Fairy Tail Adventures Await V...

By Storyfanatic456

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Location: Fairy Tail Time: April X820 Mission: Locate the hooded figures. Learn their identities. Learn thei... More

Chapter 1: An Investigation Begins
Chapter 2: Family Dinner
Chapter 3: Tears are Wishes in Disguise
Chapter 4: Once in a Blue Moon
Chapter 5: Danger! Danger!
Chapter 6: Recollections
Chapter 7: Flood of Memories
Chapter 8: It's All in Perspective
Chapter 9: Firing Blanks
Chapter 10: Do I Have the Right?
Chapter 11: Lost
Chapter 12: Stirring a Storm
Chapter 13: Two Truths and a Barrier of Lies
Chapter 14: Wake Up
Chapter 15: Promises to Keep
Chapter 16: Haunted Thoughts
Chapter 17: A Fateful Encounter
Chapter 18: Questions!
Chapter 19: Unspoken
Chapter 20: Memories...of Water?
Chapter 21: Progress
Chapter 22: I Can Hear It
Chapter 24: In These Past Years
Chapter 25: An Investigation Continues

Chapter 23: I'm Drowning

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By Storyfanatic456

Time: May 20th, X820, ~8pm

Location: Addy and Lexi's apartment

Objective: The memories

Vee cupped the water in her hands and watched it swirl as it leaked between her fingers.

Her mouth corners perked into a smile.

She dipped her hands back into the water and pulled up another small pool.

Once it was drained she repeated the action a third time.

As her hands sunk back in, she slowly spread her arms, sending a small wave to the edges of the tub.

Vee watched her wavy blue locks around her bare shoulders bob in time with the ripples.

She lifted one arm up and watched the mini waterfall. In one wrist flick, the remaining water on her arm spattered away, leaving her skin dry. She turned her arm in various directions as the light reflected off her smooth skin.

"I didn't know skin could be so clear," she muttered.

"What does it normally look like?" a deep voice inquired.

Vee's head swung to the right. Addy sat there fully clothed with his back to her. The door on the other side of the room was half open to a hallway.

"Scarred. Bloody. Bruised. Dirty," she answered.

Addy bobbed his head.

"When was the last time you saw your skin this clear?" he wondered.

"When I first woke up at Fairy Tail."

"And before then?"

"I...don't remember."

Addy bobbed his head again.

A smile poked Vee's lips.

"Thanks for staying with me, by the way," she said.

"You're welcome. Lexi would've been a better companion."

Vee's face fell. She stared at the water's reflection.

"N-no she wouldn't."

"Hm? How come?"

"I...I've been ordered to never take a bath without the presence of a man. Regardless if I want him or not."

Addy's pupils dilated. His muscles tensed.

"Who tol–? Er, whoever told you that is sick-minded."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean they have messed up thoughts. Unless it's consensual you should never have to bathe with someone against your will."

Vee blinked. She looked at his back.

"What does consensual mean?" she squeaked.

Immediately his shoulders became rigid.

He audibly swallowed.

"It means both people agree to the actions they're about to do. Each person has to verbally and explicitly say 'yes'. And you're not allowed to use violence or guilt tripping to make someone say 'yes'. That's coercion, which is not consensual."

The water around the girl started to sway in various directions.

"But...why?" she whispered.

"Why what?"

"Why do I need to say yes? I was told I need to follow whatever orders I'm given. Regardless if I want to or not."

Addy gritted his teeth.

"Because your dignity is worth way more than a loser's s***ty orders," he growled.

"Dignity? What's that?"

Addy groaned and threw his head in his hands.

Vee backed up to the wall, sloshing water everywhere.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to anger you! Please have mercy!" she squealed.

"I'm not mad at you," he uttered. "I'm mad at whoever raised you this way."

She stared as his body relaxed after a deep breath.

The water around the girl leveled out.

Vee peered at the water on the floor.

"I'm sorry for the mess," she whispered.

"Don't be sorry. I scared you. I should be the one apologizing," Addy stated.

