs beauty.
Relationships and supermarkets!
Chika's down with Honey declaration!

Grade school host is the naughty type.

5.5K 199 23
By AnimeloverXOtaku

Yuri's POV.

The sound of my raging alarm woke me from my deep sleep. I tiredly fluttered open my eyes to see that I was in my room? I looked around to see if anything could jog my mind, I didn't remember anything that happened the previous night, I slowly got up and realised that I was wearing my pyjamas.

"I don't remember getting changed." There was suddenly a knock at my door.

"Um yes!?" I asked.

"Uh hello? Lady Yuri? It's time for breakfast, you should hurry and eat before it gets cold. After that Sebastian will take you to school. Is that alright Ma'am?" Said Madison from behind the door.

"Yes that's fine, thank you. I'll be down in a moment. Just give me a minute to get ready." I said. As usual I got ready and carefully placed on my wig,, ready to go to school as always. The only difference is that something felt off. Then I realised... how the hell did I wind up in my PJ's anyway? Then suddenly I remembered, the last image I saw was... Hikaru and Kaoru!!!!!

"MADISON!?" I screamed as I ran down the stairs.

"Yes Ma'am what is it?" She said dodging me with a mug of hot coffee in her hands. "Is something wrong miss?" She asked, she was happier than normal today, and to be honest... it frightened me.

"Yes. Quick question."

"What is it then ma'am maybe I'll know the answer." Her smile slowly faded.

"It's stupid. But I was so tired yesterday that I don't remember what happened after a certain time yesterday. I remember leaving school, but I don't remember ever making it home, or getting changed or even going to bed. What happened to me?" I asked fully serious, yet somehow Madison found herself smiling once again.

"Oh that's easy ma'am. Those nice twin boys... Hikaru and Kaoru I believe they were. Yes, well. They said they found you and after a few minutes you passed out probably from being so tired. They then carried you home and brought you inside carefully laying you in your room, since at the time it was just me here, and of course I wouldn't have managed to carry you upstairs so they helped. They then waited downstairs whilst I put your pyjama's on you. They were probably here for about three hours before it started getting too late and their mother made them go home, I'm pretty sure they never would've left if they hadn't been forced to. It was rather funny. I don't think I'm forgetting anything am I?." She sad fiddling with her hair thinking about her own question.

"No Madison, that seems about right thank you. I don't want any breakfast today so if it's alright I'm just going to go." I said.

"Lady Yuri, the car is ready whenever your ready." Said Sebastian as he handed me my portable mug.

"Um yes, thank you Sebastian. If you wouldn't mind I'd like to leave now so please start the car and I'll be out in a moment." As I said this, the tall man nodded and walked out the door leaving it open for me to walk out shortly after. I then placed on my shoes and picked up my bag ready to leave.

"Ma'am?" I turned to see Madison holding a folded blazer inside a see through packet.

"Your forgetting this."

"What do you mean?"

"Wow miss, you really don't remember anything, one of the twins from yesterday lent you their blazer since you were soaked to the bone, those really are some nice friends you've got, make sure you treat them right. People like that don't come easy. Okay?" She said with a smile on her face as she handed me the blazer. I nodded and walked out the house smiling to myself.

*In the car*


"Yes Ma'am?"

"I have pretty good friends don't I?" I asked still smiling.

"Yes you do, make sure you hold onto them for as long as you can." I saw Sebastian smiling in the mirror of the car and continued to look out the window and smiled to myself.

When I finally got to school I waved goodbye to Sebastian and headed straight for class to thank the twins. Wow that's something I never thought I would ever think of doing that.

"So you guys are going to keep the crazy hair colours?" Asked a familiar voice. It was Haruhi. I walked into the class room to see the twins standing there. One of them obviously wearing a borrowed blazer since it had the words 'property of the Host Club' on the folded up collar.

"Yeah." Said Hikaru

"It looks good doesn't it?" Finished Kaoru.

"Yeah I guess. It's jut kind of weird seeing you both with different hair colours. The identical part of 'identical twins' is kind of beaten at this point." Said Haruhi.

