By miraclequeen45

33.6K 939 207

Guang xuming, a nine tail demon who was destined/forced by her kind to rule the world. But things change in t... More



1.3K 33 17
By miraclequeen45

Before min's fist could hit mk's scared face, macaque came in and pushed the girl away as mk fell back. Macaque struggles as the two tried pushing each other. Min threw macaque into the air and flew after him, leaving mk to deal with monkey king, but he'll be fine. Hopefully.

In the air, min aimed a punch at macaque, who quickly caught it with both hands but struggled to hold it,  thanks to her newly given bone demon powers. She threw her other fist, and macaque had no choice but to catch it with his other hand. She stretched out both hands before kneeing macaque in the gut really hard, causing him to spit out some blood. Min then gave him a round-house kick,  sending him crashing into a boulder.

Macaque groans, wiping his mouth. "Someone's been working out".

He didn't get time to react when min came at him at high-speed and pushed him into the boulder. She then began punching him through some more boulder until he crashed to the ground. He tried to fly away but min grabbed his tail and began slamming him on the ground, left to right. She did this repeatedly before she swinging  him around and let him go crashing into a huge icicle.

Macaque groaned in pain as he gritted his teeth and held his arm. "Min, you have to stop this!".

He quickly jumped hopped on top of the icicle just as min punched where he once was, bracking the ice and making macaque leap a few feet away from her.

"This isn't who you are!".

Min came at him, but he tried his best to avoid her hits and kicks.

"Look, i know you're probably mad because of how I've been treating you and that I refuse to accept your friendship".

Min punched him in the face, sending him a few feet away to the ground. He managed to seat up as he rubbed his chin.

"But now I do!".

His shadow clones appeared and quickly pinned the posses girl down, as macaque got up and approached her.

"I've now seen the errors of my ways. Friendship isn't something you just get whenever you want, it's something you earn. Just like the way how you had hope for me, I have hope for you. Fight it min, please".

He got one knee as he looked down at min with a concern look.

"You're a good person with a good heart. And I know that I don't have the right to say this but . . . If you could ever find it in your heart . . . Forgive me".

Min stopped struggling to break free from the shadow clones as her blue eyes stopped glowing and surprisingly a small smile formed on her face.

"I forgive you".

This surprised macaque before a grin came across his lips, thinking he might have gotten through to her. Boy was he wrong.

Min started grunting and screaming as she slowly and surprisingly started getting up, despite the weight of the shadow clones, much to macaque's surprise as he slowly started backing away.

Blue light began to crack out of the shadow clones before they all exploded as a bright light enveloped min while macaque shields his eyes. He slowly removed his arm from his face and his eyes widened as he gasp at what he saw.

"Oh no".

There stood min with a whole new different look and with the scepter of night.

She pointed the scepter at macaque.

"W-with! Okay, kid. Let's not do something we might regret later".


The secpter fired dark purple energy at the dark monkey, who was fast enough to get out of the way and saw the blast hit some huge icicles behind him, destroying it to bits, much to his surprise as he gulped.

Min fired another blast but macaque was quick to douge it. He continued to do so as best as he could to avoid more blast. Eventually, one blast hit the tip of his tail, exposing his monkey tail skin.

"Okay. I think it's time we meet other people".

Macaque immediately flew back to mk and wukong. He punched wukong in the face right before he could hit a fallen mk.

"Macaque?". Mk questioned, getting up as he looked at the smirking monkey.

"Change of plans, bud. I'll take wukong, you take on princess".

"Wait, what?!".

Macaque flew away as wukong chased after him. Suddenly, a blast hit the floor behind mk, sending him screaming and falling down to the ground.

He got on his knees and spat out snow before he saw min right in front of him with the scepter of night and her whole now look. He blushed a little at that.


The girl short a blast at him, causing him to yell and quickly get out of the way.

"It seems my child has finally unlocked her scepter of night. Destiny truly has found it's way to her". Lady bone demon grinned.

Min continued to fire her scepter of night as mk continued to douge. She blasted mk's front, causing him to stop and turn around to try and get away but couldn't when min shot there as well. He then backed up to a boulder and looked terrified as min slowly approached him with the scepter aiming at him.

