Encanto (Journey to the past)

By BiancaGradaille

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Mirabel's ceremony was sad for several reasons but there was one reason that everyone choose not to talk abou... More

The second ceremony
About Ten-Eleven years ago
Present (After casita fell)
Songs for the story: NC
Character info
Dinner tensions again
The triplets
Mica vs Abuela
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros
Quinceañera y Quinceañeros part 2
Learning more
La Familia Sánchez
New visitors
The new generation(not a chapter)
Making plans and meeting the village
Talks and saying adiós
A song from the heart
We're on our way
Train rides and Stories
Journey to the past
Isa, Dolores and Luisa song
Tough calls and explanations
Catching Up
Meet the rest
NAC: Boarding house residents
Preparing for more Drama
Reunions part 2(Can't this family have one quiet dinner)
Hang in there baby
Dia De Los Padres
Parents day Part 2
Out on the town
Javier's Journal pt 1
Journal pt 2
The Jungle pt. 1
Jungle pt. 2
The End or is it?

A New Miracle

30 1 0
By BiancaGradaille

"Her water just broke," As Dolores said this the shocked families finally registered the puddle on the floor.

Everyone started to scurry in different directions. It was crazy that no one knew what to do. Zano went to get the bags, and Mateó was carrying Angie to the car. Then the kids came down hearing the commotion along with Maria who had a megaphone on hand.

"HEY! What's going on?!"

"Angie's having the baby!"

"It's time. Kids, you know your roles this is not a drill!" They left guiding a confused Antonio.

"Ignácio what can we do?" Asked Mirabel.

"Don't know," he answered honestly, "watch the kids and clean up."

"Okay," she said "What about tío Bruno?"

"Oh right," he pats her back "Papí! You're going with them vamos!" He told his father.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Now go! And take your sisters and Abuela!" Nació added surprising the three women.

"You got wax in your ears? go!" Yelled Maria as they hurried out to join the expected mother.

Acacia came up to the bewildered Madgrigals with a list. "Okay listen up! Here's what I need you to do," she points to Camilo "We to make room in the fridge can you do that?"

"I think I can manage,"

"Good just avoid any that have a big A that's Angie's," she said as he went to the kitchen. "Isa can you grow these flowers, and herbs," She hands her a list. "On it!" Isa headed upstairs.

"Okay, since there's not much left where's your father?" To Dolores who answered, "He went with my mother to calm her down,"

"Probably for the best." (She checks her list) "That just leaves cleaning and babysitting,"

"I can help with carrying stuff,"

"That's sweet of you but we don't need to move anything unless you are willing to clean under stuff,"

"Aren't we supposed to clean there anyway"

"Yeah, but-oh, right living house. Just help where you feel comfortable. I need to make two phone calls," Acacia said as she went to check on everyone else in the house.

Meanwhile, with Angelina and Mateó, he is trying to talk to her but she's been quiet.
"Angie are you sure you are fine no contractions popping up,"

"No, not yet,"

Then Ignácio shows up with Zano carrying her overnight bag. along with five others. But Mateo paid them no mind, "Where's the baby bag?"

"It's right here," he shows Mateo as Zano loads the back, "and the baby seat is in here well," Mateo nods happily at this but then ask "And?"

"He's our father, Tia Julieta's a midwife, Him I forget, and all three women lied her," Ignácio points to Pepa and Alma which made them confused.

"No time for questions get in!" So everyone did. "Okay Acacia called the hospital and we called your dad and Andreas they'll meet up with you at the hospital,"

"Good, and Gabi is staying here, till we call,"


"ahhh!" Screamed Angie. "Go! Go now!" Mateo drove the car to the hospital.

After thankfully a short drive. They walk up to the front desk. "Excuse we need to check in my wife is in labor!"


"Angelina Madrigal-Mondragón"

"Ah, yes you called ahead. NURSE!" She called as a male nurse brings a wheelchair for Angie and leads them to the room.


Meanwhile, at the Sanchez Boarding house, everyone is watching tv waiting for the phone to ring. The kids are asleep in sleeping bags. It was just the teens, and Ignácio along with Isa, Luisa, and Dolores.

