RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) E...

By HyperKabuto264

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This is inspired by Nehpetssanders. He owns Wattpad and especially DeviantART. After seeing his inserts, I fe... More

Shadow Wrath's Abilities, Weapons and Accessories
Red Trailer
White Trailer
Black Trailer
Yellow Trailer
Volume 1 Opening
Volume 1: Ruby Rose
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon
Volume 1: The Shining Beacon (Part 2)
Volume 1: The First Step
Volume 1: The First Step (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest
Volume 1: The Emerald Forest (Part 2)
Volume 1: Players and Pieces
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden
Volume 1: The Badge and The Burden (Part 2)
Volume 1: Jaunedice
Volume 1: Jaunedice (Part 2)
Volume 1: Forever Fall
Volume 1: Forever Fall (Part 2)
Volume 1: The Nightmare Grimm Strikes
Volume 1: The Stray
Volume 1: Black and White
Volume 1: The Nightmare has Weiss?!?!
Volume 1: The Nightmare Hunters Arrive
Volume 1: Atlas's Most Crucial & Important Relic..... The Beta Spark
Volume 1: A New Day Begins
Special Episode: Got away with it by a Pardon
Special Episode: One Down, Three to go
BONUS Volume 1 Episode: A Gift from an Unknown Ally
Volume 2 Opening
Volume 2: Best Day Ever
Volume 2: Welcome to Beacon
Volume 2: A Minor Hiccup
Volume 2: Painting the Town...
Volume 2: Extracurricular
Volume 2: Burning the Candle
Volume 2: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2: Field Trip
Volume 2: Search and Destroy
Volume 2: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2: No Brakes
Volume 2: Breach
Beacon's Secret
Special Episode: "Lovely Ca"-Tastrophe
Special Episode: Visiting an Old Friend
Special Episode: Build Tenma Tribe and Team STRM meet up
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 1)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 2)
A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 3, FINAL)
Special Episode: Two Down, Two to go
Volume 3 Opening
Volume 3: Round One
Volume 3: New Challengers...
Volume 3: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3: Lessons Learned
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 1)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 2)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 3)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 4)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 5)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 6)
Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 7)
Volume 3: Never Miss a Beat
Volume 3: Fall (Part 2)
Volume 3: Fall (Part 3)
Volume 3: Destiny
Volume 3: PvP
Volume 3: Battle of Beacon
Volume 3: Heroes and Monsters
Volume 3: End of the Beginning
Plans for Vol. 4, 5 and Upcoming Seasons, Crossovers & Franchise
Special Episode: Lupinranger vs Patranger & Evol's surprise Deal
Special Episode: Gladiator Tyrant's leader (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Shadow's Request (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The History behind the Relic (New Gen. Beta Spark)
Special Episode: Three down, One to go
Volumes 4 and 5 Trailers
Volume 4: Character Short
Volume 4 Opening
Volume 4: The Next Step
Volume 4: Remembrance
Volume 4: Runaways and Stoaways
Volume 4: Family
Volume 4: Menagerie
Volume 4: Tipping Point
Volume 4: Punished
Volume 4: Returning what's from the Past (Special SHORT Episode)
Volume 4: A much Needed Talk
Volume 4: Two Steps Foward, Two Steps Back
Volume 4: Kuroyuri
Volume 4: Taking Control
Volume 4: No Safe Haven
Volume 4: Momma's Boy
Special Episode: The Letter (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Orochi's Identity and Meet up with Qrow
Special Episode: Orochi Tenma's latest creation (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Visitation of the Six Ancient
Special Episode: Drazen's Super Weapon (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: The Secret & The Novice He/She Seeks
Volume 5: Tenka Kaito Character Short
Volume 5: Rachel Claws Character Short
Volume 5: Mitchell Striker Character Short
Volume 5 Opening
Volume 5: Welcome to Haven
Volume 5: Dread in the Air
Volume 5: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5: Lighting the Fire
Volume 5: Necessary Sacrifice
Volume 5: Known by its Song
Volume 5: Rest and Resolutions
Volume 5: Alone Together
Volume 5: A Perfect Storm
OC sneak peaks PART 1
Volume 5: True Colours
OC Sneak peaks PART 2
OC Sneak peaks PART 3
Volume 5: The More The Merrier
Volume 5: A Silver-Eye Comfrontation
Volume 5: The Vault of the Spring Maiden
Volume 5: Wizard of Oz, Fire & Ice vs Brute Force
Volume 5: Downfall
Volume 5: The Battle rages on
Volume 5: Haven's Fate
Volume 5: A much Needed Talk, again...
Volume 5: The Chosen wielding the Power of Fire and Ice
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Disguise Worth Fighting (PART 6 - Epilogue)
Volume 5: A Huntress or Grimm???
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.1)
Volume 5: The Infinity War Begins (AVENGERS: INFINITY WARS SPECIAL) (PART 2.2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 1)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 2)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 3)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 4)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 5)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 6)
Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 7 - Epilogue)
Special Episode: 'Hiro -vs- Adam' & 'A Gift Beyond Death'
Special Episode: The MUTEKI Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet
Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet (PART 2)
SPECIAL Episode: Genm's Ultimate Weapon to surpass Salem (Special SHORT Episode)
Special Episode: Special Training
Special Episode: The SECRET Behind STRM Combination
Special Episode: The Secret's Out
Special Episode: The Swan Song
Special Episode: The God of Remnant's UNKNOWN Golden Semblance
Special Episode: Four down, ALL are Gathered
Special Episode: The Remnant Beyond Duo & The "Mercury"-ium Servant
Epilogue: Saving Remnant... is my Desire Grand Prix

Volume 2: Build Tenma Tribe -vs- Team CRDL (PART 1)

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By HyperKabuto264

Hey everyone! WELCOME to the FINAL, and yet the thirteenth episode of the SECOND VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It was a few days after the Battle at Downtown central Vale and everything seem to be back to normal, with the Vytal Festival preparations to be almost completed and underway, and the students from around the World from three different Academies, and Kingdoms, and from Beacon Academy are seen talking amongst each other, training and discussing on what's to come for the upcoming Vytal Festival Tournament.

As everyone are preparing and discussing about the Tournament, Teams STRM and RWBY are seen walking from the Academy to their Team Dormitory Rooms to rest up before their next lesson starts. While making their way back to their dorm rooms, they began discussing on their own combat strategies for the upcoming Tournament.

As they were about to enter the dormitory to proceed to their Team dorm rooms, two people emerge from the entrance from within, blocking their way while two others emerge from behind out of nowhere, surrounding the eight, revealing themselves as Team CRDL.