Mk looked around for any means of escaping until he got an idea. He ripped out some of his hair and tossed them in the air before they exploded in clouds of golden energy and revealed clone mks. They all surrounded the posses girl who was so not letting her guard down again.

The clones yelled as they charged and dog piled on min. Not to soon, they were all shoved away and exploded into clouds of smoke. Min tried to feel her scepter but couldn't, making her look down at her hands, only to see that the scepter was gone.


She looked forward and saw mk holding up her scepter in victory.

"Now, I've got the scepter of night!". He grinned, thinking that without it min could come back to him. The poor thing.

Min just started at him with a emotionless face before using her now blue fox fire to envelope her arms into fire wips, much to mk's surprise as he looked underestimated and gulped.

"Ohhh . . ."

Already knowing he could escape in the open, min began turning her around her arms as the fire wips made fire circle the two of them.

Mk watched in shock as the fire surrounding them began to rise up until they were inside a blue fire dome.

On the outside, lady bone demon smirked, already knowing what the descendant of her child was doing.

Mk looks at the inside of the fire dome in awe. "Woah".

He then shrieked when min slowly began approaching him with her fire wips looking like they were ready for beating.

MK waved his arms around in panic. "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Min, you have to stop this!".

She paid no mind as she kept walking towards the boy.

"Min, I know you're still in there! And you don't want to do this. You're a good person with a good heart. You're thoughtful, and sweet, and smart and kind. You're one in a million! You mean so much to me, min, and I can't imagine how my life would've been without you in it".

Min immediately wrapped her fire wips around mk, causing him to groan in pain and let go of the scepter of night, before yanking him close to her emotionless face. Despite the pain, mk still spoke.

"You were there for me, just like how you were there for our friends! Even the bad ones! You're always putting others ahead of yourself. Always letting your guard down just to make friends with good or bad people. You're always there for us when we need you. Now it's our-no! My turn to pay the favour . . ."

Min's blue eyes widened when mk smashed his face into hers, connecting their lips into a passionate kiss.

Her body tensed up as she wanted to push him away, but for some reason she couldn't. She slowly closed and she leaned into the kiss, deepening it as the fire wips around mk dissappered, giving him the open hand before he suddenly ripped off her half bun off her head and throw it away and the whole thing with the hair pin dissappered.

Immediately, her whole being reformed from blue back to it's normal red and orange colour. It all practically happened in just 20 seconds before the teens pulled away, both with rosey red cheeks as they smiled at each other.

"I knew you could do it". Min said, resting her forehead on mk's as he did the same and they held hands while the fire dome around them dissappered, and lady bone demon's became shocked at what she was seeing.

"Wha-what is this?!". She demanded. "Just what is the meaning of this?!"

MK and min pulled away and glares up at the furious demon.

"The meaning of this is called love!". Min gasp at what she just said in realization and looked down at her necklace that had the last and final elemental colour on it as it glows. Pink, representing. "Love . . . Love!".

She grinned as her necklace glowed bright and floated out of the chain, making she and mk to shield their faces. One the light died down, min uncovered her eyes and was in awe at what she saw. Floating in front of her was the scepter of light.

It floated towards her and she grabbed it in hers hands as she stared at it in awe.


"Hah!". Mk grinned, before spotting his staff and ran over to it.

But before he could touch it, lady bone demon spoke up.

"No matter what do, you cannot change the part of destiny!".

Mk's face was shadowed as he looked down.

Min glared at the bone demon while walking up next to mk.

"Says who? All you ever say is what we can and can't do because it's destiny. That doesn't mean that we can't make destiny into what we want it to be. Even If we have to fight it".

Lady bone demon glared at her.

"I don't know if all this happened because it was destined too". Mk spoke, clutching his fist. "But I have to belive that I found the staff so I could use it for good. To help people. So that's exactly what I'm gonna do! I'm gonna take my staff and protect this world!".

MK grabbed his staff and tried his best to pull it out, to which min and LBD sighed deapeaning at him.

"Oh, sweet child. Can't you see? Sun wukong or guang xuming both couldn't best me. What can you two hope to accomplish what they have failed?".

Sun wukong lands behind the teenagers and tossed a fallen macaque to the ground then slowly began to approach them.

"Cast aside your stubbornness and face your demise with honour. Come back to your senses, my child".

