The Grey Butterfly 6

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We all collected in the dinner hall. Gracie and their mum were all ready sat in their seats at one end of the table with only four places set and then I seen all the way down at the other end of the table was another place. Harry entangled my fingers with his and brought me to the table. Our plates we're filled with home cooked food and fresh bread. The rest of them sat there normally but I'll have to admit I found it a bit awkward no one touched their food or spoke; they didn't even look each other in the eye. A tall lean man came striding into the room wearing a white lab coat. He removed it and placed it on a table near the door, His freshly shaved face and high cheek bones gave a very young age approach off of him. He took his seat nearly a mile away from us and tucked into twirling his spaghetti on his fork and stuffed it into his mouth. Harry clears his voice angrily. He looks up from his food at his son with a baffled expression "What?" he says with half eaten food in his mouth.

"We have a guest" Harry growls, his grip tightening on my hand. The man became more intrigued and stood up coming over to our side of the table. He scrunched his eyes looking me up and down; I could feel Harry's temper growing thin.

"And what is your name dear?" His voice didn't have the same twang as the rest of his family it was a local accent like mine.

"Mariana" I answer feeling small.

"Ah you must be the girl I have seen my son thinking about".


"I mean hear" He says casually "You have been of great use to me". He picks up my free hand and lightly kisses it, a low animalistic noise came from the back of Harry's throat and I cringe. The grey butterfly appears again but on the inside of his thin wrists, small and hidden away.

"Has my son enlightened you as to why you are here yet?"

"Em no, just dinner as far as I know" I answer politely.

"Just be careful my dear because when he breaks your heart you'll still love him with all the pieces".

What could that possibly mean?

"That's enough father" Harry snaps and he then returns to his seat across the table from us not saying a word.

"What does he mean Harry?"

"Nothing!" he snaps in the same harsh tone and I am put in my place stiff in my seat while we all have a lovely enjoyable meal...not.

I helped with clearing away the dishes from dinner. Gracie and her mother made small talk with me as I refuse to stand back and watch them wash up all the dishes from dinner. Harry disappeared quickly after dinner same with his father.

"Gracie what did your dad mean about Harry breaking my heart?" I ask timidly once her mother left the room. I mean we weren't even a couple yet so in a way I felt slightly embarrassed I was asking her something like this but better yet I wanted, no I need to know what he meant.

"My father he's...different under our circumstance right now in a way he's just looking out for you" She stopped struggling for the right words "Ask Harry, he's either gonna tell you everything or kick you to the curb. He's read about you, he knows he can trust you, it's just unfortunate he's fallen in love with you" This was way to much to take in right now, my brain feels like mush "What are you talking about! What do you mean read about me?"

"Mariana!" Harry Growls and shoots a glare at his sister "I think it's best if you leave now"

"Oh okay" I say and he guides me to the door without giving me the chance to thank his parents or say goodbye "Well thanks for dinner, It" I put on a face smile.

"Yeah thanks....see you later" And then the door was closed, in my face I might add.


"Hello madly in love yet single" Jess welcomed me to our phone call.

"Hello dead sexy yet perverted"

" least the first parts true" I could imagine her flipping her hair.

"Sure" I say sarcastically.

"Wouldn't have said it if you never meant it. Sure your not les?"

"No, no definitely not" I half shout.

"Oh could this have something to do with someone beginning with H and ending in arry?" Sadness flushed over me for the way he threw me out his home.

"Wow nice Jess and to answer that is I don't know"

"So how was your little date? Did you see Gracie?....Oh what was she wearing? She look sexay??"

I sigh "To answer all your questions, okay, yes, I'm not answering that, control your perverted thoughts and lastly I am not at liberty to say"

"Oh. Why was it only okay?"

"Many reason, he was sweet at first but then he got all angry and he got me as fast as he could out of that house like I was contaminated or some shit" I began to get angry "But he like introduced me to his mother like I was his fiance and like dinner was so awkward and his dad....god his dad is so weird"

"Awww Mimi has a cwush" she mocked.

"Really! thats all you got from that conversation?"

"Yupp" She said, popping her P "You like him though, right?" she was back to being serious.

"No. He's just a friend"

"Really Mia your gonna give me that shit. I would expect you to give it to everyone else but not me!"

"I don't know okay, I can't explain it" I sigh "It's like I don't want to like him, their are way to many girls that like hi, including my evils sister. What if he just plays me? I just feel drawn to him"

"It's called feelings Mimi. That was some deep stuff babe. You really like him"

"But nothing will happen" I snap out of my haze "I don't want it"

"But Mia......"

"Not buts Jess!" I snap "I don't want it, I don't need it"

"Hun has this something to do with your dad?"

"Don't talk about him!"

"Sorry. You know what I mean though, you won't even try. You have to take a chance sooner or later Mia"

"I don't need this from you right now" I bark and hang up the phone. She had no right! I hate talking about him, even thinking about him makes my blood boil. After he left my mum, with two children of such a young age my faze of missing him died quickly and anger over took.


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This update was kind of just sitting there annoying here you guys go.

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