"I'll have to agree." I said from behind the boys. Folding the blazer collar the way it should be folded, the twins both turning around to me and then launching at me hugging me tightly, spinning me around in circles. "Guys stop! I'm getting dizzy!" I yelled at them, after a few more spins they put me down onto the ground again and slowly the dizziness passed.

"So Yuri.....?" Started Hikaru.

"How are you feeling today?" Finished Kaoru.

"Um fine. Still a bit dizzy from the spinathon you two just gave me, but I'm fine all the same." The boys seemed relieved and then smiled before the bell went signalling it was time to sit down for class.

The classes today went by pretty quickly and all through out the day I kept forgetting to take the blazer out of my bag and hand it to the twin that gave it to me... I still can't fully believe what happened. The devil twins helped me, after all the yelling and hitting I did yesterday? After all the times I've told them to leave me alone? The amount of times that I've said that we weren't friends. Why is that?

"Yuri? You in there, your zoning out again." I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of Haruhi's voice. That's right I was helping Haruhi, it's free period so the Host Club has opened early today.

"Oh sorry Haruhi, I was thinking. I'll pay more attention."

"It's okay. Let's just carry the last of these dumb costumes to the closet and be done." She smiled at me.

"No don't worry I'll do it. There isn't much left to do anyway, I can carry it and put it away for you." I smiled back as to show her I was okay, in the end she said yes and gave me the costumes to put away whilst she went to go sit down.

On my way back to Haruhi after putting everything away, I bumped into a little boy? And knocked him over so naturally I stopped in my tracks and helped him up.

"Sorry kid. You alright?" I said extending my hand to the child to help him up, he accepted it and I helped him up, all the girls that were watching screamed at my act of so called kindness and some even fainted. Damn fangirls.

"Your pretty popular huh?" Asked the boy.

"Yeah I guess so. The girls here go nuts over a good looking guy apparently." I smiled at the boy. The hosts now paying attention to our scene.

"So does that mean that you know how to make a girl happy?" Asked the small boy. All I could hear in the background was the squeel of girls and the laughs of the twins.

"Um.... what do you mean? Your a bit young to be thinking about making a girl happy."

"That doesn't matter. Do you know how to make a girl happy. Smile. Laugh. How to make her see the real me!?" The boy was shaking.

"Well... yeah I'd like to think that I know a lot about girls." I said in reply. The boys eyes shone bright. Eventually the twins fit of laughter annoyed me, so I threw two metal trays at them.

"Then help me." The boy asked suddenly. Tamaki in the background was becoming awfully jumpy and then rushed to my side.

"Little boy. I think you should probably ask someone a bit more experienced than Yuri. He is still unexperienced." The little boy looked at Tamaki and didn't look too comfortable.

"But he's the king right?"

"Oh no you have it wrong. I'm Yuri Kuranozuka. I'm a member of the Host Club, but I'm not king. The king is the guy over there in the emo corner surrounded by the girls. His name is Tamaki Suoh. Please go on ahead whilst I inform the vice president of your arrival. I then walked away to speak with Kyoya whilst Haruhi was talking to the twins and guessing which twin was which since they swapped hair colours. I knew it!

"Ah I understand now. There is a specific girl that you want to impress?" Asked Tamaki. He's been trying to teach the kid how to be a host. The naughty type.

"The job of a host is not to please one girl. But to please all of them." The Hosts were all talking but in the corner of my eye I saw the boy sitting in a cage crying about how he was running out of time.

"Hey kid. Shiro right? Don't let them bother you. They don't realise that at one point a Host falls in love and that host will do all in his power to make that girl happy. Even if he ends up ignoring the others. You can't choose who you love, but it seems you got the raw side of the deal huh? She's leaving right?" I said as I walked up to the cage passing him a handkerchief from my pocket through the bars of the cage.

"How did you know that?" He asked. The hosts all looking at me strangely.

"You said that you were running out of time. Indicating that there's a specific girl that is maybe moving away and you want to confess to her? Or perhaps you just plain and simply want your last memory of her to be a happy one. Right?"