Min growled before snapping. "If you're so sure that destiny can't be changed, then why are you using every ounce of power within you just to keep wukong contained?!".

LBD gritted her teeth as her skin began to crack.

"The monkey king I know would never stop fight you". Mk exclaimed, grabbing min's free hand as they both stood their ground. "And neither will we".

Wukong longed at the teenagers, looking like he was aiming to attack them, but instead he grabbed the golden staff as his body started sparking before he turned back to normal.

"Thanks for not giving up on me, buds". He smirked, as LBD looked shocked and gasp with wide eyes.


"Looks like it's time for the hero stuff, wouldn't you say?". Min smirked at the boys.

Mk glared with determination and joined wukong in grabbing the staff. With all their might, they successfully pulled out the golden staff, sending a huge golden shockwave that sent LBD crashing into a mountain as she yelped in pain.

Wukong groaned as min helped him up to his feet.

"Ugh! I can still feel her crawling under my skin". He said.

Min chuckled. "Make that two of us"

Without warning, mk suddenly tackled the two of them into a hug as he teared up a bit.

"I'm glad you guys are back".

The two smiled at him.

"Uh, guys?". Macaque called, gaining their attention. "Now that Wukong and min's not under her control . . .".

MK gasp. "Oh no!".

Suddenly, rushing winds picked up and min looked up to see a raging LBD floating in the air.

"Predictably unpredictable fools! I'm not one to rush destiny!". She glared as the crack on her cheek healed up. "But I won't be undone by a troop of headstrong semeans!". LBD screamed, turning into her true form as she sent jing/bai he flying out of her.

Min gasp. "Jing!".

Macaque acted fast by running and caught the younger girl as they fell to the ground with macaque cushioning her fall, much to min's relief.

"You may have the scepter of light, but if the dragon girl does not give me the Samadhi fire willingly, then I will rip it from her!".

The gang heard mei's scream before an explosion took place and sent the gang falling.

"MEI!". Mk and min yelled.

Pigsy, tang and sandy then fly out of the mech as the whole gang fell down the mech.

Min glared and pointed her scepter beneath them.


Her secpter creates a giant light blue portal beneath them and everyone fall a in before another portal appears closer to the ground and everyone landed safely. Macaque placed the unconscious little girl on the ground to rest and min walks over and pull some strands of her away from her sleeping face.

"Hang in there, lit sis".

The gang looked up at the mech as it creates a seal. A sword handle appeared before it lit up with the Samadhi fire. The mech grabbed the sword and pointed it at the gang.

"I must say, It is a shame that you'll have to suffer the same faith as them, min. To think I was going to let a hybrid reign alone side me. And the way, you're right, mk. If you had never found that staff none of this would have been possible. A delivery boy and a freak to the end".

Mk and min's faces were shadowed as they gritted their teeth before they walked forward.

"Kids!". Pigsy tried to stop them, but was stopped by wukong.

"Now watch as I fulfil my destiny and begin this world a new! No monkey king! No fox spirit! No monkie kid! And no fox kid! Nothing!".

LBD brought down her hands, as did the mech with two Samadhi fire swords in it's hands. Before they could touch them, min's scepter glows as mk stabbed his staff to the ground and a huge cloud of smoke covered them up when the swords made contact with where they once stood.

LBD giggled in satisfaction and success. "Two kills with one strike!".

She then gasp in shock.


The others grinned at what they were seeing.


"That's my boy and girl!".

Wukong smiled.

The giant Samadhi fire blades were being held back by a giant mech where mk and min where inside. But this wasn't just any ordinary monkie mech. It was a combination between a monkey and a fox.

"No! No!!!". LBD yelled. "I will not be stopped by you foul insignificant creatures!! You would allow this world to continue to fester in rot?! The internal misery of countless souls because of your sentimentality for mortal pleasures?!".

LBD increases the weight of her mech, but monkiefox wasn't giving up as they were slightly pushed back.

Min groaned. "Perfect or not".

"You can't judge things by their worst qualities!". Mk finished.

"This world might not be perfect, but it's still worth fighting for!". Tang exclaimed, standing his ground as his he made his golden circle appear below him.

A pink aura enveloped pigsy. "Yeah! Sometimes it's that little bit of char that makes for a more favourable meat! Even if it is a bit tangy!".

