The Grey Butterfly 9

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*Enjoy* Please note that this chapter was written under the influence of alcohol....

Mariana's Pov

So I figured I had about 3 options:
1) To act as if nothing had happened between Harry and I. I will be a civil, moral human being and just forget it never happened
2) I can give him the cold shoulder and make him work to get my attention, more like playing hard. If he wants me that bad, he can at least try
3) I could rip his balls of and show him who's the man in our nonexistent relationship.

Personally 3 was my favorite option, but 1 was probably the right thing to do, so because I was torn between both, I decided I'd go with 2 since it was in the middle.

My phone vibrated through the table at the side of my bed 'Caller unknown' I read.

"Hello?" I said hesitantly.

"Hey, chica. What's up?" The familiar voice spoke.

"Gracie?" I question and slouch back into my bed.

"Yup," she said popping the P.

"How'd you get my number?"

"Harry," she said quietly. "You wanting a ride to school?" She quickly changed the subject.

"Will Harry be there?"

"Nah, I'm gonna make him walk," I heard other voices over the phone shouting. "Go away, you baboon. Yes, you bet my ass I'll make you walk!" Gracie sasses at who I'm guessing was Harry.

"Just let me talk to her," I heard him quietly say over the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, I'd love a ride Gracie," I say loudly so he can hear.

"See you in a bit," she says while Harry protests and hangs up.

I lay sprawled out on my bed. A debate going on in my head, on whether I move or sleep for another 5 minutes. Yeah, I think I'll go for sleep.

"Get your lazy ass up. I cannot believe you went back to sleep!" I awoke to Gracie's voice.

"I only closed my eyes for 5 minutes," I say with my eyes still closed, binding to my quilt.

"You sound like someone else I know. Get up and dressed. You have like 2 minutes to get your lazy ass ready," she said checking her watch and left the room.

I threw on any clothes within reaching distance, like the disgusting pig I am, and drenched myself in a bottle of perfume, slipping my feet into what I hope was matching shoes and pulling my back pack. "Gracie get the car running. I'm just coming," I shout from the top on the stairs with my tooth brush hanging out of my mouth, foam bubbled around my lip. I could totally pull off the rabies look.

"Yes ma'am," Gracie says sarcastically.

Harry's Pov

Our house looked like a bomb site...literally. After Mia had walked, well more like ran out on me, I had just flipped the switch and started smashing everything in my wake. When I finally turned it back on, I was lying on top of my smashed remains. She didn't understand and she was too stubborn to listen. She doesn't know what she means to me and I know I can't tell her, not yet anyway. I need to gain her trust first. When I got to school, I knew my first priority was to find her and wrap her into me. I won't let any guy so much as look at her, let alone touch her. She's mine. I came storming in. Just the thought of her and someone else got my blood boiling. The fact Gracie forbid me from riding with them both, got me fuming and there she stood with her arms wrapped found the neck of her so called friend, Zander; what a poof. My fists automatically turned to fists, a growl caught in my throat, and before I knew it, I was storming towards her. He sat in front of her on one of school benches with her standing behind him, her arms nested round his tight neck.

"Mariana," I showed no emotion, but felt it all: hatred, pain, heartbreak, compassion, even loss. It was like seeing her proved to me that she didn't know she was mine. I need to show her.

"Harry," she whispered lowly and looked at the floor. Removing her arms from him, she now stood like a statue with her arms by her sides.

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her away from him giving him the 'stay the fuck away' look, and with that he scurried away. I mentally rewarded myself with a brush of my shoulders.

Mia was pulling by my side, trying to get out of my grip. "What was that for?"

"I don't want you talking to him."

"Excuse me!" She demanded "He is my best friend and you will not tell me what to do."

"I didn't mean it like that." Damn, why do I always seem to end up pushing her further and further away? Stupid human language. "I mean, I don't like that you had your arms around him," I said choosing my words wisely and watching closely at her facial expression.

"Why would you care?! You want nothing to do with me. I mean, if I remember correctly, you were the one who kicked me out last night. You're the one who doesn't want me," she said harshly, but I detected the sadness in her eye, which broke my heart.

"Kitten, I didn't mean it like that. It's just-" Shit, what do I tell her? "It's just family issues I don't want you to get you involved in." Yes, I've nailed it.

"Don't give me that BS Harry. You're just an asshole." She then turns and walks away.

"Mariana!" I shout. All heads turn to look at me and I run after her. I grab her wrist and drag her around the side of the building, checking to make sure no one was around. My body presses up against hers. I felt my body ignite and her breath catch in her throat. My lips traced her jaw line until they met her ear. She stayed frozen to my touch. "I'm not an asshole," I whisper seductively. It took every ounce of control not to take her against this wall. "Don't run from me, 'cause I'll always find you." My lips slowly trailed down to her neck where I could feel the pulse in her neck vibrate through my lips, laying butterfly kisses in my path. Her large breasts pressed into my hard chest and I not knowingly began gently rubbing myself against them, earning a low moan from Mia. As soon as she realized what she'd just done, she pushed me off and ran for the girls bathroom. "Mia let me explain." I followed her inside.

"Leave me alone Harry."

"Please, Mia. You have to listen to me. I'm sorry."

"I don't want to hear it."

As soon as she said that, I heard something else: Gracie. I felt her presence and I heard her. I felt her trying to block me out. 'Ha. You should know little sis, as much as you try to, you can't block me out,' I laugh at her.

'Harry please don't do anything. Leave us alone,' she replied.

'You're not alone,' I growled. Did she have a guy in there!? I suddenly became even more angry than I already was. I immediately burst the toilet door open and what I saw was definitely not what I expected. "Gracie?!" My voice rang out. Mia's best friend literally had her tongue down my sisters throat. Well this is an interesting turn of events....


I hope you all like this chapter. If I'm honest it actually took me for ever to write this. I knew what I wanted to happen but I just didn't know how to write it so I hope I don't disappoint. The video is here like you wished for and a bit of a longer chapie too. And a big shout out to @SilviStojku

because hugs are amazing and so are you.

Please don't be a ghost reader please vote, comment and share. Oh and please P.M me guys I love talking to you all. Hopefully another update tomorrow.


~ Edited 27/07/2015

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