"So dinner was..." started Mirabel
"A disaster," Zano finished for her. "Eventful. I was going to say eventful," Isa sees Ignácio's face "I'm sorry, I-"

"Isa, don't apologize. You needed to let out all that frustration. We can't fault you for that, we left you guys without warning and that put more pressure on you all of you,"

"I can't get over the fact that Angie beat up abuela,"


"Come on, after all that went down at dinner, I think we all need an explanation,"

"He has a point (sigh) For starters, she didn't beat her up,"

"she did say she almost killed her"

(sigh) "yes when she asked us about Papa we got tired of her priorities and we argued with her. Angie was more done than us. She then called her useless and Abuela smacked her which Angie retaliated,"

"It was just a smack? No pushing, no hair pulling?" everyone looked at him, "what who ever died from a slap?"

"Angie smacked her so hard it caused her to hit the wall,"


"And... there was a small... tiny... itty bitty, crack in her head,"

"The crack, was from..." Dolores said looking at Ignácio who confirmed her theory.

"When we saw her lying there our anger was replaced with panic. Angie was worst she was crying her eyes out. Javier had an arepa and luckily it healed her,"

"So it was an accident. At least she felt bad for it and you healed her,"

"Angie, was still scared of going haywire and hurting someone else. So we left till we all gained control. That's why we stayed with Andreas and the Mondragóns. Combat training helped relieve some pent-up frustrations and anger,"

"I still can't believe it. Why didn't abuela ever mention it to us,"

"Cause she forgot," Dolores said all eyes on her, "When Angie confessed that. Abuela was just as surprised to hear it. I remember overhearing her conversation with Abuelo she doesn't recall her argument at all,"

"Huh, so Mirabel isn't the only one,"


"I-I mean she barely remembers your song,"

"Bad lying aside, why did you tell Doña Madrigal to go with them," asked Zano.

"Cause Angie needs to talk with her. If she has seen the error of her ways great! but they need to squash this. As for your mothers to yell at them for lying,"

"What did they lie about?"



Meanwhile back at the hospital Angie and Mateó, followed by the Madrigal matriarch and her three children and son-in-law. Entered the room. The nurse asked Angie questions, "Okay how far are the contractions?" He holds a clipboard.

"# minutes apart but I think they are getting closer or those beans were a bad idea,"

"Let's get you all settled. The doctor will be here soon. Are all of you family?" He addressed the Madrigals. "Yes, their immediate family. He's her father, they're her Tía's and tío. and that's Grandmami,"

"Okay, but when the delivery starts they may need to wait in the other room,"

"That's fine with me," said Bruno as Felix nodded.

"yes, the men who aren't doctors can wait there,"

"You ladies as well,"


"In case of an emergency, we need room to respond but if you like we'll send for you if everything goes smoothly and you can be present for the birth," the nurse said as he went to check with the doctor.

"Angelina, are you sure you want me here?"

"Yes, you didn't get to see your newborn grandchildren. did you?" She asked referring to his visions.

"I'm pretty sure I didn't, my visions tend to be vague. Thank god none of the tablets showed stuff like that though," he said getting her to laugh. "How are you doing Angelita?"

"Better but I need to change, you mind,"

"Oh right come on Felix" both men left to the room next door.

As Angie changed with help from the ladies. While Mateó was preparing the room and gearing up.

"So Angie are you okay?"

"I'm fine I'm just really glad you are all here,"

"We're glad to be here," Pepa said as they finished and were about to have her sit but she stopped them. "Wait I need to do my breathing and stretching,"

"Angie your baby is coming"

"I know but the stretching," she crouches down, "helps for easier delivery" as Mateo goes to balance her. Then the doctor came in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Estefan. Now which one of you is the expecting mother," said a female vioce.

"Is there another Dr.?"

"I'm only teasing," she explains walking to the couple, "now how are you doing?" She loves her hand on her belly.

"She's having a baby what do you think?" Said, Alma. "Mama"

"The contractions are getting-ah! Stronger" she answered holding Mateo's hands.

"That's usually the sign to get in bed," she said as they move to the bed. Angie is still breathing.