Tenka: Team CRDL.... what a surprise....

Dove: Oh. Thanks.

Cardin: SHUT IT!

Ruby: What do they even want with us?

Shadow: Relax.... I got this.

Yang: Oh yeah? How about I break their skulls...

Shadow: Yang, no. I got this.

Shadow said.

And with that, he took a few steps forward for Cardin to do the same till the both of them are staring at each other.


I stare at Cardin as he stared back, as well.

Me: So, Cardin. You and your Team are all geared up. What's up with that? Or you four want to have a beatdown again from me and Tenka like last time?

I ask.

Cardin chuckled for a few seconds before replying.

Cardin: Oh, it's not just that. When I told you last time after our little fight that it isn't over.... I meant it that this, ISN'T.... over. My Teammates and I want payback after what you pulled on us, for winning that 4 on 1 Sparring Match.

Me: Oh that? You have to forgive them, they're a bit overportective over me. But then again, they have their reasons for doing so. Thus, helping me winning this match.

Cardin: That doesn't count since you had help!

Me: But a win is a win. And for the record there, they only helped me with the healing, and the body armour thing, I merely did the entire thing. So, better luck next time.

Cardin: There is no next time as we are settling this now!!!

Me: Well, last I checked, another Sparring Match is our next lesson. So, I'd be happy to take you down, once again with or without their help if you like...

I said sternly.

Cardin: Oh, we're settling this now.

Ruby: No.

Ruby interrupts the dispute.

Sky: What did you say?

Ruby: I said no. We're settling this on the next lesson, not here.

Yang: There are other students from other Kingdoms and Academies here. So, if you want to settle things, take it up on the next lesson, unless Professor Goodwitch says otherwise.

Russel: No one asks you, all of you.

Sky: Yeah, you all siding with the Freaks.

When Tenka heard this, he held Blake tightly while wrapping his arm on her shoulder, protecting her.

Tenka: Alright, that's it! What's your problem?!?!

Cardin: What's your problem, siding with the Faunus?!?!

Rachel: The Faunus didn't do anything to you!

Cardin: They still don't belong here, and sure as hell they don't belong in this Academy.

Shadow: Well... since you say that, then that means your personal opinions about the Faunus don't belong here, either. And I suppose, you and your Team's criticizim don't belong in this Academy either.

Russel: WHAT?!?!?!

Cardin: Why you, I oughta-

Cardin said, raising Executioner swiftly as he began to forcefully lunge it downwards towards me, for Ruby to look at me with worry.

Just as Cardin's weapon is about to strike me down, a loud metallic clash can be heard close to me, for me to slowly look at Cardin's weapon to see that a blue blade can be seen blocking the weapon's path from reaching my face, to my relief and shock. Cardin looked in shock as well to see that someone has blocked his opportunity for payback, for Cardin and I to slowly look who blocked Cadin's mace and saved me from being struck in the face by Cardin's weapon.

Looking at where the blue blade came from, for me to look in relief to see that it was none other than his so called, "Guardian Angel" for a Tribe Leader, Orochi Tenma, for Cardin to still look in shock.

Orochi: Well well well~ What have we here~?

3rd Person's POV:

Orochi said, calmly blocking Cardin's weapon from hitting Shadow's face.

Shadow: Orochi...

Orochi: looks at Shadow Shadow, we meet again. looks at Tenka Tenka. Once again we crossed paths~

Tenka: It would appear so, Orochi.

Orochi: nods and then looks at Blake Blake, been awhile. He treating you well?

Tenka: blushing

Blake: uuuhh, h-hey? And yeah... he is. We're treating each other okay, actually.

Blake said while blushing.

Orochi: Cool beans.

Orochi said.

Suddenly, she swiftly turned while unclashing her blade with Cardin's weapon while moving in front of Shadow. After moving in front of him, Orochi stood up before him as she aimed her blade at Cardin, for Cardin to look at this with disgust.

Orochi: So, these guys bothering you?

Orochi ask.

Shadow nodded before explaining.

Shadow: Cardin and his Team, Team CRDL loathes Faunus and said bad and mean things to them. Faunus, including those who are with us now.

Orochi: So I heard...

Cardin: HEY!!

Orochi: looks at Cardin

Cardin: Who are you suppose to be?! This doesn't concern you!

Orochi: On the contrary, Cardin. When it comes to Shadow, it DOES concern me. You did tried to bash his head in, after all.

Orochi said.

Cardin: Why do you even care? points at Rachel She's a faunus!!! points at Blake And she's probably a Faunus, too!!!

Orochi: And how would you know Ms. Belladonna is a Faunus? Did you see her cute little bow untied~? Did she show you her claws? Her fangs? Did she even show you what's behind that bow~?

Orochi asks.

After hearing those questions, Cardin began to be hesitant at first, then he back himself up with his own excuse.

Cardin: I- Bu- She- umm- WELL!!!! It's just a hunch!!!

Orochi: Then let's just see, then~

Orochi said, walking towards Blake.

Tenka and Blake wasn't okay at this at first until they notice her winking her eye behind her mask, for them to realize that she has a plan under her sleeve, for them to go on with this, for Shadow to notice this, as well for him to go with the flow.

Shadow: You're making a big mistake, Cardin....

Cardin: hmph! Like I care!

Cardin said.

So, Orochi can be seen walking behind Blake as she slowly unravelled Blake's bow in front of everyone. Once Blake's bow is unravelled, everyone looked in shock to see that Blake's cat ears are not above her head, to everyone's shock.

Cardin however, did not take this okay, thinking that it was some magic trick that the mystery Huntress just pulled. But what he didn't know was, it was not a magic trick.

Cardin: What the- how did- where are her- this must be some magic trick you just pulled, didn't you?!

Orochi: What? I don't know what you're talking about. ruffling on Blake's hair then releases her from the hair ruffling This is no trick. All I did was merely unravelling her bow and that's it. Now you know she is not a Faunus.

Cardin: You're using your semblance, aren't you?!

Orochi: Nope.

Cardin: I'm giving you one chance to rethink that answer, girl!

Orochi: And let me tell you my rethought answer.... NO!

Cardin: points Executioner in front of the girl's face You're asking for this!

Orochi: Oh~? You asking for a fight? Cause' from the looks of things if you are, this armour seems to be compensating for something from within your armour. Wonder what is that? Oh yeah.... you've got no balls, which explains the compensation for that armour.

Orochi said.

This ticked Team CRDL off upon hearing this. Cardin however, he was ticked off the most as he raised Executioner again as he sets eyes on Orochi for her answer.

Seeing this, Orochi unsheathed her other blade as she readied herself for combat.

