The Grey Butterfly 30

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"Mia?" Harry called for the living room. I was in the kitchen. Everything in place. A pen in my hand, paper in front of me but the words were still in my head. I'd read the journal, I knew that whatever he was going to tell me wasn't something I wanted to hear so why stay? why put myself through this pain? why drag him along with me? I fought my subconcious all day, trying to tell her that he was the same Harry as he was when I first met him, that finding out he's not human is better then him continuing to lie to me but I was wrong. I had a feeling I was doing the wrong thing but pushing and pushing and pushing so hard that I didn't even know why I was pushing anymore. Maybe, just maybe it would be better off if I didn't know, maybe it was better off that I didn't know him.

Earlier that evening

"Come on, come on, come on" Harry rushes me through the patio doors.
"It's freezing out here" I groan "The couch was comfey"
"No I wanna do this" he holds a basket in his hand with a blanket rolled up neatly on top of it.
"Fine, give me a sec then" I shuffle back into the cabin and re appear with my limbs tucked into a thick blanket. He gives me a strange look and then scowels "What? It's keeping me warm"
"That's what I'm for" he grumbles and takes off in front of me. We don't walk to much further before he lays the blanket down and commands me to sit. 

It was sunset right now. Blues and purples and pinks all merged together following the sun as it's dies for another day. It was replaced by the night sky, dark but calm. Stars appearing making such darkest hold so much beauty "A certain darkness is needed to see stars" the words leave Harrys lips like a song. I humm in responce and snuggle into his side.
"What's in the basket" I break out comforting silence.
"I brought some wine" he pulled the blanket more tightly around me as my teeth began knocking together.
"I'm underage" I giggle.
"It can be our secret"
"Are you going to have some?" I question.
"No, I'm a man I drink beer" he scoffs. I pucker my lips and he takes the gesture.
"I think I'll pass but thanks anyway" Harry started humming softly in my ear, brushing his lips casually along the curve of it enveloping his hands in mind and holding it to my chest drawing a heart with his finger "You and I" he sings.

After a while he spoke "It's getting late, we should get back inside." he looked conflicted. He was fighting something "Wait" he stopped me before I walked back into the heat I craved "I want to to have this" his head faced the ground away from the hand that held a leather journal stretched out towards me "It might help you understand, it might not but I want you to have it" I took it from him and silently thanked him before making my way into the house and into the large bed that we both shared. That night I didn't see or hear Harry. The large bed swallowed me whole without his presence but I was to preoccupied with this journal that I held in my tiny hands, this journal laced with god know what. The pages were thick but delocate the writing in a bold black marker. The date read '28/07/2013' there wasn't an earlier date on any of the pages other than this and the first words that I read were 'I wasn't born to live a happy life I was born with the strength to endure a hard one' and from there my eyes didn't leave the pages.

Back to the present

I didn't know whether or not I had the strength to continue. What I'd read added up with what I'd seen made everything even darker than it initally had been in the beginning. I didn't finish reading because It didn't give me the answers I wanted, each page was more like a riddle or a clue which just made me more confused and more scared. The journal sat neatly on the kitchen buncher in front of me. It had been the first time I had heard Harry's voice since last night. Secretly I hoped I wouldn't see him again which in theory would have made this so much easier but regretable it just made this so much harder.
"Mia?" Harry runs into the kitchen to see the remains of what he had created. My tear stained cheeks, my shaking limbs and the result of my note telling him I was leaving him.
"Mia" He beings again and moves closer towards me but my hurried step back to create more distance between us was a big enough warning for him to stay back.
"You know it's funny" I hicup "That it has only now regestured in my brain that the other day you told me that you weren't human. How stupid could I possably be to think that this could moraly work out? This isn't gonna be some fairytale ending this isn't princess and the frog where I kiss you and your human again. Your not human" my words fade out as my voice breaks into.
"This is what I was scared of"
"What? me actually coming to my sences or you give me you journal that helped me to come to my sences?"
"Both. I told you I would never ever hurt you. I'd rather gouge out my own eye then lay a finger on you"
"I don't believe you" I whisper. That's when the scene finally made sence to him.
"You're leaving me...You're leaving me?"
"This isn't right, and you know it"
"But you were just gonna leave, you weren't gonna talk to me first or even say goodbye. I gave you space last night because I thought that was what you needed not because I wanted to encourage you to leave me" he began to shout.
"I don't want to know" my tears fall faster then my words can come out.
"I need you to know baby. I need you to know who I am, I need you to know that I didn't choose to be like this, I need you to know that I would never ever hurt you. I need you to know that I love you. I love you"


Ohh what was in that journal????

I'm actually thinking of writin Harry's journal as another story kind of thing..I  donno but the idea came to me while I was writing this. So we now have two chapters left and within those two chapters we find out all about Harry.
I feel sad but at the same time I'm so happy that I've nearly finished my first book and that I can go on and develope the characters and write the sequal because trust me there will be way way more drama and action in it.

Hope you enjoy, Byeeee <3

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