The girl sunk until her chin touched the water. She raised one finger above the surface and gently tapped the water. A large ripple nearly sloshed more water out.

"By the way. That person you defended me from that night. You called him a poison freak. Who was he?" she asked.

"The one with the snake?"


"His name is Jace. Jace Hebio. And his pet snake is named Blake."

Vee sucked in her lips.

"Wh-why that name? F-for the snake?"

"According to Metallico, Jace named the snake after his older brother."

"O-older brother?"

"Yes. Blake was Jace's older brother."

Vee looked around the room.

"Wh-where is Blake?"

"Not here. He went missing over nine and a half years ago."

"What happened to him?"

"Nobody knows. He just disappeared without a trace. Same thing with Igneel and Guthrie."

Vee's eyes widened.

"H-h-has anyone been looking for them?" she questioned.

"Oh yeah. The entire guild has been searching on and off this entire time. Since, you know, they're family and all. We're exhausted, though. There's been a lot of dead ends. Way too many."

The tub water started to circulate around the edges.

"S-so everyone in Fairy Tail is...protected here?" Vee squeaked.

"Yep. You're no different."

Vee stared through the water at the dark purple guild mark just above her belly button.

She gulped.

"Wh-what happens if people, uh, hurt each other?"

"Guild members are expelled if they knowingly cause purposeful harm to another guild member," he declared.

"Even if they've been here a long time?"

"Doesn't matter how long they've been here. It happened to my dad when he was in his twenties. And he was born into the guild."

"Who's your dad?"

"Master Laxus."

"S-so he came back?" she whimpered.

The water churned faster. Some of it spilled over the edge.

"He did...but it took a lot of effort to prove his worth. And a reinstatement by a master that wasn't his grandfather."


Slowly the water activity decreased.

Above, the lights quietly hummed.


"Yes, Vee?"

"...Did you know Blake?"

"Yeah. He used to be a part of my team."

"...What was he like?"

"Uhh, creepy but nice. He was definitely a little off. But he never brought harm to anyone in the guild. In fact, he...uh, defended anyone who was about to get kicked out. No matter how awful they had been...before."


"Yeah. He, uh, somehow got information nobody else had. Then again, his Magic was pretty creepy. And got him into places nobody else could go."

"What was his Magic?"


Vee abruptly sat up, sending more water over the edge.

"Sn-snake?!" she shrieked.

Addy shot to his feet and whirled around.

"Snake?! Where!" he cried.

Suddenly Lexi burst inside and threw her hands over his eyes.

"Nowhere knucklehead!" she shouted.

"Gahh! Diva!"

"Turn around Bodybuilder!"

"I can't with your hands on my face!"

"Then swap places with me!"


Lexi pulled Addy around so that he refaced the door.

She uncovered his eyes and they both relaxed.

As soon as she let go, Lexi turned towards the tub. The water was furiously whirling around the girl.

Lexi pushed Addy towards the door and squatted to the rim's level.

"Hey Vee. Don't worry this apartment is completely snake-free," she soothed.

Vee barely nodded.

"The animals aren't the issue here," Addy muttered.

He huffed as he sat in the hallway, his back to the tub.

"I know that. I was listening," she retorted over her shoulder.

"Did you know him?" Vee squeaked.

Lexi paused before refacing the guest.

"Yes, Vee. He was my teammate, too."

"Wh-what was he like?"

"I...I didn't find him as creepy as Addy did. I thought he was pretty nice. A little smelly. He could've washed more. But, he had a big heart. He was very overprotective of Jace, though."

"No s***," Addy said.

"She wouldn't know that!" Lexi snapped back.

Water sloshed over the tub.

"Vee?" Lexi asked.

The Water Mage didn't answer. Tears poured down her cheeks, easily filling the tub.


Vee buried her face in her hands. She bent over until her nose was just above the water.

The water started to pour out in sporadic waterfalls.

"Addy! Get in here and help me bail!"