Cardin: Oh, why I oughta-

???: Ought to what, Mr. Cardin Winchester?

Someone called out, for Orochi to freeze in position for a moment and for everyone to hear this as they turned to look who called out to Cardin.

As everyone did, they were shocked, relieved and worried to see Professors Glynda Goodwitch and Ozpin, now standing before them, for Russel, Dove and Sky to have the same expression as the eight as they lowered their weapons. Cardin however, did lowered his weapon, as well while swiftly act submissive as he began to talk his way out of it.

Cardin: P-Pr-P-Professor Ozpin! I.... ought to.....

Cardin hesitantly said, stuttering.

Upon hearing the Headmaster's name, Orochi sheathes her blades while turning her attention to the Headmaster and Headmistress of Beacon.

Ozpin still looking at the small group and commotion noticed this happening as he tilted his body a bit to the left, noticing Orochi looking at him now.

Ozpin: So, I see. Ms. Tenma, we meet again.

Orochi: Professor Ozpin, Professor Goodwitch.

Ozpin and Glynda nods at Orochi's greeting.

Then, Ozpin turns to look at the crowd to question what is going on here at this moment.

Ozpin: I see there is a commotion going on here, students. So, care to explain to us on what is going on?

Ozpin question.

So, Shadow went up in front of his group as he began to explain.

Shadow: Well, Prof. Oz... long sto-

Just before Shadow could explain what he wants to explain, Orochi went up as she placed her finger on his lips to keep him quiet, for her to see this as an opportunity to explain herself on the group's behalf while formulating, "a plan" that she thought of moments ago.

Orochi: Oh it's nothing, Professors. My men and I saw Team CRDL surrounding Teams RWBY and STRM. I intervened to ask what's up. They said they want to fight, Team against Team. Seeing that they don't play fair at times, I volunteered my men and myself to fight against them in a Special Battle I have in store for them and they accepted~

Orochi said.

Upon they heard this, the members of Team CRDL began to look at each other with confusion and worry, for Cardin to look at his Teammates, in shock.

Cardin: Wait!! I didn-

Just before Cardin could finish, he felt and heard something loaded from behind at his back for him to know that someone's now behind him, for him to have a second thought.

Cardin: uuuuuuuhh.... on second thought, I did.... u-u-usual Faunus criticism stuff.... so, she intervened and I accepted the fight t-t-that she laid down....

Cardin said stuttering.

Ozpin looked at Shadow with a serious look on his face.

Ozpin: Is this true, Doctor?

He asked.

Shadow took a deep breathe and exhaled calmly, beginning to speak as he answered.

Shadow: Yes, it's true.

Shadow answered.

However, Cardin interjected what Orochi and Shadow said.

Cardin: This is Bullshit!!! How can she fight when she's not even from any Academ-

Orochi: I have you know that~ fishes out Scroll and shows particulars and a Team photo I have a Team and I'm currently a Student of Haven Academy. Final Year. My Team name will stay annonymous, for now as.... Cardin's not to be trusted with this info.... considering he and his Team hates Faunuses.

Orochi said.

Cardin looked at her particulars and Team Photo in Orochi's Scroll in shock.

Professor Glynda turned to look at Professor Ozpin as they began to discuss this.

Glynda: Professor Ozpin?

Ozpin: .... hmmmm....

Professor Ozpin pondered in thought.

Glynda: The Tribe Leader and a Team Leader of an annonymous Team in Haven Academy at Mistral.... sounds and looks... bizarre and odd, don't you think?

Glynda ask.

Ozpin: It is odd and bizarre, alright. A student, a Huntress,... and a.... Tribe Leader of the Tenma Tribe. Long for, Build Tenma Tribe. But regardless, Glynda.... Orochi Tenma is still a Student and a Huntress of Haven. looks at Glynda What's their next class coming up?

Glynda: ummm... checks her tablet My class, Professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: Good. looks at group, Team CRDL and Orochi I would like to see what Orochi and her men are capable of. As for the rest of you twelve, you may rest up. Get ready for class. looks at Orochi And Orochi?

Orochi: Hmm?

Ozpin: Your.... men, please?

Orochi: oh! Right. snaps finger

Upon snapping her fingers, Kamen Rider Cross-Z and Rogue, and NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead appeared out of nowhere from being invisible as they appeared behind Cardin, Russel and Dove, disarming themselves while moving away so that the group can pass.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Cross-Z.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Rogue.)

(A/N: NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead aka, BiKaiser.)

After clearing the way, Teams RWBY and STRM slowly walked into the dormitory, for Team CRDL to do the same while Cardin can be seen growling at Orochi. Orochi notice this as she smiled behind her mask, smirking at him.

Ozpin: Ms. Tenma? A word about this Sparring Match, please? I would like to know all about it.

Orochi: Gladly.

Orochi said.

And with that, Orochi walked alongside with Professor Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch as they made their way back to the Academy, with the three Riders following them from behind as escorts. As they walked, they began to talk.

Ozpin: I'm curious as to know what that Special Battle is all about, Ms. Tenma. Both Glynda and myself are very curious on how this will play out.

Glynda: As said by Professor Ozpin, I share the same fascination so, will it be alright if you could share with us on how this Match works?

Orochi: Gladly.

Orochi replied.

Orochi: The Sparring Match of my specification is nothing more, than a Proxy Match. Each member individually fights against an oppnent's team member individually.

Glynda: Like a 1-on-1 fight?

Orochi: Correct. Two of my colleagues, Rogue and Cross-Z has experienced first hand on what a Proxy Match is all about, and they have yet to redeem themselves from their losses.

Ozpin: So in other words, the one loses, will lose one match and the opponent team will win a point, for example.

Orochi: Yes. If another team wins, they earn a point for their respective team, how right you are, Ozpin.

Glynda: Very interesting.... but I'm still curious as to know who you'll be recruiting for this Proxy Match, though. Will it be your team, or will it be your men...???

Orochi: oh, it'll be my men. Since these three are here considering I brought them here to help my teammates, I don't see why not.

Ozpin: Then it is settled, then. Your men and yourself will fight Team CRDL individually in a Proxy Match.

Ozpin said.

Glynda: looks at Ozpin But, Professor Ozpin? Her men aren-

Ozpin: We can make a few exceptions. If she doesn't want to reveal her teammates yet, I would be willing to see what these three can do.

Ozpin interrupts.

Glynda sighs from this as she replies to the Headmaster.

Glynda: sighs I suppose it can't be helped. Very well, then. I'll make the necessary arrangements.

Ozpin: Good.

Glynda: I'll take my leave to do just that.