"Are you sure your not the king?" Asked the boy. The twins again laughing in the background.

"Yes I'm sure. Why do you ask?"

"You seem to be better at reading people and dealing with women. All things that this so called 'king' is meant to be known for." Said Shiro. I laughed at his remark. Sending Tamaki to his corner.

"Well you see Shiro. We all have different traits. Yuri has these qualities as well as others. Which make him suitable for a position better suited for his personality. Believe it or not the princely type would not suite Yuri." Said Kyoya.

"This type thing. I know I'm the naughty type. But what are the rest of you?" Asked Shiro. This kid has a lot of questions.

"Well... Mori senpai is the strong silent type. Honey senpai has his Usa Chan and other qualities which make him the boy lolita. Then there's me the cool type. Hikaru and Kaoru are the mischievous type. Haruhi is the normal. Yuri is the brotherly type and finally our king... Tamaki. The princely type. He smiled and then walked away to do some more work on his laptop and write in his big black book.

Shiro looked disgustedly at us all. "Your all incompetent fools! Your all so moronic and incapable, you can't even teach a child like myself how to make a girl happy!" He yelled at us all, as if we were being told off by a teacher or our parents. 

"I'll teach you something alright! Let me at him!" I yelled raising my fist in the air. In the end the twins had to hold me back. Until I stopped. Which didn't happen in a while so they sat on me until I calmed down.

"What kind of big brother beats up a child like me?" Said Shiro. Slowly getting up I walked up to him and whispered in his ear so that only he could listen to me.

"Listen. I admit I'm not the best big brother. But what I do know is that me and everyone else here, is good with girls. If it's a specific girl then channel everything you learn here and use it on the one girl and then some romance advice from me should solve it."

"They won't let me though." Said Shiro causing everyone to wonder what I was saying.

"Trust me they will. Just compliment Tamaki. Call him boss or king. Tell him he's amazing then he'll be melting like butter in the sun." I smirked at him and he smirked back. Walking off to go and talk to blondie.

"Thanks Yuri senpai!" The boy said as I let him out of the cage they'd shoved him in.

"No problem Shiro." I said as he walked over to the Host Club king that was now sitting in the corner, now doubting hi abilities with girls.

"Hey Yuri?" Asked Haruhi with Honey senpai and his Usa Chan sitting on her shoulders.

"Yeah? What's up?" I replied, everyone but Tamaki and Kyoya joined I surrounding me. "What are you guys doing?" I asked.

"When did you learn to give advice and help people?" Asked Hikaru.

"Yeah we thought until recently that you were incapable of human emotion, but it turns out..." Started Kaoru.

"That now, you can even give advice." Finished Hikaru.

"I'm not even surprised that you would think that of me. I'm not exactly the most emotional person-"

"That's a understatement." Said the twins, cutting me off.

"Yeah well like I said. Just because I'm not emotional, doesn't mean I'm emotionless. I know what love looks like. I know how to read the emotions of other people. Shiro wants the chance to show the girl he likes who he really is, he wants to make her smile and laugh. So giving the kid some advice is probably the least I could do for him. Besides I don't think Tamaki even realises that at one point no matter how many girls a host can make happy, eventually the host will fall in love and he will want to make that girl happier than the others. Even if it results in the neglection of those other girls. Shiro's goal is to make a specific girl happy, meaning that he's already willing to neglect the othr girls since to him they mean practically nothing. He's after one girl. And he wants that one girl to love him the same way he loves her. By asking the Host Club for help is his way of gathering different techniques for dealing with girls and seeing which ones he can use for his girl. I said to the small surrounding group.

"Wow! That's amazing Yu Chan! Even Usa Chan thinks so!" Yelled Honey senpai.

"That's good." Said Mori senpai.

"Yeah that's pretty smart." Said Hikaru.

"Yeah Yuri well done!" Said Kaoru.

"They're right Yuri, that's pretty clever. But we should probably get back to dealing with Shiro right?" Smiled Haruhi.