"I can't come in there!"

"You can keep your head below the tub line!"

"That won't help the water! Where are we going to put it!"


Lexi bit her lip as she carefully leaned on the tub's edge. Her skirt and socks were soaked in seconds.

She reached out and wrapped her arms around the girl's shoulders.

"Addy! Get my towel!"

Her twin stood up and jogged out of sight. Upon returning, he briefly looked inside to toss the cloth before refacing the hallway.

Lexi snagged it and wrapped it around her shoulders.

"Vee," she soothed, "It's gonna be alright. You're safe now."

The Flood Mage took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," she squeaked before breaking into sobs.

"No no it's okay to cry," Lexi assured.

Vee shook her head, sloshing her tears.

She took another breath.

"That's not it," she gasped.

The diva furrowed her brows.

"Then what is it?" she inquired.

The girl fought for air through her tears.

She coughed and sputtered as streams coated her face.

Lexi wiped them away and rubbed Vee's back.

Vee repeatedly held her breath for short spurts. Her sobbing reduced to intense panting. The streams became mere tributaries along her reddened face.

The bodybuilder cracked his knuckles as he bit his lip.

Soon the panting quieted down to frequent sniffles.

The diva softly exhaled as she surveyed the flooded bathroom.

After a few minutes, Vee stood up in the tub. Lexi helped her out and offered the towel.

"I need to tell you two something," Vee croaked.

"After you get dressed and have a drink. Of water," Lexi declared.

"How about a snack?" Addy offered.

"Y-yes please," Vee said.

Addy rushed out to the kitchen.

Lexi ushered Vee into her room where the girl got changed.

The trio gathered on the large L-shaped couch in the center of the living area.

Vee sat in the middle.

Lexi held a glass and Addy held a snack bar.

The girl quickly ate the food and gulped down the drink.

The twins furrowed their brows and exchanged glances.

"What exactly did you want to tell us?" the latter inquired.

"We're all ears," the former declared.

The girl licked her lips and swallowed.

She quietly opened her mouth.

Her lower lip violently trembled.

Small convulsions shook her thin frame.

Both dilated eyes stared at the floor.

She took a breath of air...and mouthed something.

"What?" the twins asked.

The girl paused.

"I said...," she whispered, "I know Blake Hebio...personally. And Igneel Dragneel. And Guthrie Conbolt. I know where they are. I know who they are."


A few days later

"Nashi!! Cris!! Don't go!!" Reiki cried.

He bolted upright and stared into the darkness.

His lungs heaved and begged for air.

The redhead's shaking arm slammed on the nearby lamp.

His other arm quietly wiped away cold tears and sweat.

"S***," he muttered.

He rubbed his eyes and looked around. The unfinished wall in front of his bed hid the night lights illuminating from the animals' housing.

Reiki threw off his covers and trotted to the light source.

All five gerbils happily bounced and scurried through their mazes. They squealed as they watched their food get replaced and their water refilled.

The fish eagerly swam to the surface as he approached the aquarium. They dashed around as pellets and flakes were carefully dropped in.

Both hermit crabs were still as their leftovers were replaced with fresh fruits and vegetables. As soon as the human was removed from the terrarium, both quickly crawled to the food dish and began chowing down.

Spikey eagerly scrambled to the top of his terrarium as fresh lettuce and spinach were placed on a food mat.

"Sorry I haven't been devoting much time and attention to you all," Reiki muttered.

He dried his sweaty hands on his t-shirt and stuffed them into his sweatpants' pockets.

Bzzzzz! Bzzzzz! Bzzzz!

The redhead sighed and turned to the beacon of light on his nightstand. He picked up his lacrima phone and stared at the screen. His brows furrowed.

'What does Little Rose want?'


" Oh thank Mavis! You picked up! "


" Well, Nashi and Cris say they haven't been able to get ahold of you since your visit to Lamia Scale. By the way, why did you go there?"

"To talk to Mya and Larry."


"The investigation."

"Wait...How long have they been involved in this?!"