Glynda said as she leaves.

As soon as she left, Ozpin and Orochi began talking with each other with Orochi's men walking behind, following them.

Ozpin: So, Orochi. About this match,.... what are you really after?

Orochi: hmm?

Ozpin: Surely if you are here, that means you have some business to attend to. So please come clean with me, Ms. Tenma. Are you here to cause trouble? Or are you here to simply join the festival?

Ozpin questions.

Orochi chuckled to herself upon hearing Ozpin's question as she replied to him.

Orochi: Ozpin~ You should know me by now. I'm not here to create any trouble. I'm here to simply protect Shadow, and participate in the Vytal Festival to add something new in.

Ozpin: Then why Team CRDL of all Teams?

Orochi: Because after I saw them picking on Shadow and his friends... and also his faunus friends,.... I want to teach them a small lesson or two.... about "equality".

Orochi said.

Upon hearing this, Ozpin kept quiet for a few minutes, knowing that Orochi's right. Team CRDL has been picking on the Faunus for far too long and he has been giving them too many warnings which they always get away with, for Ozpin to sigh at this predictament.

So, he stops to turn and face Orochi as he expresses himself with concern about the Academy and the Festival.

Ozpin: The Academies are here for a reason, Ms. Tenma. And that's to train our Huntsmen and Huntresses to be better people, improve their auras and semblance, and learn how to protect the World and themselves from Grimm and other exterior forces. Which leads to why the Vytal Festival are held yearly and annually. To show the whole World of Remnant how much you have improved.

Orochi: I understand where you are getting at, Ozpin.

Ozpin: nods Now,.... if you four want to spar against Team CRDL, then I won't stop you. But there is one rule to emphasize after hearing a lot of good and.... other, things about you from Shadow.

Orochi: And that is?

Ozpin: .... Don't hurt them to the extent they have to go to the hospital.... and don't kill them. If you want to teach them a lesson-

Orochi: Who says anything about killing? So, relax, Prof. We simply want to teach them a lesson by putting a few dents on them, to prove that you and I aren't kidding with our warnings you have been laying down on them and what I'm about to tell them after that.

Ozpin: And you sure it's only going to be a few dents?

Orochi: Absolutely.

Orochi said.

Ozpin nods at Orochi's answer.

Ozpin: Well, okay then. I suppose and assume your Team will be there?

Orochi: They'll be there.

Ozpin: And your Team name?

Orochi: Team AETR.

Ozpin: AETR, huh? Your name doesn't fit inside the accronyms. Unless ypu're not telling me something, Oroc-

Just before Ozpin can finish, Orochi used her finger and place it onto his mouth, silencing him.

Orochi: sssshh~ hush, Ozzy~ In due time, my identity shall be revealed. The only person who knows about me are Shadow, and one of your associates. So let's drop that for now and accept that for the time being.

Orochi mentioned.

Ozpin nods for Orochi to remove her finger from his mouth for him to speak again.

Ozpin: Right.... Team AETR, it is then.

Orochi: Yes.

Ozpin: Alright then. You and your men may kindly follow me to the room where you'll be sparring against Team CRDL.

Orochi: As you wish. looks back Nega, Cross-Z, Rogue. With me. We're gonna give Team CRDL some dents.

Orochi said.

The three began to follow them once again as they made their way to the classroom, unbeknownst to them, Orochi can be seen having her fingers crossed behind her back, and Negasonic is seen looking at something in his hand as he firmly grasp them in his palm.


At Glynda's Class,

Everyone is seen seated at their seats in the auditorium as they were seen watching a match that was finishing up at the sparring arena.

After the match has concluded, two individuals left the arena as Glynda spoke up to the class and explained what each student did during that sparring match. As she concluded, she began looking at her tablet to see the next match ups for the next sparring match.

Glynda: The next pair and match will be.... hmm... interesting. looks up to the class A Proxy Match against Ms. Tenma and her Team, and Team CRDL.

Glynda stated.

Upon hearing their names, Team CRDL and Orochi stood up as they made their way down to the sparring arena.

Shadow: You and your men go get'em, Orochi.

Orochi: Thanks. And don't worry,.... I'll put a few dents on them on your Team and Team RWBY's behalf.

Shadow: chuckles Well, go for it.

Orochi nods at what Shadow said before  heading down to the arena with three of her men who were still behind her, following her.

Upon arriving down at the arena, Team CRDL can be seen walking inside the entrance as they have their weapons at the ready, preparing themselves for a fight they unwillingly accepted.

Once the two groups have arrived, they stopped in front of each other while forming one row, exchanging stares.

Glynda: Alright, ladies and gentlemen, I want a clean fight in whatever the Proxy Match is all about. Clear?

Orochi: No problem.

Cardin: ... Very well.... not that I have a choice, anyway.

Orochi: Okay, men. Take your pick. Cardin's mine.

Cardin: Tch! I was going to pick you anyway....

Cross-Z: I got Dove.

Rogue: I got Sky.

Orochi: looks at NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead NegaSonic?

Russel: snickering what a long name....

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: I'm gonna wipe that snickering smirk, right off your face... as right now.... you're mine.

Russel: stops snickering upon hearing that Wait, what?!

Orochi: Good. Then, Cross-Z. You'll start us off. Ensure you redeem yourself... same goes to you, Rogue. looks at Rogue, as well Understood?

Rogue: Understood, ma'am.

Cross-Z: I got it. It feels like I'm not gonna lose, anyway.

Cross-Z said.

Dove: Hmph! Not if I won't lose to you first.

Cross-Z: Heh! Count on it.

As they were talking, the remaining members began to walk away as Round 1 of the Proxy Match is about to begin.

Glynda: Dove Bronzewing? You ready?

Dove: Ready!

Glynda: Ummm... looks at Cross-Z Cross-Z was it, to what Orochi calls you? Are you ready?

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: 仮面ライダークローズ.)

Cross-Z simply gestures a thumbs up to Professor Glynda.

Glynda: Alright, then. Begin!

Glynda said.

As Round 1 began, Dove began to attack Cross-Z with Hallshott, only for Cross-Z to utilize Beat Cross-Zer as he used it to block Dove's attack. After blocking, using his blocking stance and the position of his sword that is still blocking Dove's weapon, using all of his strength and Semblance, he swung his sword down, slashing Dove where he now stands at he staggered backwards, causing his Aura to crackle, to his and the audience's surprise.

After that surprise attack, Dove notice that some part of his armour is on fire, for him to briskly pat his armour down to extinguish it, to his relief that the fire on his armour has extinguished after a short time. After dealing with his brief wardrobe malfunction, he looks at Cross-Z for the latter to hand gesture him to come at him, for Dove to oblige to it as he advanced towards the Rider.