Tang looked surprised by his words but smiled as a golden aura surrounded him.

Mo meows. Sandy pointed to the demon mech, also standing his ground as a green aura surrounded him. "You said it, mo! The world may be full of darkness, but to let the light shined, all we need to do is stand together!".

Macaque and wukong looked down at the golden circular symbol beneath them then looked at each other and nodded. They both took a stand and fired their energy into the monkiefox mech as a golden seal appeared beneath it. Immediately turning the mech bigger than ever and golden.

"The perfect world is what you make it to be". Min exclaimed.

"So as long as we have each other and our friends by our side". Mk added.

"This world".



The mech grabbed the Samadhi fire swords by the handle.

" A CHILD'S NOTION! I WILL NOT INDULGENT!!!". Lady bone demon yelled, not giving up that easily.

Suddenly, green fire emerged out of the mech, much to LBD's surprise.


The green fire zoomed down the mech to monkiefox's mech and made contact with the small window mk and min were seeing through. The window began to crack, much to their surprise before it was busted open and green fire rushed in as mk and min held unto each other for covered. Once the fire passed through them, a familiar giggle was heard.

"Looks like my ship worked out after all".

MK and min opened their eyes and saw green fire enveloping a familiar figure before it died down to reveal a smiling mei.

"You two kissed yet?".

They ignored that question.

"MEI!". They yelled excitedly and in relife.

"Yeah, i-i'm here too, by the way". Red son smirked as he crossed his arms, while min smiled proudly at him.

The four friends glared out the window with determination.


"Yeah!". Tang creates giant golden symbol above the monkiefox mech. It then shot a huge amount of golden energy on the mech that sent a bright light all over the world, freeing people from their ice traps as LBD shields her face from the bright light.

Colourful energies from around the globe rush over and entered the monkiefox mech, making it more bigger and stronger as LBD watched on in fear and awe. The mech floated in the air before summoning a giant golden staff and grabbed unto it. Nezha floated above the mech. He summoned giant versions of his rings and tossed them towards the mech, attaching them to it's feet and the mech got a extra boost.

Mk sighed. It was now or never.

"HERE . . ."

Min, mei and red son held unto him.

"COMES . . ."

pigsy, sandy and tang held unto them.

"MONKIE . . .".

The giant staff was coming down at the lady bone demon.

"NO!". She yelled, using a seal to block her mech. "YOU WILL NOT TAKE MY DESTINY FROM ME!".

She then gasp as wukong and macaque grabbed unto the staff, joining the fight. Mei jumped out of the mech and got into the sky, summoning her dragon, using her fire to fight as well.

"Our destiny us our choice! It's what ever We make it to be and no one has the right to make it or say what it is!".

Min get off the mech as her body glowed and began to grow bigger until it was as big as the mech, staff and dragon, revealing her true form. The nine tail fox.

"We make the choice, lady bone demon! We decide what destiny has to say for us. We .  Are . DESTINY!".


Everyone yelled, either pushing the giant staff or adding more fire to it with their dragon fire and scepter fire shooting out of their mouth, finally bracking the LBD's seal as a huge explosion took place, covering up the world in a bright light.


Min's eyes shut open when she heard a loud noise. She sat up and gasp at where she found herself. She was inside some sort of temple.

"Where am I?".

She stood up and began walking down the hall, until she heard noises.


She ran down the hall as the noises got louder. She finally reached a closed door as the loud noises where heard from behind it. She then turned the door knob and slowly pushed the door opened and gasp at what she found.

Lady bone demon in her true form floating in the air as she looked down at Sun wukong, tang senzeng, zhu bejie, sha wujing and guang xuming.

LBD glared. "But you used me! Tricked me! Betrayed me!". She yelled at a glaring and growling guang xuming, who groanex from a massive headache she got from her mother.

"Flare!". Wukong cried in worry, about to walk up to her but she stopped him.

"No! Stay back!". She then looked back at her mother. "And you! You blame me of trickery when it is you who is the deceiver! All I ever wanted was to please you and make you happy and finally know what it's like to have motherly affection, but I never got any, despite my years of service to you".

Xuming's face was shadowed as tears ran down her face while her friends looked at her in concern and worry.

"I've done everything for you! Everything! I didn't even see what I was becoming . . . A monster. But not anymore".