"Now Angie according to your charts you're ahead of schedule though your last scan proved your baby is in the correct position and at a healthy weight,"

"Ahhh!" Breathes "ow!"

"Okay get her legs up. Ladies I'm going to need you to wait in the other room. We will call you for the main event," they head to the room with Félix and Bruno dressed in scrubs.

"What are you wearing?"

"Scrubs we have to wear these around the newborn,"

"Here for you ladies," they take the scrubs and put them on. then a nurse opened the door, "it's time," everyone was excited and nervous mostly Bruno. As they entered they see Angie breathing heavily with Mateó on her right side. With the doctor down there with a sheet across her legs. "Okay, dad on the left. You four can decide which but it would be helpful if it was even" so Félix and Pepa were next to Mateó. Julieta and Alma were next to Bruno. "Okay Angie your fully dilated so when I say push you-"

"Ahhhhh! I'm sorry!"

"What for?"asked the doctor.

"Not You!" she said turning to her left, "I'm sorry for that night! I didn't mean to but I was so mad I just lost it. Ahh!"

"Okay that was a good one,"

"Angelina you don't owe me anything it was my fault I pushed you and I pushed your brothers..."

"How are you not in jail?"

"Not. that kind of PUSH!" screamed Angie. "It wasn't just you I was made at them too," she points to Julieta and Pepa.

"I hated that you two never stood up for yourselves. Or saw what was wrong. Though tía Pepi. I was sick and tired of that hearing about that damn wedding!"

"I made you flower girl!"


"It itched and the only fun part was the hurricane! I got to fly-ahhhhh!"

"Maybe we should save this for later this baby is born,"

"Okay! I just want to tell you all that I forgive you-ah!-and missed you! Why?!!"

"Okay Angel we're going to need some focus here this baby needs a little push right now"

"Ahhhhh! Damn you brujas for your lies! There is no joy in childbirth just pain!"

"You wouldn't stop asking us! You were 8 when you asked,"

"Nurse I thought we administered the epidural?"

"They did, this just for my first delivery! Aahhhh! Now get out,"

"But I-"

"Not you! Get out!" Angie yelled at her stomach. "There comes the head"

"Ahhhhhhh!" Everyone was screaming till, "Wahhhhh! Wahhh!" Baby cries.

"Congratulations! It's a boy and he's healthy" Dr. Estefan announced as she showed the crying newborn. Mateo was smiling and kissing Angie, "you were wonderful," as the nurses went to clean up the baby.

"My brave girl I'm so proud of you. He reminds me of... one of your brothers? I forget which though, we didn't have names yet," Angie smiled at Bruno's words.

"Excuse me who's cutting the cord" everyone looked to Mateó, "I did it for Gabriela so I'm fine with whoever you pick," he says to Angie. "Papi?"

"I'd be honored," he goes to take the scissors, "Julieta can you keep me steady?" She nods as he cuts the cord.


"Alright now baby is ready for Mami," she hands him over to Angie who looks tired but happy. She holds him to her chest, "hey you. So your the one that been kicking me. I'm your mommy and this is your daddy. he is going to teach you how to aim," Everyone chuckled.

"And the skinny man with nice curls is your Abuelo," the baby just coos making them all awe.

"Have you decided on any names?"

"Yes but we're going to wait till everyone else gets here,"

Meanwhile, Ignácio, Gabriela, Joaquín, and Andreas are in the waiting room.

Then a nurse comes and says "Madrigal-Mandrogan" everyone went up "yes" Ignácio answered.

"Your sister is still conscious and won't rest until you see the baby," she said as they all follow her.

In the room they see an exhausted Angie holding a little bundle in her arms. "What took you so long?" She said to them.

Gabriela went up first to her parents "is that my new hermano?"

"Sí, my love. This is your baby brother Jacob,"

"Jac-Jac?" The baby smiled at the new nickname.

"I think he likes it"

"And he (yawn) passed gas," she was getting tired. But she didn't mind she was so happy to be holding her little boy.

"Nice work sis, he's a cute little meatball" Ignácio jokes but sees her expression "J.C. Should be here," she said and they looked to Abulea.

"Guys we need to tell you something"

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