"Thanks guys! Yeah let's help Shiro." I said.

"A KING! WHY OF COURSE I'LL HELP YOU SHIROOOOO!" Bellowed Tamaki. I guess my 'flatter Tamaki' plan went well for him. "Alright me and the others will help you. Renge! Come and help too." The floor suddenly popped out from the ground making loud mechanical sounds. Oh yeah that's right Renge was here. Forgot about that. "Hikaru and Kaoru, first you both need to ditch those ridiculous hair colors." Said Tamaki pointing towards the twins.

"But boss, we can't dye our hair!" Said the simultaneous boys.

"Then get someone to help you." Said Tamaki. Quickly Kyoya stopped them all.

"Yuri. You will help the twins redo their hair. If they're not happy then you know what will happen. This is part of our agreement." I was waiting for Kyoya to say that, I knew he would try and find an opportunity to punish me.

"Alright Kyoya senpai. I'll go grab some hair dye." I said, everyone looking at us as if we were aliens.

It'd been a few minutes since everyone had left. I went to the store and bought four boxes of the orangeish red color that the twins had before. I walk into the Host Club room, to see them sitting on the coach playing a video game instead of washing their hair like I said.

"What do you two think your doing?" I asked.

"Playing a game." They said.

"Yeah Yuri, you should know what a game is, we thought you were becoming smarter." Said Hikaru.

"Yeah but- wait did you say that I was only JUST becoming smarter!? You know what I'm not bothered to argue. You were supposed to be washing your hair so that I could dye it once I got back, since this specific hair dye needs to be put on already wet hair." I said just before snatching away their game.

"Hey!" Said the boys.

"You get it back later. Now stand up so I can wash your hair since you obviously don't want to do it yourselves." I said, handing them some hair dresser robes and towels.

"Alright. She's so bossy." Said Hikaru.

"Yeah I know right?" Agreed Kaoru.

"Yeah yeah I know keep moving devils." I said. They then grabbed my arms and swiped off my wig. Allowing my jet black hair to fall down my back. "What do you two think your doing!?" I said trying to reach high enough to reach the end of their stretched up arms to reach my stolen wig. It was no use I'm too short, besides there's no one else here, so I don't need it enough to hurt them and get it. "What do you want now?" I asked.

"We prefer female hair dressers." Said Hikaru.

"You get it back later. When we get our game, oh and keep it down whilst you do our hair, we prefer your hair whilst it's down." Said Kaoru.

"Why?" I asked.

"It's cuter that way, right Kaoru?"


"Besides guys like girls with long flowing hair." They said simultaneously.

"Yeah well remember, I'm a 'male' student. And plus, I don't care what guys like. I don't wake up everyday trying to impress guys." The twins smirked at my remark and sat down in front of two sinks so I could wash their hair.

"Wow you both have really soft hair, I thought it was going to be rougher than that." I said "Yeah, maybe more spiky or prickly." I continued. I looked into the mirror to see the twins blushing beet red. "Oh is that blush I see?"

"No!" Yelled the twins.

"Ha ha! Okay." Whilst I continued to wash their hair putting in one more layer of shampoo on each of them, they both grabbed the ends of my hair and began to play with it.

"Your hair's pretty soft too Yuri, surprising since you always cover up your hair." Said Hikaru.

"Yeah it's really nice and soft. I like it, it's really long too." Smiled Kaoru through the mirror.

"Thanks. Even though I cover it up a lot, I still like to wash it and take some care of it. Anyway you guys are down, can you both place the towels on your shoulders so you don't get your blazers wet." Once I said this I remembered that I had one of their blazers in my school bag, oh well I'll get it later.

It took two hours, but eventually I redid the twins hair and they looked as good as new. The only difference is that they're hair appeared longer and it was flatter, they both brushed their hair back and the flicker of water fell to the floor.

"How does it look?" Said the twins. I didn't answer. "Yuri?"

"Huh? Sorry I was thinking, what'd you say?" I asked.

"We asked...." Said Hikaru.