Immediately, xuming lunged at LBD and wrapped her arms and legs around her, enveloping her in a hug, much to her surprise.

"This time, I will have motherly affection wither I deserve it or not!".

"What?! Let go of me!". LBD demanded, only for xuming to tighten her hold on her.

"Do it now, tang senzeng!".

"But I can't! If I do, you could get killed in the process!". Tang senzeng yelled in worry.

"I don't care! It's not like we have a choice anyway! Just do it now!!".

"But xuming!". Wukong yelled, not wanting to give up the love of his life so easily.

"It's okay, wukong! Despite you always saying it, I always knew that I would one day do the protecting! Because I care and love you! All of you! So please, just do it! Please!".

Xuming had teary eyes as she smiled down at her lover and friends.

Knowing that this was their only chance and there was no way of convincing the fox spirit, tang senzeng shared nodding looks with zhu bejie and sha wujing, then looked at wukong, waiting for his answer.

Wukong clutched his fist tightly and hanged his head as it became shadowed and nodded.

Taking that as a go ahead, tang senzeng eyes glowed gold as he tapped his staff on the ground, creating golden light that lit up the place, much to lady bone demon's dismay.

"What? No! Let go of me!". She tried to escape but unfortunately xuming's grip was too strong.

"Embrace me, mother". She whispered.


A bright light took place after that and min quickly covered her eyes from it.

So that was how guang xuming died.

Once she felt it was over, she slowly uncovered her eyes and was shocked at were she was now.

A beautiful cherry blossom garden as pink cherry blossom petals fell from above and butterflies flying around. Some butterflies flew above her and placed a flower crown on her head.

She smiled then looked down and immediately blushed.

She was on her knees in a field of cherry blossoms and her clothes were gone, and all she had were cherry blossoms covering her private parts.

"Isn't it nice here?".

Min turned around and gasp. Smiling at the 17 year old was guang xuming in her purest form.

She was on her knees and had a flower crown of her own on her head and wasn't wearing clothes either, but luckily the cheery blossoms covered her private parts too.

"Guang xuming?! . . . Wait a minute, if it's really you, then that would mean that you're probably in heaven. Which would also mean that".

"You died".

"Say what now?!".

Xuming gestured her to look to the side. Min obeyed and gasp in shock when she saw a sobbing mk holding tighting unto her dead body and he was surrounded by the others, who were all moaning her death.

"What?! How?! When?! I-".

"Look closer min".

Min's eyes widen when she took a closer look and was shocked with what her chest was covered with.

"Blood . . . She, she shut me".

"In the heart too. But that is not a problem".

Min looked back at her past self in shock. "H-ho-".

"Because unlike me, you can actually go back to the leaving. It's obvious you are not ready to leave them, and they are not ready to leave you. Especially your lover"

Min blushed at the mention of mk being her lover. She then realized something.

"But wait. Won't sending me back to the leaving come at a price?".

Xuming nodded. "Indeed it would".

"So, then what is it?".

"Let's just say we won't be seeing each other anymore after this".

Min's eyes widened, knowing exactly what she meant. "What?! B-but that can't be! You can't just . . . I won't let you! If I have to stay here to prevent that from happening, then I will!".

"Min!". Xuming interrupted the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder, smiling. "You're still young and have so much to leave for, not to mention a bright future ahead of you. Don't end your life so soon. Embrace it and leave it to the fullest".

Min tears up and immediately tackled her in a hug as she began to cry.

Xuming smiled sadly and returned the hug as she began rubbing her back soothingly.

"You know . . . This is the first time we're actually hugging".

Min sniffed. ". . . I know".

"Look on the bright side, you won't be a half-demon anymore and will inherit all the powers of the scepter of light".

"It sounds scary".

"I know it is, but I also know that you are more than capable of handling it. Especially with your friends by your side".

"Yeah . . . I'll miss you".

"I as well".


"Noodles?". Min asked, offering a bowl of noodles to mk, who looked at her.

"Yeah. Thanks". He smiled, accepting the bowl as min sat down next to him on the edge of the cliff.

She looked ahead at the clear blue sky over the arising.

"So . . . What you thinking about?". She asked.

Mk shrugged. "I dunno. Everything I guess. Life's just funny, you know".

Min chuckled. "You could say that again".

