The Grey Butterfly 2

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"Mum, Mum!" I shouted after slamming the front door and racing into the
kitchen "What?" She said dramatically putting her hand over her heart.
Panting I said "You'll never believe what I saw today".
"A grizzly bear dressed in a pink tutu" I frowned at her response

"What?" She
said offended "I thought this was a guessing game"

"Ha ha" I laugh dryly and go back to being serious. "No. I saw some
people.. They
moved into Draco Manor".

"Does that mean Nancy Drew is officially off duty?"

"Now is not the time for your hilarious jokes mother" I said sarcastically
while picking at my nails.

"Well I know what you're like with that house". She goes back to stirring
whatever is in her caldron. Candice walks in without a sound "Hello nut
house" she shuffles past and effortlessly insults me. "Malibu Barbie" I
reply with a nod.

"Mum" Candice screeches with her annoying voice "Supposedly" she began
while taking a seat a the kitchen breakfast bar "We're getting two newbies
at school and there both going to be in our year, twins". She claps her
hands excitedly. "Boy and girl and..." She dragged on and I rested my
head in my hands blowing a strand of hair from my face "...he's meant to be
super cute. It's all everyone's talking about".
"There are people dying in Africa and all you care about is some stupid boy
at school"
"Ehh yeah" God what an air head!
"I'm leaving" I burst out pointing my finger at my sister "Before I
rip you fake hair out" I leave the kitchen with her face dropping to her
knees "Well at least I have nice hair!" she spoke stroking it to it's ends.
If I kill her I'll go to jail, if I go to jail I'll loose my virtue I chant in
my head taking two steps at a time. When my head meets the comfort of
my bed the notion of pulling my books from my bag and doing homework
completely vanishes.. now all I craved is sleep..
The morning lit up my world as I woke up. I slammed my hand down on my blaring
alarm clock "Ugh" I moan rolling over in my bed and falling face first on
the ground with my blanket landing in a pile on
top of me. After showering
and dressing myself with my eyes closed I race out the door
grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl. "Finally you're ready" Candice had
her arms crossed tapping her foot impatiently. Her lips pulled in disgust
"What dressed you this morning? Grandma Jean" I wore that sweater that my
grandmother made me for Christmas one year along with my black skinny jeans
and my scruffy converse. "Just don't walk too close to me".

"As if I want to!" I remarked and rolled my eyes.

I met Jess and Zander outside the school gates. "Mia you must have heard the
news by now?!" She ended up swallowing her words she was talking so fast
"Yes about the new family, their twin, boy and girl, yada yada yada" I
yawned it off.
"I got the whole story from Malibu Barbie last night".
"Yeah but..." I cut her off.
"I wish I cared but I don't" I pushed rather rudely. Zander walked with us
quietly listening into our short conversation but adding nothing.

We walked around the corner when my face collided with a hard chest
almost like steel, the impact blowing me back, virtually taking me off my
feet if it weren't for the bands of steel keeping me from the harsh impact
and embarrassment of the floor. "You okay love?" A familiar deep
accent asked me quietly, his warm breath brushing my hair as he placed me
firmly back to standing "Tha...thanks" I stutter "Yeah I'm fine" I casually
say brushing it off even though I feel the blush rush to my cheeks
"It's nice seeing you around" he purred placing my fallen hair behind my
ear. "Till next time Mariana" he stated and made his way past me as I still
stood shocked. There was something different about him compared to the day
we first met. The somewhat mechanical and stiff way he acted was now
laid back, more human like. When my attention came back to my
surrounding the first thing I saw was Jess and Zander impersonating guppy
fish and then I seen everyone around me as clones of the same form. "Shut
your mouth Jess or you'll catch flies". Her jaw snapped shut like a bears
trap being set
off. "The new boy just point blank flirted with you in front
of everyone, I think my reaction is fairly acceptable".
"Wait he's the new boy?"
"Well done Einstein" she snapped.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" I cried. "I didn't realize, it never crossed my
mind. I was just so weird out the first time we met that I just never
stopped to think".
"You forgot to tell me that that you have already met and witnessed the
presence of that pure hunk of gorgeousness. That never crossed your mind?"
She spoke now rather angry.
"No" I moan and storm off. The school yard was littered with bodies; I
clinged to the strap of my bag as I made my way in and out of the sea of
people. "Nut house!" Oh great what could Candice possible want better then to
see my body in a casket. I turn to face my sister's antagonizing form. "God
Candice who took a dump in your cheerio's this morning?" I sassed.
"Cut the humor little sister. What's this I hear about you and the new boy?"
"I donno you tell me" I squinted my eyes.
"Leave him alone" she growls and points a stubby finger on my chest. "I
have dibs" she said and fliped her fake blonde hair back as her minions
followed while she swayed her broad hips when she walkdd away. I could not care

less about all this drama even if I tried, he may be gorgeous butregardless I am way too lazy to even try. She can have him for all I care

*New chapter guys. Please like and comment. Thanks to all who have taken the time to read. Message me whenever you want!!!!!! Till next time*

~Edited 27/07/2015

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