"If it looked good." Finished Kaoru.

"Are you alright?" They both asked.

"Yes I'm fine, like I said I was thinking, but yeah it looks great, do you want to style it or anything or me to. Or maybe you want to leave it?" I asked.

"We'll leave it." Said Kaoru.

"Yeah. If this makes even you speechless, then maybe we'll leave it like this for today." Said Hikaru, they both then went off to use the portable hairdryer that the Host Club had, I have no idea why though. When they came out, they both looked so different, it was interesting.

"Nice. Oh yeah!" I then walked over to my bag, before Kaoru could put his blazer on, since he took it off to dry his hair. "Kaoru, I think this is yours, I forgot to give it to you earlier. Thanks!" I said smiling, and I think that for a brief moment, I saw him blush at my smile.

"Oh your welcome. Oh and by the way, only me and Hikaru know about you, the others know nothing. And before you ask, no. I didn't tell Kaoru that you cried." Said Kaoru smiling back at me.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. I admit I was kind of worried, I even started hoping that maybe me crying was a dream. Ha I can wish though can't I?" I giggled. Suddenly everyone came smashing into the room with Shiro on Mori's back, the twins got frightened and hid behind me holding my hair in front of their faces.

"Guys stop! It's only the others. Hey guys. So what happened?" I asked, Haruhi then walked over and told me that Shiro was in love with a girl from his class named  Hina Kamashiro.

"Oh her names Hina. That's a sweet name, but why do the others look so defeated?" I asked Haruhi. She also looked defeated and run down. So before she could answer I brought everyone a cup of coffee and of course a slice of cake for Honey senpai.

"So Shiro. Can you please tell me what happened?" He stared at me for a moment and screamed.

"YOUR A CROSS DRESSER EW! I TRUSTED A CROSS DRESSER GROSS! HOW COULD TO TRICK ME LIKE THAT?" He bellowed at me, sending shivers down my spine making me turn grey and forcing my soul to crack. As I lay on the floor Honey senpai shoved some cake in my mouth and made me swallow forcing me to wake up in fits of choking.

"*cough cough* Honey senpai! Were you trying to make me choke to death!?" He shook his head and hugged me.

"I'm sorry Yu Chan! Please forgive Mitsu Chan and Usa Chan! Takashi make Yu Chan forgive me." Mori senpai then lifted me into the air as if that was going to solve something. I just sighed in response and crawled onto his shoulder where Honey senpai would normally sit.

"I forgive you Mitsu Chan, but I might stay up here, it's pretty comfy! So guys what happened?" I said. Everyone now shocked beyond recognition. They all explained that Hina was going to move to Germany because her dad got a new job, and that's right when I decided to get down and walk up to the sad Shiro. Once again handing him a handkerchief and also giving one to Tamaki.

"How many hankies do you carry with you?" Asked Shiro.

"A lot, you wouldn't believe how much our stupid king cries." I said smiling, ?Shiro then blushing.

"THAT'S IT! YURI YOUR A GIRL!" Said Tamaki, gripping onto my shoulders.

"Uh yeah. Last time I checked. What does that have to do with anything?" I asked the blonde moron, still gripping onto my shoulders.

"Boss is being a pervert! He won't let go of our precious Yuri or Yu Chan!" Bellowed the twins. Shiro staring evilly at me.

"Let go Tamaki." I said walking up to Shiro. "You know Shiro, technically I didn't lie, if you asked me my gender I would have told you. Sure, I prefer baggy clothes, but that doesn't mean I'm a pro cross dresser, in fact if I had the option, I would definitely dress as a girl. But rules are rules in the Kuranozuka estate. Okay? Now let's see what we can do about that girlfriend of yours." I said looking at him and then back to the Host Club. "So guys... what now?" They all were smiling except for Haruhi, and now I knew why.

We had been shoved in a room and told to change into the clothes given to us, and they told Haruhi to put on the wig that they'd given to her. Of course, I helped her put it on and then we looked into the mirror and realized. We were dressed in middle school uniforms.

"Yuri. You know they want us to walk out in these things right?"