"One minute, you're a delivery boy, the next, you saved the world. Who knew all this could just happen so fast".

Min looked behind at all their friends sitting around as they talked and ate noodles.


"And i also can't believe you died".

Min looked back at mk, who had his head down as he looked at his hands that were slightly shaking.

"Watching someone you love sleeping forever in your arms . . . It's scery".

Min placed her hand over his, making to look her in the face. She smiled at him.

"I wasn't planning on leaving you guys anytime soon. Essentially you".

MK gave her a small smile, then looked at her cheeck where her scar was and his smile was replaced with a frown. "I'm sorry I couldn't do anything about your scar though".

"It's okay. I'll always have it. But, hay, at least it's healed now. Plus, it's a reminder. To always keep your guard up, and that I'm never alone in this world, and that I'm much stronger than I think. Literally. So don't go doing anything dumb anymore, okay?".

She playfully punches mk's arm. Mk laughed a bit before he smiled at the full demon, who was smiling back at him. They gazed into each other's eyes, drinking up their gazes before they slowly started leaning in, bringing their faces closer as they closed their eyes to kiss.

"Hay buds".

The two teenagers were snapped out of their moment as their faces turned red with embarrassment.

Macaque smirked, crouching on the other side of mk. "Sorry to interrupt your make out time, but you were done with that, right?".

He gestured to mk's bowl of noodles while holding chopsticks.

Mk pulled hid bowl away. "Well, actually i-".

He was cut off by sun wukong, who crouched down on mina other side, grabbing his noodles while glaring at macaque.

"He was saving that for me! Cuz, you know, I'm his mentor!". The sage scoffed, before chowing down the noodles.

Macaque and min were not amused as mk deapeaned that his noodles were taking away.

"Still the same wukong". Macaque got up and crossed his arms. "Doing whatever he wants with no regards for others!".

"Mm-yeah! I'll keep that in mind next time you scheme with the enemy and almost get us all D.E.D!".

Wukong and macaque got in each other's faces, glaring daggers and gritting their teeth.

Having had enough, min got inbetween the monkeys, pushing them away with a deapeaned look on her face.

"Would you two stop it? You're acting like children". She crossed her arms.

Mk pointed at the monkeys. "You know, you two are the same, right?".

Min nodded to that in agreement, much to their dismay.


Macaque immediately turned around to walk away, almost causing wukong to lose his balance.

"Hay! Where do you think you're going?".

Macaque shrugged, his back facing them.

"Dunno. Somewhere where I can do a bit of scheming properly". He smirked, side-glancing at them. "See ya around mk, princess".

With that, he dissappered into his shadow. Wukong face palmed in annoyance, sighing.

"Hate that guy so much! Always acting like he's so cool". He then went back to stuffing his face with noodles.

"Jealous much". Min muttered.

Ml frowned looked down.

Wukong sighed, holding a empty bowl. "I know i can never make it up to you. Both of you. Honestly, i-i never thought I'd leave as long as I have, let alone be someone's mentor. Turns out I'm not very good at it". He frowned, looking down. "I guess what I'm trying to say is . . . I'm sorry kids. For all of it".

"It's okay". Min smiled, as wukong looked at her and mk.

"She's right . . . I can always get another bowl of noodles". Mk exclaimed.

Wukong sweetdrop In disbelief. "What?! No! Not the noodles! Ugh! I mean, I'm sorry for being a bad mentor and making you two clean up after my mess".

"I know. Sometimes I just play dump to lighten the mood". Mk exclaimed, as wukong looked stunned for a moment before he busted out launching.

"Me too, bud. Me too".

"You're both idiots, you know that?". Min questioned amusingly.

"WE KNOW!". The king and kid replied in unsion.

Min chuckled, wrapping her other hand around wukong's arm, hugging both his and mk's hand as they all watched the beautiful sky.

"But you're both my idiots".


Evening time in the city of megapolis. The crowed cheered loudly as they awaited for the performers to get on stage. Mk peeked from behind the closed curtains in his new outfit.

Instead of his normal red bandanna, he was wearing a black one. His clothes were still the same, only black.

"So how do I look?".

He turned and his eyes widen when he looked at min.

Her hair was now shoulder length and she had a whole new look. It's black so it matches with mk.