"Since April 24th, X820. So twenty-one days."

"Today is May 23rd. That would be twenty-nine days."

"They backed out on May 15th."


"Cris didn't tell you?"

"Umm, no. You stopped telling me things after our family dinner. And you never told Mom and Dad about this whole situation...and while I don't really blame you...I also know you hate breaking promises."


" Big Brother? "


"Are you okay?"


"Why what?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Because you shut yourself away for a week. Again. After a visit to somewhere other than Fairy Tail. For a purpose that wasn't quest related. This seems to be a recurring pattern."

"So what?"

"What do you mean so what?! It means there's something really bothering you! And I want to help you!"

"You can't help me Little Rose!"

"Why not?!"

"Because you don't know enough about the situation."

"Because you won't tell me!"

"I can't say anything!"

"You already said wayyy too much to non-Fairy Tail members! So why is your immediate family excluded from this?!"


"Heck why are your best friends excluded from this information?! They told me they've been calling you and knocking on your door every. Single. Day. For a whole week now! And the only thing they've heard is an angry phone call from Larry and Mya."

"Wait...Larry and Mya called??"

"Yes! Cris told me they were angry and upset and hurt because you told them they weren't friends!"

"Because they're not. Neither are Nashi and Cris."

"What?! What the f*** are you saying?! They're your teammates! Your best friends!"

"Tch. More like best followers," Reiki muttered.

"Who said it that way?!"

"...Larry did."

"So you're gonna let an outsider's single comment change your whole perspective on people you've known for over a decade?!"

"I'm an a**hole okay! A jerk! A redheaded monster! Monsters don't have friends! They don't deserve them."

Rosemary sighed.

"You're not a monster," she soothed.

"Yes I am! I don't even know how Nashi and Cris have been handling this whole situation! I've just been selfish and worrying about myself!"

"So come out of your cave and ask them how they're doing. They would welcome you back with open arms if you embrace them. They really miss you...And so do I..."


"I'm sorry, Reiki," she stated softly.

His eyes widened.

"For what?"

"For not visiting you. When you were in the infirmary."

"It's fine."

"No. It's not fine. It was rude and inconsiderate of me."


"I was scared. Scared of the environment. I did peek in the room. But truthfully, seeing you laying down like that...it reminded me too much of *sniff*..."

Reiki wiped away small rivers of water on his face.

"I think Mom felt the same way," she squeaked. "And when you did wake up...well..D–er Jellal beat us to you. When he came back he told us about your conversation with him...again I'm sorry for not visiting you even then...I just thought it would be horrible timing. That's all."

The redhead furrowed his brows.

"How did you know when I was awake anyways?"

"Oh, that. Wendy could hear Nashi and Cris' change in attitude. She called up the three of us and D–er Jellal meteored away."

"That man told me had arrived twenty minutes beforehand."

"He did! He came to the house first to check up on us. We were planning on visiting you together...as a family...you know since we're supposed to be one."

"...I see."

"The point is, I'm sorry."

"I heard you. You're forgiven. Besides, I had enough visitors between that man, Cal, Nashi, Cris, Wendy, Skyler, and Romeo. Oh and Addy and Lexi although that was because they were checking in on Vee."

"S***! That's what I mean to call you about!"


"Come to the guild hall asap. In thirteen minutes Vee is making an announcement."

Reiki's entire body froze.

"About what?"

"I'm not sure. She didn't say. Master Laxus announced it yesterday morning. But of course, you weren't here, heh heh."


'Varsha's making an announcement. I bet she has all of the missing plotholes for the disappearance of Blake, Igneel, and Guthrie! Maybe we...well, I, get an answer for who Ozzy, Catie, Andy, Aleks, and Mo are. As well as Varsha herself. And Chryssie, or rather, Chrysanthemum Sepal and Tina.'

"Big Brother?"

"I'll be there," he gasped.

"Okay. See you then! Love you!"

Tears stung his eyes.

"L...love you, too."

Beep .

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