While Cross-Z and Dove resumed sparring against each other, Glynda began to wonder what Cross-Z just do just now.

Glynda: Ms. Orochi?

Orochi: Hmm?

Glynda: What did Cross-Z just do? Don't mind explaining to the class?

Orochi: Gladly. turns my attention to the class As you can see, what Cross-Z just demonstrated is simply a strategy that Cross-Z devised by himself. Let's just say for example while he's blocking someone at the front, there will be another person coming in behind him. So, what Cross-Z did was simply charge up his aura and semblance for this double strike counter, which allows Cross-Z to slash the person in front and behind him that is about to strike him from behind simultaneously in one slash, focusing his attack on two targets. Striking one at the front, and Countering an attack from behind by striking the other before his opponent could even lay a metal on him or after. For this case however, he focused his attack at one spot, damaging the opponent greatly.

Glynda: And what happens when there are two people involved? Is there an effect for a two spot attack?

Orochi: Yes. Then the damage each individual will have will be half of that one-spotted strike.

Orochi explained and answered.

Meanwhile, Dove can be seen aiming his sword as it became a gun, for him to blasts shots at Cross-Z, for the Rider to deflect and dodge them. While deflecting them, Cross-Z noticed that Dove is getting closer, causing him to change his tactics.

Cross-Z: Is that how you want to play, huh?! Distract me while gaining the upper hand when you're close to me?! Well, since you have a gun for a sword, why don't we EVEN IT!!!

Cross-Z said.

Then, he unequipped his Build-Driver to equip his Sclash-Driver, transforming into his other form while he pierced Beat Cross-Zer into the ground. After that, he readied his Dragon SclashJelly as he slots it hard into his Sclash-Driver.

(A/N: Music pauses here.)

-Dragon Jelly!-

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: クローズチャージ.)

After slotting the Jelly into the Driver, he slams the Wrench Lever down hard, acquiring his Cross-Z Charge for while Dove is still seen making his way to his opponent Rider while shooting him as the Rider transformed.

-Tsubureru! Nagareru! Afurederu! Dragon in Cross-Z Charge! Buraa!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Cross-Z Charge.)

Cross-Z: Twin Breaker!

Cross-Z called out, for a Twin Breaker to be summoned on his left hand. 

After a Twin Breaker is summoned, Cross-Z flipped the barrels forward for the weapon to be converted into its Beam Mode.

-Beam Mode!-

Once that was sorted, Cross-Z immediately aimed at Dove as he too launched a barrage of beams at him, for the two to end up shooting at each other while Cross-Z grabbed his Beat Cross-Zer with his right hand in the process.

Just as Dove got close, he immediately revert his weapon back to its sword mode as he immediately slashed Cross-Z, only for the rider to see this from a mile away as he blocked it by using his sword and Twin Breaker in its Attack Mode.

-Attack Mode!-

Dove: Wait! When did you-

Cross-Z: Before your sword touched my sword!

Cross-Z replied.

Then, seeing this as an opportunity, Cross-Z's Charge form began to illuminate an Aura that suddenly burst out from his form as he did a double slash on Dove and his weapon, for the Huntsmen to get thrown backwards while being disarmed from his weapon due to the rider's unexpecting Aura, for Glynda to notice this.

Glynda: Ms. Orochi? That Aura... explain, please?

Orochi: I have no knowledge of this, I'm afraid. looks at Glynda I would appear that he has somehow awakened a new form of Aura which allows him to tap into more of his dragonic side. You can say that.... his Aura is-

Glynda & Orochi: Growing by Evolving?/Growing and Evolving.

Orochi: Yes. That may be the case.

Glynda: I see...

Glynda said, in awe at what is happening.

Back in the sparring match, Dove managed to get up while retrieving back his sword after struggling to pull himself together. As he did, Cross-Z began to utilize Cross-Z Dragon onto Twin Breaker and Dragon FullBottle into his Beat Cross-Zer, charging both his weapons up simultaneously.

After charging up his weapons, he glared at Dove with the eyes of the dragon illuminating on his Charge form.

Cross-Z: You think.... You think you're strong because you're human?!?! You're wrong! Faunus are strong, too! Sure they maybe jerks and sure some are jerks to me but, they're still reliable in many ways after Orochi showed me even more ways about them.

Cross-Z said.

Dove: And what do you know about the Faunus?!

Cross-Z: More than you than you can imagine, Muscleheaded Idiot!!!!

Dove: Then that means you don't know about the White Fang!! On how they recruited the Faunus to steal our resources, and to threaten us! So, we had to fight BACK!!!!


Cross-Z yelled.



Once his weapons are charged and ready, Cross-Z Charge Form glowed in a bright cyan dragonic-like aura as he charged towards Dove, for Dove to do the same. As soon as they got close, both clashed their weapons for sparks to fly all over the place and for a pulse to emit throughout the arena and the room.

While the both of them were seen still clashing blades, Cross-Z spoke his last words.

Cross-Z: The world doesn't revolve around you, Dove.... you know that...

Dove: I know! It's just that- the Faunus-

Cross-Z: Enough about them! Give up mistreating them,... and let my Leader guide you and your Team,... and your Team Leader to the proper way....

Cross-Z said.

Upon hearing this, Dove looks at his Team and down to himself as he did a brief reflection. While doing so, Cross-Z can be heard snickering, for Dove to look up at him.

Cross-Z: You know.... you remind me about myself before I became a Kamen Rider. All cocky and muscle-headed. All muscle for brains and heart, as well.

Dove: Wait? R-Really?

Cross-Z: Yeah... but I'll tell you all when this is over. But for now... I'm not losing this fight...

Dove: Well... neither do I.

Cross-Z: Then let's end it!!

Dove nods as they broke the clas as they began clashing their blades at each other again and again.

While repetitively clashing their weapons, Orochi noticed something in between their clash, for her to grab Professor Glynda by the side of her blouse as she pulled the Headmistress behind her, to Glynda's confusion.

Glynda: What is it?

Orochi: You really do not want to expose yourself right now....

Orochi replied.

Suddenly, at the combatants' last clash, a huge energy ball suddenly grew bigger in between their clash for them to notice this, only for them to notice this too late as the energy ball exploded after it grew too big, causing Cross-Z and Dove to be sent flying backwards to the wall, to everyone's shock.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

This even caused Professor Glynda and Orochi to look in shock, as well as they ran up to their student and one of her men to attend to them. As they checked on them to ensure that they are alright, Dove began to laugh, for Cross-Z began to laugh, as well while they slowly look up and get up from their sitting and knocked back positions, for Orochi and Professor Glynda to follow them as they stood face to face with each other again.