Mk smiled. "You look amazing".

Min smiled at his comment, blushing a bit. "Thanks".

Mk held out his hand to her. "Shall we?".

Min placed her hand in his. "We shal-".

She was cut off by mk pulling her into a kiss. She was surprised, but smiled as she kissed back.

The curtains opened up and the crowed cheered louder when they saw the kissing couple. Mei's voice being the loudest before they pulled away, smiling as they faced the crowd.

Put your Heart in it.

You can go the distance.

Me and you against the world.

Sky is the limit

Push to the finish

Me and you against the world

We did it for love

We tried and we won

We'll never give up

It's me and you against the world

A 15 year old min arrives at the train station and looks around before she was greeted by her uncle tang waiting for her.

What I know right now is I came so far

To my heart you got the key

I was lost then you found me

Through all the glamour

Min enters pigsy's noodles for the first time and looks around before someone comes running out of the kitchen with a bunch of noodle orders. He bombs into her and the noodles go flying around everywhere.

That's the lights and the cameras

Honestly, all you saw was me

You didn't care what they said

You stood by me instead

Together, we're a stronger team, oh.

Min wiped off some noodles from her face as mk shakes then off his face. The two teenagers glanced at each other and busted out laughing. Mk got up and offered a hand to min. She hesitated, but  accepted his hand.

Put your Heart in it

You can go the distance

Me and you against the world

Sky is the limit

Push to the finish

Me and you against the world

MK and min seat on stools as they laughed about something. Mei busted into the doors to show mk a poster of the new monkey cop movie.

We did it for love

We tried and we won.

We'll never give

It's me and you against the world

Mei noticed the new girl and mk looking at her. She narrowed her eyes at min for a moment before tackling her in a hug, much to her surprise. Min looked at mk laughing at her, and looked between the two 16 year olds before joining them in laughing.

I know in my dreams, they say I'm crazy

No matter what, when you're around

It feels like we both are certain

It's the real thing

Nothing beats the feeling

Only our hearts can know

Who cares what they said?

They can't get in our way

Two dreamers just dreaming o-o-on

Put your Heart in it

Mk, min and mei are in mk's room, laughing as they played a round of monkie mech. Mei pulled out her phone and takes a picture of them to remember the moment.

You can go the distance

Me and you against the world

Sky is the limit

In the park, mk and mei pose as they were getting their portrait taking by min. Mei stumbles, causing both herself and mk to fall before a picture was taking of them and a panicking min.

Push to the finish

Me and you against the world

Min stood in fear as mk, mei, tang and pigsy looked at her red eyes in shock. She closes her eyes, waiting for their reaction and bracing for impact. Instead she opens her eyes in shock to see her hair being ruffled by pigsy. Tang pops up next to her, smiling. Mk and min tackled their friend in a hug. Min looked surprised but smiled about the fact that she was finally accepted as another picture was taking of the smiling friends together.

We did it for love

We tried and we won

We'll never give up

It's me and you against the world.

Present min smiled as she looked at the pictures of all her memories inside her picture album. She happily hugged the book, stood up and walked over to a box filled with some old stuff. She places the book inside before closing the box and sighed. She turns around and sees her friends smiling as they waited for her. Mk held out his hand to her, and she smiles, accepting his hand.

We fight together

We're down forever

Me and you against the world.

We stick together and it gets better

Me and you against the world

Put your Heart in it

You can go the distance

Me and you against the world

Sky is the limit.

Push to the finish

Me and you against the world

We did it for love

We tried and we won

We'll never give up

It's me and you against the world

Mk, min and their friends watch as the sun set on top of a building. All unaware of a certain scroll that just might change their lives forever.


Hallelujah! I'm finally done with this, thank goodness. Now I can finally focus on my other stories. Minus the grojband one cuz I'm like so over it.

Honestly, I thought I would complete this chapter tomorrow but after watching the first episode of the season 4 engine dub on YouTube, oh man I am PUMPED!

Also I think I'm gonna do another monkie kid fanfiction. I'm thinking bad girl good boy. I was inspired by mal from descendant and amity from the owl house.

Lastly, I just want to give a shout out to all of you guys. Because, seriously, you guys just awesome. Thank you so much to voting and supporting my story up to this point.

Until we meet again. Peace✌

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