The Grey Butterfly {H.S}

By XGirlinLoveX

34K 3.5K 530

"A candle lit dinner, a bit cheesy don't you think?" I tease. I could feel his body heat wrapping me into him... More

The Grey Butterfly 1
The Grey Butterfly 2
Think you could do me a favor?!
The Grey Butterfly 3
The Grey Butterfly 4
The Grey Butterfly 5
The Grey Butterfly 6
700 reads = New Update
The Grey Butterfly 7
Right sooooo......
Q and A
Sorry :(
The Grey Butterfly 9
The Grey Butterfly 10
The Grey Butterfly 11
The Grey Butterfly 12
The Grey Butterfly 13
The Grey butterfly 14
The Grey Butterfly 15
The Grey Butterfly 16
The Grey Butterfly 17
The Grey Butterfly 18
The Grey butterfly 19
The Grey Butterfly 20
The Grey Butterfly 21
The Grey Butterfly 22
The Grey Butterfly 23
The Grey Butterfly 24
The Grey Butterfly 25
The Grey Butterfly 26
The Grey Butterfly 27
The Grey Butterfly 28
The Grey Butterfly 29
As I Promiced
The Grey Butterfly 30
The Grey Butterfly 31
The Grey Butterfly 32
Thank You
These Are My Colours

The Grey Butterfly 8

784 99 10
By XGirlinLoveX

*Short but sweet chapter you guys* ENJOY

Jess' Pov.

My conversation with Mia didn't exactly turn out the way I had hoped. I imagined unicorns and rainbows while she stuck a thorn up my ass. Being a best friend you generally run to her with ice-cream and the Titanic on disc, but Mia was far from any.....let's say average teenage girl and I knew the right thing right now was to give her space and I respected that.

Walking into school the next day wasn't exactly something I dreamed about last night, more like someone. Gracie, the long legged mythical goddess came roaming round the side of the school building, lightening her path with those bright blue eyes that would put oceans to shame and a complexion that even Snow White would be jealous of. The wind caught in her hair, and her posture slick like a runway model. No girl has even grabbed my attention and kept hold of it for this long before. I watch as the boys eyed her up from every corner of the school yard, biting my touch to keep my thoughts in the surface of my head, but when one looks straight down her top and the other one grabs her round ass something inside me breaks, like steam was about to burst from my ears.

My fists were white from anger and I shout,"Hey. Hands off assholes." I storm over and take Gracie by the wrist, pulling her protectively behind me.

"Oh Jessi, Jessi, Jessi," they tutted. "She isn't another one of your little toys."

That sentence strung memories from the night before. A small blonde lying on top of me moaning my name, rocking back and forth. A smirk comes to my face when I remember moaning Gracie's name instead of the unknown blonde......Okay, so maybe I was a little bit of a player, but what can I say, a girl has needs. "Leave her alone, Anderson," I growl.

"I don't see why we can't share, J. It's not like you're using her at the moment," he snickers.

My body tenses as if forming a wall in front of Gracie to protect her from these jackasses, but her hand slowly slides up and down my arm in a calming motion.

"Aww, isn't this cute? Gracie has a wittle cwush on J," Anderson mocked to his partner in perverted crime.

My heart slammed against my chest in excitement and the hairs on my bare arms stood up in want for more of her touch.

"Look Anderson, she's even blushing," he points one of his sickly, skinny fingers.

They are getting a little too close for my liking and a low growl escapes my lips. "If you two wanker so much as lay a finger on her, I will make sure you never lose your virginity." I say knowing these two would have never have lost it by now. I just up my hands and make a scissoring motion and mouth 'snip.' Their faces immediately dropped and they scurried away. I turned around to face Gracie, mentally brushing my shoulders off at my amazing work. Her eyes dark and her pupils dilated, lightly panting like a keen lion setting eyes on it's prey. Before I know it, I am being dragged into the girls bathrooms by this forbidden fruit. I didn't even have a chance to breathe before her lips where on mine. My eyes widen in shock, but are quickly flooded with lust. Her plump lips worked at mine, hitching them open and sliding her tongue in. Soft moans come for both of us, my hands wandering down to her tight ass I had so longingly awaited to touch, while hers got tangled in my hair.

"Leave me alone, Harry." I heard screaming and a door slamming.

"Please, Mia. You have to listen to me. I'm sorry."

Both Gracie and I froze, our hands and lips still on each other. The small patters of foot steps on the marble floor echoed in the quiet room, which I presumed was Mia pacing.

"I don't want to hear it."

I brought my eyes back to Gracie's and her eyes were scrunched up and so were her hands in my hair.

"Gracie!?" Harry's intimidating voice rang out.

How the hell did he know we were in here? Then the stall door swings open and I meet a frustrated looking Harry and a pissed off Mia.

"Looks like you to have been caught red handed," Mia says rolling her eyes and we both gulp.


Yay or Ney for this chapter? I wanted to try something new like writing from a different prov and by special request of my friend she shipped Gracie and Jess together so I made it happen but poor Zander......More from Harry, Mia and Zayn in the next chappie. Love triangle, interesting? or annoying? I want honest opinions people hahahah. Up top is who I imagine Jess to be. Yay or ney? Anyway hope you are all doing well, my love goes out to you all. Please Vote, Comment and share and remember don't be a ghost reader!!

~ Edited 27/07/2015

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