Dove: Wow...!!! For someone who wants to teach us and me a lesson,... you're off the rim.

Cross-Z: And you're not?

Dove: Tch! giggles Have to admit, that burst of Aura was something.

Cross-Z: We can teach you that when you finally understand that Faunus aren't here to be pushy and taking over your lives.

Dove: chuckles Yeah.... sighs So... guess we can settle this rematch another time, musclehead.

Cross-Z: Tch! smiles Yeah. For now... let's make it a Tie.

Dove: Heh, yeah.

Glynda looks at Orochi about what they said, for Orochi to nod at this.

So, the Professor taps on her Tablet to show a screen that shows Team CRDL and Orochi's Team earned one point each due to a draw, to everyone's amazement after what they have witnessed.

Glynda: Mr.... Cross-Z and Bronzewing shown an exceptional performance in their sparring match. Mr. Bronzewing, you chose strategy and observation so you could get a better angle and have many attempts to strike your opponent at his openings. Same applies to Mr. Cross-Z and his Aura and Semblance evolving to give him the upperhand, unexpectingly. looking at Cross-Z Mr. Cross-Z? Are you alright?

Cross-Z: Yeah, I'm alright. I wasn't expecting my Aura and Semblance to evolve that fast. Like... what was that dragonic Aura that engulfed me... dang...

Glynda: Well, Mr. Cross-Z. When one were to train to become stronger, the more one gets stronger, the more their Auras and Semblances will have to grow stronger, too... Evolving. In which you have displayed moments ago.

Cross-Z: I see.... thumbs up I gotcha....

Orochi: Come on, Cross-Z. You've done well. Go sit with Shadow and Ruby's Team, and rest up.

Cross-Z: Yeah, sure... crap, my back hurts

Dove: Ugh... yeah, me too.

Cross-Z and Dove have their moment of laughter before Glynda told Dove to leave to take a seat with the audience, as well.

Glynda: Mr. Bronzewing, you too with your Team.

Dove: Okay....

And with that, Cross-Z and Dove took their leave as they made their way to sit with their specific Teams with the audience.

Seeing that everyone is seated, Glynda looks at her tablet again, for her to call out the second combatants for the Second Round of the Proxy Match.

Glynda: Next Match....

Glynda (Inner Thoughts): Okay, honestly this first match was something. Hopefully the next one will be a bit more interesting.

Glynda: ... hmm... will be Rogue going against Sky Lark.

At the audience area, Cardin can be seen talking to Sky.

Cardin: We have one point. So show him who's boss by getting another.

Sky: No problem.

Sky said as he took his leave to the arena.

Down at the Arena, Rogue can be seen walking into the Arena Circle in the classroom while holding Nebulasteam Rifle in hand.

Rogue: Time to put some HURT on this... Sky Lark.

Orochi: Rogue?

Rogue: looks at Orochi

Orochi: No killing. Just give him some dents and that's it. You don't want to be in trouble again like that stunt back when you met Shadow and his Team.

Rogue: Uh.... ahem!! N-No problem.

Orochi: Good. Now good luck out there and go get'im.

Rogue: nods Yes, ma'am.

And with that, Rogue proceeded into the arena.

There, Rogue watched as his opponent walking out of the entrance and towards the arena, holding Feather's Edge in hand while having a smug on his face. Once the combatants are now at the center of the arena, Professor Glynda went up to them just like the first two with Orochi following her from behind.

Glynda: Mr. Rogue. Are you ready?

Rogue: For a great cause... looks at Glynda I am Ready.

Glynda: Alright. looks at Sky Mr. Lark. Are you ready?

Sky: Yes.

Orochi: And Rogue?

Rogue: Hmm?

Orochi: Redeem yourself.

Rogue: Yes, ma'am.

Rogue said.

(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Justice in Rogue.)

And with that, Glynda and Orochi walked away from the combatants as they readied watched them ready themselves to fight. Seeing them glaring at each other, Glynda soon started Round 2 of the Proxy Match.

Glynda: Prepare! And.... Fight!

Just as Glynda yelled, the two combatants aimed their weapons as each of them began blasting at each other, for bullets and projectiles to collide with each other.

While blasting each other with projectiles colliding with each other, Sky took this as an opprotunity as he stopped firing to twirl his weapon around, deflecting Rogue's shots while he began to walk towards the Rider. As soon as he got close, Rogue began to slot a FullBottle into his Sclash-Driver as he acquired its ability.

-Discharge Bottle!-

-Tsuburenai! Discharge Crush!-

Just as Sky was about to twirl his weapon at Rogue to strike the blade part of his weapon at Rogue's face, numerous diamonds can be seen blocking the attack, to Sky's confusion and shock. Rogue soon smirked behind his helmet while looking at Sky, for his opponent to try breaking the diamond shield made of diamonds by using his weapon, but to no avail as each chop Sky inflicted on the shield, more diamonds came rebuilding the shield back up.

Glynda: The Diamond shield is regenerating. Is this normal?

Orochi: Yes, Professor. The Diamond FullBottle has a purpose of being the hardest armour there is. That's if one uses it on the Build-Driver. When used on the Sclash-Driver, the Bottle's power will be used as a shield made of diamonds as you see before you, and another thing.

Glynda: Hmm? 

Orochi: He can shoot diamonds at his opponents, as well.

Orochi said, smirking.

Upon hearing this, Sky turned to face Orochi eyes widened.

Sky: WAIT, WHAT?!?!?!?!

Sky exclaimed, distracted due to what Orochi said.

Then, as if right on queue seeing that his opponent is distracted, Rogue pulled back his right fist as he pushes it forward, punching the shield, for it to be blasted at Sky while numerous diamonds came blasting out of his wrist armour, as well, causing SKy to tumble down to the ground with diamonds falling onto the ground with him.

Sky got up after awhile as he advanced again, for Rogue to blast streams of diamonds at him again, only for Sky to be well prepared for this as he dodged them. Once he got close enough while dodging Rogue's diamond attacks, Sky immediately struck the rider with his weapon a few times. Rogue utilized his Rifle again as he blocked numerous slashes while delivering his own slashes of his own at his opponent combatant. As they exchange slashes, their weapons began to clash in place with each other with sparks flying about due to the friction.

