My Black Inheritance

By Enkai_Umino

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"Um, excuse me, would you care to dance with me on the dance floor?" A low but not threatening voice had ente... More

The People


102 10 25
By Enkai_Umino

Two days after that, I had to find my way through the school without my sister, Catherine. I felt a bit lost, but I knew I had to find my way around - with or without her.

I braced myself, took a deep breath, and stepped forward into the unfamiliar hallways, determined to make my own way.

Looking at the number on every door, I felt hopeless since the room I was supposed to be in had three digits as its number.

Knowing that I had no other choice, I chose to keep going and hope that I would stumble across the right room eventually.

I kept walking, determined to find the right room, no matter how long it took.

It took me twenty minutes to find the right class, which meant that I was twenty minutes late for my class. I was so relieved when I finally found it, but I was also embarrassed that I had been late.

Walking into the class, I must have interrupted the lecture, because I could feel everyone's eyes on me. The professor stopped talking and just stared at me for a few moments. I wanted to disappear.

With my cheeks burning, I stood in silence, embarrassed to have disrupted the class.

Suddenly, the professor spoke. "Miss Estelle, why are you late?"

I could feel my face flush even deeper. I stammered my excuse, trying to explain why I was late, but I could tell the professor was not satisfied.

"Just because you are new doesn't mean you can walk in here whenever you please. You must learn to respect the rules of the school. Now, take your seat and make sure it doesn't happen again."

"Yes, Miss," I replied meekly, my head bowed low as I walked to my seat.

I saw Catherine look at me with worry as I sat beside her. She knew how hard it had been for me to adjust to a new school and how much I was struggling to fit in.

"Sorry," She muttered. I gave her a small smile and tried to reassure her that it was okay. I was used to feeling like an outsider, but I appreciated her concern.

I was touched by her thoughtfulness, even though I knew I wouldn't be able to fit in.

The English class went smoothly after my interruption, and I was able to enjoy the rest of the lesson.

Learning all of the work beforehand made things easier, and I was able to catch up with the class quickly.

I was even able to answer some of the questions the teacher asked, which was a great feeling of accomplishment. It was satisfying to know that all of my hard work had paid off.

"Estelle, you were amazing! You looked like you'd been here all of your life!" Catherine said with a beaming smile.

"I'm so glad I put in all that effort," I replied, elated.

Unfortunately, we didn't have the next class together, so we said our goodbyes and I went on my way, my head still buzzing from Catherine's kind words.

The next class I had was Physics and it was unusual for a girl, especially for a person of colour, to be able to enroll in the class.

Despite the odds, I was determined to take Physics, and I was eager to learn more about this male-dominated subject!

Though when I had been walking through the hallway, I was stopped by a few of my male classmates who looked angry.

Possibly angry that another black girl was attending their school, they started to talk about how I didn't belong there. They also yelled that I shouldn't be allowed to be a student.

They said I didn't deserve to be there and that I was taking up space that should be reserved for someone else.

So much for a friendly school for people of colour. They had made their minds up before I even stepped foot on the campus. Their prejudice ruined the reputation of this place that was meant to be a safe haven for everyone.

Unfortunately, that is the reality of many educational institutions across the country, where people of colour are met with resistance instead of support.

Though it was unexpected for them to get violent, they then started throwing things at me and pushing me. They then proceeded to hit me, punching me in the face and stomach, knocking me to the ground.

The boy said, "You should go back to your country," while the other one yelled, "This is our country, not yours!"

I didn't know what to do. I just sat on the ground, in shock, hoping that they would eventually stop. But they kept going, and I was too scared to move or do anything.

I could feel my heart pounding as I sat there, not knowing how to make them stop.

"Hey! What are you doing to her?" An unmistakable voice rang through the halls, startling me and making me jump.

There was no way it could be him. He was already supposed to be in class and yet here he was. I couldn't believe it. I had never felt so relieved and nervous at the same time.

I looked up to see who it was, and there standing at the end of the corridor was Prince Maxwell, his face full of concern and anger.

But his presence also gave me hope - that he had come to rescue me from the seemingly endless situation.

There was also a woman beside him, having a stern expression on her face. It looked like she was waiting for a command.

With an authoritative air about her, Maxwell's companion seemed to enforce an air of discipline as she stood watchfully by his side.

Seeing Maxwell jog over to us, all of the boys froze in their tracks. This presence had an unmistakable effect on the boys, eliminating any hint of foolishness or misbehavior in their presence.

"What do you want?" One of the boys asked in a loud voice.

He stared at each of them in turn. One could tell he was not someone to trifle with.