"Sadly... I do Haruhi. But do you know what, who cares? We're helping Shiro, I don't know how this helps, but hey it's worth a shot." We then smiled at each other and walked out linking arms.

"Aw!" Screeched the Hosts, except for Mori and Kyoya. Obviously. But I'm pretty sure I saw them smile, that's something I guess.

"Thanks guys, but we just want to know what this is going to do, me, Yuri and even Honey senpai are all dressed in these uniforms." Said Haruhi. Me and Honey nodding it the background.

"Don't worry it makes sense. Once you realize." Spoke the evil twins with their new hair.

"Whatever." Said me and Haruhi.

We all then walked into the middle/grade school building and began our search for Hina. After a little while Tamaki bumped into a little girl and ended up charming her into revealing Hina to us. We came across and empty classroom and walked around, we all then split up into groups. My group was me, Hikaru, Kaoru and Haruhi, even though it was against Daddy Tamaki's wishes.

"So Yuri? Why do you have a nickname for Honey senpai, but not for us your best friends?" Asked the twins, even though we were supposed to be quiet.

"I've known him a lot longer." I replied before walking away from them. That's when we came across a girl everyone was calling Hina playing a grand piano in one of the music classrooms. "It's a beautiful piece, I'm not surprised that she can play it, she has excellent movement control around the keys.

"You play?" Asked Haruhi.

"Yeah, I've been playing for as long as I can remember. I was younger than she was that's for sure."

"Wow, Yuri none of us knew you could play?" Said Tamaki from behind.

"Me and Takashi did!" Yelled Honey senpai as he jumped onto my shoulders.

In the end we all went back to the Host Club, where they were preparing Shiro for his girl by letting him practice his 'charming' (I called it flirting) with some of our guests whilst I left in my full Host get up and went back to the grade school building to find Hina. She was there, in the music room.

"Um hello?" I said.

"Oh yes?" She was quite quiet when she replied.

"Hi. I'm a member of the Ouran High School Host Club, and I would like to invite you to the club later today for a surprise, that I'm sure a lovely lady like yourself wouldn't want to miss."

"Okay..." She replied.

"Why do you seem so sad?"

"Well, I'm leaving for Germany soon, and a boy I'm really close to. His name is Shiro, well he's been avoiding me and it makes me think that maybe he's angry at me or maybe he doesn't like me anymore. It's silly." She said sadly.

"Yeah it is. Trust me I've met Shiro, he's in your class. Trust me, with people like you two, it's fine. He doesn't or even he couldn't hate you even if he wanted to. I get it though, your worried about your friend. But trust me, as long as your smiling for both yourself and him then you'll both be fine." I said smiling at placing my hand on the little girls head.

"Thank you senpai."

"Please. Call me Yuri." I smiled again and then walked away to the sound of the beautiful piano, it reminded me so much of my mother and sister. A lot of things do though, so I just need to try and move on with it.

When I got back to the Host Club there they all were. All dressed in white suits and standing around two grand pianos. Shiro was playing beautifully.

"Yuri. Is she coming?" Asked Tamaki seriously.


"Good. Now, I don't know how to play the high pitched harmony of this song very well, if you do can you play it please?" He asked.

"I know you know it senpai. I heard you playing it and hour ago, but if you don't want to, then sure. I don't mind." And at that, I left him standing there in pure shock as I sat down and played the piano along with Shiro. After about another two hours I told the Hosts what Hina had said to me. This meant that Shiro had a real reason to make sure that she never thought that of him ever again. And in the end it all played out for the best. They played together beautifully. I guess these happy endings aren't so bad actually.

"Is that a smile we see Yuri?" Asked Tamaki.

"What!? No of course n- fine yes. I think it's nice that you guys were able to make this happen. Well done... senpai..." I said regretfully.

"Mommy did you hear that? My little Yuri finally respects me!" Tamaki lifted me and obviously he was shocked at my light weight but didn't care, because he just continued to pick me up and spun me in a tight hug.

I really do have great friends... weird. But great.

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