While clashing weapons, he then utilized another ability by inserting another FullBottle into the Sclash-Driver,-

-Charge Bottle!-

-Tsuburenai! Charge Crush!-

- for Rogue to create a body of water in front of him from which an energy shark would jump out of that body of water to take a bite out of Sky, causing SKy to be struck by the bite and splashed by that shark made of not just energy from the Bottle, but also water, for Sky to be drenched while being bitten, causing him to stagger back as the shark slowly disappeared from Sky while still sinking its teeth into its armour. The body of water also disappeared as well while Rogue began to activate his Driver again with his default FullBottle in it, acquiring his finisher.

-Crack Up Finish!-

The Driver announced.

Once the Finisher is charged and ready, Rogue began to charge towards Sky as he jumps at his opponent while generating the Cruncher Fang and Cruncher Edges on his legs, forming the jaws of a crocodile to crush him several times before launching him away, sending Sky flying as he landed onto the ground a few meters away from the rider.

Sky was shocked after that attack, but still stands tall as he hoists himself up thanks to his weapon as he began shooting Rogue again, for the Rider to walk towards the Huntsman, taking every shot Sky is shooting. Once he got close, Rogue swiped Sky's weapon away, disarming him as he lifted him off the ground.

Rogue: Why bother the Faunus? They didn't do anything to you. If anything, they are actually helping you human folks to what I see. So, do yourself a favour and don't let those negative thoughts cloud your vision.... it's bad for you. Believe me.... I've been there when I became Kamen Rider Rogue.... in a negative way...

-Tsuburenai! Charge Crush!-

Rogue said while utilizing another Bottle without Sky's knowledge.

Then, Rogue's free hand began to have a glow as a Gorilla Gauntlet is conjured onto his arm and fist, for the Rider to release Sky, delivering a huge uppercut, which won him the Match while causing Sky to have a daze which lasts for a few minutes.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Seeing Sky defeated, Teams RWBY and STRM clapped for Rogue while Cross-Z is seen cheering for Rogue in his own way.

Cross-Z: About time you won after you got your butt whooped by Sento!

Ruby: Wait... he lost?

Cross-Z: Yeah. Back then he and I were opposite sides. After he saw through his organisation's agenda and Evol's agenda, he switched. 

Rachel: Then I assume you lost, too?

Cross-Z: sighs Yeah... it was a fair loss though. I never expected the brothers' forms can combine, though. So, Orochi gave Gentoku and I a chance to redeem ourselves. At least now we have achieved it and pleased our Boss.

Shadow: whoa...

Tenka: Talk about redeeming both your honours to Orochi.

Cross-Z: Yep. And it feels good...

Yang: Yeah,... and also, wait. Combine? I don't follow, Cross-Z.

Cross-Z: Remember NegaSonic?

Rachel & Yang: Yeah?

Cross-Z: There is another one. A cyan and white one. That's the guy who beat me that time. You guys actually met them before when we first met.

Yang: Oh yeah... that Remocon and Engine guys. 

Shadow: Yeah. The Engine guy is White and Remocon is Cyan.

Cross-Z: Exactly.

Shadow: Man.... wish Team JNPR was here to watch this....

Yang: Don't worry. I've recorded everything so they can watch later.

Shadow: Nice.

Shadow said giving Yang a thumbs up while Cross-Z, Teams RWBY and STRM are seen discussing about Rogue, HellBros and himself (Cross-Z). 

While they were discussing, Rogue can be seen joining Teams RWBY, STRM and Kamen Rider Cross-Z who's still in his Charge form who are sitting down with the other audience while the next Round Match up is about to begin.

Ruby: Rogue, sir. That was awesome!

Rogue: Hmm. You haven't seen what I'm capable of in my Prime form. So for now.... fishes out a shirt and spreads it out That's Just Prime.

Rogue said, showing the shirt that says, 'That's Just Prime'. on it, for Cross-Z to hang his head down because of this after looking at the shirt.

Ruby reaches out for the shirt as she wants it.

Ruby: GIMME!!!!

Shadow: Ruby, we can settle this after class! For now, next match up is about to start.

Rogue: Boyfriend's right, Ruby Rose. Wait till the end of your class.

Ruby: blushing then sits back up straight

Weiss: sighs

Cross-Z: Heh! Look who's become a dad, now.

Rogue: Says the musclehead who has a girl already.

Cross-Z: WHAT?! blushing Bu- It's not like that!!! HEY!!! You do also have a girl in your life who we know!!! SawaTakigawa, was it?!

Rogue: Bu-!?!? blushing H-HEY!!! Banjou!!! No one needed to know that yet!!!

Upon hearing this, both teams began to snickering at Cross-Z and Rogue.

Back down at the arena, NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead and Russel Thrush are seen standing at a distance while staring at each other, with Russel to have that same smug on his face from before.

Russel: So, Gear-Face? Let me tell you how things are going to throw down. We're going to fight, I'm going to freeze you, shock you, blow you away, burn you, and trap you in vines so you won't move. Once I do that, I'm going to win this fight and make you cry back to your boss... and also make you wish that you were never born to stand with the Faunus like those two goons who are joining Team RWBY and STRM up there.

Russel said, still smiling, trying to get on NegaSonic's nerves.

NegaSonic is seen still standing where he now stands as the only reaction he did was clenching his fist onto his Nebulasteam Gun. Then, it spoke.

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: Are you afraid?

He ask.

Russel chuckled at his question, then answers it.

Russel: Afraid? Of course not! But, are you?

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: No. And for you to say that you're not afraid, then answer me this. Not even of dying?

Russel: Well.... o-of course I'm afraid of dying. What kind of que-

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: Good. That means you still have a heart to like Humans and Faunus in this World. I'm going to give you one chance to change your ways.

Russel: You think talk is going to change my mind? Well it doesn't! Why support the Faunus, too? Unless you are one!

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: I am not a Faunus.

Russel: Then why help them when you ca-

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: I am not human, either.

(A/N: Music starts here Music Name: The Terminator Main Theme.)

When Russel heard this, he interrupted himself as his facial expression changed, showing a confused look on it.

Russel: ... what...?

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: And speaking of being born. I was never born. I was Built. After my destruction and Rev-9's destruction, I thought I was long gone. I knew I wouldn't be back. Until Orochi arrived. She used the Box's powers to rebuild my body, give me upgrades, and restore my strength and power. She introduced me to this world filled with Humans and Faunus. There is no equality between Humans and Faunus as we always see them fighting each other. That is why Orochi, her men and myself are here to change that. For those who don't accept the Faunus, we will change their mindsets. That includes you and Team CRDL. Your answers show that you and your Team have a chance to change as you four have a heart and a sensitive side. Just like Sarah when she used to be afraid of me, then. But thanks to John, that changed her ways.

Russel: Wait... you said John and Sarah?! W-What are their surnames?

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: Sarah and John Conner.