"May I ask what you are doing with her? If you can explain it to me, I'll be more than happy to let you all go." Maxwell said.

"If not, I'm sure my guard can give you the same treatment that you have given her," He continued, gesturing to the woman.

She cracked her knuckles as a response, her eyes narrowing as she stepped forward.

The boys cowered in fear as the woman stepped forward, her expression menacing and her knuckles still cracking.

She had sent a clear message with her body language-she wasn't to be messed with.

"Now if you don't want to end up ten times worse, I suggest you all listen and do exactly as I say." Maxwell suggested.

The boys nodded quickly, their expressions a mix of fear and awe. They all knew that he meant business and that they were no match for his guard.

"First I want you to apologise to this girl," Maxwell said, pointing at me.

"Now," he continued, "I want to see each of you take out a piece of paper and write down the following: 'I apologise for my actions, and I promise to never do anything like this again.' Then you can all leave."

As soon as they agreed, they apologized for their behavior and hurried off into the hallway. They said that they were sorry for their actions.

However, they only listened to him because a white man told them to do so. Despite their apology, they were still aware of the power dynamic in the room, and it was clear they were aware of who held the ultimate authority.

As a black woman, I felt powerless in the situation. I felt like I was being silenced and ignored, and even though they apologized, I felt like my opinion was not valued or heard.

When the boys left the area, Prince Maxwell came over and gave me his hand to help me up from the ground.

I was surprised by Prince Maxwell's gesture, and it made me feel appreciated and respected. His kindness was a powerful reminder that I mattered and that I was worth something to him.

"Are you okay Miss?" Prince Maxwell asked me worriedly.

"Yes, I'm okay, Prince Maxwell." I replied, picking up all of the books that were slapped out of my hands. "Thank you for your concern,"

"Wait. How do you know my name?" He questioned curiously.

I was shocked and couldn't think of anything to say. He had obviously forgotten all about me and I was starting to feel embarrassed. I had thought he remembered me but it seemed like he had completely forgotten.

Was the night in the ballroom nothing to him? Had all of the conversations and the dancing been forgotten as well? I felt like a fool for thinking he had remembered me.

The guard came over after seeing that I was upset and asked if I was okay. I just shook my head and she put her hand on my shoulder and said, "Don't worry."

"Prince Maxwell has forgotten memories of his own assistant and now memories of you," The guard informed. She looked at me with a comforting smile and said, "Things will be alright. He'll find a way to remember again."

"So Prince Maxwell-" I started to talk but I was cut off by him.

"Please call me Max." He insisted. "Since we are friends right?" He added, a mischievous glint in his eye.

He said those words with confidence and mischief in his voice, and I was unable to resist myself from smiling at them.

"Okay Max, what class do you have now?" Once again, I asked the question that I was going to say before.

"I have Physics, what about you Miss..." Max asked, stopping after realising he didn't know my name.

"My name is Estelle."

He repeated, "Estelle," with a smile, as if trying to commit my name to memory. He let the name hang in the air for a moment, emphasizing its importance as if he had been given an invaluable gift.

He then added with emphasis, "It's a beautiful name."

I blushed, feeling suddenly shy and self-conscious. I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks and my heart racing in my chest. I smiled and thanked him, feeling a sudden wave of gratitude and appreciation.

"I have Physics as well," I answered.

"Really? I haven't seen you in class though," Max questioned.

"That is because you sleep in your classes most of the time," The guard corrected him.

He looked embarrassed and said, "I do not sleep in my classes. I was just looking at the ceiling."

"That's because you're usually daydreaming," the guard said with a slight smirk.

"But I'm paying attention, I swear!" he quickly added, trying to salvage some of his dignity.

I laughed at their little debate, amused by the guard's quip. It was clear that the guard was not going to let him off the hook that easily.

"It's clear that I'm not getting any special treatment here," he concluded, a hint of resignation in his voice. "Let's go."

They bickered on and off until we arrived at class. The guard was still trying to make a point, and Max was still trying to make his case.

"You don't have to come in this time Erza," Max said quietly, patting her shoulder. "It's okay." Erza nodded hesitantly, and Max stepped forward and into the classroom.

Erza paused, realizing that Max was offering her an opportunity to take a break, which she was thankful for. She smiled softly in gratitude and decided to go out of the campus for a walk.

As I got myself ready for the class, Max had come over and sat down beside me.

"Last time I checked you didn't sit here," I said to Max with a smirk. He laughed and shrugged.

"Well, I figured you looked like you needed some protection so I thought I'd join you," he joked with a smile.

His smile was beautiful, and I couldn't help but smile back. I was grateful for the company, and it made me feel a little less scared of what had happened before. . . .

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