When Russel heard their full names, this caused his eyes to widen up a bit.

The class in the audience began to whisper amongst themselves about what NegaSonic said, to Shadow's confusion.

Shadow: Sarah Conner and John Conner? Who're they?

Rogue: NegaSonic's former companions he helped a lot of times previously before we found him.

Rachel: oh...

Back at the arena.

Russel: Okay! ENOUGH GAMES!!! Who are you?!?!?!

NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead: I'm NegaSonic MetalGear Warhead or NegaSonic for short. However, that is my disguise name. My real name is...

NegaSonic stopped midway as he dehenshins, showing himself, to Russel's shock.

Everyone including Team CRDL can be seen standing up from their seats in shock as they see who NegaSonic really is. All except Rogue and Cross-Z.

(A/N: The Terminator.)

Terminator: The Terminator. I am a Cyberdyne Systems Model 101... or the T-800 for short, upgraded with the Mimetic Polyalloy and the Box. I . am . a machine.

He introduced himself.

Terminator: I am back.

He said.

Everyone looked in shock to see that the person behind NegaSonic's form is none other than the Terminator itself, even Russel was shocked about it. 

Teams RWBY and STRM watched as they too were shocked about his revelation, knowing that he wa ssupposed to be dead, deactivated.

Shadow: Uh.... Cross-Z... Rogue.... explain.... please?

Blake: I thought he was deactivated for good?

Rogue: If you kids heard what he said, Orochi went and save him, further upgrading him while repairing him by using the Pandora Box's Powers. Thus allowing him to become a special Terminator.

Cross-Z: Which I gave him NegaSOnic MetalGear Warhead. They think it was too long for a name but, Terminator kinda liked it.

Shadow: I... see. Interestring.

Ruby: Wow.... I've never seen the Terminator in person before. I only see him through our library books.

Rogue: Well.... you're seeing the whole real and new thing, missy.

Rogue said.

Back at the arena, Russel readied himself as he don his defense stance while holding onto Shortwings in his hands, ready to fight while having a flicker of fear in his eyes because the Terminator is right before him, ready to spar against him.

Russel: You... You're suppose to be fictional! You were from the books!!

Terminator: Well, now this match says otherwise. 

He said.

Then, the Terminator fished out what appeared to be a Steam Blade, but it is different from the original Steam Blade. It was improved to be called; the Nebulasteam Blade.

(A/N: Nebulasteam Blade. What Terminator fished out is identical to the original, but this time, the Blade and the Transtock Grip are coloured purple with golden details and greenish cyan gears on it.)

After fishing the Blade out, he separated the sword from its Grip, combining two parts onto the Gun, forming the Nebulasteam Rifle Zwei.

(A/N: Nebulasteam Rifle Zwei. A combination of the Nebulasteam Blade and Nebulasteam Gun. COmbine the description stated about the new Blade and combine it with the Gun to form that Rifle Zwei.)

After readying his Rifle, Terminator looks at Russel.

Terminator: Now... allow me to introduce to you, what my new friends, Fu Washio and Rai Washio have been working on.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

He said.

Then, he fished out a Bottle as he inserted it into the Rifle Zwei.


After that, he removed the Bottle as he inserts another one, to create a match.



Cross-Z: Still with the BiKaiser form, huh? Well... can't be helped since he said he likes throwing things.

Shadow: leans close to Cross-Z's ear We know, Banjou.... we read all that in the books. And we thought Terminator is a fictional character....

Cross-Z: Y-Yeah. R-Right. Point made. looks at Shadow And you even fought BiKaiser, too with Sento and your colleague.

Shadow: nods mhmm.

While they are discussing further,-


Another Bottle was inserted, for Shadow, Cross-Z and Rogue to look at Terminator with confusion and surprise when they heard another Gear Engine being inserted into the Rifle Zwei.

Cross-Z: Okay... that never happened before!! looks at Rogue

Rogue: W-What?! Don't look at me! I'm new to this, too! Even the times when I was used to be the bad guy, we were only told these two gear bottles can only make a two-in-one match and that's it!!

Shadow: Then that means.... this is something new we never seen before...

Just as Shadow said that, Terminator inserted another gear Bottle into the Rifle Zwei, acquiring a new and special Match that Orochi, Cross-Z, Rogue and Shadow were shocked to hear and see as this is the first time they are hearing a new Match is form.



Now that everything is set, he aimed his rifle at Russel for him to stagger back. 

Russel: The heck? Professor Glynda Goodwatch hasn't eve-

Just before Russel can finish, Terminator raised his hand beside his shoulder as he spoke.

Terminator: Talk to the hand.

He said.

Suddenly after he spoke, he pulled the trigger for a black fog and blue, red, cyan, and white gears to be launched and emitted out from the Rifle Zwei's barrel as the fog covered the Terminator entirely while the Gears surround him at all directions, circling around him.

-Dual Fever!-

After awhile, just as the fog is slowly dissipating, the Gears flew into the Terminator as it went onto his shoulders, chest, arms, outer thighs, knees and legs. Once the Gears are in place, they began to spin while the fog completely dissipated, revealing the Terminator's new form while the form's BiKaiser head piece flew to his face as it connects and links itself onto the form's head, finalizing the transformation.

Seeing this, Orochi was shock but seem to be not surprised about it as she was well-informed by him that he is working on something new back at the Tower.

Orochi: So, this is the something new you spoke off, huh..... T-800... Terminator?

Orochi asked herself this.

Back at the Arena, Terminator's form stopped sparking and its gears stop turning as he readied himself for combat, lowering both his arms, awaiting for Professor Glynda's signal to start the match.

(A/N: This is the form Terminator is now donning. Combine these two images together. Basically, the top part of the new form's body is BiKaiser and the bottom part of the new form's body is HellBros. This time, the white gear armour will be on the left side and the cyan gear armour will be on the right. The Shoulder armour will be connected upside down on the form's knees. Treat this like a Kamen Rider GEATS reference.)

-(Dual Rhythmic beeping and engine revving) Perfect! Dual-On!-

As he waited, Russel began to feel nervous on what's going to happen to him when the sparring match begins.

Russel: I'm so screwed....

Russel (Inner Thoughts): Picking on the Faunus is one thing... but having a smug look on my face in front of him to insult him and make him wish he was never born?!?! WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?!?!?!?

Russel said and said to himself nervously as he began to sweat profusely, knowing that he's screwed, big time.

To be Continued at PART 2.... (oh shit...)

And that's all, folks! The FINAL, and yet the thirteenth episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well, I never expected NegaSonic to be the Terminator in disguise... what about you guys? So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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